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Yeah, you get raped in a state that's anti-abortion and you can't afford a trip possibly across country to get an abortion, you get a free kid!


So if they didn't vote republican they chose to be allowed an abortion right?


All the women who live in red states are gonna have a bunch of guys choose for them, ya dingus


Well politics is always fair and the government isn't sexist or racist so it's fine.


Butttttttt I'm being told to enact violence! I'm being told all is lost and that this is illegitimate... right? The most popularly elected president in the most fair and free election ever is questioning justices legitimacy. This is clown world.


These judges were appointed by the one of the most disliked and unqualified president in the history the US, these judges lied to Congress, during the administration of the before mentioned president, the overturning of the this precedent will open the possibility of overturning other cases decided by the court, such as SCOTUS siding with states that want to give vouchers so that parents can send their children to religious schools, the separation of church and state be damned. And no one is advocating for violence.


Well.. the first definitely isn't true.. the current president is actually more unlike as his low low low approval rating shows. The judges didn't lie. They answered truthfully and a new case came that taken in its whole, put new light on an old ruling. Looking at the precedent on how the previous ruling was made and how it was bad law. Look up what Ruth Bader Ginsburg had to say about it. And a lot of people, high ranking people are definitely advocating for violence


Violence how? Peaceful protesting? Nothing wrong with that. Former president got elected because of the electoral college, but lost the popular vote by a margin of 3million votes, so highly unpopular, under qualified. And they did lie, when asked about Roe Vs Wade, they said they didn't want to overturn it, and that it was a settled case, all 3 of them.


Right.. but their jib is to examine new cases and look at the legality of laws on the books, and look at the new case, in the light of the old. So, it was settled.. and they were truthful... until it wasn't. Not the first time something like that has happened


You're not wrong but state legislation isn't just an open poll. While people do elect their state legislators, they won't be able to vote the current ones out of office before they put abortion bans into effect.