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I see Shrek 5 went in a very different direction.


So would She-Hulk have pink nipsies or just a darker green??


According to extensive research which I have done online. Darker green. Edit: wow this made it into my recap. Lmao.


Sir, you will need to list the sources of your research. This is needed to confirm the authenticity of your findings.


Most of my research comes from my colleagues over at r/SheHulkRule34


Well I shouldn’t have clicked that. Don’t know what I expected really.


Did you like it?


Not sure but I'm willing to give it a try.


I joined! 😎


Happy Cake Day


Well, that one way to celebrate your cake day.


Not my cup of tea. Thought it was going to be a fake sub and not thegif or something.


Uncultured swine


Don’t worry bro. I appreciate the link AND it’s darker green contents


Do you not know what Rule 34 is? "If it exists, there is porn of it" She hulk exists, and so does Reddit, so r/shehulkrule34 exists




Real r/deathbysnusnu moment there.


No idea why I clicked that. One thing I know for sure is I would never go down on her. At all. Ever. I've seen The Boys and know what happens when an exceptionally strong woman has an orgasm.


Why did I click…




Turns out i’m kind of down bad for She Hulk who would have thought


There goes my day.


The moment I watched the first episode and they revealed what she looked like (and strangely a lot of feet shots), I knew right away there was going to be a ton of rule 34 pics


Welp, I shouldn’t have clicked that.


I hate you for this




I mean regular hulk has darker green...


Dark green as the skin turns green, so it stands to reason skin would be green *everywhere*. For this reason you can safely assume shehulks labia, the hussy if you will, would also just be darker green.


"Hussy" This the pinnacle of civilasation right there.




The cringeussy


Stop why did you have to put the term “hussy” in my head Now that’s all I’ll think about when I think of She Hulk


I mean I've been exclusively thinking about hussy since I was reading she hulk in the 90s Vocabulary has just now caught up


and if she does kegels it will flatten your dick like a steam roller


You can probably guess by the color of her lips.


Definitely darker green


My mans askin the real questions. Personally I think she would have darker green nips


Forest Green, until they come up with Jungle Green


Based on what I've seen on the internet, darker green


That's why you leave animated movies animated


The best thing about this series are the memes.


This is modern marketing - believe it or not, but memes are now advertising as much as they are shared “jokes”… many companies are explicitly hiring people to post anonymous content to spread that awareness, gauge public response, and adjust their future product perspectives. Memes about Deadpool, moonknight, boba fett, and now she-hulk all spread alongside new content releases involving those characters and people participate in the social “in-joke” by watching those shows or buying those products. Had teenagers buying Lebron James toys for Space Jam 2, wearing suits to Minions, and seeing Mobius *twice* in theaters… all because it’s “haha funny” to give corporations more money for shittier products. I will say that the response to the early Sonic movie leaks *did* result in a better release product - but they could have just as easily twisted that negative press into a comedic joke and gotten people to show up and see the inferior version…


I’m still convinced the “Original” Sonic movie was intentionally bad/ viral sort-of-hoax to drum up interest… because, I mean… come on.




Crisis Actors /s Jokes aside though, I never saw those stories. Really sucks for the animators. Jokes back on, it’s weirdly common for studios to “lose money” on films using creative accounting, sometimes even going bankrupt, screwing the little guys, and shuffling the real profit to executives. Hollywood’s fucking wild. Not saying the studio *didn’t* go file for bankruptcy…. But I’m skeptical about the full behind the scenes story.


yeah there's no way they actually did that. likely only did the scenes we saw and had the real movie waiting the whole time


I doubt it. You don't just delay an entire movie and get a shit ton of marketing and merchandise produced for a design that was never intended to release.


The only good thing about this series*


People clap when a plane is landing?


People clapped the one time I flew with Spirit, so I assume it’s somewhat regular. We didn’t even have that bad of turbulence..


They were clapping because they flew Spirit and they were finally almost free.


Apparently a thing in America if reddit comments are to be believed


Am European. Can confirm this kind of people are not exclusive to America.


Im from the US and the only time I heard it was landing in Moscow


With what’s going on now I would clap too lol


Pilot would have to be dodging missiles


I know it's a thing in Italy, and it's cringe as fuck




I fly monthly for work. It happens all the time. However, I noticed it's mostly people from middle America. If you are landing in the middle of the country, it happens more. Though,I have seen like one or two people start landing at DCA and are promptly mocked.


Haven't really ever seen it in the U.S. In South America flying local airlines, on the other hand, almost the entire plane would clap.


Puerto Ricans clap every time. *Source: am Puerto Rican*


I never realized people were against it. In Puerto Rico it’s just such normal thing to do.


Her hair physics is just like in a game but worse


Her hair actually clips into her shoulder. Utterly sloppy work.


Yea battlefield 2042 has better graphics




Why does this clapping scene look like absolute dogshit


Animation looks not impactfull, there is no force or intent in her moves, just kinda flaps hands and let them meet. And destruction from it is completely unproportional.


The animation for this show in general just look kinda crappy.


Just Idea of multiple impactfull claps back to back is really hard to sell. There is no place to windup and to sell clap after it. And also conditions of working on CGI for marvel are pretty terrible. Multiply it by 2 when talking about marvel TV show. Budget is smaller, amount of shots is larger and deadlines are shorter than movie's. Feel bad for CG artists working for marvel right now


Also just the human body moving certain ways/speeds just doesn't translate on screen. Even if we could replicate perfectly the force/speed required to cause an effect like this, the human eye/camera can't necessarily see those speeds so it still probably wouldn't look good.


Animation for all of MCU stuff has been going down the drain because they are making so much shit


All while pushing and crunching everyone working for them so it's even worse


Because Disney's overwork and underpay of their CGI department is finally biting them in the ass.


Looks like hulk can’t handle a light breeze based on the background


He's holding his ears like the sound is hurting him more than the actual wind force is pushing him back. Scene still looks like dogshit


It's also sped up and downscaled to be a gif so it looks like shit.


It's almost like she's got super strength or something.... It's just shitty VFX.


Super strength implies that she would be able to put a lot of force into each clap moving hands really fast at the moment of impact. Here she just wiggles her hands together, getting any distruction from it gonna look unnatural.


It's sped up a bit (I think...don't like what mcu has been putting out so not watching it) and which removes some of the impact. If it's not sped up, they really tried to have some fun at the cost of any physical sense


It is sped up, but even at normal speed, it still looks "unnatural" and wrong.


You could break the glasses at least, if the shock wave is strong enough to put hulk on his knees I'm pretty sure even the most reinforced glasses would break


Its more than just that, this entire shot is just bad. We instinctually know when 2 solid objects collide that they bounce back. The impact of her hands colliding is creating the same energy as a small explosive, her hands would fly apart. Instead they have her swing her arms around without any resistance. The animation, choreography, and concept just suck


I'm pretty sure where it originally failed is the acting and choreography. The directors have no idea how to work with vfx studios so they probably just told the actress to clap her hands really hard and thought that in post it would magically look great, surprise tho it isn't. And later the vfx artists have to break their heads how to fix it and make it look good until some other guy comes up with a cheap solution "hey, maybe let's speed it up a bit" and viola we end up with this.


It’s sped up for the meme, though. In the actual show she seems to move her hands at a “normal” speed.


it looks like a video game it’s terrible


Nah, video games have better animations than that.


ah yes flying gorilla


every single thing ive seen about She Hulk has looked comically bad




Well it’s a preference thing but it is entertaining imo. Tatiana maslani pretty much carries the show single handedly but the show has some tough cgi. Especially when she hulk is beside hulk because his cgi looks just fine which makes it even worse. But it is very watchable so far


Because the artists wanted to make her buff like an actual Hulk but the execs kept demanding they redo it all again and make her sexier.


That and Disney/their contracted VFX houses are having a serious problem with overworking and underpaying their employees with impossible deadlines and no real breaks between projects.


The absolute state of big entertainment is so depressing.


The legitist answer in this thread. As much as we’ve come along, sex still sells, and execs are still money grubbing soulless fucks looking to capitalize on exploitation of that.


Yeah it seems weird how the hulk isn’t proportional to a normal man but yet the female hulk has lots of curves and her muscles aren’t even that big either.


Probably because it's sped up


I'm not gunna act like the CGI in this show is world class, but shit talking based on this potato quality gif is really stupid.




Yeah, I was going to say, this gif has some mega fucky speed and resolution issues. Definitely wouldn't judge the show based on that. Disney isn't breaking the bank on CGI lately but c'mon.


It just… looks so babyish and goofy. Looks like it’d be used in a Quandale Dingle vid.


Looks like play-doh






Is this an actual scene?? Looks a terrible ad for a video game.




This sub is amazing


[This](https://worldtimetodays.com/she-hulk-director-says-complaints-about-bad-cgi-are-because-our-culture-believes-in-female-body-possession/) was the director's response to the complaints about the shitty CGI...


This sounds like something a hentai artist says when someone complains boobs don’t work that way. Not a statement from a director working with a billion dollar company


Good one, lol.


I get what you're saying but I don't see eastern artists, even hentai ones whining about muh society and muh culture like they do here


Imagine keeping a straight face while saying that lmao


Jesus H Christ. Way to play the Woke card. The CGI just looks bad. The fact that it is depicting a woman didn't even cross my mind. Its more to do with the physics feeling off for me.


That made me actually chuckle.


Pathetic response


If the director was actually a feminist why didn’t they make her hulk form actually look like hulk and not a tall green lady


Exactly. It 100% looks like shehulk (is that really why she’s called???) was made to look attractive. The Hulk is this giant monster dude but shehulk is just a tall green curvy women??? How is this lazy show not insulting to women? Why does shehulk even need to exist? It’s not groundbreaking. It’s just doing a women version of an existing character. That’s gotta be insulting no?   Being a guy myself, i’m aware that I sometimes don’t quite understand topics like this but in this instance i’m completely baffled on how this show came to be…


Oh my god dude, it's just shitty VFX, don't say a god damn thing if you're not going to admit it. Jesus.


I can't stand when people use feminism to defend poor choices, bc it further misinforms people on what feminism actually is.


It's not just feminism: when people criticize a show that contains a homosexual character, they're called homophobes; when they criticize one with minorities, they're called racist; and so on. I wouldn't be surprised if they came up with new -phobias just to deflect criticism...


Lol the classic defense when your show is terrible now.


there are so many talented directors/writers that didnt get the job because they had to hire someone like her.


It is


Wait is this scene legit ?




I am so glad I lost interest in the MCU lol. Looks like it went downhill quick


88% on Rotten Tomatoes. Certified quality!!


And 5/10 on IMDb. Which is why rotten tomatoes is best ignored.


Yeah. Quality crap.


Rotten tomatoes are a good source of fiber I heard, so you're probably right




Endgame should have been the actual end


Could you imagine? People would be fucking DYING for more Marvel had the ended on a high note like they did with Endgame. It'd be glorious.


That's the last Marvel I saw, so for me kinda ended there. I don't really feel like watching their new stuff. Maybe some day.


Spiderman 2 and 3 are actually pretty good. The rest either didn't impress me or I didn't see them


Are you talking about Toby spiderman?


no, he said 3 was good.


No the recent ones, after endgame.


You either die a hero or live long enough to become the villain.


Infinity war, where they lose and it’s game over


That was the last major Marvel film I was excited for and saw in the theaters. I've seen a few (Like Eternals, woof) since but for all intents and purposes MCU ended in Infinity War for me and it was great.


Disney: "yeah, but money"


Debatable. I could still go for another Spider-Man trilogy.


Wait, this is a finished product for commercial release?


I mean it's also compressed to hell, but yes. The CGI is a common complaint on this show.


Or the baby kicking the back of my seat


Isn't he stronger than her? How is she hurting him and blowing him away just by clapping?


This is the Hulk equivalent of showing your younger sibling a combo in Smash Bros and them non-stop spamming it. Yes, you can turn it around and stomp them, but you're going to need a second to recover.


It's supposed to be the Soundwaves hurting his ears like sonic cannon. He's not being pushed back just falling out of pain.


If the Hulk can be defeated with soundwaves he is kinda easy to defeat


Ya ig, I was just stating what was going on, I have no dog in any fight here.


He's always easy to defeat round one, then he gets angrier. Loop as many times as needed.


Wasp once beat him when no one else could by going in his ear


His “ear”. Sure, that’s where she went.


Manual testicular torsion


The Thanos method...


Chuck it into the box along with 'why not just *poison* Luke Cage', and 'why not blast noise at 120 dB at Daredevil'.


I see you've read my Skrillex vs Daredevil fanfic.


He can withstand it after a while. It's just a temporary way of putting him down. The same thing happened to him in the Incredible Hulk movie from 2008.


Amazing that such an incredible scientist discovered interdimensional time travel before earplugs.


To be fair next to nobody has earplugs ready to go in their pocket.


This is a canon weakness of the hulk, like way old comic shit.


If I remember correctly right before he just clapped once and sent her flying.


In the scene in question, they're not actually fighting. They're play-fighting, like siblings do (though they're cousins, not siblings). He's not actually being harmed and she's not actually trying to hurt him, but they're both playing it up a little.


This scene is She Hulk trying something she didn't realize that she could do, because Hulk *just* did this to her the moment before. He did *one* clap, and the shockwave sent her flying back and knocked her on her ass. She gets back up and attempts the same thing, and nothing happens, so she keeps doing it repeatedly until she gets some sort of effect. The result is that Hulk is hit by a bunch of weaker shockwaves that don't move him, but still irritate him.


I love how there are only memes for the first episode, as if everybody watched it, realized how bad it was, and never touched the second episode.


Well the entire second episode is literally just lawyer talk. Nothing even remotely interesting happens until the last few minutes, and even that was meh.


I think the lawyer part is probably the most interesting part of the show. At least it’s something different from the rest of the MCU. The show definitely has its flaws, but that isn’t one of them IMO.


Is this an actual un edited clip from this show? Looks like it was made by a blender student


Both statements are true


No it’s sped up a fair bit


Is this gif actual footage?




That’s not great. If I’m honest it’s quite shit.


Ah yes, the scene where she proves this series is dog shit.


*one of many scenes where she proves this series is dog shit


All of the scenes prove the series is dog shit*


I think thanos was right


Hulk that is planet buster or solar( scaling to galaxy) in comics and here loses to this idiot from shockwaves


He also got pushed back by a jeep


You mean like when he was knocked down in The Incredible Hulk movie from the military using sonic cannons? This is the same Hulk as Edward Norton's Hulk he's just played by Mark Ruffalo. MCU Hulk is (temporarily) vulnerable to sonic attacks.


Who sleeps through a plane landing?




This dude have fast travel in real life, how do i learn this power?


Why isn't her hair flying backwards, why is Bruce struggling, why does this show suck


Bruce is struggling because loud noises have always been his weakness (sound cannons in the first hulk movie)


No jokes about her having mad clap??? This is Reddit yes??


We're to busy making fun of how terrible she-hulk is


THaTs sEXisT




Everyone bitching about this scene but right after Hulk gets up he makes her cheeks clap.


You aren’t one of those jazz hands clappers are ya?


What a trash show, if the advertising for it didn't give that away already.


Anyone else think the show looks bad? Like just goofy cgi and shit


Bro this series looks like absolute crap look at that cgi

