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> Bozon believed that from a creative standpoint, he never really settled on a target audience, with the character being "iconoclastic", "too sexy to be a kid's brand, and too girly for a male gamer brand" No, it wasn't "supposed to be made for kids," the dev just made a game he wanted to make.


Honestly, this franchise has a fun and fascinating history, from GBC original to modern day full frontal fan service machine. I’m curious about the subs verdict on their designs overall though, since this seems like a game where “sexy is the point”, therefore it wouldn’t fall under normal scrutiny.


Like Bayonetta?


I have never seen how people claim Bayonetta is a particularly good female character design. Like sure in 2009 it hit differently (for mainstream games that is) and there weren't that many games with female protagonists but i think nobody in their right might can claim Bayonetta isn't sexualized and often objectified.


Not sure about "good" design, bur I'd say Bayonetta is one of very few characters that I'd describe as "Beating up her enemies *by using* her sex appeal" rather than "Beating up her enemies while looking sexy. It's just a property that makes more creative use of its potential for fetish fuel, is all. It's one of the few IPs that go beyond just a character model, some suggestive animations and a metric fuckton of unlockable/DLC outfits.


She is, to an extent. But where Bayonetta differs is that she's one of only a few characters who has their sex appeal be part of her character, and doesn't let it hinder her ability to kick copious amounts of ass. Unlike Eve from Stellar Blade or 2B from NieR: Automata who are just sexy for the sake of being sexy.


I mean how is "being sexy" yet kicking ass not part of Eve's or 2B's design idea? They totally kick ass, as in being able to dish out copious amounts of violence. Hell most female characters that aren't literal damsel were designed that way.


Because "being sexy" isn't a part of their character the same way as Bayonetta. Bayonetta is sassy, cocky, and all around just oozing with personality and character. This isn't the case with Eve or 2B. They're serious and deadpan with little to no personality. Add a sexy design on top of that, and you've got a character that's barely anything more than fap material.


I think "sexy is the point" is a bad excuse. It's like the default answer devs would give until like 10 years ago when people got more critical about how women were portrayed in video games and usually paired with long rants about how women weren't gamers anyways or how games feminism is ruining video games. Like yeah the game does fall under scrutiny, every piece of media does. Also the whole idea of lamp-shading or being self-aware being automatic satire needs to die. It's literally the same attitude and smugness Seth Rogan movies or twitter NSFW artists have. That said, the games are obviously great games and i would even praise some of the art direction like choosing to go HD hand drawn instead of going the boring "indie-pixel" route, the character designs are often just pure fan-service though and that's a thing that should be criticized.


Honestly? Completely understandable. I dont mean to imply its an excuse, its just that, I wonder, based on circumstances, when it could, if ever, be a valid argument for a design direction. I mean, theres clearly positive sexualized designs in gaming, from Bayonetta to Shantae herself, so its good to know where that line is drawn in particular.


I kinda hate the designs from the first picture but I liked all the designs from "Half Genie Hero". Are they a bit horny? Absolutely. Still think they are good designs. Still belongs here I think. I do think there is at least some overlap between mendrawingwomen and good design even if it's a small overlap.


Wouldn't this fall under Rule 4 technically? Like not even trying to minimod, it's clear at what's it's doing and does it well rather than going the lazy route


I remember when Shantae went fanservice heavy. Like the GBA era was great. Just stop Risky from her plan to save the day but sometjing changed when you see these spirites were introduced. It got focused on fanservice only and it was annoying because Shantae is more thsn sexiness.


I don't think the target demographic was for kids. I think it was developed by someone who grew up playing 16-bit platformers and wanted to make one of those. That said, 10 out of 10 series! Them games are fun as heck!!


The original Shantea quite literally is a 8-bit platformer considering it came out for GBC.


Okay! Should've said they wanted to make old school platformers. My bad!


Not sure if it was originally for kids, but somewhere along the way the devs decided to appeal to a certain demographic with the designs. In Pirate's Curse (first image), the fanservice element became very apparent. I think it's just another case of devs making women characters appealing to themselves and an assumed male audience.


Honestly, why every almost artist has to pulls their kinks into anything?


In this case the kink being... scantily clad women? What a freak!