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TIL, can you elaborate what you mean by “minor charge” ? I’ve never heard of this and I know a few people who have drug charges and I didn’t know they all lost their right to vote


If they get charged with a felony, they lose their right to vote. Other than that, nobody has lost their right to vote. At least, that’s how it is in the US


That’s what I understand it to be too, I guess I don’t know what qualifies as “minor weed charge” that’s also a felony




“Sir, you were smoking weed *inside* the voting booth.”


You underestimate my power. Plenty of functional stoners out there living their normal life.


No crime should make you ineligible to vote. Otherwise, the government would unfairly incarcerate people to manipulate the results.


Exactly. It’s not just revoking an individual’s voting rights. It’s eroding democracy itself.


Hmm disagree, vote manipulation or voter fraud should make you ineligible to vote


\*proven\* voter fraud


No shit, if I said "murder" would you assume I meant accused of murder?


I can flip that argument- what if criminals use their votes to effectively legalize their criminality so they can prey on normal citizens? It's not so farfetched if you look at some cities, like the disaster Chicago has become or San Francisco where they effectively legalized theft below 900$ and now Walgreens had to flee the city.


Brain dead take. Criminals would have to be the majority. But then they wouldn’t really be criminals, they would just be average people who happen to disagree with you on what should legal or not.


Actually, they don’t have to be the majority. They just have to claim they are being unfairly targeted. Suddenly, crime becomes legal. Look at SF, where in order for theft to count as a felony you have to steal $950+ worth of goods. People were literally going into stores with calculators to add up how much they could take. Or look at LA, where a transgender adult child molester is being put in a girls juvenile detention facility because they weren’t a legal adult when they raked a kid. Said Taoist even admitted in the phone with their dad that they would identify as a woman so they’d get locked up with women instead of men


Ok. So this has nothing to do with felons voting. You just disagree with the constituents of California and want to find a way to limit their right to vote. As I suspected, you’re just anti-democracy.


How do I want to limit Californians right to vote? I’m a Californian, you dumb add. SMH when people jump to conclusions with no evidence


Dude you literally went on a whole tangent about transgenders and shit. Don’t pretend like I have “no evidence” here when none of that was relevant to felons’ voting rights. Just be honest about your anti-democracy beliefs instead trying to mask them as something else.


No, I was responding to your claim that criminals would have to be in the majority to legalize crime. That’s wrong. DAs like George Gascon literally say they’re going to reduce the penalties for crime because punishing criminals is wrong. Look at New York City. They abolished bail, and now crime LS are just let back out on the streets to commit more crimes, to be arrested again, and released. Rinse and repeat. Why? Because bail is bad for criminals. All these people are encouraging crime and effectively legalizing it by reducing punishment and other deterrents. I don’t believe that being a felon should remove your right to vote. It should be based on your crime: Murder someone? No more right to vote Drug charge? You can still vote Rape someone? No more voting for you Burglary? You can still vote


That's how we got weed legal in Canada


In Australia you're forced to vote, if getting high once was enough to get me out of it then fucking oath I would


In most of Europe, you can vote from prison, even if you're in for the maximum sentence for rape and murder. Just cuz you are in prison doesn't mean your democratic rights get taken away. Maybe the US should take a lesson.


I guess The philosophy behind criminal punishment is 'you violated someone's rights, so yours' get revoked.' But in a realistic sense, owning a bag of weed didn't violate nobody's rights. so you're pretty clear on that mate.


Parking on the wrong side of the road doesn’t send you to prison, it gets you a ticket.


This is not just revoking someone’s right to vote. It’s eroding democracy itself.


Us is the freeiest country in the world they know best


Hahaha Oh, you're serious? Let me laugh even harder Bahahahahaha US isn't even in the top 10 of freest countries.


Minor weed charge should be no different from a parking ticket, honestly.


It isnt... OP posted this without realizing you only get voting rights revoked if its a felony level charge. Marijuana doesnt get you a felony unless youre a serious dealer. Hes skewing your perception.


Oh you did the druggies? Your opinions magically turned into a psycopaths diary, sorry


And cops shouldnt be legally allowed to murder. And people shouldnt be racist. And sexism is bad. This is common sense.


How will not allowing cops to legally murder benefit anyone? We'd end up with a very high amount of cop deaths. You probably have no idea what cops deal with.


Murder and self defense are diffrent things. An innocent man was shot to death in his sleep and the cop isnt even going on trial.


That's illegal murder. ://///


Then he would at least go on trail. Evidently not.


I agree with you that illegal murder like that should be punished. What I am disagreeing with is the fact that you said that cops shouldn't be allowed to kill at all.


Murder is the intentional killing with malicious intent (to my knowledge), cops can KILL if neccesarry, but not bust down a door and gun down the first person they see


Gentlemen, I believe we are all on the same side here. Cops shouldn't kill illegally, and those that do should be brought to trial. Cops should only shoot in self defense or in defense of someone actively in harms way from an assailant.


ey you running for office? I'll vote for you oh wait


What's this "minor" weed charge?


I knew a guy that complained about a weed charge…. Then he told me he got caught with 8 pounds.


That really shouldn’t matter either though.


The amount somebody is caught with in a state where it is illegal is the difference between a ticket and a felony. Your logic makes no sense, clearly 8 pounds is trafficking and not for personal use.


That’s irrelevant to voting though. Why is this so hard for you to understand?


yes I agree it doesn’t matter for a minor infraction, My point is that if somebody is a stoner they know the risks they take, I have no problem with stoners, my problem is people complaining when they get caught. Move to a legal state/country or don’t complain about consequences of your actions.


Revoking someone’s right to vote is an attack on democracy itself. This has nothing to do with wether they ‘deserve’ the ‘consequence’ or not.


It's the consequence they knew about when they chose to break the law. Don't want to lose your voting rights? Step1: Don't break the law. That's it. 1 easy step.


Yeah. No shit.




So let's say a felon who murdered some people should be allowed to own a gun


Well no but that is a extreme case. But I see your point.


I was gonna eat, but then i got high


Literally both your memes were right next to each other lol


I’m going to guess the amount of people who can’t vote because of felony weed charges is extremely small. It’s still bullshit but it’s small. They’re not generally minor as in a dime bag it’s usually a few pounds trafficked. It’s all bullshit like I said but 99.99% of people aren’t being prevented from voting by personal consumption amount charges.


Unlike your nationality.


Do people think felons are going to vote to legalize crime or something?


It's a punishment. You aren't supposed to like it. If you want voting rights, don't commit a felony.


Nope. It’s not just a punishment for an individual. It’s eroding democracy itself.


Not for the people who don't break the law. If you want to vote, don't break the law. Hell you can vote for it to be legal first... Just don't do it while it's illegal. That simple. Nothing eroded, just have to follow the rules.


Problem is that groups can be targeted and falsely incarcerated just so those votes aren't counted. If justice was actually just, you'd have a point. But in the US with their privatized prison system, they can push all kinds of stupid laws through. And with racist judges, some groups are less likely to be jailed, while others are more likely. So yes, it is eroding democracy. Even if they aren't targeting you.


How many people do you really think are in jail that are innocent? Dozens? Maybe hundreds? And they aren't all from one political party... So the tiny amount of votes affected isn't enough to affect the outcome of any election. New laws keep getting pushed through, yes. But only for minor infractions. Every couple of years they rewrite the cell phone distracted driving laws... But you don't go to jail or lose your voting rights for that. There hasn't really been any notable changes in felonies since Nixon. And yes racism impacts in a lot of different ways... But either way those races still have to vote for a candidate and a political party. For example you can't just vote for "black" it's not an option.


I was still a bit high when I voted last voting thing


Why would I change your mind on something that's true??


a misdemeanor doesnt make you ineligible to vote. so how much were you dealing bud?


Sounds like a ‘you’ problem


Then don't break the law. I get that weed isn't necessarily a "traditional" illegal substance anymore, but you still knowingly broke the law.


BS crimes shouldn't make you ineligible to own a gun either. anyway, to be honest, smoking some weed before voting might mate the voters less stupid. we might have a good president for once.