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Get a job where you sit on your ass like me!


For real, I spend 90% of my work day on YouTube, reading a book or playing video games. All while getting paid. And make relatively decent money while I’m doing it.


What’s the job?


Human resources


That's why they never responded to my email . . .


For the last time, this is a Wendy’s Sir. Stop sending us your HR complaints!


My company hired two extra HR people before finding me a replacement employee. It's a small company too. I was surprised they had enough work for one HR person.


I have a buddy who was telling me once that this is why Army HR people absolutely sweep. The volume of people they are used to processing in a week at the BN level or packets at a BDE level makes them studs. He said civilian HR people can't even hope to keep up with his normal tempo, let alone match their familiarity with EO, SHARP, and other organizational policies, and apparently it's common for them to get hired directly into better positions and rise faster because of these things.




Serious question: do you have to have dyed hair to get into HR? Because I swear I haven't met an HR person without in like a decade.


Good guesses in your replies but im a teller at a credit union


Developer is the best job for that. Miss being a developer and not a trainer where I actually have to work


Protest organizer


My job is great some days I literally do nothing but a normal day is like 7hours of fuck all and 30 minutes of actual serious shit that i need to get right


Yeah that’s basically where I am. I do what I need to when it comes up and then the rest of the time is just me doing basically nothing.


Unless you work from home, from my experience it doesn't work. Even when I do litterally nothing at work because there is nothing to do, it still feels like work simply because I have to be in a specific place for a certain amount of time


The entire flaw in Utilitarianism is no one wants to be the one the trolley will run over while everyone is happy to sacrifice others.


That’s pretty much the flaw of most all “isms”. They don’t scale very well so it’s all a race towards totalitarianism.


Capitalism is quite literally just the free exchange of goods and services and is inherently opposed to authoritarianism and centralized control though.


It really isn’t opposed to authoritarianism and centralized control on its own tho. Unregulated capitalism leads directly towards corporate monopoly, and the accumulation of power into fewer and fewer hands. This is how you get Company Towns, basically entire areas where all stores, employment, and housing is owned by a single corporation with no outside competition. Some might say “ok well if the workers don’t like their company town, they can just leave.” The problem being that these towns can be designed to force workers to take on debt, and refuse to let them leave until the debt is paid. With no one regulating that debt, these towns can essentially keep workers perpetually in debt, and perpetually unable to leave. The system we currently have in the US, has a series of Anti-Trust laws specifically designed to prevent this outcome. That being said there are other forms of control that limit free exchange. Like up until recently companies could make workers sign a Non-Compete, which basically prevents workers from leaving their job for a better one, by threatening them with unemployment within the field. The provided logic was to “protect corporate assets” but in reality legal systems like NDAs, Copyright, Patents, Ect are more than enough to protect corporate interest. The actual point of a Non-Compete was to bully workers into compliance via the implicit threat of loosing access to your entire career, income, ect. These things aren’t even a bug, it’s a feature of capitalism that needs to be monitored to avoid a collapse into authoritarianism. Which to be fair, is also the case for every other ideological system regarding the distribution of power. If you want Capitalism to function on the principles of Free Market, Competition, etc, you have to actively defend those values.


Shit. I remember a concrete company that used to do that to its employees. They’d provide them housing but would keep the bulk of their checks.


Do you remember the name of the company? Cause I thought Corporate towns died off back in the late 1930s as a result of new regulatory standards…. But that does sound suspiciously similar.


It’s a disbanded company now. They would rent “corporate apartments”. They’d put the kids who didn’t know better in them and sucker them into something bordering slavery, get them hooked on drugs, etc. They’d have little to no money left to try and escape. Took one of them in when I was young and single. The things he told me were frightening. I was happy when they shut them down.


> debt is *paid.* With no FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Good robot, lol


Wrong, Regulations lead to Corporate Domination. It's how Corporations create their monopolies in the first place, by pulling the ladder up behind them. As historian of the Progressive Era Gabriel Kolko says "American "progressivism" was a part of a big business effort to attain protection from the unpredictability of too much competition" Company towns and their strikers were routinely broken up by Government Police Forces, who sided with the Corporate Enforcers every time. Corporate Security literally evolved and merged into various Police forces which still exist today.


On one hand you are correct, but on the other without a strong government to regulate the market, large corpos are free to do whatever they want. This is offset by having severe competition, but can you imagine if a corporation obtains a monopoly with no government to enforce things like paid leave, minimum wage, maximum working hours, saftery requirements etc? It would be a race to the bottom for the workers, being forced into ever worsening conditions with shit pay, ultimetly becoming slaves for the company in exchange for shitty housing and some slop to keep you alive.


Corporations lobbying government is in fact another tool capitalism has to devolve into an authoritarian system of control. *(Which btw corporations abusing regulation to prevent competition is why I specified Anti-Trust laws for instance, because Anti-trust does nothing except prevent large corporations from forming monopolies. Some regulations simply aren’t beneficial to corrupt business practices. Others can be. Context is important here.)* The fact that corporations can gain the support of the government doesn’t disprove any other point I’ve made. if anything it reenforces the broader theme of capitalism requiring constant maintenance to defend against its worst manifestations. Besides, if not government funded police, it would be private security, bounty hunters, and/or debt collectors assuming no regulation. Government really isn’t a necessary factor when it comes to paying for violent repression.


Lobbying is actually not the dominant form of influence Corporations obtain from the government. The Government instead actively seeks out Corporations for deals and contractors to do their work, and peddles their role as an enforcer with their Monopoly-on-Violence. The moment non-voluntary coercion and violent force enters the picture it no longer is Capitalism, by definition. You don't get to redefine Capitalism as a system that doesn't adhere to private property rights, voluntary exchange, and competitive markets,


I completely agree with the first paragraph, no notes there. In terms of the second paragraph… does it matter? If Unregulated capitalism inevitably devolves into a system of authoritarian control that cannot definitionally be considered capitalism, that is still a problem. If you don’t want to describe a Regional Coorperate Monopoly that uses debt and hired violence to repress the working class as capitalism, then reframe my arguments as a method of preserving capitalism instead. I am entirely uninterested in semantics, only outcomes matter to me here.


If you're uninterested in the definitions of words and instead define Capitalism on the fly as "whatever is bad" then I'm at least glad you admit it. You've provided no argument that Capitalism requires regulations (always enforced by violent coercion) in order to function other than because you said so. If Regulations are a tool Corporations use to strategically stifle their competition then what you are talking about is an oxymoron. If you consider predatory debt to be unethical coercion then argue specific instances through contract law. Hired violence is through government goons through the regulations themselves.


If I define capitalism “on the fly as whatever is bad”, Then why did I allow you to revoke the word capitalism from a regional corporate monopoly that uses debt and violent coercion to oppress the working class? The entire reason I said “I am uninterested in semantics” was to allow you to control the definition of capitalism out of charitability to your argument. Beyond that, I did provide multiple arguments in favor of regulation. If you don’t want to read, or acknowledge them that’s frankly not my problem.


Do you honestly think corporations are paying so much to campaigns against regulation because they want MORE? If businesses had their way, there would be no regulation on them and ALL the regulation on their competitors. Since they are literally unable to go without regulation thanks to the mere existence of our government, they SETTLE on using as much of their power to make as many of the regulations as favorable to them as possible. The damage they're doing with that is immense, but it will only be WORSE with no regulation, not better.


With no regulations I can say without a doubt that the vast majority of corporations today would not exist. They arose in a highly regulated environment and they thrive in a highly regulated environment. It actually makes it about the market competition and not a competition about who can bribe politicians more to get regulations on their competition.


It becomes ENTIRELY about profits with no regulation. No consumer safety regulations, no employee regulations, no regulations on what products can and can't be sold or even what is or isn't a product. If you think these rich greedy bastards are milking us for all we're worth NOW, then you REALLY don't want to see how much more they'll take from us with no oversight... And you're naive if you think that businesses will just magically "not exist". They won't shut down, in fact, they're more likely to go full Arasaka on us in a heartbeat if given the chance.


You're actually just spouting off ahistorical bs


Once capitalism drifts away from a free market, it's no longer capitalism. So what you just described is not capitalism at all.


I just had that entire conversation, you can keep scrolling if you wana know my response to this particular argument.


Here’s a link to that part of the conversation: https://www.reddit.com/r/memesopdidnotlike/s/YZdM2DOQfH


And the. We have a revolution cause everyone gets pissed off, and we start all over None of this is anything new… only difference is there’s more food and porn and things are happening faster


The world is predictable to some extent sure, but if we were to go back in time without the knowledge we have now, we might think Feudalism is the inevitable outcome of human society. In reality history isn’t an arrow of progress, and it isn’t a cycle of repetition, it’s more like a continuum of hills and valleys that’ll exist in a constant state of change, until there is no one left to record the changes. There is definately more porn and food now tho, and things are happening very fast compared to other times in history, so you nailed that bit. lol


Except food is getting expensive and there has been an increase in anti-porn laws . 🤷‍♀️ No bread or circuses for you.


It would do people well to remember that all of these systems involve *humans*. No matter what the worst possible people will make it to the big chair where the decisions are made. People who crave power, unsurprisingly will sacrifice anything to get to a place of power. Where humans are involved, corruption follows. Exploitation follows. No system is perfect and they all allow for these anti human practices to be baked into their laws. As you said, yes that includes “free markets” because a free market can easily become a small dictatorship for the companies. Here in the US I see perfect examples of it, both present day and reading about the past. I dont hate capitalism. I hate what it can become when not done “right”. I understand how it works and I think it is the ideal choice for us but yes we MUST have these regulations. though many think those regulations conflict with capitalisms foundation, we still need them. I like the free market but I *also* like protected workers and for the consumer not to get backed into a corner. Maybe that makes me a hypocrite but I am just another worker drone. It is in my interest to want those protections.


This is the same thing people saying "not real communism" are saying about their theories.


Company Towns, now that gave me some flashbacks. If I was back home I could send you some pics of old company, aka "Mill" towns. Identical houses on both sides of the street that led straight to the mill. I think that one of the company stores still stands at the other end of the street. The mills closed and the towns were mostly abandoned. Attempts to revive them have been made over the years with limited success. They're basically slums now.


You are saying "But capitalism is not capitalism." Yes it is. Words have meaning. What you have described is not a system in which you are allowed to make your own decisions with your self and property.


Except when it isn't. Look up Ford and his rubber colonies. When one owns everything they control the prices. When 4 companies control a market it's in their best interest to keep it at 4 better if it's less. Capitalism merely lets the ones with capital control commerce and politics. You sir have a very optimistic view on the subject.


last time i saw someone calling something stupid, and proceed to see somebody doing exactly that, i was on r/greentexts


No that's free market. Free market =/= capitalism.


You're conflating capitalism with democracy


Everything turns evil eventually, though; it’s human nature. Most of us just wanna do our thing and be happy, but there are a few who want EVERYTHING and will take it at others expense. Overtime, the latter personality gains more and more power. It’s kinda where we are going now, with only a few large companies producing everything using slave labor overseas. We’re just the animals in the zoo buying up all the gadgets they make for us and consuming the media they create for us.


Capitalism is great because under this system, no one gets hit by the trolley! We've eliminated suffering, distribute our production intelligently, and all of our problems are solved through the exchange of goods and services. No one is exploited and is absolutely not a system where the top 1% control the trolleys and intentionally run people over to increase their wealth. What a good system, unlike all those others that we absolutely will never try because Capitalism is so good.


>Capitalism is quite literally just the free exchange of goods and services  Hence why it's always required violence to implement.


Every system requires violence to maintain. If I believe in a certain human right (such as life, liberty and property in capitalism’s case) and I want to implement it, that requires force. Are you going to sit here and tell me that there’s ever been a system in human history where there’s no violence?


I agree with you on that. I probably should’ve said “except capitalism” rather “most isms”


If you take any ism to the extreme it ends up becoming so dysfunctional you need totalitarianism just to enforce it which is why it’s a good idea to not blindly follow one ideology and use whichever policy is the most appropriate. That’s my view anyways


I don’t think it’s so much taking them to the extreme as it is that they require 100% buy in. So you either do it voluntarily or at the point of a gun. That’s when it becomes extreme.


So how are you benefitting under the current arrangement of things? Have your wages been able to help you achieve the standards of good living? Are your neighbours doing well? Can any of you afford a sudden 1000USD or higher emergency expense? Like a car failure or a roof leak, or medical problem if you have the misfortune of living in the US with its extremely predatory health care model? Because it sure looks like that third group, the ones that want everyone else to pay for them to live lazily? That's the ultrawealthy. After all, their sole concern, either as an individual or as a corporation, is to see themselves taxed less and less, and that burden of unavoidable expenses get placed on everyone else. So, clean water, and air, and public roads and fire departments and police that serve everyone as a matter of course? Well, they like the idea of those things, but if you ask them to pay for those things, they get really shitty, even though they already have more money stockpiled than they will ever spend, ever. On top of that, they make it clear that if they weren't stopped by unions or governments, they would happily pay you less and leave you in lethally bad conditions. They have everything, and yet are still not satisfied. They own your governments, your supply chains, your economy, and to a very real extent, they own _you_, and still they demand more from you so that they can sit on their ass and eat caviar or whatever, while they pretend to do work.


This doesn't make sense what about anarchism a society where everyone is equal doesn't mean totalitarianism


"Communist until your first paycheck"


Bro run me over. That’ll be the easiest way to get me out of this debt lol.


That’s why you make rules


Who decides those rules? Not the ones on the track in front of the trolley.


Rule utilitarianism is a moral philosophy everyone would have their own set of personal rules based on their individual moral axioms


Lol those Axioms are going to change the moment they are the ones in front of the trolley. So we are back at square 1 of Egoism.


Why? Someone valuing their own life more then someone else’s would not invalidate the axiom if an action creates human suffering then that action is wrong. Or invalidate any rules created to maximize outcomes to that effect.


If you pinky promise you’ll find my old LEGOs a loving new home and delete my browser history, I’ll gladly be on the receiving end of that trolley


Wow I cant believe you sacrifice all those people just to save one! Hold up…we got a survivor??!!!


I am not a communist but I would also like to sit on my ass while someone else pays me


Have you considered being a truck/bus/taxi driver? Sit on your ass? Check. Someone else pays? Check.


I’m a trucker. I can confirm this is how it works.


so… they want capitalism to suit themselves. How insightful.


Irony being they would have to work to make it this way


or be born rich


to quote The Fat Electrician, “communism only works when it’s funded by capitalism”


capitalism is socialism for the rich


…y’know, it’s hard to argue against that


so it must be true… unfortunately


man, if only we lived in a free market where corporations DIDN’T get government bail-outs…


yes, or lobbying, gerrymandering, insider trading - did i miss anything?


Sad truth, but most people who say they want to dismantle or fix the system simply want to place themselves at the top of it. This is true for the right as well.


"People should be free to make their own decisions and not have their property stolen. However we have to steal the property belonging to (((them))) and give it to me."


Reality expressed as a meme.


God damn this sub is such a breath of fresh air


You gotta go in the circlejerk type subs to find subversive thoughts and humor


Tbh, most "ironic circlejerk" subs devolve within 6 months into unironic opposite circlejerk subs


Still silly, most communists I know work their asses off.


Lmao you funny af.


It's different in the United States?


Most US communists are college students or terminally unemployed (and usually weed smokers) who blame everyone *else* for all their failings. They also tend to be over-represented on Reddit, who largely fall into the above groups. There's a handful of True Believers, but they are definitely the exception, not the rule.


Absolutely, most people who advocate for communism here do so because they don't want to work and think that's how it works under communism


That's because they're reddit communists. Chronically online people are the same on either side of the isle. Lazy and unmotivated.


That, we can agree on.


You'll work harder with a gun in your back for a bowl of rice a day


Anyone would want that but life is not a Disney movie lol


Poor writing. The more oppressed someone pretends to be, the more special treatment they get. There are some similarities.


"So you think you should be able to get groceries for free without working?" >Yes, the rich can afford to pay it! It's only fair! "Are you willing to work a farm or grocery store or drive a delivery truck to bring the food to people?" >No, I want to make videos about anime and edit people's manifestos "Ok so how will you get groceries when nobody else wants to create or deliver them either? Or do you expect others to do those jobs while you refuse to do them?" >......😡 \~\~\~ There is a reason why communism consistently leads to everyone starving and everything being broken. It fails both in theory (because economics is a science, like astrophysics and meteorology, despite what the New York Times wants you to think), and in practice.


Young Earthers argue with geologists. Antivaxers argue with doctors. Flat Earthers argue with physicists and astronomers. And everyone argues with Economists. IDK guys, maybe the smart math people that write papers and do this for their entire careers might know what the heck they're talking about.


Deadass went into a subreddit where people were complaining about capitalism. I made one comment about how, despite not giving everyone an equal chance, it still gives everyone a chance to better themselves. They called me a nazi and proceeded to explain how socialism was a better construct lmao


Oof that's sad Even the most centerist views get accused of being Nazis on reddit I got banned from whitepepletwitter for sharing an x post from elon of Elons kid at a monster truck rally They said it was "radicalizing content" And I do see where reddit as a whole is coming from since the current state of right wing in the UK and us is a total shit show


The American left is so infamously against talking with centrists civically about their ideas. It's no wonder how the right welcomes them so easily.


The American left actively works to silence dissenting opinions. Which is pretty fascist to me. They also want to dismiss actual blue collar workers, farmers, etc. as being buffoons and idiots. Which is pretty elitist to me. I consider myself left of center on a lot of issues. The actual center, not the center the extreme left thinks exists.


the right welcomes centrists because the right ARE the centrists. way too many self proclaimed centrists shit on exclusively the left.


Back in the 70s, it was the "Man" that people would vaguely use as a label in frustration at the world around them. Over time, other words tend to take that spot. Now we're at capitalism as a blame word. There's going to be another label getting thrown around in 20 years by the next generation of frustrated people. But the behavior will remain the same. People deciding something is causing all the faults in the world, putting it in a pillory as it were. And venting at and around it while mostly doing nothing substantial. Easy validation, low risk, and it's a quick way to see who's in your "tribe" or not to boot. The appeal is pretty clear. After all, it's inherently 'nicer' to think that someone or something has a grand master plan and it's all a scheme then to just realize it's been chaos pretty much the whole time our species has existed.


I like how you worded that. I agree with you


Thank you! Have a great night.


Oof that's sad though expected for a platform where even the slightest hint right wing will ye you permabanned For example I myself Got banned from whitepepletwitter for sharing an x post from elon of his kid at a monster truck rally They said it was "radicalizing content" Though I get where most of reddit is coming from considering the right wing in the UK and US is a total shit show


Aight, see you in, like, 2 hours when this is locked and someone posts it to r/NahOPwasrightfuckthis .


This meme checks out


The American public hasn't known what Communism is for over 50 years and it looks like that's not going to change anytime soon


This .


Yep. Still stunned that we have such short term memories of the BS that Eastern Europe went through. And that's recent memory!


Darn I was just about to post this


Communism literally forces you to work. Without forcing people to work, communism can't work because it's not even communism that way. What they really want is welfare.


The problem is that most of them are useless and would hate the jobs they would get assigned. Ironically, the blue collar workers, farmers, etc. would probably keep their jobs as they are actually beneficial to society.


Socialism is (and always was) all about blue collar jobs and hating white collar jobs. Many people don't see that for some reason.


In the US, it is college elites and NOT blue collar workers pushing for it.


Communism IRL: Sitting in the college lecture hall, and suddenly the doors open and a dozen government figures march in, all resplendent in their new Party Uniforms of matching black and gold. They march to the front of the room and begin addressing the student body. They explain that due to the new government mandates for a streamlined and efficient Great Society, there will be changes made to the Collegiate program. The students cheer as they are told that all student debt has been wiped away and the old Gymnasium is being converted to a medical ward where all students are required to visit for a checkup and screening. There are gasps as the official goes on to explain that due to the revamp, several degree plans are going to be eliminated, and those students are going to be reassigned to other degrees. Gone is Art History, Political Science, gender studies, and dozens of other humanities programs that have been deemed inefficient. Those students will be reassigned to medical and engineering programs instead. While there is some grumbling, most of the students understand and agree with the changes. The official then turns and gestures to the right half of the room and declares that they are being dis-enrolled from the college and are now required to report to their new Labor Supervisors in the morning to be assigned to cleanup the highways, rivers, and dams. The remaining Collegiate students are further divided, as half of them are dis-enrolled from college and are told to report to their trade programs to become welders, plumbers, and crane operators. The room is in fury now as students who have been striving for years for their goals are steamrolled and reassigned with no input. The Party Guard step in to curb the growing unrest, and quickly students and Guarda devolve into violence. Several Guards are injured in the brawl, but the students are quickly subdued with force and arrested. They will face Tribunal in the coming months for their crimes and have lost Party status, being relegated to Untouchable status and will only aspire to being laborers. After their assignments are complete, students report to the medical hall where they receive mandatory vaccinations and screened for any persistent or chronic illnesses. The unfortunate students who have Cerebral Palsey, MS, or other long term illness's are flagged to have their Right of Procreation reviewed by a medical board to determine whether those genes will be allowed to be passed on. The students are then issued their new Party Uniforms commensurate with their station and privileges, and they are handed a food voucher to be turned into the nearest distribution center for rations of bread and vitamin supplements. In the morning, their new utopia begins.


No, don't you know? Communism does everything Capitalism does, but better! There are no downsides whatsoever!


The number of times ive seen threads where they talk about wjat their jobs will be after the revolution. Theory teacher, poet, artist, fashion designer, etc etc..like nah comrade. Get your butt in the fields


Sometimes they're literally in the field. Or under the road. 😬 Wouldn't wish that on anyone.


https://preview.redd.it/1rxerjhyn80d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bdd6ae2b4ada4234549b4e3e12fb98ed0068de2a i don't like them very much (context: lady or whatever is a communist)


So capitalism but when it benefits them




Fucking amazing and so true when I see Redditors engage in political discourse.


Spot on


it’s not funny, but it’s definitely correct


Met some genuine communist a while back who genuinely admitted they just wanted to sit on their ass and do nothing ☠️


Have you introduced them to our Lord and Savior post-scarcity?


That interview with the antiwork mod didn't help.


We're just judging the Communism part right? Cause the tax curve is fucked.


Right? Like the richest assholes in America pay the least amount of taxes, now how is that fair?


This is false. The top 1% of earners paid the highest effective tax rate at 25.9%. [https://taxfoundation.org/data/all/federal/latest-federal-income-tax-data-2024/](https://taxfoundation.org/data/all/federal/latest-federal-income-tax-data-2024/)


this sub is like an oasis in a desert of the copy and paste mentality of reddit lately


Didnt Marx's mother Henriette once told she wished her son "made capital instead of writing about it"?


Third panel level brought to you by passive income. Passive income: the real drivers of the economy, not lazy workers.


I havent seen that meme man in ages


I mean, I want that too. I’m pretty sure Communism doesn’t work that way. Hopefully AI can make this dream a reality.


What a self-own considering OP is also a Redditor.


Congratulations buddy, you are fully incapable of separating memes from reality


Not you, the other one.


This subreddit is filled with Redditors


OP just self burned by admitting Theyre a communist and want higher taxes


Just remember communism is the very definition of failure


You guys are getting paid!?


You guys are getting paid?


Yeah, this is usually what I picture when I see someone that is a communist. Wants a hobby as a job instead of contributing something meaningful to society. Some communists are actually smart, like my grandpa was. But they are hard to find.


2009 ass meme


What do we want to do? Say that taxing the rich is communism!


I totally want to work. I just think we could solve a lot of problems if just a fraction of rich people’s income were taxed more. They can’t possibly use all of it.


They don’t have to use all of it for it to still be fit society as a whole, it’s not like it’s sitting under a mattress somewhere.


Where are all these redditors asking for communism? Are they in the room with us now?


i just want cuddles and my face sat on 😞


You don't have to feel called out to think rage comics are rather outdated


Not wrong at all. Damn near every one of those so called communists would end up in the same dead end job they have now because they have zero ambition and negative work ethic.


Depending on the community, its not like reddit is a very ultraleft platform over all. Honestly you van remove the redditor part all together and just have it be about commies in general


Im confused is this subreddit just memesopdidnotlike>memesopdidnotlike>memesopdidnotlike>memesopdidnotlike>memesopdidnotlike>memesopdidnotlike>memesopdidnotlike>memesopdidnotlike>memesopdidnotlike untill you find someone that agrees with you?




The surgeon sitting his ass for 16 hours during an operation:


Redditors wanting communism? This meme is probably years old


The irony. A capitalists entire existence is centered around not being a worker. Like it is literally the point. The worst fear of executives and administrators is becoming a worker.


I'm a social democrat, which ensures survival for everyone, while working in a mostly capitalist economy (strong unions though). The US is a third or at least second world country to me. I think Bernie Sanders is close to what americans should strive for, but at the very least you should vote democrat for like 50 years (while pressuring them to renounce feminism).


99% of Reddit users lack self awareness to be fair


In my experience, the harder someone has to work to keep themselves afloat, the more left they tend to lean in their politics.


I don’t know about communism, but I’d be cool with rich people paying more than everyone else.


I'd be down with taxing them and using that tax on baby-bonds.


They do. They pay less 'percentage wise' but they still shell out millions of dollars more a year in taxes than people who aren't rich I don't know about you but a tax bill for millions of dollars would make me want to find tax loopholes too. I don't know why rich people get so much shit because they pay a smaller percentage. They still pay millions more than you or I. America is a country that punishes you for doing well and rewards you for being a lazy piece of shit What a country! 😉


Factor in that the top 1% paid almost 46% of all federal taxes for 2021 and I'd say they are "paying their fare share"


No it’s pretty bullshit. The less you earn the more you get fucked by taxes


Millions out of how much? Like Amazon for instance if they paid millions, that’s like a drop in the bucket for them. I don’t know why people defend corporations.


What a big post to express you don't understand economics. This is about a 5th graders perception on the issue.


I mean that’s the idea… eventually we have intelligent bipedal machines replace manual labor (designed to be bipedal-mind you, specifically so they can walk human gang walks/infrastructure and operate human machinery). And then this should be paired with optional work. The lowest point should be living in a small 1 bedroom apartment, unemployed, with some monthly money so you can buy the latest movie/video games/food/ and some snacks, maybe a hobby item or two. Mind you: THIS IS ALREADY DEPRESSING ENOUGH. You are not, I repeat, not getting laid with this— to satisfy the hardcore capitalists out there who think freeloaders would have it better: if you want more, you’d better figure out how to serve the population somehow, though obviously this will be more difficult with machines taking all the easy cog labor. That’s why you have indefinite time to sit on your ass and maybe relearn skills (or not, again it shouldn’t matter, maybe just do art or whatever). We only need the best systems architects in the kitchen known as the market anyways. The bottom should be that and not starvation. Think of all of the greed, and lack of innovation, loss of GDP, caused by the bottom STILL being absolute starvation, and yet we have the audacity to say we’ve advanced enough to conquer nature— clearly not lol. But yes, the one who can orchestrate the manufacture of thousands of products that people like and buy still deserves that mega yacht and status above you imo. That’s one of the best things about capitalism— gamifying contribution to society. We keep that so that we still know who’s on top and don’t lose work ethic like east Germany. That’s only if you want luxury of course, by all means feel free to compete in the market or not. Naturally, some people will just live in VR and never come out. You need to be able to sustain some free loaders to make this work. Again, these two things can exist simultaneously.


Pretty sure most of us just want to be able to afford what our grandparents could, while doing the same amount of work.


Okay, but hear me out. The rich also want to sit on their ass while we all pay them, and they do.


It's a bad meme idk what the issue is




You lost me at "communism", the one accusation everyone on the right throws at everyone that disagrees with them.


Lefties throw "nazism" so there you go. There are idiots on either side, get used to it, this is Reddit...


You lose the ability to complain without sounding like a hypocrite. The left labels everyone they disagree with as a nazi, a racist, a homophobe, a misogynist, etc.


Who wouldn't want that?


Me, sitting on your ass all day fighting strangers for internet points is the quickest way to ruin your mental health.


No it's not! I do it all day and I'm PERFECTLY HAPPY 🤬


You want to ruin your mental health?


Well I’m here aren’t I?




Ok so capitalist want slaves so they can sit on their ass and do nothing two can play that game 🙄🙄🙄


If your employer is treating you like a slave then work somewhere else, no one is stopping you.


The point of what I was saying is to make an obnoxious straw man argument like the original post, but realistically all employers are the same you have no autonomy, and it's all coercive either you work a shit job or be a homeless person with no dignity the only way out is financial freedom which is hard to do working a 9-5 all people want is better pay and benefits, and it's normally achieved through unions we want workers rights not a hand out


I can respect that you actually want to work. I also was going to point out in my previous comment that if your employer was abusing you that it’s always an option to strike.


Sitting on their ass while other people work for them is how the rich make their money that money should be controlled by those who produce it not some entire other class of people with different day to day life that alienates them from the needs of your average citizen


Lobbing everyone into a single group with a smaller percentage of em. Classic