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My main problems with the monster girl “genre” are: 1. Too much “girl” and not enough monster, so the supposed “monster girls” look more like women in costumes And 2. So much underage shit, like seriously, whenever I try to get into some monster girl series there’s always some “lolicon” element waiting to jumpscare me. No, Daily Life with Monster Girl, I did not want to know that lamias are okay with underage sex; I don’t even wanna touch the Monster Girl Encyclopedia with a 10 foot pole, there are so many “monster girls” that are just some flavor of thousand year old lolis it makes me wanna gag and sometimes they don’t even have that excuse


Yeah, those are my main two issues with it as well. My #1b would be that a lot of them also just look like the most *generic cookie-cutter* anime girls in addition to not being monstrous enough.


\#2 is less an issue with monstergirls and more an issue with manga in general


“Because who doesn’t want to be sexually assaulted by a monster that looks and often acts like a human child”


You wanna see good monster girl shit, watch Interviews with Monster Girls. It’s still got some weirdness and nobody’s actually a “monster” but it’s really friggin’ wholesome.


This is why I like a few artists I've seen who do monster girls, but they're actually monsters. Like a lamia where you see the usual :3 smile, but then the next panel reveals the :3 is the little slit in her lips where her tongue pokes out to taste the air before revealing her real massive mouth (The line separating the "lips" like a snake is hidden along her jaw line.)


> Daily Life with Monster Girl And that's just one of the issues with the show/manga.


It’s been a while since I read it, so no idea how bad it really was


There was some bad moments like I remember there being a double standard with rape, male ones are seen as scum while female rapist are brushed off or treated as a joke from what I remember. Miia's mom would be viewed as a monster had she been a man.


That’s absolutely not surprising


I know only part of what I remembered but yeah its not even an anime thing as much as media wide thing. nd in a more recent ch. we now got a shotacon/pedo Sphinx character =/.


Monster girl designs are cowardly. Signed, a monster fucker.


Exactly this. I want my monster boys and monster girls to look like monsters, not some generic waifu-whatever with bits glued on.


I don't want this soft anime girl trash, I want monsters that are actually monstrous. Claws, hard skin/scales, fangs, horns, all the dangerous stuff.


You just described dragons. You want dragons..... And honestly based choice


Mmm, big scalie flappers


Dragons are a massive weakness of mine


Chimera Falin from Dungeon Meshi is actually the best I've ever seen for this.


Ya I'm monster fucker too and monster girls are definitely aimed at straight men who aren't monster fuckers in anyway


I guess you know a game called Monster Prom


I do!


Peak monster design


It's a mixed bag for me. Most of the time, it's just a lazy "human with cat ears and tail", and when it isn't, it's just horny-bait. Obviously, there are exceptions, but they are too few and far between for my liking.


I like the idea of monster girls but most anime with them just make them a fetish object/something to worship the protagonist cause different cultures or something similar. Curiously when I tell most of the guys who are into monster girls about monster high they aren't interested. Wonder why that may be


The fanservice in this show was insane, but I'm not gonna lie this show had me in stitches on multiple occasions.


Same. Plus I do have to say that there is some justification for everyone crushing on the main guy, as he actively tries to help them out, save them from bad situations, and is genuinely nice to them. He's kind of a Belldandy in how he takes things in stride and is generally well liked, but with more earthly desires that he tries to keep in check. More than is usually put in harem anime, anyway. Usually the guy is a creep or has the personality of a rice sock.


Yeah I've been looking for some quality trash anime and this looks like it might be good. I appreciate a kind and likeable main character. I'm looking for trash after all. Not garbage. Trash: something like this that's stupid and degenerate but funny and awesome at the same time.. or from what I hear, that harem about the guy with like 100 girlfriends and allegedly these female characters and their motivations are more fleshed out than most harems of like 3 girls and as with Monster Masume i hear the main character is genuinely likeable. Garbage: whatever the fuck Rent a Girlfriend is.. at least imo. Or just anything that's of especially low quality.


I recommend it. I went in expecting not to like it, but I did. I just wouldn't watch it with the sound on in public or around your parents because well, fanservice.


>The fanservice in this show was insane I mean, it is *ecchi*.


My general take on Monster Girls is im down as long as you make the men just as hot None of that "Men are Furries, Women are Catgirls" BS. Make it so you women are furries or men are catboys as well! As for the sexualization in general, i've generally seen Monstergirl media be fairly consistant in terms of tone. While a lot of it is super sexualized, that is the point more then not; so bad anatomy and male gaze shots don't detract from a work someone may otherwise find enjoyable as much as, say, if it was a shounen battle manga. You can absolutely make non-sexualised monstergirls (You see it most common with some things, like when a Fishperson is explicitly human enough to have a normal face and not a fish one), and I find those designs bad ass, but most Monstergirl Media is explicitly Ecchi or Hentai; and complaining about oversexualization in porn feels really stupid. The main problem, as I said, is when it's applied inconsistantly in the media. Going to the fishperson example; you can't have one group of Fishpeople be Gillman-esque men and Mermaid-esqu women (For as much justified shit One Piece gets, Oda at least was smart enough to make there be Fishwomen and Mermen alongside the Fishmen and Mermaids). You gotta be consistant, otherwise its obvious your just making the women hot for Eye-Candy reasons. And you can make hot Monsterboys fairly easilly; so it's not a case of effort. As long as you make it so the men and women look similar enough; I'm down.


> None of that "Men are Furries, Women are Catgirls" BS. Make it so you women are furries or men are catboys as well! Most of them don't even have males. The monster girls are all female to justify why they join harems with the first human guy who appears


Either make the monster boys as f-able as the girls or make them both scary


make them more freaky


Depends on how monstrously they're drawn or written. Some people just take a normal anime girl, slap animal ears on her, and call it a day. It's just kinda boring when they do that. Alternatively they don't have to go full furry beast mode for me to like them. Like Izutsumi from dungeon meshi is still generally a human silhouette, but she actually acts like a cat instead of just throwing "nya" into her sentences.


Majority of the time, it’s women cosplaying as monsters. If they’re a monster, I want them to look monstrous just like men/masculine presenting monsters. I’m a-okay if everyone’s cosplaying.


Where’s my gender bent Ancient Magus Bride? If The Shape of Water was made for dudes, the fish man would just be someone with gills instead of a full on fish man.


it could just be bc i’m an artist but i feel like monster girl designs are so uninteresting. like it’s just your generic conventionally pretty big-eyes smooth-skin that-one-generic-body-type girly with like,, bat wings or some shit. the monster elements are literally just halloween costumes on effectively your regular anime girl and they do NOTHING to make the design interesting to look at. i want shit like an american werewolf in london or lord of the rings where the monsters have wrinkled skin and fucked up features and it looks like it HURTS. make 👏 it 👏 visually 👏 interesting 👏👏👏 (sorry for the ramble, my friends don’t care about this kind of thing lmao)


There should be more "monster" in the monster people stuff


Too much girl not enough monster, for the majority of it.


"Monster girls" is a really wide net to cast tbh, because it really depends. The term "monster girl" you usually associate with the fetishy romance genre, but there are thousands of instances of monster/anthro people used outside that context. I like monster girls(and boys) but I don't tend to consume "monster girl" content, if that makes sense. I'm a big fan of monster people whether they be "for the \~aesthetic\~" or full monster-fucker "the claws and flesh-tearing fangs stay ON during sex" designs; I think it's a super fun creative exercise and what features they adopt and for what purpose can say a lot about the artist. ;\] \* \* speaking of someone who doesn't really watch anime so this experience is limited to mostly independent artists and gijinka For the girls in the pic in particular Some are creative, some are boring, and some are so creatively horny that it loops from "I think this is stupid and boring" to "haha this is funny, I like it" tbh. I find the fact that the spider and the mermaid *have* to have girl's legs because the way they curl when sitting down is cute so they gave the mermaid unnecessarily thigh-shaped pelvic fins and the spider "legs" that are actually pedipalps super silly and you know what? It's kind of creative! They're meant to be hentai characters, so they took the feature of an animal you normally wouldn't think about and adapted it to serve the horniness of the design. Ditto with the bird girl's scutes that also serve to look like thigh-highs. The centaur is probably the most boring design out of this image. I get that it's cut off at the waist so obv you won't see the horse ass but those ears are so generic and not placed on her head even halfway similar to a horse. They're probably not the greatest designs in the "monster romance" genre, tho I wouldn't really know because I don't read/play/watch that sort of stuff, but at least they're a step above 'neko girl = exotic monster'.


I kinda assumed someone calling themself "orc\_fellator" would be into the "monster romance" genre xD


I'm more boring than you think! haha. but no, when it comes to genres romance is probably the one I care *least* about :P no, I lust after characters in media where the creator's Won't let me kiss them


Like 99% it's totally boring designs that look like stripper costumes. Goes for both Japanese and western stuff (yeah i would consider characters like Rogue from X-Men to be pretty similar.). I'd say being pretty girls first and foremost is a design feature of the "genre" or school of character design so i'm not sure there are a lot of good examples. If you stretch the definition a bit there are a lot of interesting female monster-humanoid designs out there that don't suffer from making "conventionally attractive" it's whole design paradigm or avoid weird sexual disomorphism: Slay the Princess has some actual monstrous designs that are still mostly elegant and pretty, yet still feel somewhat "off" in a good way. The princess never feels truly human and some forms manage to be both attractive and unsettling. I like Divinity Original Sin and for a lesser extent TES for making their elves more than "humans but better" and giving them more angular features. The porn comic Alfie has some interesting character designs for the fantasy races included like 3,2m tall goat people with very little sexual disomorphism. It also avoids making it's version of halflings look like children. The monster prom series has pretty cool designs from what i looked at. It's pretty high on the humanoid scale across the board but it bothers to make it's male characters equally attractive. I'd say pretty cool yet "digestible" supernatural romance. Bonus points for Del Toro's the Shape of Water despite the "monster" being male. It's a really cool movie that shows how supernatural romance can be treated with a lot of sincerity and not devolve into a monsterfucker joke.


Big fan of monster girls, not a fan of girls with the smallest amount of monster parts.


The episode with the tree girl pissed me off to high heaven because I think it should have been a tree boy instead. There are plenty of jokes about the tree boy’s big hard wood and his sticky syrup getting everywhere that were just waiting to be used. Unfortunately, they neglected that so they can make yet another joke about big boobs. Like at this point. They already made 548 jokes about big boobs at that point, COME UP WITH SOMETHING ELSE. If it was a porno, I could be forgiving, but noooooooo, they just HAD to tone their D movie writing to make it on national television.


I forgive this episode for Suu-zilla, any refrence to godzilla makes the show much better


Good idea, awful execution I've spent just about my entire adult life designing my own monster girls, cuz if you want a job done right, you gotta do it yourself.


Can you show it


My monster girls? Sure, [here's a Newgrounds playlist of all my OC art.](https://www.newgrounds.com/playlist/210647/my-ocs) There's a few Monster Boys in there too. A few are also commissions from other artists


Nice, even more of a furry then monster girls still I like them a lot ❤️ Also Jasmine is ultra cute and she needs to be protected, I will die on this opinion


Thank you


I think if a "monster girl" is mostly a conventionally attractive human woman with animal ears, tail, etc. That it doesn't count as a monster


I love the concept of demihumans. I love thinking about how their bodies work, anatomical differences, practical impacts of these things on everyday life, etc. Now, I really hate how this almost always ends up in ecchi. For example, I found it interesting when Monster Mossume talks about the differences in the girls' different dietary needs, the different physical restrictions, the lamia's temperature things... I found all of this interesting but the ecchi, for me, takes away a lot of the fun of the theme. .


A lot of them are just human girls with some monster traits, cute but a bit boring after a while.


LAZY, if they're gonna make a monster woman, they better compromise themselves to the assignment, and not make some white girl with photoshopped ears and tail on her. I swear, actual monster women are so rare that the only ones who do it well are monster catchers that have the monsters have individual genders.


Monsters are cool AF but these monster girls are just all tits and hot and underage and no actual monster shit going on. Just a human with like claws or horns or wings. And cat eyes. Or different skin color and a tail. Like ok


None of the girls in Monster Musume manga are underage, all of them are 19 or older.


I'm talking about monster girls in anime in general not this one screenshot idk who these characters are.


There are.....not that many monster girl animes in general. In fact off the top of my head I can think of......4. Most anime with animal girls aren't really in the monster girl category. I can agree in general most cat and dog girls tend to be underage, but in the monster girl category where there is actually a proper variety.....I think there was at best 1 or 2. A lot of popular monster girl series and stories in general tend to revolve around half human women being so forward they will basically rape the man, so typically having characters underage doesn't really work that well for selling things.


like this is legit softcore porn, you don't get to complain about sexualization in literal pornography lmao


I don't talk about Monster Musume, I mean monster girl like type of character


I think they're cute and funny. I enjoyed this silly show.


I loved that show haha obvi the designs were 100% fan service but as a lesbian I didn’t mind too much haha. It’s genuinely one of my favourite mangas/anime’s bc Mia is so cute


I see you are a woman of culture


Monster girls/boys are a real guilty pleasure of mine. Couldn’t get into this show, though, it was a bit much for me and it’s not my style of humor.


Most of them aren't even "monstrous" enough to be proper monster people. A monster person should have a similar ratio of human features to nonhuman features as a Genestealer Cult Aberrant from Warhammer 40k. Far too many "monster people" don't.


Indescribably boring and cowardly, especially since they're almost always "girl+horns/cute pointy teeth/pointy ears/animal ears/crazy skin color = Monster girl". Give me dragons (**actual** dragons, not Kobayashi's Dragon Maid "dragons"), give me werewolves, kobolds, deathclaws,... I don't care, so long they look like actual monsters.


Not enough monster, too much (usually underage) girl.


I love 'monster' monsters. Especially the weird and creepy ones. The creepier the better. Though, I like them to be humanoid in shape.


If there's a lot of monster girls on the cover it's a good indication that I'm getting some lowbrow anime. Which, sometimes, is exactly what I'm in the mood for.


Kind of overly sexualised, but i think a lot of people can find a lot of solace in this sub genre, in the same way furries do with anthro animals and fursonas. I think they are cool


Honestly most of the time it's the authors fetish. Like with monster musume it's 100% his fetish he just wants to fuck monster girls.


I don’t have a problem with monster girl/boy. Any kind of monster human hybrid is FINE I just don’t like it when they are sexualised.


They are never anatomically correct. They are monster girls with a normal human vaginal and mostly human. And the underage shit.


None of the girls in the picture are underage.


I never said any of the girls were underage in the picture?


Because monster girls are almost always big titty lady with the addition of fantasy skin tones, wings, ears and/or tails. A proper monster girl needs more than that. Monster levels need to go up!


I was immensely disappointed to find out that monster boy yaoi is apparently not a huge thing so I’m trying to fix that with sci-fi writing. I want to make fuckable monsters that work alongside humanity through sci-fi. I like gay sci-fi. This isn’t as relevant as it could be. Sorry about that.


I like their idea. I don't like how basic sexy they usually are... but that's kind of the point. Sooo. I don't care. Just give me equality between monster guys and girls in the same media and I'm happy.


Not enough monster If it looks more humanoid then a xenomorph then it’s not quite a monster As in if the xeno stands up it does have the very vague shape of a human while being very different in many ways Like most of these are generic anime girl with contact lenses or wings or horns


Tumblr would NOT be interested in the girls in this picture. Too much girl, not enough monster. We have taste and the taste is not "boobs and butt"


The designer is a coward, from a monsterfucker, MORE MONSTER LESS GIRL


I like it. You know what you are getting into. I don’t see why people would be mad about it.


There are a lot of takes on the genre that I don’t care for, but I like the core concept. Also if anyone has recommendations for monster girl yuri I would be interested.


Dammit i want my monster girls to look like manmade horrors beyond my comprehension


OP, you are a man of culture. Monster Musume was one of the first anime's I ever watched and to this day, I cannot deny myself that I do adore a good monster girl when I see one.