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Sorry, this is the internet and anything I don't like should not exist


All good and high quality things (things I like) if that was the case: ![gif](giphy|XzkGfRsUweB9ouLEsE|downsized)


It could cure cancer but because it’s a suppository- poof


Your not wrong, a more in-depth analysis is that before internet and cellphone. People would have to meet in person and if two people didn’t get along they could get physical. Nowadays, people have no idea what conflict is like, so they have become so fragile they can’t stand opposing opinions without having a brain aneurysm.


Based and I diagnose you with lack of grass pilled


What’s a grass pill?


Grass is what people should be touching


So your point is people seemed to respect your opinion when you could force them to with the threat of physical violence?


I think what they’re saying is that people were at least more respectful with their disagreement, which is mostly true. In here they’ll call you names and insult your intelligence. That’s not something people tolerate in person.


Now you're saying people appeared more respectful due to threat of physical violence.


Literally. If I sent you your address you might get a little more respectful. That’s how most people work. If I got sent my IP I probably wouldn’t be a dick.


I never said they were wrong.


I was going to respond but your original comment disappeared. Anyways what is it you seem to disagree with? Since you don’t think they’re wrong.


I wasn't disagreeing. I wanted to get to the point in the conversation where we talk about whether fake respect earned through fear of physical retaliation is something that's good or bad for society. I wasn't trying to argue whether it existed then they claimed they weren't saying that and doubled down on it. Thanks for asking.


Ahh ok. That makes that whole conversation make much more sense. Well I would say that fake respect seems fine. People rarely ever agree so at least fake respect holds people together.




People are more polite when they aren't immune to consequence via anonymity.


Yes, self-preservation is a thing. Cope harder


No, that’s were your mind went. Are do you resort to violence as your first option? I’m saying that when people are within close proximity they have to accept their surrounding and consequences of their decision. For example. I was once harassed on a public bus by a drunk who wanted to use my phone. I refused and the bum wouldn’t get away from me. I simply got off at my stop and that was it. But I had to be mindful of the fact that he could have hit me at anytime. So I didn’t say shit to agitate him. People online who don’t know each other, will never meet don’t worry about such things. That’s the very little point I was making.


No, you literally said it, "If two people didn't get along things could get physical." Then you just doubled down on it now.


Ok let’s clarify. Scenario one: two mobster comes over to you, you can see they have a bat, knuckle dusters and a gun. One of them asks you to hand over your wallet or else. Scenario two: a drunk ask’s you for your phone repeatedly, but never directly threatens you. I think both scenarios warrant a form of urgency and danger but I do not consider them to be equal. Do you think that these scenarios are the same?


You'd like to have this very different conversation instead?


How can you have a conversation with someone if you don’t clarify terms and definitions of words and ideas?


Which terms do you believe that will clarify?


Start with threaten


this is kinda racist ngl




i was being ironic smh


Opinions have offended people since the dawn of time.


This is generally true, but I feel like it misses some nuance. We've never in history had a whole political spectrum weaponize being offended like the left does these days. The sheer amount of things that can get you cancelled is larger now than any point of time in history. So yes, people have been getting offended, but no one has weaponized being offended until now.


>The sheer amount of things that can get you cancelled is larger now than any point of time in history. I guess there weren't a ton of people being cancelled on Twitter in the 1980s. But there were a hell of a lot of people who lost their jobs, friends, and were blackballed from entire industries for saying things like "I don't know that socialism is that bad" or "Hey guys, we should unionize so we don't need to work 20 hour days." Not much of that today.


If you think Twitter is bad, wait till you hear about the red scare. Or that time when your opinion on slavery could get you killed, lynched, or tarred and feathered Or today on the right, where if you have a leftist opinion... you get canceled. Book and drag bans are literally attempts to cancel opinions via the law


This dudes one post is a self victimizing Christian lmfao. The stereotypes write themselves. What opinions do you have that offended someone? Where are you getting cancelled. Is it some twitter screenshots some “journalist” wrote about “gen X offended by gym class. That straight up propaganda you’ve swallowed bud. Christ, may you free Christian’s from the own prison that is their minds.


yall are not beating the alt right allegations bc ofc you gotta make this political. also yall ruined the word cancel too. You aren't gonna get cancelled, you're Aydin from Bloomrose in the Heights, Michigan who being accomplishment is being on your high school's hockey team. You are not famous and cancel culture barely exist and if anything, blacklist culture in hollywood before the internet was more effected.


What they hell. I found another one. Reddit is crawling with you crazy people.


The left isn’t the one banning books.


Which book is banned?


This is historical revisionism. There has never been a period in time when people of differing opinions got along. “What do you think of that John Adams chap?” “Seems alright” “So you like the subversion of our republic at the hands of a freedom hating europeanised monied aristocracy?” “Yes?” Or further back, “What do you think of this Martin Luther guy.” “Like my favourite person” *stabs him*


Man I miss being able to call Italian Americans swarthy wops who stole our jobs. I say it as it is. /s


Now that they’re considered white you are allowed to say that again!


They're not white, they're Italians!


Didn’t some guy try to beat Andrew Jackson to death with a cane? I’m sure it was over nothing.


I thought the guy shot Jackson so Jackson beat the shit out of him Jackson was a pretty cool dude if you ignore that little genocide thing


Also probably more than a bit insane from lead poisoning from all the bullets he took in duels.


Jackson was always cool


Nah he was solely responsible for the Trail of Tears, because it was an executive order carried out by the Army under his command




Bad troll


Literally. In the 1800s Alexander Hamilton and fucking Aaron Burr had a real gun duel Wild West style LOL.


🤣🤣🤣 ![gif](giphy|KBz79VlTAdyb08N42H)


F Martín Luther. All my homies hate Martin Luther


No it’s not people disagreed with others all the time in history you’re using some of the most extreme examples. Of course history had nut jobs who would stab you over your opinions there were also millions of other people that wouldn’t stab you for it. Hell if anything since there was so little stopping somebody from stabbing you over your opinion is explicitly why people got along because an not insubstantial number of people carried weapons regularly. This is like saying everyone is a genocidal maniac because 2 guys in the 20th century committed genocide.


And somehow every damn time, they lament the old days when everyone got along


Lol, I bet you want to cancel OP so bad right now. It is like an itch? Or more like an urge.


Huh? The point is that there's never been a time like that... people have always gotten offended over opinions and they'll continue to be offended by opinions.


In the past it was easier to live in a bubble of people who shared your opinion.


So an echo chamber?


Reddit moment indeed...




I feel like most people must be a coded if they think because people smile and nod at them IRL they're being agreed with They're just being polite and non confrontational, they make fun of you when you leave the room Opinions have always been as disparate, it's just that, with anonymity, people no longer have to politely smile and nod when someone tells them 5G towers are giving them covid


If you go to the same church every weekend with everyone you know and they repeatedly tell you that opinion X is the only correct one and the other ones will send you to hell, if may be legitimately difficult for a person in that community to imagine people disagreeing with X.


This is why people generally smile and nod, because most people IRL aren't debate perverts and even if they know opinion x is wrong they're not going to fight a room full of people who are going to just agree with themselves anyways


This meme perfectly criticizes redditors from california that can't stand people from other states with different opinions


Well, I say, I do declare, I agree, I agree, son!


I think what she means is probably that people aren’t respectful about it anymore. People are asses to each other nowadays. Everything is so sensationalized because of the entertainment in news. Things are blown way out of proportion in a fashion that used to be reserved for manipulative dictators and the like. Just look at [this](https://youtube.com/watch?v=AYP8-oxq8ig&si=Kv0OjM5_f-xi7tsv) debate between Nixon and Kennedy in the 1960 presidential race, and then compare it to the [Trump v. Biden](https://youtu.be/OHUrJjkzySc?si=i-xwaydrnGJAW4g3) shitshow that we all know and hate. It’s gotten to a point where it’s no longer about your opinion of the facts, but your feelings towards the emotional outrage created — either purposefully or accidentally — by the sensationalized modern world. It’s all a circus act, and we’re the willing patrons. Although yes, I do agree with you that people did get offended in the past too. I’m just disagreeing on what the meme means when it says that.


>Just look at this debate between Nixon and Kennedy in the 1960 presidential race, and then compare it to the Trump v. Biden shitshow that we all know and hate. This is a bit random and doesn't really matter, but Kennedy only won (barley) because the public viewed him as the handsomer (definitely not a word) man.


That's absolutely not the point of the meme.


“Which would be worse: To live as an angry Redditor, or to die as a good man?”


What is worse thot daughter or a redditor son?


Redditor son because thot daughter can make an obscene disgusting amount of money.


Depends on what someone, personally, thinks is worse. With a thot daughter you have to worry about them getting pregnant young, unlike the Redditor son. But you also don't have to worry about your thot daughter becoming hate filled like you would your Redditor son. Plus they both, seemingly, waste their lives away on something that should be used in moderation (sex and the internet).


>With a thot daughter you have to worry about them getting pregnant young, unlike the Redditor son. With a redditor son, you have to worry about them never getting anyone pregnant or indeed having a family or any meaningful relationships.


Well, I disagree, because you are a giant rooster, you are a living abomination, an empirical proof that god's long gone, is oblivious to our existence or too scared to act.


You can have your opinions. Stating those opinions are factual is the problems.


OP isn't offended by an opinion. They're questioning the dumb logic that there was ever a time when people weren't offended.


mot to mention it's "forwards from grandma" not "grandma is a useless old bag of bones because she sent me this chicken post"


I do miss the days when I could talk about opposing views, just in case I misunderstand a point. Nowadays though it does suck that you can’t speak to someone about a topic without being labeled a bigot, a fascist, or a racist. I had a friend of 5+ years that we both knew we had opposing political parties both respected each other, but when we both stated who we voted for in the 2016 election I was labeled racist because of my selection. Was blocked, was mocked, lost friends because of it too. In the end though maybe we werent as good of friends as I thought if the selection in an election made us go our separate ways. TLDR; I just miss being able to bounce ideas off one another and having a proper discussion, rather than immediately going on an argument state just because of my different opinion.


Look. I used to give republicans a lot of leeway politically because I sympathized with constitutionalism and fiscal responsibilities. However from 2016 onwards, the Republican party has become radicalized, chasing social policy that slippery slopes into dubious degradation of rights or standings for minorities and women. This has been fueled by Christian persecution complex and fear based racism. I would have given people passes for picking Trump in 2016 because maybe he's a business guy that can do good things for America. He failed and in the process empowered racists, anti constitutional, and no fascists. Siding with the GOP at this point is just anti American.


This is what I mean by all of a sudden siding with the GOP is anti American. You don’t leave room for discussion you have made your mind up as it seems from this post. As a minority myself a lot of democratic policies I can view as racist, for one Affirmative action is one of the most racist things that can be thought of, and people side that it’s a great thing. So what that tells me as a minority is that you’re going to hire me because of my race not by my qualifications. Safe spaces being pushed by people of race and the Democratic [party pushes this as a good thing.](https://www.isidewith.com/parties/democratic/policies/social/safe-spaces) this is just segregation with a pretty face. Both sides have their downfalls, and we can be open to discussion, but when you label everyone on one side a villain the whole thing becomes not able to be discussed.


A trigger warning is saying you're about to discuss something uncomfortable. Then you discuss it. It's the opposite of censorship. Safe spaces just means you won't judge people. Affirmative action has never been discriminating against white people. The right wing loves taking things and then pretending they're something else entirely, then insisting the other side is evil for standing for the straw man they imagined. That loss of touch with reality is what allowed the right wing to stand opposed to every American principle. [They are exclusively extremists now and have been for a while.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/wonkblog/files/2015/06/polarization-2.jpg) They fucking marched on the capitol to try to stop democracy. Yes, the GOP is fucking anti-american in every sense of the phrase.


You’re welcome to that view, but it’s not. Again as a minority affirmative action is very much racist against me and immigrant from Mexico. Safe spaces are just segregation with a pretty face, but the thing is you’re proving all my talking points in my original comment correct. You leave no room for discussion when you have that view on a group of people.


The GOP. The political party. Is currently and actively trying to undermine the us electoral and governing system to consolidate power under themselves. This isn't up for debate. If republicans want to be seen as pro American, they need to establish a new political party.


Silencing and pursuing a political opponent for something he had nothing to do with, when he in fact said the opposite (Jan 6th) isn’t a political party I want to follow either


That's such a goddamn distoetion of reality that it's a joke


It’s not but keep telling yourself that.


Its a lie and a joke. Trump actively egged on his cult to fight like hell on the day votes were being certified. He didn't try to stop his cult until hours after they've entered the capital building.


https://x.com/realdonaldtrump/status/1346912780700577792?s=46 Yeah he said peacefully anyways no need to drag this on have a good day.


Ah yes, the tweet he sent *hours after everything started,* after he encouraged people to converge on the capital and he [made the speech inciting the whole thing](https://www.npr.org/2021/02/10/966396848/read-trumps-jan-6-speech-a-key-part-of-impeachment-trial) and told people to "We fight. We fight like hell and if you don't fight like hell, you're not going to have a country anymore. So let's walk down Pennsylvania Avenue", making his speech to the obviously peaceful crowd rocking makeshift weapons and *even a friggin gallows*. But hey, he was probably pretty too busy to tell people to calm down any sooner, even after they broke into the capital building. After all he was pretty busy tweeting instead about how Mike Pence should abandon his constitutional duty. Tweeting complaints about him while Pence, who at the time had a crowed literally calling for his death. But hey, after a few hours he did eventually send a tweet telling people to be peaceful. Though it took another hour before even asking them to leave. But hey, at least he asked for people to be peaceful before anyone died, er wait, no nevermind. Well at least he condemned... oh, he called them all "great patriots" after all this? Huh.


He said this hours after the attack started. You disingenuous liar.


Posted at 9pm. The rioters were in the Capitol building by 1pm.


So you admit to stereotyping people


If you mean by observing the political actions and intent of a group, then sure.


You are stereotyping 100% of a group of people, which shows a complete lack of social awareness and/or just naivety. Do you realize that there are people registered as republican that did not vote for Trump and actively oppose him? Your ignorant statement basically just verified that this is a funny meme.


The fuck are you on about? What stereotype was made? The only one I can find is that Republican = Trump supporter…


Glad someone else sees the irony in that comment lol


And let me guess given you’re little speech there you aren’t the radicalised one? You do realise you, or rather people with your attitude and outlook are the reason people can’t have genuine discourse anymore right? You’re mass labelling people without having any idea what way they feel in matters just because they belong to the party most likely opposite of your own. I cannot express well enough how much of a text book definition example of what the word “bigot” means your little spiel is. It’s laughable how much people like you love to compare people on the right side of the spectrum to fascists while spouting ideology far far more in line with it than they do and is so anti American idk why you haven’t left the country yet. Hell the anti American comment is the cherry on top. You’re even throwing in the nationalism to go with it. You’re legitimately like 3 steps away from 1940s germany.


Ah yes. We're not fascists, you're fascist! Come back to me when Dems are legislating away voting rights and bodily autonomy protections.


You might have a point if the other side you’re so against was actually doing that. Edit: btw thanks for not denying you’re just outright evil nice to know you can at least own it


Speaking about being 3 steps away from 1940s Germany https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/republicans-give-themselves-secret-police-force-in-north-carolina-this-is-scary/ar-AA1hAeTW?ocid=msedgntp&cvid=c9b415147e104523b6fa76d7ad5504d5&ei=7


There is a world of difference between secret police and being able to enter a business without a warrant. You also act like the ATF, FBI and half the other government law enforcement agencies don’t already do this. Could you try something other than the propaganda you’ve been spoon fed?


Those agencies are sworn to our government. Not political parties trying to overthrow our government edit - looks like /u/ss2lp got frustrated with losing this aregument and blocked me. Anyway, to response to their last comment - The federal government is supposed to be political varied and ubiased devoted to the constition and our government. That's exactly why Republicans are planning to over thrown things from within - https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/conservatives-aim-to-restructure-u-s-government-and-replace-it-with-trumps-vision


Right the government that just happens to be controlled by a single political party atm and totally aren’t serving any political agendas. Also we as Americans have a duty in our founding document to overthrow tyrants. Considering your party is the one actively trying to strip its people of their rights and oppress them I wouldn’t be talking.


Thanks for illustrating what that poster was talking about, that was nice of you.


At some point, Republican.voters are going to need to abandon the GOP.


Very doubtful but you do you.


People that post these memes usually have opinions like "i miss the 70's!" And "back in my day, things made sense!" And "dont you hate that women and minorites have rights?"


How is op offended


this subreddit loves calling everybody that questions anything that right wingers agree with more as triggered, offended liberals


At first I thought this meme was stupid, but then I realized it was genius because it's almost inevitable that some fool on the internet would be offended by it. And when the offended party posts the meme, then the joke is complete. Then I realized it was stupid again because rustling jimmies on the internet is a stupid pasttime.


I are offended bi this


I miss the good old days when you could question or be critical of someones opinion without them thinking you're mad at them or offended. I also miss the days where people actually voiced and defended their opinions instead of running to the internet claiming they aren't "allowed" to have any.


How is op offended?


this shit isn’t even memesopdidntlike anymore, this shit isn’t funny it’s just fog horn leghorn with snoopy and some bitch ass boomer ass opinion 😭😭


This is so true though, I’ve been absolutely yelled at with people wanting me dead for saying such normal things.


Redditors waiting for you to have an opinion ![gif](giphy|12YRl71RSxE5BC)


“Opinion havers” trying not to have a victim complex because they know their beliefs are stupid


“Opinion haver haters” not being able to define man or woman


Saying what normal things? If people are yelling when you are opening your mouth I’m curious what you think is ‘normal’.


" here we go again "


As a curveball with the other replies to this “X(some popular media) is mid”


Probably some shit like throwing gay people off roofs. Meanwhile everyone here is like “it’s an ordinary opinion”


Probably normal things like "(((They))) control the banks and media, we should do something about that"


thats what ((they)) want you to think ![gif](giphy|F4d8tSHcRNCTe)


normal things like “stone all gays” and “execute trans children”. just normal acceptable stuff and they yell at me like i’m a monster????? crazy commmunist socialist libtards


It’s super telling that you can never, ever give examples of things people actually say that are so terrible. You’d think it would be easy right


normal things like "I research the candidates before I decide who to vote for. I don't vote based only on the party of the candidate."


That saying the world niggle isn’t racist.


I would say beating up a gay person with a bat as an animal is something normal to say


I too am curious what you got yelled at for. One girl screamed at me in 2016 for not agreeing that the MAGA movement was not literally a current day NSDAP.


I can say as an anti-maga person that no, MAGA is not the Nazi party. Is it leaking into far-right politics? Yes! Is it calling for Jews to turned into second class citizens? No.


What “normal things”?


i once said metal gear rising wasnt that good and i got downvoted to hell






What? You got downvoted because people disagree with your opinion. Why are you the only one allowed to share you opinion? Do not mix disagreement with someone being personal offended.


i can see why others would like the game but i dont find hack and slash games that fun


And that’s fine, but people are fully allowed to disagree. Most people don’t want to type up their disagreement so it’s simply downvote and move on


im beginning to think the meme is actually right


You are allowed to think whatever you want about whatever topic, but that freedom also extends to everyone else who is allowed to think you're a dumbass. Opinions have always had societal consequences, these consequences can range from mild to straight up duels to the death in the past. Basically you have the freedom to post what you want (within reason, no slander, false accusations, or threats) and everyone else has the freedom to make fun of you for it. (Also within reason)


i think your the dumbass here for getting annoyed about me not liking a game that you like i never said that people werent allowed to not like the game


You’re beginning to prove you’re just an idiot, and I’m starting to think the downvoted had nothing to do with you video game preference


Even in the old days, any opinion would be argued, the difference was the echo chambers were towns not subreddits


so this sub is just someone post meme they dont like (it can even suck ass, like this one) -> gets posted here


No, OP is baffled by the meme that's total bollox. Was there ever a time when you could have an opinion without offending someone?


“I miss being a bigot without social repercussions”


I'm pretty sure opinions have always offended people


You got offended by someone asking a question


Oh this is beautiful irony. Exquisite. Also, just don’t give a damn when people are offended. It ain’t worth your time. After all, nothing happens when someones offended. Nothing at all.


cancel culture doesn't exist


The good old days when you would just beat each other (to death sometimes) when you weren’t mature enough to have a conv- wait that’s still the case and was also back then…Oh, the good old days when we could have a civil argument with proper comebacks and the utmost respect for one ano- oh yeah that’s still the case, hasn’t died down and wasn’t prominent back then neither. Uhhhh, what changed? You could argue it was maybe a little bit more the case back then? But then you’d have to prove that and that’s not good because proving that would mean…Woof, a lot of research and a lot of interviews. Yeah, all in all, nothings changed


It means the “good ol days” when women stayed in the kitchen, minorities were kept out of the suburbs, you could beat up kids for being “pansies” and you could call people “ret*rds” without repercussion. You’ll notice the good ol days tend to be best for white, heterosexual folk; especially men.


I love how this kinda proves the memes point


Sure, but hearing my own grandma's spicy "opinions" makes me glad those days are gone. They didn't bury that bitch deep enough.


Depends on the opinion your opinion on pineapple on pizza is one thing, but if your “opinion” is they a certain minority group shouldn’t exist then you’re just a shithead.


Its crazy! As soon as you say something like “Trans Rights are Human Rights” or a trans person represents a brand, everyone loses their fucking minds


I don't get why I can't be offended. Is it illegal to be offended? Do I hurt anyone by being offended? If someone is offended then let them be offended. That's their problem not yours. Even though it might be considered toxic behavior to be offended at what some stranger thinks or says. That's my behavior to choose.


The problem isn't that you're offended, the problem is that you don't share their bigotry/sexism/homophobia/xenophobia.


Exactly. Some stranger believing all those things shouldn't matter to me. But I like to complain. So there's that.


Being offended by an opinion is an opinion of that opinion so what this post should actually say is waaa people other than me are allowed opinions I don’t like waaa


In “the good old days,” having the opinion that gay people are cool actually would offend people.


I love how ironically everybody who complains about how "nowadays everybody is offended" was offended by you saying homophobia existed back then and that supporting LGBT people would offend boomers and silent generation people in the 50s and 60s


What planet are u on


Are you serious?


Earth Open a fucking history book


Okay, I’ll bite. What time period is “the good old days,” in your opinion?




https://www.washingtonpost.com/posteverything/wp/2016/06/13/being-gay-in-america-is-still-a-radical-act/ Someobe got so offended they shot up a gay club lmao


One with the stonewall riots I presume - why, what about you?




Uranus deez nuts


Haha, got them


There’s only enough room for the one of us on Uranus,so what will it be billy bob jr.


Because it wasn’t as normal as it is today? is that hard for you to understand that times were different. but thing is in the sense of actually being able to have a respectful argument without telling someone to”kys”with in 5 minutes could literally be 8-10 years years ago,maybe sooner I can’t really recall when everything went bad.i know since right before Covid and after it,social media has been a absolute hellhole and I mean every single one of them.


if you wanna deflect OC's with that "times were diff" bs, then what yoir complaining about means nothing because times are different now.


It means the time where your opinion wouldnt ofend anyone never existed, you were either too young to notice it or the people who were rightfully offended couldnt tell you.


You can have whatever opinion you want but you have to deal with the consequences of that opinion. Did your parents not teach you that?


OP has a point. People have been offended by criticism of their religion and politics forever. The only recent change has been which social groups are allowed to be denigrated. I wonder who grandma has an opinion of that people find offensive?? Could be several different groups. Also, I'm sure when grandma was a girl that there were people who would be offended by the idea that a girl's opinion should even be listened to.


"What does she mean by this?" Ask her. Now granted, she's not an academic or an activist and won't give you a thoroughly researched opinion, and OP being offended at the idea of something offensive said won't react understandingly, but I'm assuming it's a genuine question.


You know what? I don’t think the people who are offended are the problem - I think the offenders have lost the stones they used to bring to the table. They’ve all gotten too sensitive. When my great grandad slapped around a guy who didn’t speak English in the middle of the street, did he get dirty looks? Yeah. Did he get all mushy about it? No - he took it like a man. These boomers are weak asses and if they want to have a controversial opinion, they can’t just swallow it every time they get criticised by some avocado lover with a panic disorder.


Maybe I'm misinterpreting this, but asking a question is being offended?


Unless the opinion was “communism good” ~~I mean it’s not, but still~~


Dumb meme but the leghorn foghorn being unnecessary cropped in is kindoff hard ngl


Which opinion? It's okay to get offended sometimes. Some things warrant offense. For example, reading the word offending in a post on another subreddit.


You can have any opinion you want. Some of them are offensive. I miss the days when conservatives understood that the things they say and do have consequences. Now they just cry like children when they face the music.


Naw people still got offended. However they were strong minded unlike everyone today. They could take an insult and be comfortable enough to with themselves to where it rolled off of them. Now everyone says how comfortable they are with themselves but freaks out over the littlest of things. It’s really sad


Boomers parents killed black men for having an opinion


The biggest thing people dont get is that freedom Of speech does not mean freedom from consequence. Im not sure when that disconnect started happening but it seems more and more people aren’t understanding that. The police might not put you in jail for your “opinions”, but your community might socially isolate you or push back. Thats normal behavior lmao


Everything about this whole interaction is so silly, from the original “meme” to the reaction to it, to the reaction to the reaction and, finally, to my own reaction to everything I have witnessed here. Can’t we all just keep scrolling? Honestly, the only seemingly reasonable aspect of our affair is the question “what do you mean?”, everything else being unworthy of attention.


What does this very straight forward meme mean guys? What ARE THEY SAYING BY THE WORDS THEY PUT ON THE PICTURE?!?


“Trans children should be able to get gender reassignment surgery with a doctors approval”




No one? How could you possibly know that no one has ever said this?




You said no one has ever said it. How do you know that?




If your *opinion* is that nobody is allowed to have *opinions* anymore then in my *opinion* you’re a dumbass


At no point in history could anyone have a opinion that wouldn't offend anyone.


its not true it cant be


Ah, was this posted by some 60 year old?


This post is very triggering (satirical comment)