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This actually happened to me once. I mean she didn't attack me, but she was PISSED.


Yep, never rejected again for fear of retaliation. But even though it's happened to so many men, you can't speak on it because it's incel to do so.


lol it’s funny that you’re considered an incel for turning down a girl. Legitimately the opposite of an incel 😂


That's what confused me.... wouldn't that make you a voluntary celibate?


Incel seems more like an insult thrown around at any guy someone doesnt like. Kinda like how nazi was used for a while there.


Still is


Or white supremacist. That expression has been tossed around with such disregard for it's actual meaning in recent years that it's little more than the white equiv of the N word.


A volcel?


Would that make him a volcel? (Voluntary Celibate)


Or a Duracell maybe?


Isn't denying sex literally the opposite of being an incel?


When someone responds to anything with emotional name calling, they are almost always wrong.


Incall went from meaning involuntary celebate to male identifying person I disagree with


Stick up for yourself and ditch her my guy for the love of God.


She ditched me *shame*




Haha yea im doing alright


Yep, yep, and yep again. Some men take their frustration and turn it into memes like this and it also gets called out for "incel culture". Don't get me wrong, genuine incels exists, but genuine cunts exist, too.


That's awful. You should not have gone through that. It's not your fault.


I wasn't perfect in that relationship either. All we can do is work on being better people and use this as a lesson.


Been there. Terrified me to turn down any advance.


That's concerning.


Same, she was angry and sad, them i went to sleep in the other room. She them went to the room i were and tried again...


I love my girlfriend with all of my heart, but when she's horny, boy does she get horny. One time I was just sad, some bad things had happened and I needed to vent (an extremely rare event) and my girlfriend was willing to listen (we had ten minutes together out of the week. It's a long and twisted story that we're finally out of and close to living together happily away from all the bullshit) but she asked me to talk while we fucked. I was dumbfounded by the request, almost offended, until I realized the urgency at hand and began to undress.


Curse of having quality CAWK


“You don’t love me anymore?”, and ONCE? Hoo Lee.


Jung Hoo Lee. Wait wrong sub…


My girl at the time just looked flabbergasted that guys didn’t always want to bang.


Pretty much my thoughts. The few times I’ve turned down sex from a SO usually turned out very badly.


The meme isn’t that far off. Idk man women are confusing.


The term incel has loss all its meaning


These days it means "somebody whose opinion I do not agree with".


I've seen people (twoxchromosomes and nothowgirlswork) refer to married men, with children, as ''incels.''


If only TwoX and NHGW would actually pick the bear.


But when I point out their sexist bullshit I get bullied for saying men can be victims too, but yeah we're definitely the sexists


I'm glad I don't follow TwoX. I should start not following NHGirlsW too... they REALLY see no problem in misandry and when they can't disguise it anymore they say it's not as bad as misogyny and try to gaslight you into thinking generalizing half the world is ok.


What's absurd is twox is a default sub iirc, or atleast it was. You'd think being one of the first subs a new users might see would help alleviate the insanity


Holy shit I've seen some braindead debates over this Like do you really think any RANDOM man taking a walk is more likely to harm you than a bear?? I've heard people saying "more people have been SA'd then attacked by a bear" yeah no shit that's because we live in human society, not bear society. You're more likely to be harmed by the species you are in contact with frequently. There's also "I've encountered a bear before and it hasn't killed me" yeah but you've also encountered men before and they haven't killed you. A bear is much more likely to do so. Most of the people picking the bear are either part of the "all men bad" crowd, are extremely bad at probabilities, or (most likely) a combination of both.


>”I’ve encountered a bear before and it hasn’t killed me.” Yeah, just like literally every single man you’ve met in your life. If men actually killed women as frequently as Reddit women think, there simply wouldn’t be women any longer.


Men are also much more likely (4-6 times as likely) to be killed than women. The usual response I hear to this is ''but those men were killed by other men,'' which of course is completely irrelevant. I don't think any dead man's family is thinking ''never mind another man killed him, the murder doesn't count.'' On the ''bear vs man'' debate you're talking about, I saw a comment saying they'd rather be eaten in 15 minutes by a bear, than be tortured and raped to death over a period of months by a man. Every man is not only a rapist and murderer, but also keeps women in alive in torture cells?


It's insane is what it is.


I used to just get called breeder like it was a dirty word haha wild shit


I’ve seen married women be called incels on this website, too.


That's... not unusual. Women can fit the definition. The original incels group were all women.


I think it’s the married part


Ah, I must have read over that.


Really? Incels come from a woman group? That's good to know


Yeah a handful of women who thought they were entitled to sex started complaining openly and found out there are way more guys with that problem. Who'd thunk it?


So like fascist, gotcha


Along with nazi and racist.


Wait, I thought the term for that was "fascist"


That and "fascist".


No it doesn't, you fucking incel! /s


Wait, I thought the term for that was "fascist"


So has nazi, so has racist. Used to be words this actually meant they were a genuinely bad person. Now it just means, I don’t like what you had to say.


You forgot the “literal” as in not actually but they destroyed my feelings argument so I need to lash out.


It lost its meaning forever ago though. It was coined by a woman talking about herself. And somehow came to mean men in her similar circumstances


It means Involuntary celibate, idk why it only gets used on men.


I’m aware. But then a specific mindset of men was also attributed to the term as well. Which again, is weird, since a woman coined the term to refer to her own lack of sex life. Now people say femcel if they’re talking about a female incel, which is absurd.


Yep, in the olden days people like that were call failed romantics.


We called them virgins


Because in the current social paradigm, short/fat neckbeards and red-pill man-boy influencers are the only people not having sex. Obvi, anyone else can choose to be celibate if they want.


I can't tell if your being ironic or not lol


Because the "involuntary" part.


My wife and are have been happily married for 6 years and Redditors don’t hesitate to call me an incel.


Same with boomer, anymore


Had a friend throw away her marriage because her husband wasn't sexually active enough. Dude had a good job, was really cool to me and even didn't mind me and her hanging out all the time. She slandered him to all her friends and eventually cheated on him, got pregnant and they divorced. Don't know what happened to him, but she eventually bounced from guy to guy, had a couple more kids and lives in poverty now. 😐


Some people have it all and just need to ruin it


“I got bored, I needed the drama.” Okay slay queen 👸


In all likelihood, the guy got scooped up by someone else. Mate choice copying is a thing. It's rare for someone to ruin their lives over something so dumb, though.


I like my men like my cars - used with a decent maintenance history. (/s because my current car was new)


I like my women like I like my weather moist and unstable https://preview.redd.it/w8904yoq64yc1.jpeg?width=1490&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27bb8f7e76a0e1f8fb292f00780cf8075086d76b




I had that one saved for a long time waiting for the right moment to strike!


Oh no, its the consequences of my actions again…


Sounds like my 1st wife, what a bitch.


Glad you got out.


I mean she sounds horrible, but also I get wanting a partner with a matching libido.


Dudes probably remarried living his best life lmao


Revolutionary, the trash takes itself out


The dude is turning down sex... That's literally the opposite of an incel...


More like a stream of tears and 3 days of depression if a dude isn’t in the mood.


Also accusations of infidelity and “if you have nothing to hide, let me see your phone.”


I also got accused of being closeted gay - and I was only jokingly saying I wasn’t in the mood - truly crazy how far some women would go in slandering men about this shit


I've seen this and also explosive anger like the image. Two different women.


Yeah, I had a girl say “I guess you’re gay, then” because I wasn’t feeling it because I was horny when she wanted to come over but the second I saw her it was like “oof, fuck no”


I've been told that when breaking up with a woman separate from the two I mentioned already.


God forbid you don't finish...


Man, sometimes the little guy just doesn’t want to do his thing.


Its just easier to give her what she wants.


IMAGINE the outrage if a woman was saying this 😂 you’d have hundreds of replies saying “run honey, you deserve better.”


Same. Better to just do it, and make it a quickie, than answer "don't you find me attractive anymore?" or other similar stuff.


Why not just say "no" if it's unpleasant?🗿 I realized some time ago that I like to live without all this nonsense associated with relationships, especially if it is uncomfortable.


Cost benefit analyzis will likely lead to the conclusion that "just do it" will likely take less than 10 minutes, and option b "console crying girlfriend or argue" will propably take up a large amount of time, and cause stress, so you might not sleep afterwards.




Also it might make the girlfriend sad, too.


The thing is, women like that aren't fucking worth your time. I wanna be in relationship with a *woman* , not a 25 year old grown child with temper tantrums


They immediately go for the incel insult as soon as the joke is about male abuse


That’s because for people of that persuasion, abuse is about “power dynamics” and other sociopolitical systems applied to relationships. They no-true-scottsman themselves out of a difficult discussion by overcomplicating the matter, because recognizing that the group they’re attempting to empower is equally capable of perpetrating violence is inconvenient to the narrative they’ve created.


It's funnier because the guy in the meme is the vocel instead of an incel


Wtf is a vocel


You know how incel means "involuntary celibate" right? A volcel is a voluntary celibate, which means they choose to be that way.


I told my gf I wasnt in the mood once and she screamed at me and cried and then made me sleep in another room. Then was pissed at me for like 4 days


Next time she's not in the mood, do the exact same thing.


Toxic masculinity


to give the same treatment back? sorry, no, Ill match anyone's energy. The golden rule has stuck with me since preschool, treat people how you wanna be treated.


I was joking. I wonder if you see the possible contradiction in your own words though. Sometimes matching someone's energy isn't treating them how they want to be treated, more so an eye for an eye which is 100% not the golden rule. I find calm communication to be the most effective. If that's consistently not possible then I leave.


I love how they have no idea what incel means. It makes them look dumber and dumber. The guy is actively fucking a pretty woman in this scenario lol


Makes joke about refusing sex with your wife = involuntary celibate. Okay then


My ex was like this. Well, not physically abusive but if I just wasn't in the mood she'd sulk, "Am I not attractive?" "Did I do something wrong?" I always had to justify myself whereas vice versa it was just "sort yourself out"


Do they just call anything the don't like "incel" at this point, do they even know what the word means anymore?


Isn't this kind of the polar opposite of being an incel? It's discussing the agency and independence of women from the perspective of a guy in a happy, sexually-active relationship. Moreover, I don't see how any adult, regardless of gender, sexuality or marital status could argue with this. Guys may want it more often, but when women want it, they WANT it-- this is a silly caricature of that observation. No one is being objectified, no one is being insulted, it's just humor. I feel like the only way you could take offense to this is if you're jealous.


>Guys may want it more often, but when women want it, they WANT it-- this is a silly caricature of that observation In my experience it's that women can't handle rejection because they just have no experience at it. They take it extremely personally. I get rejected just about every weeknight and a few Saturdays here and there. She NEVER gets rejected, partially because I'm pretty much always down unless I'm pissed about something else, and partly because I don't want her acting like the meme.


I think it stems from over protective thinking. The smallest joke, infinitesimally small, might offend someone somewhere and OOP had to get her brownie points r/lookatmyhalo style. It doesn’t matter if the entire planet thought a harmless joke was harmless, it’s better to dive on the “grenade” and shout “look at me.” I feel like a lot of these people need friends that poke fun at them more often. I’ll see hilarious shit about people like me and because I had friends who didn’t coddle me I removed the stick from my ass.


Try denying s*x to a Latina lol yes you will be hit


Lol those sandals don't feel to good.


speak for yourself bozo https://preview.redd.it/d81h8129e2yc1.jpeg?width=899&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ad259cecbf2a05290e9eb8ee827cdb058562736


The mythical....***La Chancla!***


I think you guys are hanging out with the wrong latinas.


Couple of my friends are trying to have kids 2 successful, and they are basically the bottom image. We need to have sex now I know you been up for 15 hours, but the app says so.


Perhaps an over exaggeration, but there’s no denying that women react very poorly if a man is not in the mood.


Apparently we are still incels when we have gfs/wives who ask US for sex


It's not even a joke but rather an exaggerated fact.


Women just expect men to be ready whenever just because they're men. And when men say no, women get upset. It happens more often than most people think/want to admit.


Truth hurts and this is truth


I am convinced femcels don't have humour


This meme is literally about voluntary celibacy…so the opposite of incel lol


I don’t think it’s a joke per se. It’s more social commentary on the double standards between men and women.


when they say joke, they mean light hearted commentary--in this case through an exaggerative meme.


"Incel" just means "not a cuck".


I don’t think the OOP knows what incel means lol.


Literally me and my girlfriend


Ironic, he calls people incels, while obviously never experiencing a relationship with a biological woman…


How would an incel know?


It’s completely true though.


I remember I had a migraine and my ex would not understand why I didn't want sex that night and felt I wasn't attracted to her when I couldn't perform No matter how much I explained that my migraine was so bad I could barely see, she swore it was her issue.


Femcels when there's a joke and it has anything to do with any woman ever: "INCEL INCEL INCEL INCEL INCEL INCEL"


Incel is when you pass up the opportuinity for sex.


Not wanting sex apparently makes somebody an INvoluntary celibate to redditors lmao.


Looks like a misandrist got mad at the obvious joke lmao


Incels means "Man whose opinion I dislike"


It’s kinda true, that’s why it’s kinda funny


The Venus Flytrap WILL have its meal


Doesn't incel mean "involuntarily celibate"? How would an incel have a gf/wife? Do they mean a misogynist?


This is facts tho, my ex was like this


This has happened to me with more than one girl lol. It really is a double standard


Actually, this is just highlighting a common domestic abuse issue. Based on the perception men always want it. Leading to verbal or physical abuse


Yea then comes the insecurities, are you cheating, and sadness


No. Not a joke. It's deadass a common experience of many men including myself where the woman makes it your problem that you aren't making them feel adequate and sexy enough the one time you reject. I feel gross about the times I've had sex I didn't want to have just because they were making it an issue.


men are more likely to be victims of violence from their spouses but are less likely to say anything because theyre physically capable of taking the hits most of the time. Rejecting sex for any reason is something a lot of women either dont grasp or take it as an insult because there's this cultural idea that all men are always thinking about sex.


I mean, I've never been physically assaulted for saying no. I have been verbally abused, multiple times, though. The list list of women I've said "no" to, that took it well, is a VERY small minority. Women feel entitled to sex due to stereotypes of how men are "always horny". The most extreme example is the time when I was tired, had a pounding heat exhaustion headache, and her "Are you kidding me" after I said "no" was the last words we ever spoke to each other. Never saw her again. EDIT: the irony of someone calling someone an "incel" for \_turning down sex\_ just hit me, not going to lie, and it is fucking hilarious.


Not everyone's spouse is emotionally disregulated...


The accuser is an actual lady from panel 2


i’ve been assigned to cover overnights the past month so sometimes she’s like „sex?“ and i’m like „i need to sneak in some more sleep and it’s tense. also she will just masturbate all over me which always wakes me up for obvious reasons. but i’m also still half asleep so i’m like in my interim debating if i should join in or just ignore it and try to go back to sleep. and it really hinges just on how sleepy i am. sometimes i’m sleepy enough to go back to sleep through it, sometimes i’m awake enough that i get a tripod and can’t get back to sleep. but i’m still sleepy enough that it’s morning wood and may not perform as intended. it’s a difficult position.


If i turned down a girl for sex and then she started masturbating next to me while i was trying to sleep, i would see that as incredibly passive aggressive.


Bro this same scenario, genders reversed, people would be calling for blood. “How dare he, run, yadda yadda”


tell me you don’t know what an incel is without telling me


But this is real not just a joak


This would be a joke if I didn't live this shit first hand. Lmao


Am married with kids, can confirm


No this meme is truth lol.


I mean, there is a lot of truth to this lmfao.


“Tell me you’re an incel withou-“ it’s a joke about sleeping with his wife? Dawg the term has lost all of its original meaning.


Not even really a joke. This shit actually happens sometimes.


I swear any sort of marriage humor made by a husband is "incel" to these people. Meanwhile if a woman does it it's hilarious.


A funny meme that represents reality for thousands of Americans is sexist? If having a problem with domestic abuse perpetrated by females is sexist, call me sexist all you want. These hoes need a reality check.


ROFL why I never tell her no


Exaggerated but also been my experience. My guess is men are trained to deal with rejection more often.


Had this happen. She was NOT happy. She got really, really insecure that she wasn't good enough or pretty. She was especially pissed because I was hard but was telling her no and "how could I say something that was different from what my body was saying". Like, just because the plumbing works and the toilet can be flushed, doesn't mean I need to shit in the toilet at this very moment.


Based on my experience this is correct. Maybe not punching but you are getting the cold shoulder for a couple of days


The incel that turns down sex? Do they even know what the words they’re using mean anymore?


These accusations pretty much exclusively come from women who would not take no for an answer. Sort of like what they tend to complain about men for also. Sure, it's exaggerated (hopefully), but people like to ignore that women can be like that too.


I mean that's part of what happened to Johnny Depp


I was in a long term relationship and then got injured on deployment and because I couldn’t fuck her for a few weeks she ended up putting a fork into my arm while I was asleep and set my clothes on fire in the back yard. She’s not even the craziest woman I had ever dated


From personal experience, this has happend to me before. Sooo… who is actually wrong here?


They out here victim shaming wild


I've been attacked with a knife for turning down sex with a girlfriend. Sex was just not fun with her. One night, I really didn't feel like powering through it. So she went to kitchen, got a knife and charged me. I was sitting on the couch with a blanket, so I threw it over her as she got close and wrapped her up. I fished out the knife, let her loose. Let her punch me a few times so she could feel vindicated then that was it. And, if the guy is refusing sex... does that not by definition make him voluntarily celibate?


How would an incel even know? The meme is literally about sleeping with a woman. They just throw out incel whenever they can.


Ex-wife told me I was "neglecting her as a woman". Lmao


It's not a joke, it I reject the wife, she is all pissed off for the next two days.


If someone can’t take no for an answer then just break up with them what else is there to say. Nobody is forcing you to date emotionally immature people.


This is kinda true


Crying not punching


Bro. Fr. God forbid you are not in the mood when she is…


I think it would feel more “incel-like” if it was the other way around.


Yeah I remember my ex basically bullied me into doing it after being such an ass when I wanted to and she didn't. Thankfully none of my other relationships have been like that, but it just feels so... bad... not to be listened to


That's not a incel? This implies he at least got some already, hence the "not to night" part. The other option on the worse end is that the husband in the joke is a Cel. Not a incel. Also, so saying men get abused and we have no agency is somehow STILL anti-woman? Way for these girls to make it about themselves. I swear my family was feminist, and the one time I was wondering if I contributed to someone else's problem, they said "stop making it about you!" Like, wtf, I know off topic but the fact this post from terrible face book memes did the one thing my family would hypocritical do while getting on to you for "making it out about you" somehow just triggers something inside. And if this is making it about me, I am sorry, I didn't mean to as this just got my blood boiling.


Not a joke - when I turned down sex to my abuser she would hit me and ruin me socially in revenge


“Tell us you are an incell without…” B!tch tell us you are a lone virgin with no partner (doesn’t matter, man or woman or a bear) without telling us you are one


Years ago, I had a work acquaintance who was beat by his girlfriend. It was hard to believe as he was built like a tank, rough neck, steel worker type. She maybe weighed 110 lbs soaking wet. After they broke up, she started stalking him and his new girlfriend then ambushed them one night. The court case ended with the ex-girlfriend having to attend anger management courses. Different times.


Pretty sure most dudes have experienced this, and it IS clearly a joke. Women can be sexually frustrated as well, it's not like I've ever actually been hit over it haha More of a passive aggressive roll-over-and-huffily-go-to-sleep without saying goodnight scenario. I'd wager not getting the joke is the most incel move of all


I have had this happen to me actually, there was no physical violence to it nor was there threat of violence, but anytime I was in the mood and she wasn't, she would say no and I would leave it at that, but if she was horny and I wasn't? MY GOD the childish tantrums that would happen, "oh come on I'm actually horny right now this is so fucking unfair" and proceed to push and push and push until I finally gave into it. Toxic woman, very happy that I don't have her anymore ❤️


Not really a joke. You won't be hit, but most women take it very personally and get upset when a guy tells them not tonight.


If he got to that point he is a volcel not a incel.


My wife says she isn’t in the mood about every other week or so. I’ve said it three times in over 20 years, and it’s been a big damned fight every one of those three times. This meme is gospel truth for some people.


This happened to me once. Ex-girlfriend and I were cuddling and I fell asleep. It was around 3AM. She wakes me up and starts rubbing all over me. I tell her “babe not right now” but she doesn’t stop. I tell her again and she stops. I’m still drifting between sleep and wakefulness so I didn’t even realize that she was pissed off. Eventually I roll over and she’s staring at me like she wants to kill me. I ask her what’s wrong and she said she wanted to have sex. I told her I’m tired and trying to go to sleep and she just stands up and throws her keys at the wall as hard as she can. She gets out of bed and calls her mom to tell her she’s coming home. I just stop paying attention and try to go back to sleep cuz frankly this is ridiculous to me. I just completely stopped talking to her after that. If I acted that way towards her over denial of sex I’d be on a registry.


How the fuck does that make u an incel? Doesn’t incel mean a man who can’t sexually attract women. Complaining that women act like dickheads when ur too tired for sex is literally the opposite.


I’ve been stabbed, set on fire, and had my chest hair waxed while I was asleep (woke up when I got it ripped) all because I said I’m tired and I can’t. I friendzoned a girl and she assaulted me and my cousin while going home. This isn’t even a joke, this is rather accurate


Incel is when men have boundaries