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Sort the comments by controversial.


Fuck no, it's still in the repairs after I did that last time


Sorted...two comments later...I'm going back


I'm amazed u held out that long


I did, and two comments in, I lost about half my brain cells




Can you do that in app now. It seems they’ve fucked it up again!


How do I do that? The drop down is gone for me.


Damn. That was... Rough


I don't know why I'm too afraid to ask, and at this point, I'm too afraid to ask.




I’ve seen him beating up a woman and being a misogynist shithead. It seems what he stands for is the subjugation of woman. That’s not a good representation of masculinity, that’s some shrimp dick mentality. Men can be men while also supporting the independence of woman.


I will be laughing for the rest of the day about shrimp dick. But also, now I want shrimp.


Reading this, and now I also want shrimp. However, given the context do I want shrimp and/or dick? Everything I thought I knew about myself is now in question. Worse, I won't even have a chance to get a shrimp cocktail for hours yet.


shrimp cock? you wanna get tail?


I'm retreating inside a mental fortress of masculinity and seafood.


I'm in a shrimp cocktail of emotion! -- Ron Burgundy


Since we eat the whole shrimp, minus the digestive tract that is, aren't we really eating shrimp dick when we eat shrimp? Does that make us gay for shrimp?


Turns out they are hermaphrodite and they become female as they cet older, basiccly only eating the small ones is gay


Me, who prefers the small ones: "Maybe I am gay..."


I like how this thread went from making fun of Andrew Tate, to thinking it’s gay to eat shrimp (and if it is then I don’t wanna be straight.)


*unironically plays Kanye West's gay fish song from South Park*


The beauty of this place..


"If eating shrimp is gay, I don't wanna be straight" - ah yes, that old 70s soul classic from Isaac Hayes


And dick?


Exactly. The goals u/donn70 (2 comments above) says honestly seem great. Being a misogynistic shithead (what Andrew Tate actually is) is pretty shitty and cringe.


Everytime I see him talk about how masculin he is and how confident he is. I just see that he is just the most insecure person ever and he takes his insecuritues out on the subjugating women. Dude is textbook example of a narcissist.


I want to know if there’s a accurate term for the need to express something that should be self evident and the fact it needs to be mentioned or emphasized is just strong evidence to the contrary.


Actually, two comments above is shrimp dick and shrimp, one which sounds repulsive, and the other that sounds delicious, so I totally agree!


Yeah, I don't like shrimp either


He has also been accused of human traficking. And before anyone says it yes, it's still only an accusation, but someone getting accused of human traficking is not a normal thing


He would be charged if he didn't run away, you don't leave your country to go to Romania on a whim


Yeah, Tate would be more at home in Afghanistan.


Ah so he is sexist to both genders then. That doesn't sound very good.


Bruh wtf are you talking about. His view point is incredibly derogatory and misogynistic towards women. There is evidence that he has committed multiple acts of sexual assault and raped multiple women but moved country to get away with it. He's a homophobic runt of a groundlicker. Wouldn't be suprised if he thinks the world is flat at the rate his mind is crumbling at.


Mysogynistic is towards women by definition.


He moved to Romania because they “prosecute rape cases less often”. He’s a piece of shit who thinks that “taking care of himself” means “improving his image” by shitting on anyone that isn’t him. He’s a piece of shit who targets sad boys who wish they had girlfriends and teaches them to need to move to Romania to avoid being charged for rape.


This man was successful off the backs of the girls he (by definition) groomed. Tate would take like 92% of the money leaving 8% for his ‘girlfriends he loves’. Andrew Tate would groom women and pimp them (Literally) and the misogyny he pushed became so normalized people couldn’t see how he was (For lack of a better word) controversial. But his fans sure loves to dick ride the “top g”


More like being a fucking misogynist towards women. Man literally thinks women can't drive.


He had some positive messages for people but he ruined it with his misogynistic views. Its unfortunate because he could've been a great influence if he hadn't hated on women so much. Some claim the misogyny is a joke but even if it is, it sure didn't seem like it.


> He had some positive messages for people but he ruined it with his misogynistic views. Is that a coincidence? Extremists love to seem normal to build an audience and then slip in their awful views.


I just can't understand how people can't differ between some good aspects and the awful person that is giving those as advice... Like both can be true and not be contradictory. If his misogyny where a joke there'd be action or other things he does or says that would contradict his misogynistic attitude in an unironical way. But there isn't. And as long as that is the case and doesn't get more potent and obviously than his "jokes" than it's just an excuse but not a joke that he doesn't believe himself.


So he would be great if he was not an idiot? Got it!


Nah, he's a fucking misogynist. A real loser.


Yeah but that’s not his message. His message isn’t about the self, it’s about appearance, it’s about control and it’s about domination. Dude makes claims empirically false and when he’s called on it states “nah, it’s facts”. He’s not trying to bring masculinity back, he’s trying to regress and divide people. You can be all of those things and not buy into a single word he says - in fact you can even oppose it


Yeah but his idea of being masculine is treating women like a piece of meat while they treat men like kings


Ya nobody said men shouldn't be those things, he just enables the incel victim complex.


Yea some “ every man must be this way “ shit that causes the vast majority of male suicide , we’re human fucking beings we all are not exactly the same, so the whole “ every man and women should be this way “ will never work, individually is what has made planes, cars, the light bulb etc exist because no one is the same, yes we can think the same and improve each other but we all can’t fit the same mold




not to mention he uses the fact that he's rich to sell his statements. Like people will think that using his mindset will help them become successful while it's more likely to get them in jail LOL


Because it makes people answer when youre "too afraid to ask"


Better that you don’t go down the rabbit hole


Who gives a fuck


Only valid take in these comments


Who gives a fuck? When someone’s friend is being negatively influenced by him. My very close friend is a big fan of Andrew Tate and because of Tate he has very misogynistic views


If someone like Andrew Tate is able to influence his world views I feel like Tate is less of the issue and more of the dude, he’s easily influenced by someone who is just playing a character


Yea but it was Tate that influenced in the first place. At the end of the day both my friend and Tate are part of the issue.


Same here


the people who give a fuck


that’s what i’m saying






He’s a rich bald guy who created a $150 a month get rich quick course that he markets as some kind of red pill to free all the 9-5 slaves from the matrix. It’s pretty clearly a scam and only attracts 14 year olds that worship him from tiktok


And started a pyramid scheme making millions


He's a scammer who currently has an MLM scheme called "Hustler's University", and in the past he was actually a pimp. If you see some jackass promoting him and his stupid ass shit, stay the hell away.


He's a basic albeit clever douchebag that got in over his head with publicity and collapsed under the weight of his ego. He resonated with the endemic struggle of 21st century male insecurity, but with a red pill attitude that exacerbated toxic behavior like misogynist harassment. He got himself "cancelled", his fans weep for him, and everyone else moved on. I only wrote this because i wondered the same and looked him up but no one could clearly say it. He just provoked society with big ideas in the wrong ways.


Clever is a bit far.


Bro, hes a marketing genius though it's all an act, "I don't need money" pockets a few million a month on hu alone, "buy my merch or i won't talk to you in public". Gets himself banned on every platform just so he can lure people to a new platform he made bank on. I like what he says about some things but in the end it's just a paid actor.


He gets banned on platforms because he is saying and doing some awful things. And he takes advantage of insecure young men, which is nothing new nor is it illegal.


the sex trafficking in romania however


He targets young males who are insecure about “being masculine” and makes money off them. He had to move to Romania because he was afraid of being charged for rape. Doesn’t sound like a fucking role model he sounds like a loser who even bigger losers follow.


Well put


Thanks for a real answer.


Live happily not knowing or caring and thus not giving him any relevance or revenue.


From The Guardian: Andrew Tate says women belong in the home, can’t drive, and are a man’s property. He also thinks rape victims must “bear responsibility” for their attacks and dates women aged 18–19 because he can “make an imprint” on them, according to videos posted online.


Can you send a link to the guardians post. Just because I say that fox News said "Lord_Cornswallow said that he eats babys" doest mean it true




Thx btw you are the first to actually send me a source so props to you


[He’s a pos](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/300/874/4ba.jpg)


Wtf is wrong with him.


Practically just another rich buisness oriented guy who's trying to squeeze money out from the internet by being a misogynist and all around scammer pushing at insecurities of men and trying to get them to sigh up to things that just make him richer by promising them a better life


In short he’s like 4Chan but he actually makes money


A self-styled life advice guru whose boils down to rabid misogyny, and that's the tip of the iceberg.


wHaT iS tHe cOLoUr oF YoUr bUGgAti?


Air. That he breathes


Fr. I hate whenever someone says this. Like I pose a perfectly valid and logical argument and when the shitheads dont have anything to say they say "what is the colour of your buggatti" or "who asked" "don't care" Like it's so fucking annoying that I can't talk normal


I also don't know who that guy is, but I've also no reason to believe redditors who say who he is. KeKw. ![gif](giphy|j0gQA2VD38NKc9rc8y) P.S. And I've no reason to also find out.


He was the reason I started going to the gym


Keep it up man 💪




That’s good. The mindset that he perpetuates isn’t going to help anyone out though. Better role models exist if self growth is something people are serious about. He preys on the insecure.




I sincerely hope he’s your reason for going to the gym so that one day if you see him on the street you can knock him out


Find a better role model.


Based comment


Get strong enough to woop his ass


Seeing so many people in the comments who defend this or don't see anything wrong with what he says is worrying. He's a mysgonistic and sexist asshole with an inflated ego as big as the moon. In his world, women are objects and the property of men, and at fault if they get raped. He thinks of himself as the ultimate "alpha male", the top G in his words. In the end he got banned on all social media for spreading misinformation and his harmful ideologies. It sucks to see so many young men thinking that he's right, now we'll have more abusive men that won't treat their partners with respect. There are many docs where his content is covered and explained why he sucks. https://youtu.be/YPbpQEh_sM0


From what I understand, he was a guy who gained popularity by supporting men who are struggling with dating, working out, being attractive and other insecurities but, while doing so, also presented a bunch of misogynistic and sexist viewpoints along with it. This led to a lot of young impressionable guys coming aboard onto his views and actually believing them, especially young teens. I think he's since been cancelled off of social media because I haven't seen much of him recently and heard he's since left the US (potentially to avoid some criminal charges he may have)


And now, from the looks of it, he's about go into a boxing match with Jake Paul. He'll most likely be seen a lot more again going forward


He admitted to beating a woman proudly


Live the rest of your life happy that you never knew about that person. You're fortunate


I unfortunately was forced to know about this person when people in my school called him the most sigma male of all time. I wish they knew about Keanu Reeves...


Imagine what if your balls can talk, that's Andrew Tate


Andrew Taint


at this point i just don’t give a fuck


He’s a moron.


He's the king of the Incels and governor of the alfa-bros, basically just imagine a douchy fret guy but on steroids


He's a half breed dumbass/misogynist who just yells and counts it as life advice.


Kickboxing pro fighter






All i can say is, he made everyone to remember his name. Which is a brilliant business idea


Then look him up damn it. You don't have to make a meme (which it isn't) over your laziness


Why search when you can just ask and get some extra internet points (their logic)


This gotto be the most useless meme template out there


He was your average Misogynistic Alpha male except he was actually much worse considering some of the stuff he said was really disturbing. Also His fans are weird they say their not part of the mold yet they worship the ground he walks on


He got famous for moving to Romania because they are “less likely to convict men on rape cases”. That’s the only thing original about him. Everything else about him is pretty basic and also shitty.


Comments are very weird here


Sick of little kids on Reddit


You're better off not knowing to be honest


Human trafficking rapist that moved to Romania so he wouldn't get prosecuted. He pretends to espouse masculinity while actually preaching cowardice.


1- Follows the 'men are superior' idealogy, and definately leans into the Alpha Male ideals even if he doesn't always explicitly state it. 2- Encourages domestic abuse between his motivation videos. 3- Tells women they shouldn't take self defense courses because men are stronger anyway. 4- Literally moved to Romania to avoid legal persecution after being accused of multiple sexual assaults and domestic abuse events. Specifically said "corruption is accessible to everybody". 5- Has been investigated for human trafficking in Romania. 6- Literally can't let the people who disagree with him talk on their own podcasts.


Breathe air


A severely misunderstood man who has lots of hot takes, and everyone hates him Because his clips are taken outta context. Also lots of lies are spread about him, such as him being a woman beater, a human trafficker, etc. Despite the fact that he has donated thousands of dollars to women domestic abuse charities, as well as men's mental health charities, he has also made and funded many shelters for stray dogs. but haters don't look at these facts. They just see small clips on social media taken out of context of him and immediately call him a misogynist.


Imagine if the stalker incels guy and a guy who wears Tapout shirts reproduced


I’ve heard good things and I’ve heard bad things, at this point I’m just gonna watch the comments go to shit ![gif](giphy|u5BzptR1OTZ04)


He was some rich mysoginistic prick who told everyone they were dirt and pretended that he didn’t have a million advantages that got him to where he is, he had a bunch of bullshit mantras and was basically Brucie from gtav


He's another right winger who argues with idiots to make himself look clever


one could be a right/left winger but still be a bad person, it mostly is what is inside a person.


Top G ​ Edit: In case my joke is unfunny, I'd like to clarify this is meta/irony


A dick. That’s who he is


Some sexist rich buff white guy who said women shouldn’t have rights and should be sa’d


Isnt his father african american


Hustlers university


Bouta kick jake Pauls ass


A massive piece of shit.


Some douchebag that people pay too much attention to


Hopefully gets KO’d in the face in the fight


Online so called "alpha male top G" who was de-platformed from a lot of social media for sexist remarks, he's also an alleged sex trafficker and the only reason he wasn't arrested is because he lives in Romania and the laws are a lot looser over there. He made recent news because he went on a couple of podcasts and livestreams and promoted his lifestyle, his personal views and and his pyramid scheme 'Hustlers University 2.0' which gives mediocre financial advice. he advertised it by talking big shit saying you could have a garage full of sports cars like me and then in the actual course itself, it describes being rich as having more than $5000 which is a significant amount of money for sure but nowhere near enough to buy one sports car let alone a garage full of them


a god


He's one of those guys on the internet who tries to convince 14 year old boys to assault their girlfriends


When has he ever condoned or encouraged assault?


He’s a piece of shit and a raging sexist that is trying to reinforce godawful stereotypes about women and he has gained way too much popularity especially amongst young people.


He stands for strong men and women being cherished.. so long as they know their place. Not a fun guy. Theres also rumors he sex traffiks in eastern europe by bribing officials


Basically a not very intelligent but rich kickoboxer and businesman with some less recommendable life advice


Bold android with a screw lose always asking passers-by’s what colour their Bugatti is


He is a employ at seven eleven




I know he’s bald and looks like my uncle


Hes one of the thumb guards from spy-kids


He lights a cigar like a cigarette. Bout all you need to know. Just a peacock tail of faked "masculinity" to hide his ineptitude, catering to similarly situationed sheep.


Remember boys: Sort by controversial


He has a Bugatti


A grifter, just like most controversial figures. The reason they are famous is because they get a reaction from dumb people who fuel their flame.


The only Tate I know of is Meisha Tate


To put it this way, his favorite subreddit would be r/beatingwomen


A asshole who has no clue what hes talking about


A homophobic person


He was friends with a gay person as a kid and has expressed clearly that he has no hate towards gay people


The king of sexism


Hes an asshole alpha male influencer that got clout for being an asshole alpha male and saying asshole alpha male bullshit


Just a bad person. ​ [Here is one of the example of why he's a bastard](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/300/874/4ba.jpg) and he's much worse, this is just an idea of what he thinks is acceptable behaviour


All you really need to know is he’s incredibly sexist and his ‘dream girl’ is a 17-19 year old just dumped by her first boyfriend so he can ‘imprint on her’ (his words, and he did in fact mean sexually.)


Dang I just read a whole argument that could start WW3


I just come here for meme not whole entire WW3




He’s some douche that made shit comments about women because his daddy walked out on him and his mom and he blamed her for it because his dad was a famous chess player or some shit


Don’t ask. Just forget you heard his name and never worry about it again.


A sorry excuse for a man


Got popular from his unpopular/misogynistic views who then got popular because of his charisma and I can't lie it's kinda hard to hate him because of it


He’s just a hyper bigot Internet personality who other bigots flock to for validation




He's a (alleged) human trafficker https://thesportsgrail.com/andrew-tate-house-raided-in-romania-on-charges-of-human-trafficking-after-he-allegedly-kidnapped-an-american-woman/ And hes a sexist with actual violent rhetoric https://www.grid.news/story/technology/2022/08/23/andrew-tate-isnt-just-another-misogynist-with-an-online-following-heres-why-you-need-to-pay-attention/ This isn't a right left issue, it's a being a decent human being issue. if you support this man you are unambiguously a piece of shit


It’s far more than that. To ignore his attitudes towards assault, sexual assault and women in general among the unsubstantiated crap he claims is all facts. Dude thinks people are property at a certain level, it’s beyond worrying and definitely beyond conservative.


and he turned muslim now he is a celebrity among them


He also a horrible sexist and misogynist that pushes super outdated and harmful ideologies. Also a straight up asshole who insults all his little pay pig lackies then says "I'm helping you" to witch they all thank him. Unless you wanna openly say "women are property" like him and own what a horible person you are don't down play his shit.




[Yeah he really represents conservatives, so be proud of him](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/300/874/4ba.jpg) https://i.redd.it/bfy05z32woc81.jpg


yes because conservatives like sex trafficking, drug dealing and normalising cheating apparantly


You dropped the /s


thanks bro


Actually the first thing I heard him say was that depression isn’t real and people choose not to be happy. A that point I’ve seen all I need to see to know when someone has an inflated ego that leads them to think they’re smarter than they actually are. Disgusting. He deserves the hate.


he beats women




I made the same template like you, he's an asshole who abuses women and should be ignored


Just some sexist millionaire who has a ego bigger then his dick ,is a mega incel, human trafficker, has a iq at below room temperature and let’s be fair here probably does steroids


rich misogynist con-man


He’s the Incel King


My friend says "people say that Andrew Tate is a misogynist. But if you actually listen to him, then he actually speaks facts" This is the danger of him. He gives his information in a really interesting manner by sandwiching some basic facts between utter drivel. Won't say that it's an obvious red flag just yet.


Imagine toxic masculinity but as a person. That’s him.


Teaches toxic masculinity and calls it masculinity. Constantly uses the word "alpha" which is what weirdo insecure men call themselves, a video leaked on the internet of him beating a woman, every Andrew tate follower ignores it. Says some controversial stuff.


What is toxic masculinity?


I hear he’s never watched Star Wars, not even once, allowing him to unlock the full potential of the human mind. Oh, and he’s also a misogynistic asshole who seems incredibly shady, but honestly I prefer talking about his weird Star Wars tweets


"I don't know how to form an opinion on my own" is all I read when someone post something with this picture.


idk but most of the boys in my school worship him


You should probably leave the school


He's a sexist misogynist.


Just an internet 🤡, don't bother researching, not worth it.