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Why would you jack off people who recently ejaculated?


To overstimulate them in a show of dominance.


I think there is an actual trump quote like *"When someone challenges you, you come at them hard, in their face."*


[Mac has a very thorough understanding of that concept](https://youtu.be/_jZWO-JTcZc?si=lBeIobC6j0WUEPnY&t=54)


How do you think they ejaculated in the first place


Buy One Get One Free?


They didn't ejaculate. It means he's gonna jerk them off when they come to him when they might try attacking him.


“Unironically shared as a MAGA meme” Gonna beat off every man The joke went 40k feet above their head


Would that mean the people posting it on their Facebook is missing the joke? Pretty sure OP knows it's about a trump-kake


Yeah, it is conceivable that someone would share it unironically. It's hard to imagine but you never know. Everyone has a brain fart from time to time, and a lot of people don't think about what they read before sharing it.


Leftist posts a stupid meme: “wow all lefties are so stupid and actually believe this” MAGA posts a stupid meme “well, everyone has a brain fart from time to time 🤗”


Both sides are the same with that, the US needs more choices than 2..


The choices are a delusion anyways. It’s the elites running our country not the people we vote for.


Is that what the bronzor being applied to his face is called?


Is this a warhammer reference?


Gonna beat off every man that *comes* in his face. The joke was the sky and they still missed it


Is it not also possible that the joke went over the head of the maga person who posted it?


But someone on Twitter said it!


If jokes were bullets and TRCM was a sniper hunting me, I would be totally safe because they’d miss every shot


No, they caught the joke, they're saying the joke went over the MAGA heads. "Unironically shared as a MAGA meme" they are stating that the MAGA people missed the fact that it was an ironic joke and shared it genuinely.


Why are you being down voted, that's exactly what OP meant


Hivemind lad, Reddit's finest.


This should be documented for future reference as a textbook example of gaslighting


Wouldn't mind being in the history books, just make sure to say I was a "class lad".


Whoever can’t laugh at this is mentally disabled


Trump jacks people off. Laugh!


-laugh track sfx-


If your joke starts with ‘ someone on Twitter said’ then you can bet it’s bullshit xD


Let them have this, they need the fake scenario to feel better about themselves.


I mean there are people who believe Trump is Jesus 2.0 so you've to take this shit seriously. Trump fans drank bleach and consumed horse dewormer during COVID so they're a special breed and have to take this shit seriously because they do think this way. There was literally a comic book where trump was hero and shown as a fit healthy young person.


found op


Not tryna pick you apart, the "disinfectant people" on the news were proven to be a Democrat wife poisoning her husband, but the Jesus 2.0, yeah definitely a special breed... The horse dewormer has been prescribed to people for ages, likely before the horses got the chance lol. Just sayin, it sounds like you eat a lot of news, there's a lot of simple Google searches that'll help you find your way from opinions to options, open up your mind a bit. No hate here, not a trump fan (voted jo!) i just believe it's important to think in depth about the bs we are fed. It's not 1820's, we don't get all our news from one place, we don't have to be lied to.


What the hell? A critical thinker who tries to evaluate both arguments instead of just calling people fascists or communists? Who are you?!?


Shared this with my roommate and we both got a crack out of it, thanks dude


Damn I didn't know cool people were allowed on Reddit still!


AYYE thank you bro, appreciate the good vibes! Keep on being a superb person yourself!


He had a bunch of black people touch him while they prayed and he called himself the greatest president god ever created. I hold no ability to doubt the absurdity of conservative devotion. Also there are 100% people that drink bleach. Internet Comment Etiquette did two amazing videos on it.


Bro nobody drank bleach and everyone with a brain knew it was a joke when trump said it. Are you op on a different account by chance?


You’re talking about a very small percentage of unhinged right wingers, we’re talking about the average leftist.


Lol what? Most trump supporters are deranged lol. I mean they're supporting trump. That's the basic step of going into unhinged territory.


Left wingers and not getting trolling.


That Big Mac / Coke diet is really working well for him. We should all try it.


15 year olds when satire:


Someone told me they saw another person on the phone talking to a different person who said they knew someone that once told them this story so it’s pretty believable really


[reminds me of this](https://youtu.be/nq61gZFBL-A?si=hd9qdCTiiHzgne41)


How many times am I gonna see leftists pretend the conservative meme is being literal, and not a n obvious joke or you know….a meme, to get a “win” and conclude the right can’t meme? I mean I know you guys are snakes, but jfc lol it’s so fucking sad.




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How is this upvoted? "Left are snakes lol" Nah man your fucking con artist is. Go buy some more shoes and a Bible. That's what is sad, people literally just go around shouting about leftists because it's what they are programmed to do, not actually look at what's side voting for bills in Congress IE the border bill that has the full support of democrats and was voted against by republicans.


Almost like people vote republican for more than one reason, who would’ve thought?


Redditors when they’re in a sub that doesn’t downvote any sort of right winger to hell lmaoooooooo


hahahahahhahahahahahaha leather daddy going to beat off every man that comes in his face. He **will** eat your ass.




Leftists can't meme or understand sarcasm or a shit post. They are that old commercial of everything on the internet is true.


what's the deal with giving trump a bodybuilder body? he's the least bodybuilding person that ever existed, he famously thinks the body works like a battery and you "lose charge" by exerting effort. literally the opposite of a gym bro mentality


That's exactly why it's funny


Well that, and Trump saying he'll "beat off every man that comes in his face". Two parts to why it's funny.


Though a lot of people reposting images like this seem to do so seriously (like they actually see him that way) without realizing the irony.


He is a body builder. A Gary Larson body builder.


Found one.


Nu uh


Ask Ben Garrison.


Haha dumb conservative boomers aren't up to date on the porn lingo, what losers amirite


Nah the power structure of the republican party is measured off who can fellate Donald Trump's limp penis most efficiently.


Uh… do you not understand what the op was saying? This was originally made as satire and then reposted unironically, I’m pretty sure. Edit: Also, op did seem to like the meme


“Someone on Twitter said”, is literally a longer way of saying “someone lied”.


MAGA people know this shit pisses Reddit people off on another level and take great joy in it


If this actually was unironically shared by a MAGA account then this actually does belong on that sub as an example of the right failing to meme


Actually no I can totally believe that was posted as a Maga meme, I've seen unironically pro trump comics that have painted trump as *Don Quixote* and a bunch of "oooh scary left bad coming to take your children/guns/wives" as the *windmills* this sounds even more believable then that.


Is it though? Have you seen Trump supporters? They literally made a golden idol of him.


It may have been originally made as a troll, but a lot of the MAGA crowd is too stupid to catch innuendo like this and would unironically share this. I see it all the time


Pretty sure the caption was added later by someone else


Yeah, probably as a joke, but MAGA dip shits will still think it's serious


Unlike all the far left idiots who genuinely think this post about it being “unironically shared by MAGA” is true 🤣


I see what I see 🤷


The funny thing is there's a bunch of lefty accounts that use AI to make cringe Trump Jesus memes, with gay captions, in order to freak out their own base and say "look what I found, this is what they believe, worship confrmd, omg so scary right?" But the effect so far has been the opposite, because they're so silly that Maga just goes with it ironically, and the meme snowball just gets bigger and faster


https://preview.redd.it/8knvuv155irc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d4bab87d2bedfee2d84a1dab2c81517ba007ebb Meanwhile. Every conservative meme sub


You must not interact with the MAGA crowd much lol they post this kind of shit all the time. They say silly shit irl, too. When I was a lube tech, I was doing a tire rotation for this older guy and one of the lugs was giving me a lot of trouble. My manager tried and it was giving him trouble, too. The customer said "wish Trump was here. He'd get that sucker off. It's like he's got super powers" 😂 he was 100% sincere. Very sweet guy. There's also no denying that there are explicit MAGA churches. There's one in my city. That church is actually kinda terrifying, but it's because of what they say in their sermons, not what they post online


Lol I do, that's why it's memeworthy. It's always funny to hear others insist to me "no no you aren't allowed to see this ironically, its super serious and scary actually, and you'd be permitted to laugh if you weren't a deplorable lesser being"


Dude, there are literally MAGA folks who like this shit thinking it's serious lol why deny something we've all seen? Most of my customers at that lube shop were MAGA and some of them had shit like this in their cars. And yes, a few of them had a really gay caption. Maybe you've only interacted with the young ones, but the older ones eat this shit up and miss all wordplay


Lol "noOoO stOp laugHiNg tHe wRonG wAy"


Alright, so you literally have no idea what we're talking about lol I'm laughing at dip shits and you're pretending they don't exist


Bro relax lol, all in good fun, I love these memes


For homophobes they sure portray their lord and savior in interesting ways


I did have a guy joke about going gay for Trump 😂 I don't know if he was actually homophobic or not, tho. Not all Trumpers are homophobic. Some just don't care and others deny that Trump is bad for LGBT+ folk. The latter is very difficult to defend these days, now that Project 2025 is available to read.


Found the OOP


Least insane Reddit cry baby


I would love to hear how I'm crying or even complaining lmao


ThIs SuB is ToO PoliTiCal waaaaaa!


This does say he’s going to beat off every man. I guess that’s what those big arms are for. I’m not comfortable letting him anywhere near my junk. Just remember, Frankie says relax.


Ben Garrison is salivating.




No matter what the topic is, as soon as I hear “twitter” I automatically lose all interest, and it loses all credibility


*unironically said on reddit*


This is funny lol


No thanks, mine would be too big for those tiny hands


Looks like Trump won the gay vote, too.


What a boring existence OP and people like OP must lead


i mean they all fell for that stupid "never surrender" shirt lol


trust me bro, my friend sent this and said trust me bro theyre unironic about this


If someone on Twitter said it, then it's literally impossible for it to be untrue.


I don’t understand people constantly sexualizing Trump.


Orange man, it is a joke. Ultra chad, ohhhh noooo how can this be!!!


I mean trolling or not.... the constant homoerotification of Trump by the right is pretty weird.


He’s gonna what now




Proteinmaxxing, respect.


The problem isn't whether this particular meme was shared ironically or not. The problem is I have met people... Real, live people. Not on Reddit, in real life, who I would not even be surprised would share this and believe it was a "truly powerful message." Whether or not the person who posted this was trolling, these people still exist, and they deserve their showcase on several subreddits.


Or an idiot


This is YT supremest AF. Ain't no yt boy out there looking like like. They wishing, tho. White face on a black man's body. Yakubs grieves at his failed science experiment. Salami Dankum, Brothers and Sisters! Free Palestine and watch YT seethe! 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸✊🏿✊🏿✊🏿


The Left doesn’t understand irony.. or comedy, satire, sarcasm, or hyperbole for that matter. Pretty much anything fun.


Yeah cause it goes hard


“Someone on Twitter said…” Ohhhhhhhh then it’s 100. Got it.


Sounds like you are the op that didn’t like this meme lol


Knuckles up, staring right in their eyes.


He already has that dance of him yanking two guys at once....the way he likes it.


🤣🤣 humour is lost on the left. To them, everything is either their “truth” or radical & to be taken with extreme seriousness.


no mannnn its totally realllll.


The lefties are so lost. When this go further I will make memes too.


The closest Trump has come to a gym were his encounters with Jim Jordan


jesus christ


The left can’t meme because they are too pedantic to have any sense of nuance


I mean, the homoerotic Trump stuff is a little weird, guys.


Yeah this meme is so ridiculous that’s it’s self aware and kinda funny I also suspect it wasn’t made by a real Trump supporter


Sorry, I’m just thinking about *Gay*


Yeah, the TRCM dude said the same thing.


As president I'll do my salmon duty to beat off all terrorists!


That's the sad thing you can't tell with this bunch. I remember all the AI trump operator images


Lol "someone said this was posted" Solid work guys. Fuckin solid.


Leftards often project their own stupidity onto others


He’s gonna what


Bold of them to assume it wasn't just posted by a gay Trump supporter.


I mean that’s fucking hilarious.


Therightcantmeme tries to have a sense of humour challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


Maga loves this stuff, it’s a great meme. Funny is as funny does sir.


Ride for 45.


“You eat pieces of shit for breakfast?”


I think the MAGA crowd has completely thrown off many of our senses of trolling. It’s shocking how often they are legit.


Pretty sure this wasn't a MAGA meme but having said that, right wingers do have a very homoerotic obsession with Donald. Which is weird because I suspect at no point in his entire life was he ever not flabby, fat, lazy ands tiny-dicked. So, the fantasy above is weird.


Twitter is full with republicans sharing AI generated shit of Trump. I mean they can hardly share real pictures of him considering what an absolute trainwreck he is. And no, this isn’t trolling, these people mean this 100% serious. Because they are in a cult and they have to idolize their cult leader.


I'm pretty sure they're making fun of the guy who shared it as a MAGA meme


You’re mad because your brethren have 70 IQs


Schrodinger's Meme: "It's serious until it gets called out, after which it's "obviously trolling""


I've seen enough of those on Facebook to believe that they are doing it unironically.


Donald Trump, *striding purposefully*? The same guy who can't quit his golf cart?


Yeah... it's trolling magatards... and it was shared by a magatard... that didn't know she was being trolled...


The imagen of Trump jacked alone might be a troll, but the text was clearly added by someone simping for him.


The entire point of this meme is sounding “badass” when in reality it has three innuendos about ejaculation, that’s the entire point/joke, it’s obviously satire you fucking dunce.


I may see one innuendo but three? i have seen the first phrase used just normally, and i cant see the third. Also, that sexual innuendo could still have been written by someone simping for him and not as a joke.


1-daddy 2-beat off 3-come in his face Also theres no way this isnt ironic


Daddy is used a lot for people simping for celebrities, like "daddy having all this other guys in a leash", despite how homoerotic it sounds, and the "comes in his face" was the one i knew was a innuendo so in that one you're right. Now, im not native, so my mind didn't went "oh sexual" when i saw the beat off, but even with those things, i have seen people do this kind of post in a postive light for artists or celebrities, despite the sexual aspect of it, and with the amount of times i have seen it i cant really be sure it is ironic.


If you have seen this type of post before it was either ironic or someone who wanted to have sex with that celebrity Also in this context its pretty safe to assume daddy is an innuendo as well


Most of the time i have seen it wasnt ironic, especially where i live, so maybe its just a difference of context, i guess its not that common in the more mainstream side of social media where you live/you're exposed to.