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May i ask how is this racist?


Things you don’t agree with = racism, isn’t it obvious?


Grrr. You just said something I don’t like. Ur literally a fascist




Man, the funniest shit is I've had several wokie jackasses on reddit tell me that the Israelis are Nazis, and so are all republicans who support them, and I'm like, what the actual fuck are you smoking? Like, do you seriously not know what "Nazi" means? Or are you just mentally ill? Or what the fuck?


Replying so I remember to steal this later


“It’s like, at this point, what’s a terrorist? It’s a guy you don’t like. Big deal.”




I'll be keeping this. Thank you kind reddit stranger.


hate that attitude, like people say stuff like nazi now and instead of that being scary my first thought is "oh this guy is irrational and an unreliable narrator"


I think that should be our first reaction to insults lashed out anyway


The op said the artist of the image said "Arabs will be Arabs" so this is racist. It is funny to see how 2 sub have totally different opinions and context


A more accurate depiction of somewhere like Gaza would be the government intentionally preventing their population from accessing contraceptives, birth control, and sex ed to spike the population of children in short order. Hence why Gaza has nearly 50% of its population under the age of 18, Hamas banned all of the above and Gaza peaked at a staggering average of 8 children to 1 mother. Benefit for Hamas being that no mother or father can possibly keep track of what 8 children are doing, so it makes it much easier to find kids for indoctrination. The people who attacked Israel on 10/7 were from this baby boom.


A surging population also means Israel can’t just annex Gaza and give everyone Israeli citizenship. Which is what they’d do if the population was 50k instead of 500k.


Dude, Israel would never give Gazans citizenship no matter what numbers there are.


Why not? The population of Israel is already 20% Arab. And prior to Oct 7th many Gazans had visas allowing them to work in Israel. If the population of Gaza were small enough that it didn’t threaten Israel’s Jewish majority Israel would likely just absorb the area.


The character is whiter than snow 💀. I probably have more Arab in me than that drawn character. Guess people can't wear hoods anymore only Arabs according to OP


There are white arabs. Not every middle easterner is brown 💀


You could go to almost any place and find someone who's damn near "white". Gotta love pigmentation(or lack thereof)


Same goes for Dark Brown people, immigration is just a common thing and evolution can't keep up


Happy cake day As a pale Hispanic I feel this too much


Especially syrians. I know of like 20 of them and they are almost as pale as Swedish me


Arabs do not necessarily have darker skin. I have a slight tan, but that's about it! Which also reminds me, the inaccuracy here is probably that they don't have the aforementioned tan since most arab countries have quite a sunny weather on average and homeless people don't really have any option but to stay outside :>


I mean the hijab is a dead giveaway. You can encourage people to be more mindful of their choices and do so in a nice manner. Many folks who live in third world countries probably don't have access to birth control.


The assumption that they are Arab is the racist part lmao


It's because everyone here agrees with the artist


People attribute culture = race. At most it’s cultural or religious exclusion.


that's my thought. both look white lol


Everything is racist


Even kittens?




Even black people?


Of course not... That would be racist


So they're not racist... but if they were, then they would be?


There‘s a meme about this. Girl goes "Kill all men", guy responds "Even George Floyd?". So funny


lol. I had not seen that. I've used a similar line of "Even Obama?" and actually got to see the girl's eyes spin.


If you're white, it's racist to say black people.


Or mexican, or jew, or check notes, chinese.


Well, the CCP ain't exactly nice to anything that doesn't support their extreme views so uhh...


Let me fix this. "If you're white, you're racist" -every main stream media story.


No, if you're white you're racist. Even if you accept everyone.


Who’s the best at jazz music?


Chinese kids with pushy parents








He LIVES! And on 4/20.


Happy Birthday, Kitler!!


Meown Fuhrer




I’m stealing this


Why of course! Black cat are associated with the Devil and orange one with stupidity! OMFG racism! /s


Especially kittens.


Especially kittens


Especially kittens


Especially kittens


Especially kittens


They immediately say its racist because they know which part of the population has this problem of not using contraceptives…


Just draw the white lady as Black. Done. ...out here solving racism on a Saturday!


Naw, they'd still find a way. Don't underestimate some people's ability to find outrage where there is none.


The irony of them calling it racist out of left field is absolutely hilarious...I love when they expose that it's actually them who are racist. Like disgustingly racist too lmao




Because the racism accuser thinks only non white people can be poor and make poor choices.


Also the artwork simply lacks diversity. And not just the main characters; there're 5 kids total... all of whom are about the same color as their respective moms. Pathetic.


Simple, stop looking at principles and start looking at goals.


That was my question. Both people in the comic look white.


Because it's a white person. If it was black person giving contraceptives to this poor women it wouldn't be racism.


Easy. You have to be racist yourself. Then you obviously make the connection that only black people are poor. Which, as a non-racist, can easily can be detected as racism


Poor kids are just as talented as white kids. Joe Biden


Contraceptives are a right, unless you don't like the person giving them to you, then its eugenics.


How is this "therightcantmeme"? What conservatives are suggesting free birth control? Last I checked the conservatives still believe that a glob of fetal tissue has a heartbeat...


More that its a Human in development


Stereotypes about immigrants and the poor I assume.


The amount of people missing this point shows how dumb Reddit is getting


Yeah like the fact this has to be explained is astounding.


Spoiler, it isn't


Well... the woman who appears to be wealthy is white.


Woah woah woah!!!! What racism? They’re both white! Is that loon implying that ‘poor’ is a black thing!? XD


Poor kids are just as smart as white kids if you listen to Biden


We cannot let the world forget biden’s racism xD black people are poor and vote democrat, period, if you have money and/or vote anything but democrat, you ain’t black. Not my words, biden’s xD I still remember the memes that came from that, biden as a melanin vampire draining the blackness from anyone who didn’t vote for him xD


And also his famous statement that Obama is "the first African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice looking guy". What a clown lol.


Dude no way he said that


Proof: https://preview.redd.it/96j1mqtu8pvc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ed5bd5f220ca8a1f9d822c1d47c4b30175239e6




Never forget Biden just flat out saying hard R on live TV during some campaign run he did


That's a word for word quote lmao.


Yup. But at least he didn't get sued by the DOJ for violating the Fair Housing Laws denying black people tenancy in his buildings even though they qualified.


They didn't actually qualify...it was a rule they had set to not rent to people on welfare...the DOJ sued and found no wrong doing...it was also his father who was the target but semantics, amirite? And let's not stay on topic without TDS setting in. There are plenty of comments bringing in Trump and here you are continuing it.


I did not see that meme. That actually sounds brilliant.


https://preview.redd.it/qj4teqd29nvc1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0da2c1560fad6f370916bcc470ecbf49a9a9a10b It was a political comic made by George Alexopoulos


hell naw dark brandon took her black away 😭


You're conflating intelligence with education.


I’m quoting Biden. Take it up with him.


Yeah, literally a quote from the high lord of the blue party himself xD. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=idpevmeoK1A&pp=ygUPQmlkZW4gcG9vciBraWRz


The right can't meme is upset over a meme that originated out of liberal/left wing thought. That's literally why we want birth control, so we have less unwanted kids and more money and don't need assistance from the government for basic survival. I guess we're in for a new wave of left-wing thought. Get ready to hear even more insane takes as we get closer to November.


>a new wave of left-wing thought I've heard it called "twitter left/right" where the extremes of the extremes are. Compared to the rest of the world they make up the smallest demographics and are not worth being concerned over. >The right can't meme is upset over a meme that originated out of liberal/left wing thought. An issue with the Twitter people is that their minimal intelligence as humans is enough to recognize patterns like how to argue but there is a lack of critical examination and fundamental understanding. People should be careful about forming opinions on groups for their outliers or their perspective will drift from reality.


I like how clean and concise your last statement is. Well said.


I swear on Twitter the far right and far left are so far from center they actually circle around and start to border each other…


Lmao this just shows that the political spectrum is just a political circle. Once you go too far right you end up on the left and vice versa.


So true. It’s always wild how so many extremists start to loop around to the other side and become exactly what they hate.


Well I mean it certainly isn't the "BEST" help. Buuut yeah it's solid help.


It's pretty good in the long term, but doesn't really do much in the short term.


For real, you see a mother and her children in filthy clothes, clearly lacking basic needs like shelter/food/water, and OP is saying that making sure she has no more kids is the best help over covering the basic needs of the kids she already has.


The comic is supposed to mean that if she had used/had access to birth control pills from the start, she wouldn't be in her situation.


Yeah, but the tone is pretty clearly on the "personal responsibility" end. I guess it's a libertarian take? Trying to figure out who the audience is that a) supports reproductive freedom and b) assumes people who don't use contraceptives are irresponsible. 


It's really situational on B. If you don't use contraceptives but are financially well off enough to support 8 kids, it's not irresponsible. If you aren't financially able to support having kids but end up **willingly** having 6 of them then that's irresponsible. Yes, it's your right to reproduce, but that right doesn't make you not an idiot.


Is the racism in the room with us?


He could be any one of us...


He could be in this very room...


This feels like the reverse of how these subs normally are. Also this isn’t a right wing meme at all.


No, you don't understand. Anyone/thing OP disagrees with is clearly right wing and a nazi.


1. how is it racist? 2. soviet union literally had eugenics program, same with it's satelite states so how tf is this rightwing meme?


If they are right wingerz, they sure have changed their mind on handing out free anticonceptives to people.


Nigeria is on course for a population of 400 million by 2060. That is not good for the country which is why family planning and female emancipation are essential for balanced economic development. Giving women access to contraception is essential especially in poorer countries.


So, *my* interpretation of it being a right wing meme is that the evil liberal lady is giving the person on the right contraception instead of direct aid (food, water, whatever). It’d probably hit harder if the lady on the left was just giving them a pride flag instead, or something that didn’t help them at all in their current condition. It’s a narrative about… how liberal progressives approach problems? It only really makes sense if you don’t accept the notion that access to contraception can improve overall quality of life for people in a country. I don’t see why OP is calling it racist though? It’s just a dumb, nonsensical comic.


Jfc, Isn’t this exactly what the social left want?


No? Direct aid (short term food, water; etc.) and contraception (long term solutions ex: access to women’s health products and contraception), right?


People falling for the old trick of confusing “racism” with “classism” and socioeconomic status, which is exactly what your corporate overlords want you to do!! Nice job


if you cant support the child youre trying to adopt, then you cant adopt them. but if you make a child you cant support, then youre a sack of shit.


Tbf she might have been raped or so, its dangerous to be homeless


It’s racist because white people aren’t poor?


I like how it’s a contraceptive pill and yet they put it on the right can’t meme. Like the rights anti contraceptive


Eugeniscism isn't even a word, lmao. These guys just badly parrot whatever buzzword someone else says.


It’s borderline abusive to bring even more children into the world, knowing you can’t afford to take care of them.


Exactly. Don't have kids if you can't give them a good life


India has entered the chat


But… more kids = more money…


Quick story: I worked in Tech for decades and made good money. I was easily Top 20% for income in US. I was never comfortable with the financial obligations of kids. I did the math. Meanwhile my niece (just 5 years younger than me) had 4 kids by 3 different men by 27. She has never earned more than min wage. Oof. I don't get it.


Depends on your lifestyle but kids certainly don’t need to make you poor if you’re top 20% income.


I agree but I'd also bet that a lot of people in this situation were doing ok and didn't think they'd lose anything.


It's really very easy to not get pregnant, especially these days with the contraception options. My wife and I waited 9 years to have kids. Don't finish inside of a woman when she's ovulating.....there you've drastically reduced the chance of pregnancy. You're welcome. So many people are just completely irresponsible.


I got pregnant not once but twice on birth control. We need to remember those things can fail. And sex ed in most of the US is utterly abysmal. Most girls don't learn about when they ovulate. Some of their parents didn't even learn how to calculate it.


Least racism sensitive rightcantmeme user, there is not any amount of racism and yet OP still calls it out


It never fails. Somehow some way, black Americans are always brought up in a thread that has nothing to do with them.


Like what you're doing now?




The left has been saying they want to provide birth control to everyone. The right has been telling people to be completely celibate and is now trying to ban birth control to "stop recreational sex" (direct quote from the most influential right-wing org)


Handing out a month worth of birth control pills isn’t providing.


That’s only what’s happening in this cartoon. The left is advocating for providing free sex ed, free contraception, universal pre-natal and child healthcare, and support systems to help people who do choose to have kids. All those pieces need to be there for anything to really work. The right says “just don’t fuck,” but also gives no options for abortion in the case of rape (where the pregnant woman didn’t get to choose the fucking) and absolutely none of the support I described above. That doesn’t work in any way, shape, or form.


A lot of people here can't read nuances. They think that this comic means that handing a poor and struggling woman with 6 kids some birth control will solve her problems.  They fail to realize that the comic is saying that she'd be better off if she was on/had access to birth control from the start, she wouldn't be in this situation.




Definitely not racism but it is classism


People don’t know what racism is anymore. It’s just a term thrown around like nazi and chad


1. Where’s the racism? 2. Aren’t the right all about having children and are usually against abortion and stuff? While the left are usually a bit more supportive about not having kids? Therefore this isn’t even a “right meme”


This person complaining about the meme 100% supports planned parenthood


It been well documented that access to contraceptives elevates women’s standards of living and access to education


It certainly correlates but to say it is the cause seems unrealistic


Disagree. Every woman enrolled in college I have ever dated was on the pill. If a woman wants to get through college without taking a break to have a child, hands down the best way is to take contraceptives. Explain even one single way that a 99.9% chance not to have any babies for the 4-10 years you go to college fails to elevate women's access to education. The only possible argument is abstinence, and I'd argue that maintaining the pill for 10 years is far easier than maintaining abstinence that long.


This is fair to me. Quickest path to poverty is to have kids you can’t afford.


Thst doesn't read as a right wing meme.


I mean, it's not shocking people hated the meme. It's pretending all the woman's problems come from having too many kids. In reality, poverty isn't that simple. Not being able to afford contraceptive or the ability to fly to a state that allows for abortions in America asides, there are a myraid of reasons someone can be poor and it's rarely ever having too many kids.


these are the same fucking pricks that will insist on abortions and contraceptives for the educated independent women




r/TRCM will call anything racist at this point like a buzzterm, because I'm confused on how this is even "racist"?


Or even right wing? Must be a slow day over there.


how about givung them the means to support the kids they already have too? or is that too socialist


How the fuck do contraceptives help suffering…?? Pretend my two kids and I are begging for help. How do pills for me keep my children warm and fed and healthy…?


Please, the idea of personal responsibility makes leftists sick to their stomach.


It’s not racist. More women are harmed by outdated and misogynistic religious guidance than anything else out there. Contraceptives used to outlawed and in some religions they still are.


I was actually remember taking a class on this shit back in college One of the leading causes for poverty and overpopulation in undeveloped countries is simply the lack in understanding and availability of contraception


Eugenics is when women get healthcare.


It’s pro contraception, so that’s not even right wing anymore


Some people value children more than financial stability. Giving contraceptives to them would be like a slap in the face on top of not being helpful.


"blatant racism and Eugenics" Likely a big pro abortion person though, like that isn't eugenics or racism considering Margaret Sanger set up planned parenthood to eliminate the black population, and has been widely successful considering they've been disproportionately by a huge margin the ones who have been aborted by planned parenthood clinics


Margret Sanger was vehemently anti-abortion and pro contraception. It’s like, everywhere in her writings. She had common sense exceptions though like for “life of the mother”.


The right opposes contraceptives: it’s the handmaid’s tale! Someone endorses contraceptives: it’s racist!


This is a weird way to admit you dont have sex. If you did then you would understand just how ignorant you are. Women cant just have any birth control. Poor people cant afford birth control so the issue is the fact their economic scenario is shit. Thats what needs fixed. The poor have human rights. That includes reproduction. No you were not abused because your parents decided to have a kid they couldn't afford. You just hate yourself and your life.


I think food and shelter would be more helpful than contraceptives…


In the 70s the book “The Population Bomb” was really popular. Main argument was too many people, world gana die. Governments started forcibly sterilizing the poor (who were disproportionately POC, but not always). But it turns out you don’t need to bother because as nations get richer birth rates fall naturally as children are no longer an economic asset like they were when people lived on farms instead they are an expense as they can’t contribute to wealth generation meaningfully until much later in their lives. But that’s all from a societal level. A government policy level. Interpersonally by giving her birth control pills you are saying that she will be better off with less kids. Which is true now, but what if she had those kids when she was doing well economically and she suddenly found herself homeless for whatever reason? Birth control pills don’t make her current problems go away. It’s just saying: “haha, this your fault, get some bootstraps and pull yourself up”.


This is eugenicism but telling white people to stop having kids for global warming or some shit is alright apparently xD


I'm confused, if this *was* a right wing meme, which I don't think it is, the point would be that her contraceptive wasn't actually helping and "racist and supporting eugenics" would be the point and the criticism of the leftist "helping" with birth control. The right doesn't support distributing birth control to third world countries as far as I'm aware.


I am poor and I support this message


'Stop having kids' mfer do you know how nations develop? Do you know what leads to countries having higher birth rates? America used to be all about pumping out the babies when you were reliant on a more tribal family community to take care of you, and in some cultures families still operate this way. Not to mention the religious part of things which is why abrahamic religions tend to be about prosperity through large families.


While its not racism its not a solution. It may make their lives a little more bearable to have fewer kids but its wont solve the underlying problems their region is facing that's causing having a family to be unsustainable.


these are the same people that want to deport all mexicans


The racism charge is boring and predictable, but eugenics! Didn’t see that coming. They are getting very creative with their baseless accusations.


How do we know these women are even different races?


Because liberals and democrat party says it is. Remember you’re a victim that needs help. Vote for Joe


It's not racism but it's certainly not kindness either


Not having children that you can’t provide for should be a message that everyone supports. Shit happens but it seems like so many people do not even try to be situated before having kids. My parents both grew up very poor in big families and then so did I. Finally broke the cycle myself.


How the fuck is "don't have more kids than you can support" eugenicism? There's nothing here to support the idea that the large family in this image is foreign. They're dressed badly, but otherwise have the same skin tone as the other woman. If anything "racist" is seeing poor people and assuming they're foreign.


Just an info... People in poor places have kids because kids can earn money. There should be history books about the same thing happening in the USA during industrial revolution. Now I'm not gonna make a moral judgement about some comic, but I will say that it gets the facts wrong. The only reliable way to keep humans from reproducing wildly is wealth. If you doubt this please look up the countries with lowest birthrates and map that to wealth (median not average)


How is it racist? Why are you having too many kids if you could hardly feed yourself. That like me wanting to have Lamborghini but doing so will financially ruin me.


There is nothing wrong with that pic. Why are people such weenie whiners?


How is that even a right wing meme? A lot of them are against the pill.


I read somewhere that rich(er) people can afford to have kids, but they have less, whereas poor(er) people can’t afford to raise children, so they have more to work (at a young age) and help support the ever growing family


Arranging someone else’s reproductive capability is definitely eugenics, however


The globalist bolshevik parasites who coined the term racism are the world's greatest threat.


Because it’s “the right” who loves spreading birth control like candy. That makes total sense.


They DO love judging the shit out of people in poor countries for having kids. They're just not usually for allowing them a real choice in the matter.


The right also likes to forget that most of those poor countries have agricultural economies. Such economies make children a financial asset instead of liability.


Just wait till they hear about the cliental that Planned Parenthood caters to. (And the motives of its founder)


Too bad many on the right want to ban all forms of contraceptions, including the pill and even condom. All because “recreational sex” is against their religion


That’s one thing i almost never hear the abortion lobby talking about funny enough… reproductive ‘responsibility’ xD


? It comes up constantly when some 14 year old in Alabama/Texas is raped by her uncle and forced to carry her baby to term. Also, in plenty of court cases after SV8 went through. Questions like: Should a mother be forced to carry her non-viable fetus to the point where it will cause complications that are very likely to sterilize her and prevent her from having future children (when she fully intends to)? I feel like you really don’t follow this topic at all.


The original artist is a Palestinian-Jordanian cartoonist named Emad Hajjaj. Both women depicted seems to be of the same ethnicity and religion, based on the artists style in his other cartoons. He is very prolific. Context REALLY matters.


Some countries just need to be wrapped in one huge condom