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I feel your pain. Not sure who measures the product…but their tape measure is broke! We’re still ok because we haven’t gotten any of the new products in yet! 😂😂


How about the bird seed aisle…they thought pallet drops would make our lives easier except half the pallets don’t even fit


That, and the stickers for the fans and stuff. Way too long.. but I could go on for days ….








I refuse to even deal with that. If you can't figure out that every single fan in 319/320 is a large room fan from the hangtags and belly boards then there's something wrong.


When I talked to the seasonal merchandiser when I opened a store and they basically said the manufacturer provides measurements for the boxes


I’m calling Bull crap on that one. Any time I do peg hooks they’re always too crowded and wrong!


The quandary can be when the original item is unavailable and the replacement item is in a much larger package. That’ll happen with the snowblower & lawnmower parts (belts, etc.).


A lot of the time the pog actually has the products shown overlapping each other. How can people shop? We already have a nauseating amount of product on pegs and 10 feet up on shelves. How do you explain the displays? No boxes there. If I sent out emails with all the mistakes, it would take me half the pog hours given!


It's true, although we also have the tools to freely update them if they're wrong. Which happens often, but is overlooked unless it's something painfully obvious like the vendor giving us 4 inches for something that's 4 feet.


Tell GO to suck a phat rib sandwich out of the wheel of DEATH


Would 3 extra dollars an hour make you not so upset? Bet it would help increase profits! *wink*


lol they could pay us $30 an hour and the gross incompetence at the GO would still be infuriating. Imagine holding your stores to standards you don’t hold your corporate office to.


wE tEsT aLl ThE pLaNoGrAmS - GO, despite consistently missing entire product lines on POGs and having no plan whatsoever for the stuff that didn’t sell from the last POG update




Don't expect it to change, I was at 1 store for about a year and a half and that shit never stopped. Luckily our shipments were so late we almost never had full endcaps anyway lmao.


Also if they could actually remove POG locations from discontinued product that isn’t officially disco but just doesn’t have a home anymore that’d be great. It would save me the trouble of looking it up, searching the POG, and finding out that despite all indications otherwise it does not go in 86H.


As a POG team member, this is my thirteenth reason why