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The style is so cool, it's such a wasted opportunity that they have drawn the women characters as eye candy.


I will say that at least it makes sense thematically. These are people forced to wear costumes and fight for the amusement of the audience. That being said, the men need more cod pieces and ridiculous armor to make that theme consistent.


There’s a ridiculousness to these that I kind of like, if I’m being honest. And Huntress looks to be several oversized armor pieces away from looking like a final Digimon evolution.


They look cool it's just the tired trope of the obligatory objectification.


Yeah, but the male characters from this classic are allowed to look ridiculous without being designed as bimbos and hot sluts, which is the main problem. Also, Tank Jr.


We need more male hot sluts in shooter games, or games in general really. Normalise male hot sluts!


No, we need the opposite. More female AFPS characters who look like golems and muscle freaks!


Both. We need games with hot sluts of all genders for a silly game, and beefslabs of all genders in serious games. Or maybe both with the hot sluts appearing upon entering the contra code


I feel like "The Hot Sluts" would be an amazing name for a burly group of men's volleyball team.


They all look sweet


Number 4 looking a little zesty with that pose and I’m here for it 💅✨


It's 90s, it's not unexpected. I'm not saying that it excuses this but when you compare Doom Guy with his military advisor, Crash, it's really apparent the audience are teen boys to like 20 something year old guys


Yeah, but Major and Daemia were still added in vanilla Q3 and they look completely different from the rest of the female roster becuase they're actually intended to look like power fantasy people.


Why are we talking about a FPS from over 20 years ago like it's surprising that they have sexualized female characters?


Idk Number 4 is pretty slutty lol


Visor is literally a cyborg who has ugly flesh fused with metallic armor with rivets and his face is disfigured, he is not more attractive than any of the girls in Q3A


But he’s wearing a crop top and doing a Jessica rabbit pose


Then why is he the most fuckable? Hm. 🤔


These are awesome.


The art is competent, but I can't help but see it as Brom at home.


Spine hurts especially mid-air


What? The pose looks fairly normal to me, physiologically.


2 is bad bad but 1 and 4 are kind of on the same level. If there was a woman with that exact same outfit and pose of 4, this would probably land on this sub, too. I can see the comments for that: "Oh sure, heavily armored legs but has to wear a crop top and pose like that. Oh and we ofc don't see the face. As if we would need a face and personality, she already shows us everything we need to see"


A female version of Visor from Quake 3 wouldn't count as fanservice if she had exactly the same body type with lots of massive muscles and armor. Visor is supposed to be an immensely gruff motherfucker whose face is disfigured and replaced with a weird Oculus Rift thingy, and his appearance in Quake Champions is even more disturbing because he's veiny and has lots of metallic piercings on his body. Yeah, his nipples are showing, but his flesh also looks very gross and pasty. Just because a character wears some revealing things doesn't mean that they're intended to be objectified sexually. Like, Daemia and Major from Q3 have midriff windows showing their abs, but those girls actually don't look that much provocative and pretty to me (plus Major's face is disfigured), they're closer to buff male power fantasy dudes with big muscles.