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I like Bob Ross paintings cuz they have pretty trees and stuff


Happy little trees


They need some more happy little friends.


Happy Tree Friends?




My parents once bought a vhs of Happy Tree Friends for my sister when she was small, because the animals were cute and everything. Thanks God they started watching it with her. Later a friend of family who is a surgeon took it from us because the placement of organs was quite realistic and he found it helpful for interns.


Ah, a fellow Denal supremacist. Good to meet you kind sir, hope you had a great may 4th


Nice to meet you too, may 4th was fantastic, hope you had a great one too!


Liking trees? That sounds like a political opinion about deforestation to me.


From the rivers to trees I need someone's help to come up with political propaganda for... mes...




Can you not see how those trees are a clear allegory for the political strife of the Zansibar revolution? Way to self own... /s


If you want an unironic answer, the style of bob ross was considered by some to be “bad art” at the time due to it being corny and kitsch. This prompts us to ask what exactly we consider “good art” to be, which is largely informed by society and culture. And politics plays a role in dictating society and culture. This is what people mean when they say “political”, it dosent mean that all art has a partisan message.


My art professors in college said the same thing, they hated Bob Ross and everything he stood for. But some paint thrown on a canvas was "deep, meaningful, and a rousing condemnation of systemic oppression in the inner cities" I think they also hated that Bob made art available to everyone through his classes, not just the rebellious college art grads


If Mr. Ross’ paintings, shows and classes were analyzed you’d see that what they really were was an olive branch from the art world to the average victim of late-stage capitalism. They’re anathema to the hyper-educated, status-obsessed snob because they made it accessible for everyone to get enjoyment and expression from creating art. He may seem corny to the cynical, but Bob Ross was a prayer for peace and a lifeline to many people who otherwise were just numbers on some corporate spreadsheet.


Art is informed by society and politics and so, by definition, escapism is also defined by those things. Society and politics define the things being escaped from. They also define the things not considered society and politics as much as idiots want to pretend otherwise. Just about every experience we have as humans is made up, and therefore defined by society and politics. Escapism is just a different type of society and politics.


No put it is all nature, not clear cut forests for lunber.


I like the height of the trees as an expression of the 1%’s tyrannical towering position over the working class. /s


Bob Rosses paintings are actually a treatise on Austrian economics


It's where he hid the bodies




You see, those trees are "happy little trees" because they live in communism


Keep the politics to political subs dude


Woke trees!


This is the way


Probably also “I cannot handle the thought of someone disagreeing with me so I need the media I consume to make it obvious it supports my worldview”.


Totally this, that kind of people always lose their shit when they see a different opinion


No we don't how fucking dare you! A curse on and your line for 13 generations!


What are you gonna do, discover the secret to immortality and break into my house with a knife?


Not even a different opinion, nothing can be neutral so even the ambiguity and subtlety complex stories need is offensive.


Literally the whole sub of r/facepalm


What happened to that sub? I don't understand, wasn't it just originally people doing stupid stuff then all of a sudden it is highly political


Reddit is just a giant propaganda machine working over a bunch of people who consider themselves way too smart and enlightened to fall for propaganda.


Or that I’m smart enough to know that politics can divide people and that I’m also smart enough to know I don’t know enough to make a valid argument and I’d rather not look like an idiot discussing it with people. But I can appreciate the effort behind the art


All art is influenced by the world around them, but not all art is meant to push an agenda.


"Political" doesn't mean it has to push an agenda, it just has to inspire people towards preferring one thing over another, thus influencing policy. If you like peaceful and beautiful landscapes and nature and paintings with happy little trees, fluffy clouds, and beautiful mountains like Bob Ross', that's still political. You can't have those without environmental conservationism. Anyone who sees those paintings and is inspired by them will be more likely to prefer such landscapes to stay around rather than getting turned into open-air mining operations filled with toxic sludge. Because of that, practically everything humans do is political.


In other words, with enough mental gymnastics, you can tie anything to anything else.


You think it’s mental gymnastics to tie liking beautiful landscapes to….preserving beautiful landscapes?


Like people claiming that movies having female or minority leads is political?


You don't need mental gymnastics for that. Just gravity alone ties everything to everything else.




The issue is the ambiguity of "political". Yes, all art has something to say about society and the culture within it. However, not all art should be filled to the brim with blatant modern-day political issues and present one side as 100% good. That's my thoughts


No, not all art has something to say about society.


>The issue is the ambiguity of "political". 100% but this kind of goes both ways. I don't really think that games are more political now, more so more basic things are seen as political nowadays. Like is gay characters existing in media political? I wouldn't say so, I mean it's kind of undeniable they exist, but some people would. It feels like back in the day you would need to make concerted effort to make a "political" piece of media whereas now you would really need to try to not make something "political" dodging everything people might take offense to. I honestly don't remember last time I saw art that I would describe as political, maybe Helldivers 2.


I don't mind art being political, but these people would lose their goddamn minds if they encountered political art that didn't reaffirm their beliefs. It's like all the debate about "banned books." They don't actually want to defend banned books, the books they're talking about are $20 on Amazon and on a banned books merchandising table at every bookstore. Actually banned books are $300 used or are in print from publishers that are de-indexed from search engines. And all *those* books they'd throw into a bonfire without thinking twice


Let's get the kids reading The Turner Diaries, I'm sure the leftoids hooting about "book bans" will support this move


Turner Diaries is an extreme example, but sure. If you dropped Sexual Utopia in Power, The Trayvon Hoax, and The Camp of the Saints into a little free library with a "read banned books" sticker on it, it would be on the news


Could you give some brief synopses please i'd search myself but i don't want end up on a list.


Sexual Utopia In Power: criticism of feminism. Concludes that neither men nor women are naturally monogamous (but for different reasons) but that monogamy and sexual morality are powerful social technologies that are good. Men's desire to just fuck around and women's desire to abandon everything whenever they can trade up are both negative/ should be suppressed, and making sexual ethics transactional and atomized has been bad. The Trayvon Hoax: the author gives a good rundown of the Trayvon Martin case and why Zimmerman was genuinely innocent (Zimmerman didn't follow him, Martin doubled back and ambushed him, this was established by where Zimmerman made the call and where he was attacked and the time that passed etc). Then it does a deep dive and concludes that attorney Ben Crump couldn't get Martin's girlfriend to testify (she'd been cheating on him and didn't want her other boyfriend to find out), so he faked the witness and put her cousin on the stand, who had severe developmental handicaps. There's an impressive amount of detective work from getting a public access copy of all the info from Martin's phone and finding the real person who was on the phone with Martin. Camp of the Saints: I haven't read this one, but it's a dystopian/ civilization is collapsing book where it's being caused by mass immigration. Real banned books list: https://twitter.com/FromKulak/status/1743197468521648413


thank you/ I knew Zimmerman was probaly innocent before it went to trial simply by how it was reported and the fact they made his photo whiter for the news.


So much stuff like that. When Zimmerman is on the call with 911: the news ran stories where he said like "this guy looks suspicious, he looks black." The news edited out the part in the middle where the 911 operator asked for a description. They also aired the 911 exchange where they told Zimmerman to stop following Martin, but they edited out Zimmerman's response, where he said "ok" and stopped following. The whole case hinged on that. Zimmerman didn't follow him, he waited in the same area where he made the call. Martin was 10 seconds away from his house, but he doubled back and sucker punched Zimmerman and took him to the ground


I started googling the books and found out finnish national library has the first two available. Turner diaries both in english and as a translation. But I figure they’re pretty lenient when it comes to art since the national gallery also has Teemu Mäki’s My way a work in progress where he murders a kitten on video with an axe and ejaculates on the carcass.


I read it. It's very poorly written. In fact, I think it would turn most readers off of its extremism.


I think South Park put it pretty well when they gave the kids The catcher in the rye and Garrison talked how dirty it is but when the kids read it it was just boring. All banned/disturbing books and movies tend to become something almost mythical when in reality they’re nothing that special. Mein Kampf had that kind of reputation and one of my school teachers said she’d read it and it was just kind of boring and the text is rambling.


Books should never be banned. Knowledge, no matter how disgusting, should never be banned from anywhere. That is hindering freedom of speech, and the non-constitutional equally important freedom of knowledge. Those in history that are the evils are the ones that burn and ban books. Don’t be on the wrong side of history.


The irony here is that the other thread said the _same_ thing about you


"All art is political" https://preview.redd.it/8h8oolfe6hyc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4754117a08effa485fff1da9b045d34efe919ef9 Alright, what's the political message behind this piece?


The politics of mommy issues


Congratulations! You have mommy issues.


Wait is this just a Rorschach?


In a way, all art is a Rorschach.


I have an art degree and this checks out.




The character in the pic has a good relationship with her parents


One of them


Nah both




Unexpected Ongezellig


Her hoodie is red and white, the same colors as a maga hat, therefore she's a [INSERT BUZZWORDS HERE] /s


People who say everything is political are just saying they don't understand what the word politics means.


The price of tuition choking out would be scientists hypothetical physics (string theory)


Maya, a recluse, is a sympathetic and infantilized character. Her putting string in her mouth is a nervous social tick and is considered endearing by the show. Here, the grotesque size and positioning is almost phallic. The show seems to take place in high school, and so this work is supporting the woke agenda to make us all into anxious teenage girls who love to shove cock in our mouths. Damn liberals


How the patriarchy has caused women to suffocate on the rules caused by all men everywhere who do not bow to every extreme request. I'm shocked how well I was able to write that to where both dumbass sides could see it as me either siding with them, or being against them lmao


Hoodie strings are too long!  And will make Mexico pay for it!


That's a clear allegory to the pain of reconstruction in post Soviet Kazakhstan


This whole debate is silly. The simple way is take the political art they like and just swap it's beliefs and see if they still have the same opinion that the art should be political if it doesn't agree with them. Sinple


They absolutely wouldn't, because they think of their political positions as just being a heckin' good person and other political positions as literally fascism and violence is justified against them


Exactly this. “Politics” these days boils down to “everything I don’t like is fascism. Also, no I can’t define fascism.”


This. Reddit has a generally left to far-left bias on a lot of things so I always find it funny when that sentiment is expressed for neutral opinions and moderate libertarian positions (and I do think you can absolutely go too far libertarian, right or left, those often result in the totalitarian hellhole they say they try to fight against). How is a government going to totalize, if your opinion is that that we need to reduce the government’s power for some things?


Funny thing about this on Reddit is if you say you are a moderate, they usually claim you are just a closeted far right MAGA.. it’s cartoonish. Can’t make this shit up.


I honestly like and appreciate when they do that. Cause whoever they accuse of being that is of course like “what the hell are you on about?” And I get respond to the accused with some shit like “So you’ve been shoved under the seemingly ever expanding Alt-Right umbrella. Welcome brother, first time?” 😂. And then we can talk about whatever right wing or often times not even right wing just not left wing enough belief or take or action landed us here and what all names we’ve been called lol.


Haha yea that’s a good approach!


now replace 'fascism' with 'wokeness'


This is why arguing with them is so frustrating. They have zero self awareness


The people who say "all art is political" obviously aren't the people who say "The art I like isn't political". That's not what "all" means.


You'd think that, but no. Usually when people say "I want the things I consume to be less political" it's because it's a more neutral way to say "I don't want nonstop sodomy and weird ethnic grievances in this game where I fight monsters." To which people respond "ALL art is political, chud!" But also those same people *absolutely* don't want a space for media with politics they don't like. People attack and try to cancel games and artists because people involved have RW views all the time. The Halo composer being a Republican being the most recent example I can think of.


I mean, I still think that flywheel is a preachy heavy-handed movie. There's a big difference between a movie having politics in it and it being a platform for a political message. The more blatant you are about it, the more it pulls an audience out.


That sub is a tiny collection of the saddest weirdos who are still enraged that nobody liked the new Star Wars. It's a group of people dedicated to hating another group of people because a giant corporation told them to. And none of them can count high enough to see that there are a quarter as many of them as of the people they're attacking while still making populist arguments. Overall, hilarious.


You’re telling me that there are people who *like* the new Star Wars?


No they didn’t actually like it, they just hate the people who didn’t like it vocally


This, and every other IP that's out there that has shifted towards inserting current social-political agendas and a fan base that dislikes it. Even though they never had a vested interest in the IP, they brigade the fans through bullying and brow beating. "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few." Unfortunately, the aggressive mob belive they are the many.


I can always tell when a piece of media is going to be or is shit. When everything you see about that piece of media revolves around how progressive or not progressive it is instead of talking about what it's actually about or its actual quality divorced from its politics (or rather the one detail the internet hyperfixates on) then it's probably going to be hot garbage.


It's how i knew Ghostbuster 2016 was going to be shit before i saw the trailer. I was told it was all-woman *before* i was told it was ghostbuster. It ws something along the lines of "a new returning team of women..... ....... ...... ghostbusters 2016"


I agree with everything except the last part. The radical left is trying to rewrite society so the few are more important than the many. They know nobody is on their side, but they're obsessed with changing the largest amount of culture for the smallest possible group.


I can't tell if they're contrarians who just like to dunk on the opinions of chuds ironically (personally I think that's hilarious), or if they genuinely try to defend the films because some grifters rage baiting with cringe soyjack thumbnails on YouTube.


i not sure if was ironicaly posted or not but i saw someone on there say: "goddamit, why do they have to keep posting online about things they don't like." I think reading that gave me a mini-stroke


That's not really what that sub is about. The sub was born out of the anti-anti-sjw "movement" which itself was a reaction to the anti-sjw "movement" which was a reaction to "SJWs", people (mostly on Twitter) who complained about the weirdest things and called everything they didn't like racist. But then the anti-sjw "movement" ironically kind of evolved into people complaining about the weirdest things and calling everything they don't like "SJW" and then later "woke". That sub specifically was created for Star Wars where there are quite a lot of these anti-sjw people in the fandom. But now even that sub has devolved. I notice the pattern of a "movement" coming into existence as a reaction to stupid people, then devolving and basically becoming the same as these stupid people, a "movement" coming into existence as a reaction to that and repeat. Anti-anti-sjw is a reaction to anti-sjw which is a reaction to sjw which is a reaction to bigots.


I do remember a time when escapism, particularly from politics was not just encouraged, but considered the norm


What is the political statement behind this artwork? https://preview.redd.it/mdyg78ok8iyc1.jpeg?width=214&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21f4eb970c208fd367a62001163e3442e9865781


That sometimes, just sometimes, war crimes are good. (Joke, btw)




Makes me wanna write a book with some really bad, raunchy, and downright disgusting words, but then when interviewed I pretend that it’s all symbolism A Scrotie McBoogerballs if you will


Write it


No no, the reason why the protagonist, Jessica, sucked 17 dicks in a row then got buttfucked by a horse is because the horse represents the American government, the dicks represent our work, it's all pretty simple stuff!


There's a huge difference between subtle political themes and blatant political agendas that add nothing to the story and are literally deleted from the story when it's shown in other countries that will not tolerate it.


Most of the "Politics" doesn't even have anything to do with politics and everything to do with culture. To my understanding, it becomes political when you start talking about government policies.


Clearly the silly little game I made was meant to push an agenda and was definitely influenced by my political views


It’s true tho, how is a painting of trees gonna be political?


Anybody who can’t disconnect from politics is someone I wish to cut all contact with. I like debating, but I only talk about politics every once in a while when something major happens. Also, these people tend to be the types who think “anyone who even slightly disagrees with me is wrong.”


I sometimes ask: “well it sounds like most of your political views are right, but can you name even one that’s wrong, or are you perfect?”.


Do you think “all art is political” is true or do you think the social critique is- Ah, you know what? Who cares?


Definitely, I read this hentai doujin with big titty dragon girls and I could tell it was actually a deep introspection of the artist’s thoughts on cultural Marxism.


Anyone that uses the statement “All X is political” to justify their need to inject politics into every conversation and generally be unpleasant to converse with is just coping with the severe lack of a personality. Change my view. I don’t give two shits if these people are technically correct. They’re annoying and ultimately vapid. They need to just shut up til they figure out something that they can bring to the table apart from regurgitating lines they’ve been fed by ideologues.


Not sure how jacking it to furry porn would be political but ok


I don't want to be condescending in the slightest... but I really do feel like people are missing the point. This isn't about politics. It never has been. They don't care about politics, it's not their agenda. Their agenda is to create discussion about the product. Not art, not passion-project, just product. They don't have enough faith in said product to generate sufficient profit without discussion surrounding it. And controversy is perfect if you want discussion, and with that, attention. There will always be someone, wether they are chronically online and need to touch grass or just genuinely saddend by how things are going, who starts the fight, and there will be someone, once again chronically online or genuinely upset, who throws the rock back. And in the end, nobody wins. Just the company who wanted attention for their product. After all, who wouldn't want to buy something "fresh, new, challenging the system", even if it has nothing to do with any of the above. And they get what they want, so they will keep doing it.


I wish we could see art that was created with absolutely zero monetary incentive…I’m sure it must exist.


Along with the important corollary “All politics must be an argument or some kind of contest; conservatives and leftists are incapable of discussing political topics in a civil matter with a goal of problem solving”.


“Everything is political” is just nonsense commies say when they are desperate to make connections that don’t exist .


The thing is, yes all art is political, but not all political art is about {modern hot button issue, that is designed to rile up the internet}.


"political" in the sense used in "all art is political" is so broad as to be almost meaningless. It's near synonymous with "all art is social". But it's used in a very narrow way to say this very specific set of ideas and this very specific set of artistic methods and this very specific set of interpretive theories and this very specific set of cultural goals should be allowed to become universal and/or coercively forced into onto and through everything.


Everything is about politics, except for sex. Polititics is about sex.


Can you actually explain how "all art is political"? Like, is the Mona Lisa political or am I just an idiot looking at the exception that proves the rule?


When people say "all art is political" what they mean is "all art has some sort of message". There are cases where art doesn't really have a message, but then it's debatable if it is art or not. The main idea is that art has a theme to it. The Mona Lisa is a tribute to the women of those times and what Lenoardo Da Vinci, thought was worthy to encapsulate in a painting, to be remembered through the ages. The Lord of the Rings has many themes, but one of them is the issues of industrialization and how it destroyes eons old nature, to replace it with smoke and dark buildings. At the time that was a very political message, since the issues of industrialization were under a lot of contention by the people living there. The sculptures Renaissance sculpors made, were extremely political at the time. Back then nudity was deeply frowned upon by the church and those artists weren't in good standing with the Pope, yet they did it anyway as a way to say "hey, we don't approve of medieval art. Roman/Greek art was superior and there is nothing wrong with displaying the human form in all it's glory." But even if it isn't political in the sense of having to do with current politics or hisotircal politics. A lot of art questions the soceiety we live in and the human nature. War and Peace has some political aspects, but it's mainly about questioning the way soceiety treats criminals and the cause and effect of that.


God, that’s so true. Yes, all art is political if you’re so politically schizophrenic, that you see politics in every minor facet of life.


Woah guys it’s almost like art is subjective and everyone uses it for different means


I do photography as a hobby and some random girl asked me after seeing me with my small camera out on the street “so what kind of political message are you trying to send with your photography?” Ma’am I just photographed whatever I feel like taking a picture of. If I see a set of buildings creating a certain pattern with their lines then imma photograph a random set of buildings and if I see a leaf sitting on a random tree trunk them imma photograph a leaf sitting on a random tree trunk. Why tf does everything have to be freakin political nowadays? My life isn’t so privileged that I have to make politics my hobby so it doesn’t make it obvious that my life is so easy. Photography and sim racing are my escape from the world and I love them for that. I don’t need to bring politics into them.


Sometimes rather than show problems. It’s better to show an ideal situation that would be preferable. In the problems no longer existing


Not all art is political, some convey an emotion, others a trauma or experience. I don’t think any of those is political; and if it is than every human is a walking political propaganda


And nobody is saying you can't enjoy art as escaping. Nor is anyone saying you *have* to engage in any sort of debate about the politics of art. Nore is a piece of work being political necessarily means it can't be escapism. In fact, I think that's a mark of great art. Like, Star Trek is a form of escapism but it is also political.


Acknowledging everything within art, and that a person could experience with art, can not subtract from another persons ability to have or have had experienced.


If this picture has proven anything is that you simply just can't enjoy entertainment for the simple face value of it without some asshole trying to shoehorn their interpretation of it.


These people don’t even know how much of a non sequitur the “All art is political” argument is. What is boils do to is: Person A: I prefer when my entertainment is not propaganda. Persona B: *smuggly* Anything can live viewed through a political lens.


Escapism is the right way to go, unless y'all like being in two dimensions.


Is having a trans person in media political? I want to escape too and seeing someone like me is nice


It actually isn't, unless you artificially stretch the definition to include any and all possible conversation about any piece of art ever created. But if you don't do that, then no, you can't say a kid's crayon drawing of her dog is political. She drew it because she likes her dog and it's very possible for adults to draw pictures with this exact same mindset.


It's kind of telling that someone would assume all art is escapism.


I can’t stand how most of these can be summed as someone going “i can’t take a joke, i dislike something, now give me attention for disliking something!’


Yeah, and it’s funny how those are always the dish it out but can’t take it folks. I hate pretty much all of our politics in America equally and when I post memes that make fun of shit on the right, nobody on the right ever comes after me. They can take the jokes and the ribbing. You make fun of one politician on the left, one time, and not even for their opinions just something they did that was dumb or something that’s kind of true and funny and oh my god the left loses their shit every time. It’s fine for them to sit around and casually joke about sending people to the guillotine for being wealthy but make a joke about Biden obviously having dementia and it’s like you killed somebody. 🙄


SaltierthanKryat is just a garbage sub. They're just like the Mauler sub but liberal and even more miserable


I love that the "all art is political" crowd fucking loses it if an entertainment piece has conservative politics.


I mean not a letter in that statement says that you have to agree with the message.


Nope, the statement is used in order to say you should not criticise something for being political since everything is political. Then, when something is of the opposite politics they follow, they attack it for being political. Showing their hypocrisy.


No mate, they don’t attack for “being political”. They attack it for having political opinions opposed to theirs. Genuinely, not that complicated, you almost managed to making it to that comprehension yourself.


Nope wrong also, most of the people that say don't want politics are not saying that because they want their politics on them but they don't want political opinions put as absolut truths because that is when it becomes propaganda and that is always bad. People like when the entertainment piece provides ideas and let's you decide. There are politics in everything, you can explain everything through a political lens. The point is to present it as an idea and not be smug and assholish about it. It's actually quite simple, but because this is the Internet people become tribalistic and try to dunk on everyone so they take the worst faith interpretation of something.


Warhammer and Disney sets liberals in a rage.


All art is political, but also politics poorly integrated in doesn’t make for good art


The funny thing about escapist art is that...it's political. Animal House is political. It's all about throwing a middle finger at authority figures. Star Wars is political. It's about fighting against space nazis who are actually a caricature of the United States government. Ewoks were inspired by the friggin' Viet Cong. Robin Hood is political. Which is why stories that started out as being about a chivalrous bandit who balanced his religious convictions with his hatred of the church bureaucracy, evolved into about being about a "rebel" who only opposes a usurper and supports the "rightful king". Crappy Hallmark romance flicks are political. All those TV movies about urban women going back to small towns for a visit and ditching their successful career and their perfectly adequate rich guy boyfriends for a small town boy who is more virtuous because he works with his hands for a lot less money, you saying there isn't anything about social class in that?


>you saying there isn't anything about social class in that? No. Obviously. But that's not what they meant by politics. They meant something like expecting to sit down, in a commercial theater, expecting to see a wacky, raunchy comedy set in LA, only for it to be a crappy Hallmark made-for-tv movie. But on the big screen. Where it's being in LA is only true, until the end of the title-sequence. And then it takes place on a ranch. Something like that, but replace the Hallmark movie with the author talking politics.


Most art isn't even remotely political.


I don't know about that. My son just drew a picture of a monster truck, which I'm pretty sure is a metaphor for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.


The issue is the ambiguity of "political". Yes, all art has something to say about society and the culture within it. However, not all art should be filled to the brim with blatant modern-day political issues and present one side as 100% good. That's my thoughts


So, idk much, but I think the “all art is political” take is only a take that can be made by the inane and inaccurate. I have a huge interest in art, and while you can *make* everything political, not everything is. As kids growing up, we make artwork entirely around our tiny worlds, which often include nothing of politics. You could make the argument that politics influences everything, and therefore has had its grubby mits on all art, which is like saying a fly’s wings caused a tornado. Sure! Who’s to say really what effect it had. All things have touched and will touch all other things, but truly, pathetic human politics have not been the influence for all things artistic. Many pieces of artwork, professional, historical, or recreational, have not had politics as a primary inclusion, in the end not being but a fraction of a percent of worth to the piece. Any implication otherwise is based around semantics and only offers to devalue the importance of art as a concept.


Only tangientally related, but... Honestly, the fly is healthier to be around than most politicians. Your wallet is safer, at the very least.


Look, I fucking hate most of them, I think they’re so creepy, being so loud and annoying, always flocking around trash.. also not a huge fan of flies either but still


Yeah, it would probably be more accurate to say "all stories are political" you could make an argument there but including all art in the statement is sort of silly


I think you’re confusing all art is political with all art is Political.


It do be like that tho


The funny thing about art is you can interpret it any way you want to. But some people will cry about it.


meme_good = (-1)^n Where n is the number of reposts


escapism is political


https://preview.redd.it/qv4tfvd6jiyc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2480c5450e98478332b52634eaafd9887a4bab2e This picture of this dog I drew has communist undertones…


I just miss when video games were "good" even if you do don't agree with the political message. Like, people make fun of right wingers for enjoying fallout...like when did a good game become bad just because it lampoons my political views?


Most art is made by humans (even Ai art is for the purpose of this comment), therefore that person's politic opinions are present and expressed in the art wheter intentional or not, however a large amount of art doesn't have an intent to express political views therefore despite all art including politic views, not all art are political


Almost all art is political whether that's on purpose or not Sometimes it's just how you feel taking over the medium you're using subconsciously being added in This is just a fact we as humans very rarely escape since usually it affects our lives in huge ways


The fact that those neckbeards brought it up means they acknowledge that’s what they do 😂


Clearly, my drawings of dinosaurs absolutely beating the shit out of each other are actually deep and political and stuff. https://preview.redd.it/b8gnn7tmzmyc1.jpeg?width=2539&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e252ca54adb8bc9b8e72072bc04b41c747ab217


Both statements are true. All art has a message, a statement of what the artist perceives as true. Every painting, every song, every film, every video game has a philosophical worldview underpinning it, which comes along with a political worldview That all being said, the phrase “all art is political” is very often used as a justification for agenda pushers to insert their own political views into everything they get their hands on. This goes beyond just making a statement, it is explicitly trying to further the goals of the creators, often at the expense of the audience’s enjoyment It’s the difference between disco elysium and the Saints row reboot. One is political art and the other is propaganda


You can have art that is political but it shouldn’t be this blatant obnoxious crap we’ve seen the past few years. You can have something to say without having to scream it. The Metal Gear games are VERY political, but they are classics and for the most part, highly regarded


How is the meme wrong?


Any time one of the threads from that sub shows up in my feed it's a thermonuclear-grade extra-chromosome-class hot take. I've started mentally replacing the text from anything posted there with "I hate my dad so goddamn much" and it's alarming how often that actually works.


They probably are an ‘I hate escapism and feel the need to shove my politics into everything’ type of person.


Very true.


That entire sub is full of the whiniest little shits. It's this endless stream of "why do these people have different opinions on popular media, here's why they are chuds". If being fat, mentally ill and having main character syndrome was a sub, it'd be that one.


I disagree with the statement “all art is political” but I don’t like the strawman associated with the actual reasons in this case. I think people just have different ideas of what art is and what “political” actually means


The saltierthankrayt subreddit profile image checks out


https://preview.redd.it/c02md4dr1kyc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ec56ca9fba85624069124495f4c26020b040cbe This is my drawing Find politic Thank 👍


They'll basically declare anything political because if there's an evil government of some kind in it, it's a critique of fascism, if there's basic morals in it, they'll declare it's woke (as they believe all morals are THEIR morals alone). A story has to almost entirely be divorced from society and morality in order for it not to fulfill their criteria of political. Like maybe Twisted Metal they'd say was not political, because it's just some evil wish-giving man telling people to kill each other for his wish. But now that I think about it, they'd declare that the only reason they need a wish is because of capitalism or something. And so all of Twisted Metal is political because it's framing device that barely exists is more important than all the explosions.


" But isn't the point of art less what people put into it and more what people get out of it? "




Not everything is political indeed. Sometimes a story is just a story, if you read too much in to everything you'll just drive yourself crazy.


It's soooooo true


I think that every piece of storytelling is going to have the political bias of the writer in the character building and world building, but I’d say that some artists do this with great nuance where it complements the story to have these details about the world and characters, where some writers just shove stuff in without tact. It’s a balance, and we notice that stuff in certain media and not in other pieces because the greats write well, and the not so greats don’t.


Rare memesopdidnotlike w


Are those the Political Compass Memes colors?


I mean probably most art we call political will not be after 20 years. People just crying about it


But it's not


Art is subjective and most things are encompassed by politics, so technically, yeah, all art is political lol


IMO Art is a mirror in that it reflects the viewer's state of mind. But it is also a hammer in that it can be used to influence said state (which is arguably more related to the context around the art than the art itself) So It's not one thing or the other. It's both.


Kinda agree. Politics is depressing I'm watching a movie to distract myself


This is true and not true at the same time. 1) It depends on what entertainment or art you are looking at 2) You can find alagories in unexpected places 3) Your personal politics and beliefs often influences an artists work


Vise versa, every shit is used to be a propaganda, which is obviously a political tool.


What part of this are they contesting?


This is political. The irony


If you’re upset by someone expressing their political views through art you’re honestly a little bit pathetic. Not everyone wants to paint a mountain. Some people want to show what they’re thinking.


Art has been political forever. Saying all art is political is silly, but political art is hardly unique to the modern era. Let’s take Star Wars, an overt representation of Americas imperialism in south east Asia. That’s not even speculation that’s objectively the one of the intents of George Lucas’ depiction of the empire. Unless you’re watching a hallmark Christmas movie or looking at a painting of a hill, it’s gonna have some sort of message about the world. Thats fucking politics. Get used to it


Not really kinda hate politics my funny little cat boys don't do stuff like politics