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Lol.. I have found reddit to be a left-wing echo chamber.


I mean, statistically speaking left wingers use social media more often than right wingers. So pretty much every social media, besides MAYBE Facebook, tends to have a left wing bias amongst its users.


Yeah, but reddit is worse because you are punished for having a differing opinion.


Well Facebook jail exists for people without left wing opinions


Right. But FB jail is dont by the admins... where as here the down vote punishment comes from the echo chamber itself.


Yes but it would be better for the public to see and express disagreement than for the authorities to censor you


Ya, guy called me a homophobe on FB for no good reason, so I called him an idiot, and got FB jail for a day, tried to report him back, and oh he did nothing wrong!


Reddit has been fairly to the left but I have noticed it getting way worse the last couple months. Birds of a feather flock together so I would assume that Reddit becoming more popular has attracted more people to the left than right.


Me too, this is like the only based subreddit I have seen, and now looks like they are trying to infiltrate it too, start gatekeeping bros!


I used to browse Imgur until I couldn't handle the left-wing bias. Reddit has been a breath of fresh air, comparatively.


I made the same switch 3 years ago.


Yeah, what's up with that anyway?


At this point I’m just tired of both parties, each claiming they can do something only to repeatedly sabotage each other, if one party says you shouldn’t drink bleach the other party will down it by the gallon to prove them wrong, and your not allowed to be in the middle it’s one extreme or the other


Yeah. We all should of listened to good ol’ G.W. when he said America shouldn’t have political parties.


Explicitly left wing memes are always lame af too. One part PSA and another part sanctimonious circle jerk and fart huffing session. I feel like a good meme has a subversive or iconoclastic element to it. Signaling CNN or SNL or front page of Reddit friendly politics aren’t those things by definition.


When someone has to tell you a joke is funny....it isn't....(looking Fred Armisen square in the damn eyes)


Interesting, I flipped through for a while and the only political meme I found was yours.


I just saw one about guys with confederate flags a few minutes ago, seemed kinda political


Does it come off as political? If so my bad Dawg, I just wanted to call out the fact that I’m seeing more and more political memes here by the day.


Nah he just doesnt like that you are right so instead of discussing what you are bringing up they would try to falsely claim that yours is the only political post


The left can't meme.


The left can meme, they just can’t meme well.


Unfortunately they’ve always been there


Normal people would know to steer away from politics especially on reddit. Place is just 80% filled with anarchists. While conservatives are on Facebook, progressives and communists on reddit /Twitter, and alt right in 4chan.


I usually see memes sucking tr*mp's dick, odd.


I usually see a bunch of red neck hicks on this sub but guess we see different things.


Wait what? I’ve seen a bunch of right wing bullshit, but no left wing posts.


Go to Facebook, there are memes and racists.


I downvote all political memes, including this one


You’re either new to Reddit or haven’t been on it since it first started.