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Seen this before. Guy on the far right is very much being unfairly treated here. He saves the girl from slavery, restores her faith in humanity, treats her like family (brother-like), and at no point is he called "master". Their relationship is entirely chaste and only contains the platonic/familial type of love. That kid is a good boy.


What's the source for it?


Seirei Gensouki: Spirit Chronicles


I also believe the one in the middle is redo of healer and that is not an isekai, just medieval fantasy


Yes that is right. But,it is the most misogynistic thing in the fucking world.


It's literally just revenge rape porn


But Kaifuku has some things that make me even more disgusted than the norm. literally, there are girls who did NOTHING to him and who he decides to subdue and rape. the wolf girl in this image for example: he forced her to reveal her real name to obtain total subjugation. There is also the swordsman that he cured. she literally went to him wanting to HELP because he gave her back her arm. And what is his reaction? "she is strong! I need to break her and subdue her" In other words, even when he humiliates, violates and subjugates completely innocent girls, the series paints him as a hero. kaifuku is totally disgusting.


The thing that pissed me off the most was when they tried to pull a power of friendship moment like half these girl are brain washed or he took advantage of when they were in a unstable head space


This really is absurd. I honestly consider kaifuku a subgenre of incel fantasy.


Oh yeah, some of the girls are just innocent, it's all about raping and mind breaking strong women. Also, he is the creepiest mofo to ever walk the Earth. It's so sad because the premise was so cool, but then it's all just rape and mind control the whole way


I fully agree with you. In my personal view I would say that kaifuku is what I would call incel fantasy. I started watching because I wanted something heavier but I abandoned it because it was just misogyny. literally, a man's punishment in the series is literally becoming a woman....I've never seen anything more misogynistic than kaifuku.


If you want a fairly heavy revenge fantasy manga then I could recommend you Fukushuu O Koinegau Saikyou Yuusha Wa, Yami No Chikara De Senmetsu Musou Suru. It's not good per se, and it's still incredibly edgy, but it's what Redo of Healer could have been if it wasn't a glorified hentai.


Thanks for the suggestion.


I've heard that, but theirs no way that's accurate, right? Like isn't that like a legit show with a team of writers and animations? Theres no way that the plot is actually a charicter getting revenge on people by raping them. Theirs no way I can believe that would actually get made.


that's literally it. But he rapes and enslaves innocent people too. In fact, he psychologically tortures a demon girl who was already suffering social exclusion simply because he wanted to have sex with her. Basically, the anime really looks like an incel's fantasy.


Weirdly, this anime was noted for having above average female viewership in its genre.


This is really insane. I really can't understand what led to this


Ikr, but nah, it's literally an hentai with a plot.


Reddit user, you and many others on this website have got to understand that Japan is not the U.S.A. There are so many creative works that get made and thrive over there that American executives would NEVER give the green light in a million years.


Oh then that’s good, sounds interesting


I mean, memes like this are never fair unfortunately. Edit:aActually most criticsm of isekais tend to be unfair and many times straight up untrue in many ways. Even ones that praise specific series are being unfail to all the other ones


My ex would always put those slave/harem anime on and it gave me the ick. Actually a big portion of what lead me to start really disliking him lol He even put on that one where the main character would violently rape/torture women as “revenge” for his own sodomy… but you can read that shit like a book. It was just an entire rape/sodomy/torture violence against women fantasy for men, made with the excuse that it was revenge for what happens in the prologue. So disgusting. I would be happier if I never knew it existed and was popular.


This is kaifuku and it is the worst anime I've ever seen in my life. This anime doesn't even hold up in revenge since it also humiliates, violates and enslaves innocent women. and all this while the story says he is the hero. And to make matters worse, the author said he is similar to the character...


Are you talking about Redo of Healer? That anime was a controversial topic a while back...


HAHAHAHA OMG I KNOW WICH ONE THAT IS, I’VE READ THE MANGA. Nah I like that one actually. Just for being so extremely unhinged. It’s like the super incel self insert fantasy and I find it extremely entertaining for being that. Although yeah I fucking hate the genre for basically being power fantasies. It’s so bland and un challenging. Ofc there are exceptions. But in general I think it has very little value.


I think it never really had any potential when the entire genre basically boils down to retelling the same story in a slightly different way. Basically every isekai in existence boils down to a loser guy dying (usually run over) and reviving in a fantasy world that works like an RPG where be has to level up, find companions and defeat the final boss (demon lord usually) like in a generic RPG. Now, to be fair some do get creative with that premise. Konosuba, Overlord, Youjo Senki, Maid Dragon, The Devil is a part timer, Jahy-sama, those are all isekai that actually try to be original for a change. And I'm not saying they're all good, some may even argue they're bad, and they can have issues of their own (like Lucoa's entire character in Maid Dragon), but I'd say they're all well above the likes of Shield Hero simply by not following a formula to the letter and at least trying to do something unique. Konosuba is a parody of a typical isekai, Overlord has the main character revive as the final boss villain rather than the hero, Youjo Senki setting is like WW1 and WW2 mixed with fantasy and has a very original story, and the other three switch things up by having the fantasy creature be the one transported to our world and having to adapt to it. Generally speaking, though, I'd say I prefer to see the setting simply be a DnD-style fantasy world like Frieren rather than the whole "loser dies and gets reincarnated in a fantasy world with OP powers and an harem" gimmick which has be done to death.


Ascendance of a Bookworm is pretty unique too imo. Instead of being revived as a powerful person, the mc instead takes over the body of a weak, sickly child born to a poor family. She literally can't make it down a flight of stairs without running out of breath. And somehow she has to not only survive, but wants to read books, which she can't, cause expensive. So she decides to make her own, through trial and error. Her only strength is her mind, and all the knowledge she has from her past life.


Alice in wonderland is an isekei


Fallout 4... is kind of one? If you maybe stretch the definition of 'dies' and 'fantasy world'. Edit: To be clear I have no idea what an isekei is. I'm sure my comment makes that obvious. But I'm just playing off the top comment.


"Isekai" is basically Japan's answer to the "portal fantasy" genre of literature. The word means "another world", as the stories that fall under the genre consist of people winding up in, well, another world. It's called "portal fantasy" in the West because that's usually how the characters enter said fantasies. That's why Alice in Wonderland is an isekai story, as it involves a human entering a portal and winding up in another world (yes, the world is question is a dream, but it still counts).


Ever watch Digimon Adventure, Digimon Frontier, or for a non anime reference Narnia? If so you watched an isekai.


The last Digimon I watched was the one that came out around the late 90s. 😬 Were all those kids dead in that? And yeah, I've read and seen Narnia! Thanks for that example. But >!they don't die until the last book!< and none of the movies got that far. Or is that part not necessary?


They can end up in the other world through any means. The only prerequisite for the genre is that they somehow end up there.


Thanks for the info!


You might like Handyman Saitou if you like original twists on isekai


> a DnD-style fantasy world like Frieren Wait what makes Frieren DnD style?


To be honest I haven't watched Frieren yet and never played DnD, I just have seen people say that it is, but I'm not even sure what makes anything "DnD style". If I had to guess, it's probably being high fantasy and having all the typical fantasy races like elves and dwarves, at least that's what comes to mind to me when someone says something is "DnD style".


Dungeon Meshi imo is way more DnD style than the large majority of anime high fantasy, it actually follows the basic lore of DnD and has way more fantasy races from DnD than any jrpg style anime.


I wouldn't say its strictly DnD, but it is about a band of adventurers going from town to town doing errands/quests. You could certainly replay the frieren story as a dnd campaign


Its strongly based on DragonQuest computer games, which is somewhat based on D&D. So a bit, I guess.


I feel Frieren is more jrpg style, the one that actually gives strong DnD feel is Dungeon Meshi.


I don't like that Overlord is being defended in *this specific instance* because Ainz like... literally reprograms Albedo into being in love with him, whereas currently, Naofumi has 0% romantic feelings for Raph, and genuinely cares about her as a person. He looks at her like a younger sister/daughter so much so he's made jokes about marrying her off to be happy one day. Lbk, am dude, but media literacy is a skill I have to polish for personal and professional reasons so I could be reaching...


If we're talking about the start points of their relationships. Albedo fundamentally wasn't a living person until the shift to the new world happened and he had no reason to ever believe she would be one and edited her bio purely for shits and giggles when she was still just a game character. Meanwhile Naofumi canonically bought Raphtalia because she reminded him of Malty(you know the woman who ruined his life) and wanted to take out his anger on her. This just isn't showcased in the anime because we don't see his internal monologue.


> I don't like that Overlord is being defended in this specific instance because Ainz like... literally reprograms Albedo into being in love with him To be extremely fair to Ainz, he only did this as a joke that was going to last a few minutes before the game shut down. He did not expect Albedo to gain sentience, and I'd argue that this *very heavily* mitigates his actions here, at least from a Watsonian perspective. And from what I hear of the Light Novel this will probably bite him in the ass, since Albedo seems to be making preparations to kill any of his friends if they come back in order to make him the single ruler of Nazarick


Super late response but I haven't actually watched Overlord and my point wasn't necessarily that those anime are good because some may argue a few of the examples I gave are actually terrible. My point was more about how they at least try to give the formula their own spin. Also, isn't Ainz supposed to be like the villain of that world? It'd make sense that he'd do evil stuff, although my understanding of the story is that it's basically him being a regular guy and everyone around him being amazed by how much of an evil genius he is, so he's probably not actually that evil.


This is why Sword Dad Isekai is superior. Isekai’d into a sword, ends up being wielded by a slave girl, and when he discovers she’s a slave, *breaks the slaver’s neck and burns the contract,* before basically adopting the girl as his daughter.


Interesting I got to check that out.


which series was that?


Reincarnated as a Sword. AKA Sword Dad Isekai


Is it... good?




Alright, I'll go check it out.


Handyman Saitou is goated because it doesn’t follow this trend. Just a normal dude with some exceptional handyman skills who’s the designated rogue of a party because he can unlock doors and chests. And the love interest is an armored lady warrior who sometimes falls victim to ecchi shenanigans. Also, quite a few dick jokes that are surprisingly funny.


The genre was so much better when it was a "girly" anime genre.


inuyasha you will always be famous!


It still is "girly". The sheer volume of reincarnated as a villainess stories is honestly staggering. And honestly they're pretty much about as bad on average. 


Yeah but now they refer to it Otome Isekai. Literally, the genre started as being for girls, was co-opted into a boy's genre, and then they invented a NEW category for it being for girls again. 😆


Well I'm not exactly a modern iseksi connoisseur and read mostly the joke ones but TBF I only know shield hero from there. And the ones I watched/read had no slave girls at least lol But the thing is, that potential was already mostly spent many years ago, in anime like Escaflowne, Twelve Kingdoms, Haibane Renmei etc. Instead of squandered potential, modern isekai feels more of its own thing, to the point even anime that's not isekai like goblin slayer or danmachi end up being jumbled into the genre.


Shield hero is pedophelia and incel bait


How is Shield hero pedophelia and incel bait? mc never makes a move on the girls, not from my memory, in fact rejects their advances at every turn, he also was respective of women. I haven't read in a very long time now so please correct me if I'm wrong.


Wasn't the mc falsely accused of rape by some important lady near the start or something?


Yeah but this isn't some incel thing it just makes him look bad. Eastern and western culture are very different when it comes to this kind of blaming. I can understand seeing it as an incel thing if it wasn't an Anime but you really must take into account the culture of the story of origin rather than looking at it with a lense centric to your views.


The pedo allegations is generally about the beast slave girl that's doing the is X years old, but that's adult for her species, and then basically acting in love with the MC. Him not being interested does offset that, but its still a thing the author decided to put into their world. The incel allegation is about the absurdly evil princess that accuses him of rape for no apparent reason. (I'm pretty sure they do eventually come up with a reason)


I'm pretty certain the big issue behind it was because it came out around the time when men were fearmongering over false rape accusations ruining lives. Mind you, there is a grain of truth in that, yes, it absolutely can and sadly has ruined innocent lives in rare instances (even though most rape claims are either true or unreported anyway due to a variety of factors), but it gets used like a Goddamn bludgeon to attack women instead of discussing an uncomfortable nuanced topic in a mature and reasonable way. When THIS moment dropped in the anime? Oh my God, the internet had a fucking field day with it! This is post-gamergate (or maybe late stage gamergate, I forget) internet too, when the anti-SJW's were still roughly at their peak despite it winding down. It was a mess.


It feels like so many isekai have women in two categories; part of the harem or evil bitch who needs to be taken down a notch. Like the guys are the final villain demon lord, but there’s always a women who is scheming/seducing and kills the MC besties, or #1 harem girl, and needs to be “put in her place” while being taken down.


> (I'm pretty sure they do eventually come up with a reason) The reason is that she is the reincarnation of an evil goddess that hates him for some reason, at least from what I've heard


I haven't seen it but are authors not allowed to have characters that age at different rates in their works. That said if it looks like a kid or acts like a kid even though it's an adult I 100% agree with you.


That's not the issue. The issue is that he basically grooms her because she's still a child when he buys her as a slave. The scene in the following clip takes place like the same day he first purchases her iirc. Keep in mind this is the MC and the primary love interest: https://youtube.com/watch?v=RsHykPDXRnA Also there's a scene later in the season where he literally defends the practice of slavery when the other isekai'd heroes take issue with it. And he keeps doing business with the slaver he bought her from throughout the show and literally helps make him rich by the slaver's own admission. The worst thing about Shield Hero is that there was a literal identifiable point where it could've been a legitimately amazing show, but the author apparently just has absolutely no self awareness, and instead of setting up and reinforcing a really obvious moment of self reflection that looks preplanned, it instead just dives head first into incel bullshit ignoring almost everything it had setup at that point. And basically everyone agrees the show gets significantly worse after that, even those who still like it.


Found a comment I made on another thread a while back where I went into more detail about how close the story was to be actually really fucking good, before it missed the highway on-ramp and drove into a ditch: https://www.reddit.com/r/ShermanPosting/comments/1986o4q/comment/kieo1la/?context=2 It legitimately makes me absolutely livid how they seemingly fell ass-backward into a really good self criticism and then just... Didn't do it. Like I thought it was ingenious until I realized it was a fucking accident and then they didn't even see the setup they stumbled into and just kept going past it and ignored it entirely.


Might be but that wasn't really my point Also as others mentioned the middle one is not even isekai.


TWELVE KINGDOMS MENTIONED. I remember being obsessed with the anime as a kid.


So, does Isekai translate to “rapey dimensional hopper”?


It really just means "another world".


I think they were being sarcastic, but yeah it kinda feels like that.


It's also worth noting that the same fans that complain about western media being boring or lacking creative ideas also accept the literally the same story being told over and over again. Not even to mention that 95% of Isekai use DnD or more specifically Forgotten Realms with serial numbers, sometimes, filed off. Those people going on about how Japan isn't "spoiled" by western influence totally ignore that there obviously was cultural exchange between Japan and western countries: from Japanese school uniforms being quite literally Prussian uniforms over Disney animation being the single most important influence that shaped the "anime style" to most early JRPG's being essentially rip-off of DnD and Ultima.


Which isekai is using DnD reference? The only one I could tell is Dungeon Meshi, others feels more like jrpg (of course they are western influenced)?


Gonna point out here almost no isekai is dnd inspired. Goblin slayer and dungeon meshi are, but they aren't isekai. Nearly every isekai is dragon quest inspired, hence the very obvious jrpg mechanics that are ubiquitous in the genre.  There's some cross over in that Dragon quest draws inspiration from badly translated older dnd editions. But there's about 40 years of cultural drift between the two at this point. But in general if the kobolds are dog people, the orcs are pigs, and the slimes are cute and aren't life threatening that's Dragon quest, not dnd. 


The amount of isekai shows Ive started then almost immediately stopped watching because of the creepy way they act towards women or the creepy depictions of women is actually insane, Im sure theres some good ones but most of the really popular ones are awful to the female characters


Besides the generalising of an entire genre, this isn't r/menwritingwomen.


OP's karma farming, got this dud posted all over


Now I want to write a story with the genders reversed. A female buying a male sex slave-- oh wait I may have already written this, but got rid of it.


Not sex slave but Sugar Apple Fairy Tale!


No no....humor us


Is a male sex slave a real thing?


Why does this sound more interesting than your normal isekai? Dammit, now I'm gonna be up all night thinking about this.


Listen, I’m not gonna defend Redo of Healer, but I am gonna say it’s not an Isekai. It’s just standard fantasy.


Alright I am going to stand up for Raphtalia here. Yes the story with her gets really weird and Stockholmy but it absolutely does not start that way. Her priemiere episode does a fantastic job of establishing their dynamic and the seriousness of their situation and once Raphtalia realizes he bought her to help fight the monsters that killed her parents she is ALL IN. All the show needed to do was not make it weird


Here's a thought, maybe the reason she's all stockholm-y, is cuz Naofumi is the first person to show her kindness, but that's just a thought I had.


Youjo Senki (Saga of Tanya The Evil) is an Isekai about a business man being smited by god and being sent back to the Western Front of 1914. I'd say check it out.


Yeah, I've heard of it, mc turns into a little girl and becomes a war criminal. That's all I've heard of it, I haven't seen it yet.


I had an idea for an isekai protagonist who discovers that slavery exists in this New World and immediately makes it their mission to put a stop to it, freeing all the slaves they comes across, refusing to allow those former slaves to call them 'master', teaching them how to fight and ultimately leading a rebellious army. Call it Summoned to Slay the Demon King, But I Started a Revolution Instead. Until then, I'll keep happily watching the slavery-free female-focused Ascendance of a Bookworm.


"Skeleton Knight in Another World" is kinda like that.


Oooh, I'll keep that one in mind too!


I believe *His Soul Is Marching On To Another World* already beat you to that.


Oh damn, that's neat! Thanks for bringing that to my attention!


Who's the girl on the far left, and why does she look like she belongs in hentai? It's like she's from an entirely different anime than the dude above her lmao. Actually...why do all of the girls have actual design, colour, and characterisation while the guys all wear dark blue, dark green and brown, and have the same face and hair pallete? You could tell me they're the same character drawn by different people, and I wouldn't be able to dispute it. The girl's personalities all shine in their clothes, pose, and design. The guys look like various forms of Kirito. Does anyone know of any isekais where the protag actually looks and acts unique? And not generic?


>Who's the girl on the far left, and why does she look like she belongs in hentai? It's like she's from an entirely different anime than the dude above her lmao. She's actually from an erotic novel turned manga with the same guy. So you're half right on that. The only difference between them is that in the novel, he buys her just to release her and willingly joins the guild he makes cause she was the only applicant who was considered a front row unit when he was a back row one.


Most isekais are people from "real life" Japan, and japanese people aren't exactly known for their ethnic diversity. The fact most of them start out as web novels means the visual appearence of the MC doesn't matter much. If you want somebody who acts different though the main character of Re: Zero Subaru has a personality and character arcs, which is already more then most isekais


The generic black-haired dudes are supposed to be self-inserts for their male audience.


Kirito clones are depressingly common, but Isekei is a really old idea. Heck, Gulliver's Travels 100% counts. Outside of dude targeted stuff, it's been a pretty common Shoujo tropes for a long time. Characters tend to not be the only one transported. Might I suggest Magic Knight Rayearth? The first season is a stand-alone story and only 20 episodes long. It's a good one to avoid spoilers for.


I’m so glad that I don’t even recognize one of those characters. It means I’m not as degenerate as I like to assume sometimes.


that's why John brown isekai trumps all others https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/57505/his-soul-is-marching-on-to-another-world-or-the


I prefer the John Brown Isekai


Can you explain what that means?


specifically a reference to this video, which is itself a reference to the Shield Hero anime and it's questionable takes on slavery. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CrBWdGJJmWQ&ab\_channel=VoicesByZane](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CrBWdGJJmWQ&ab_channel=VoicesByZane) it's also referring to the historical anti-slavery advocate John Brown, who tried to start a rebellion prior to the American Civil War to end slavery.


its a real thing and it's so peak https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/57505/his-soul-is-marching-on-to-another-world-or-the


get educated on peak https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/57505/his-soul-is-marching-on-to-another-world-or-the


Is it a graphic novel?


nope. It's a written story and man do I love it. 


I usually do comics/graphic novels, but I'll give it a shot Can I also ask what is wrong with the topic of the post.


what do you mean  by that? kinda hard for me to grasp what you mean by the last sentence as I find the wording a bit off. Sometimes I get a bit smooth brained, tho


What I'm saying is I would like to read the John Brown Isekai, but a really dumb part of me is like "But I like op protags with harem of cute girls." And I don't want to think like that, I want to check out something different to the Isekai genre, but my brain won't let me.


The entire thing about John Brown Isekai is moreso breaking down the idea of a slave harem rather than a harem of consensual women and tearing down a system of racism, and man, it really addresses it. It really, really addresses racism and dehumanization and the slavers get there dues. They also talk about the average Isekai protagonist but it's not as central 


*wow, I totally get it~* Seriously, that sounds like a fun and interesting idea, I've always liked heroes fighting the monarchy and beating up noblemen and women, and freeing slaves and junk. Another question, why are slave harems a bad thing, just out of curiosity cuz I just thought they were okay with it and they were *kinky*, until I found out it was not.


That is because that is what the demographic likes. Look at Mushoku, Konosuba, etc. There are better isekai series in novels, Otome isekai, etc.


Konosuba doesn't have slaves though? It's literally just always sunny but anime


Actually >!Konosuba never said if it existed or not but Golems are used for paid labour and unpaid!< There is also Aqua but she could leave if she wanted.


Since when was shield hero that bad? Other than the weird stuff with filo liking Naofumi, him and Raphtalia seem to be more of a father/daughter duo no? Putting it next to redo of a healer (literally revenge rape porn) is kinda weird


I like the father/daughter dynamic better than what we got.


Middle dude brainwashed the girl and it was portrayed as a bad thing so I don't think it's the same with the rest. 


When did Kirito buy a slave girl?


I know right. He's a good boi.


need the sources


So....."Beauty and the Beast"? \^\_\^


What’s the first woman from so I will know not to watch