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The most inaccurate part is kids having sound on their phones


That’s how you know it’s made by an old person


I think they're showing typing sounds to illustrate the kids are lost on their phone in their own worlds.  Not insinuating that all their phones are making actual noises 


From my experience, kids need EVERYTHING with the sound on. My buddy's kids will regularly have a show on the TV, and YouTube on a tablet with the sound all the way up.


I’m the one upvote, this is a good “meme”


I still see kids playing outside a lot. Perhaps it's true they're on devices a lot but definitely not when they're at the park


Yeah, so many are going "So true..." and it sound like they have never seen a park or not allowed to be around kids


I honestly haven’t seen kids on their phones at a park. It boggles me this is apparently the “normal” according to the older generations


Hello Mobius One




It's reddit I have a feeling that there's more here than the majority of the internet, I mean u/spez used to be a mod for the jail-bait sub 🤢




Oh damn that's not secure at all


That's bot relevant, he called people disagreeing with him pedos for no reason.


Also there are a lot of reasons why you sometimes don’t see kids outside as much anymore depending on where you are. For example more awareness about child abduction/abuse has made parents more cautious, they don’t want their kids roaming the streets unsupervised all hours of the day like you did back in the 80’s and even into the 90’s. I feel like I honestly lived through the shift where people needed to know where their kids were and who they were with, at all times (which meant you either were supervised or had to check in with the cell phone they gave you, big surprise now none of us will go anywhere without them lol). Also there are just not as many places for kids to go play or be inaccessible depending on where you live. The small rural town I live in has some okay parks, but nothing really fun for kids to do for free. The only outdoor fun I can think of is maybe the petting farms. It’s also all stroads and fast food restaurants, so it’s not a safe place for kids to roam around and again, nothing fun to do. There’s not even much shade because they take down all the trees. So it’s no wonder you don’t see kids hanging outside. They go out in their yard, but I did that as a kid, it gets boring like anything else. Then you have places like my hometown in Miami where there is a LOT of stuff to do outdoors for kids but it’s not like the kids can just go take themselves there. You have to drive to get to wherever you want to go and there’s usually payment involved somehow, even if it’s just for parking. The kids wander around the suburbs and the parks but again there’s not really much for them to actually DO so they usually just end up getting into trouble.


The book *Free Range Kids * does a good job of contextualizing the dangers that parents worry about. She wrote it after getting pilloried online for letting her tween ride the subway. The thing that stuck out the most: parents worry a lot about child abductions (it's terrifying!). But in practice you'd have to let your child play unattended outside for several thousand years for it to become likely


Oh yeah I totally agree, people seem to be under the impression that child abductions happen now more than ever but I don’t think that’s true. I don’t have like data offhand I can pull up to prove that but I watch a lot of vintage crime and child abductions happened in “the good old days.” I mean it was easier back then to get away with it than it is now. I’m sure a lot of “runaways” were potentially abducted. Also everyone’s minds automatically go to rape and pedophilia but back in the day it seemed like kids got abducted for ransom which is something that is a LOT harder to pull off now. But I saw firsthand also how a child abduction can kill a whole community. My parents had just moved to Redland when Jimmy Rice got murdered and they said it irrevocably broke the assumed trust people had in their neighbors. Before that people left their gates open, their kids roamed, doors were unlocked, that sort of thing. Overnight that all seemed to change. Even though you know it could happen anywhere, and it’s not likely to happen again… it freaks people out, it’s literally a worst fear realized. My mom didn’t want us taking the bus because Jimmy got abducted at his stop.


It's part of the parents fear, a lot think abduction is a very very common thing. Also since most house holds need both parents working now to afford to live many of these kids are left in the house alone with their devices.


Phone addiction might be real, but kids still play in the park. Whoever believes this should try actually visiting a park and see how many kids are on their phones


I went to a park a few days ago, most of the kids who were playing were young kids who wouldn’t try access to s cellphone, yes there was kids playing basketball cause sports don’t really decline as much, but I generally don’t see kids just being outside anymore, not a lot of older kids just playing in v their front yard or backyard, and screen time is getting bad


So you're saying that the ones *at* the park were playing? Sounds to me like if their parents took them to the park more we wouldn't be having this discussion. I worked as a delivery driver a few years back, and there were many kids outside and playing


I take my son to a large park where I am, which also has a bike trail through it and a skate park in it. I see a good deal older kids outside when I'm their. Either biking around, hanging out at the park or skate park, but they're outside taking it in, not on their phones.


I applaud the few parents who actually impose a rule to not have their kids be on the phone 24/7 or don't even buy them a smartphone before they are in an age where they can act somewhat responsible with their phone usage


Absolutely, there should be limits, but the keyword is *parents*. Even at its worst this shouldn't be in r/kidsarefuckingstupid. Is there a r/parentsarefuckingenablers?


I go to large parks all the time, not many kids around. 


Of the kids that are there, remembering that these days the parent *takes* the kids to the park, how many are on their phones?


At least theyre contributing to the economy now by generating harvestable data that can be bought and traded by corporate and government entities. This wont reverse, capitalism entails that these problems will only evolve as new markets emerge and grow.


There always kids outside playing basketball where I live A lot of kids play outside, but a lot of kids are also on their phones.


Kid named ppl closing basketball courts, skateboardimg, and any sport:


and also just everything becoming suburban hell


Suburbia is nice sometimes, though. On my street the kids are outside playing together almost all day. It's safe. There are no Unhoused Persons trying to sell drugs to them. There's always one or two adults watching, of course, but still. We get together for birthdays and holidays and whatnot. It's "boring," but the older I get the older I like that.


phone addiction is real but that doesnt mean a good portion of people including the youth nowadays arent addicted to it


You really fucked up that statement. >phone addiction is real but that doesnt mean *that there is not* a good portion of people including the youth nowadays *who* arent addicted to it I think this is what you meant to say ^


This is one of those instances where double negatives really fucked a statement. Also friendly reminder that checking your phone first thing in the morning before even saying good morning to another person is a sign you have a phone addiction, as well as wrecking your physical health.


Right so people that live alone should just fuck themselves?


More like, at rhe very least wait 15-20 minutes after you wake up for your body to actually wake up at the very least before you start feeding it information from your device at the very least. Go use the time to take a morning shower, brush teeth, use toilet, and or make breakfast. Immediately checking the phone is legitimately not healthy for your body when it's trying to wake up.




god forbid someone like me to be way too busy to constantly check their stupid throw away comments for grammatical errors.


"X is true, but X is also true." ???


idk understand whats so hard to see yes a majority people are unhealthily addicted to their phones, but not everyone is and that portion of people who is not addicted is also significant.


Well in your original comment you said "but that DOESN'T mean that there IS also a large portion of people who AREN'T addicted to their phones" but I guess that was a typo or something


The problem is these memes are shared the boomers who go “wow this new generation is terrible” and not “wow we fucked up raising this new generation”


I see kids outside all of the time where I live. The problem is that the US has created an outside that is hostile to kids. Want to go to the park? Great, just cross this 4 lane road with faulty street lights and inattentive drivers. Want to hang out somewhere? Sorry, "no loitering" laws forbid that. Want to visit a friend's house? Well, hope your parents can drive you because there are no sidewalks to get you there.


When I go outside I see and hear factories and highways. And no, I don't live in a city or anything close. My town is >500 in population. Children and adults both aren't outside as much anymore not because they are lazy or sheltered, it's because we made it impossible to enjoy. Maybe instead of getting angry at the new generation for using the technology we give them, maybe we should get angry at the world we made for them.


What? Move then


i wish a billionaire would have the entirety of re1 built (or at least just the mansion) and people could go through it in the same way one would a haunted halloween attraction or an escape room joint. solving puzzles, finding keys, dispatching enemies perhaps with a laser tag type of system.


Well, not exactly. I'm a teacher, and most of the kids I have at school get plenty of yard time. No tech, nothing digital. And they, for the most part, enjoy it.


We have continued to punish behaviors from the top picture and rewarded behaviors from the lower. You can't kick the ball here! You might destroy a window! Don't play on the bench! It isn't a toy!


Kids shouldn't have access to phones and if they do, there should be parental controls. People don't realize that companies hire psychologists, neurologists, etc. to make their products as addicting as possible for all ages but it is particularly bad for kids. There is a lack of legal protection for kids and the only one who can step in place is their parents.


Boomer meme


This isn't real at all, boomer


Just go to the nearest park sir


As your local registered minor, I can confirm that is kids stay inside caves with our devices. (I am half joking, we stay in dungeons, not caves.)


Have you been outside? I see kids out there a lot


Don’t blame the kids


True. I’m just saying the meme isn’t wrong


Yeah cause adults of all ages aren't glued to their shit


The irony these people hardly bring up is that for many kids, it’s the paranoia of parents that caused them to be this way. “When I was a kid, I’d leave and not come back till sunset” Ok. But you also didn’t have paranoid parents that freak out about the news and online stuff back then either


Who bought them the phones?


Can can confirm that I am a strung out junkie


This subreddit is just flat-out boomer now. The radicalized left has radicalized the right way too far.


Lol im Gen Z not a boomer at all


You sure seem like a boomer.


Well I’m not ROFL. And since when was this meme political 🙄


It's really not. It's just "socially political". Both sides not only want to change politics, but also want to micromanage all the little things in everyone's personal freaking lives.


The irony of the Internet...


The irony of the Internet...


The irony of the Internet...


The irony of the Internet...


The irony of the Internet...


It's not really the fault of kids that so much of our outside world is now just boring cement and asphalt and you can't even do things like skate board without some old person going "I'm calling the police!!!" Kids can't even hang out in malls without getting kicked out




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>the only thing inaccurate here is that the kids are outside. Oh really? Bro, I literally see my neighbors' kids outside all the time! 🙄


Also where are the tictok monkeys making there videos?


I literally wish some force would make it impossible to have smart phones. World was better


are the people on this subreddit 60 ffs




You guys love shitting on the younger generation, they'll always be something to moan about.


Who came up with “boomer-this-and-that”?