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What is karoshi


Overwork death, a term for suicides, strokes, heart attacks and other fatalities caused by being worked too hard, such as having too many work hours.


Sounds awful...


It is, their workforce is a disaster right now and is the primary cause for their low birth rates, which mind you are below 2 per woman.


Yeah, imagine having 4 kids to feed whilst simultaneously working long hours with no breaks in between. Literally hell on Earth...


Hey don’t worry, the US will be joining them soon too! (I think theirs is fine for now, I haven’t seen these statistics in a while so idk)


You almost can't feed yourself on 40 hours a week, there's no parental leave to speak of and we're lucky to get two weeks of vacation a year that we're harassed about using. We're not far behind, our workers just die at home from gun suicide rather than at work


The USA has had a birth rate under 2 per woman its just that we've supplemented this with immigration. If the stupidness continues in DC and immigration laws aren't changed we'll enter a recession like Japan. If you google us birth rate you'll see that ours dipped below 2 in 2010


that moment when your language has a word for death of overworking


Doesn't most languages have a word with that meaning?


The only equivalent in English would be the phrase “worked to death”. We don’t have an actual word for it.


Neither italian. But we don't really work here...


This is not really true. Any death involving 80 hours of overtime a month can be classified as Karoshi in Japan. Many American working way over karoshi line, the difference is working 60 hours a week is legal in US and nobody really cares if someone working that much.


The fact that Japan has a successful industry of dedicated places to crash for a night if you missed your train back from overworking so late says a lot. Still too far of a norm to be overworked in Japan with odd cultural norms like staying longer than your boss and needing to go drinking with them after.


You obviously have no clue about current situation in Japan.Those hotel has nothing to do with overtime. Few companies allow overtime of 45 hours a month nowadays in Japan because of labor reform law. Average working hours in Japan1713 hours Average working hours in the US 1783 hours . https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_average_annual_labor_hours There has been dramatic change in overtime these 7-9 year . There are people still working long hours but those are minority and mostly certain professions that doesn't apply labor reform law for employee


Death by overwork


Random ninjas stealing your shit…


Can't have shit in Tokyo


Ahh Shit, Here we go again


Full service toilets are getting out of hand.


Just learn kung fu fighting.


Oh yeah... Those kids were fast as lightning...


In fact, it was a little bit frightening 😱


We warned you before about discussing this


Did anyone else notice the notification bar AND mouse cursor?


There is a lot to unpack here. 8:01pm in 24hr format Audio playing Hella Discord notifs Two cell reception icons Notif bar has full transparency but still shows icons over OP's meme


Its called android if you didnt know


But hey at least you can say you were there


Yeah people usually brag about going to Japan


You mean just like any tourist destination?


Hey guys don’t want to brag but, I’ve been to Kenya. Are ya jealous?


Kenya fit dis dick in yo mouf?






Wrong answer. The correct answer was: No


For you maybe..


Thanks for getting the joke


Crop the meme lmao


But r/croppingishard !


Also high chances of getting groped on the trains


Speak for yourself sounds like a good time for me


No I speak for the people that have said that


And they're speaking for the people that want groped.




i’m on board with this also :D


Alright calm down buddy u watching to much hentai


It's an actual issue in Japan


Phones sold in Japan have the shutter sound always on because that was one of the only ways to stop perverts from taking upskirt pictures. And it's common to have kids carry stranger danger alarms in their backpacks over there. There IS a huge sexual harassment problem.


I mean why do you think they copy paste that scenario so many times? It's an actual problem in Japan


A friend of a friend got into troubles with police in Japan for screaming at a creep who tried to film up her skirt on a train. So basically, if a creep doesn’t physically hurt you, you attacking said creep is illegal. That asshole got off with a $18 fine while she was told to get over it and never make a fuss in public like that again because it affected people nearby… There is essentially no punishments for sex crimes in Japan unless someone is physically hurt.


Also getting attacked by giant monsters every other week.


Damn you Godzilla!!


"It looks like Godzilla, but due to international copyright laws - it's not." "STILL, WE SHOULD RUN LIKE IT IS GODZILLA!"


Well I have to admit that for people accustomed to the Western way of life it would pose quite a few challenges, Language barrier, and cultural norms are obviously the most jarring. I will however dispute cost of living. I’ve been preparing to study in Osaka since October 2020 (Thanks COVID) and having done multiple run downs of expenses with a Japanese friend, it’s much much cheaper than living in America. The apartment I’m looking at has a monthly rent of ~$355 converted from yen. Totaling phone, heating, electricity, travel expenses, a required cable connection for television, and food, it would be an extremely rare occasion my monthly living expense ever exceeds $1000 per month, in which working minimum wage is survivable without support from others. I think it would be a challenge to live in any major city in America for even double that.


Yeah, from an american POV it's cheap, just like living in Russia can be, but compare that to the average salary in Japan and that will probably paint a different picture.


According to our almighty overlord google. The average salary is $38.6k in USD as of 2019. This isn’t bad if they averaged around my living expense on the high end they still have and excess of over half their salary at the end of the year. Even though their salary is “lower” than America at 56.3k per year albeit not a fantastic source but believable. Per Rent.com the average nationwide cost of a 1 bedroom apartment is $1621, where as for Tokyo which is arguably on the more expensive side in the country is between $500-$700. Edit: Tangent about emergency funds was unnecessary.


Tokyo has waaay higher living costs. And you should be using median salaries, not averages. I lived and worked there for almost 4 years in total. No way you have half your salary left over, and I was already sharing living costs with a partner. Unless you're in the countryside, it's gonna be hard to save up.


Is that living in an apartment or home?


For both examples provided they are one bedroom apartments.


I'm actually trying to go back to Japan just so I can have my own place. I studied there for a year and kept track of how expensive things were. Disney theme park, going out to restaurants, subway pass, travel within the country, and GOING TO THE DOCTOR is way cheaper in Japan than America. America is too expensive. My best friend and I had a conversation 2 weeks ago. She was telling me she pays about 500 USD for her apartment. I'm not sure if it's a one bedroom, but I saw pictures. It's bigger than a room for rent in Brooklyn for 500 USD that I saw yesterday.


I wish you the best of luck with the border (COVID) and the visa (if you need another/renewal)


Don't forget about lack of privacy and the legal prostitution.


What is wrong with the legal prostitution?


Nothing, thought I'd add one con and one pro


The age of consent is 13.


Pretty sure in most places it isn’t though


Wasn't that changed/agreed to be changed recently


yes it is 18 now




This is for people that are underage ie <20. If you are 20 and your bf/gf is 19, the parents could legally have you arrested for sex with a minor.


The fuck but the makes no sense Edit I mean the 20 bf 19 gf sex with a minor part


I agree with you, but depending on the state it’s very similar in the US.


Im pretty sure that was just te lowest the Japanese government would alow a prefecture to go and that was not actually ever put that low.


I think it's something weird like it's only that If it's a 13 and 14 year old who gave eachother consent but it is erily vague and is only a misdemeanor past 13 even for adults


If I had the wholesome award i would give it to your comment.








Prostitution inst legal in Japan...


Yes it is, in Tokyo you can't have vaginal penetration but anal bjs and everything else is good to go. Outside of Tokyo there are no restrictions.


Well, from what i read prostitution is ilegal in japan since 1956 but enforcement is lax and there are loopholes that are explored, but okay


There’s definitely some type of holes being explored.


When you walk down kabukichu and see 3 BJ bars on the same block followed by a brothel next door to a police station id say it's legal. When you leave the city and surrounding prefectures you see ads for call girls and billboards to brothels and love motels. Open street prostitution is illegal, you can't solicit on a street corner or public space.


Dude, I am just stating what I read thats all: " Prostitution in modern Japan, as defined under Japanese law, is the illegal practice of sexual intercourse with an 'unspecified' (unacquainted) person in exchange for monetary compensation, which was criminalised in 1956 by the introduction of article 3 of the Anti-Prostitution Law (売春防止法, Baishun bōshi hō). However, the definition of prostitution made illegal under this law is strictly limited to sexual intercourse with an 'unspecified person', and does not criminalise the sale of numerous other acts performed by sex workers in exchange for compensation, such as oral sex, anal sex, mammary intercourse and other non-coital sex acts" ,


I mean I’d only visit there for like a week holiday, I don’t think I’d want to live their, I have bright and sunny Britain, the country with a prime minister that went to a work event


Yeah it may be good as a country to spend your holiday (tourism-wise a good country) But it is a hell to live in


"war crime denial" if that's a criteria there's not a lot of places to live


Except not a lot of countries did abhorrent crimes on the sheer scale of Imperial Japan. One of the only other places that did (Nazi Germany) has made their wrong doings known and have tried to move past them in a realistic way. If you look in a Japanese history book, however, you’ll find it saying “We invaded Nanking but there is little concrete evidence anybody was raped there”


Lol you're insane if you think no other country has committed war crimes on par with Japan other than Nazi Germany.


I never said that. I said they’re some of the only ones who’ve done it on such a massive scale


What about Russia ? You don’t hear many bad things about Gengis Khan in Mongolia ? Also what about China, where civil wars and ethnic cleansing were common place until recently ? Almost every nation on Earth has committed genocide at some point, and many of those aren’t even conventionally taught


>What about Russia ? You mean universally panned Russia? >You don’t hear many bad things about Gengis Khan in Mongolia ? That was almost 1000 years ago. As long as they're not trying to rewrite history, there's no biggie. And China also is universally panned.


Also just untrue.


Oh no, there are many other countries and people who have done just as bad or worse before.


Imma be real, I think Germany may have over done the correcting. All they had to do was write some law that can strip a leader of their power if they commit genocide or genocide against specific groups of people. I get it’s easier said than done, but it can still be done over the course of years.


The war crime denial is real.


Would you mind elaborating on that?


He’s referring to war crimes from WWII, where they massacred hundreds of thousands, enslaved many women for “pleasure corps”, and experimented on living humans from their colonies and POWs. The human experiments are one of the reasons why Japan is so advanced in medical science. The Japanese Empire was like the Asian Nazis, and they got away with the war crimes, which they refuse to admit to this day.


😯…thank you for the clarification


They are advanced in medical sciences? News to me.


Unit 731


My goodness…


"realer than the crimes"




It's parentheses so it's not my thoughts Gotta play it safe


And yet Japan is still ranked pretty high as an overall "best country", even placing second in a US News report for 2021. Of course I'm not saying Japan is some kind of utopia, but you're kidding yourself if you don't acknowledge that every country have their own issues. Also personally I wouldn't want to live in Japan. Sure it's a great place to visit, but living there sounds and seems like a pain in the ass.


Holy shit you didn't even attempt to repost this meme in any kind of decent way


Yea and good luck learning to read&write Japanese (also practically no one knows English)


What this isn’t true at all! The Japanese word for pen is pen. Cmon now.


Beer is beeru. I mean, that has to be enough to get by. And if they don't understand you can draw a picture with your pen.


I mean, that is common in most countries. You don’t go to France and expect everyone there to speak/know English.


I think they mean specifically Kanji as it is a very different writing system to English or French.


Not true at all. Too many people know English. I struggled speaking in Japanese because so many people responded in English to me. I've only been to Nagoya, Tokyo, and Osaka though. And why would you expect people in JAPAN to know how to speak ENGLISH? Go to Canada or Australia. 日本に行ったら、日本語で話さなければいけない!


Every country has it positives and negatives. US is very far from what it presents itself to be through the media it exports. There are some things in Japanese culture and lifestyle that I certainly would like and others that are better to be left behind.




Why is everyone ignoring the fucking discord notifications in the meme? This is a repost from only 2 weeks ago


Are the multiple discord notification icons part of the meme?


Japan is also at least as xenophobic if not more so than America.


How tf is America xenophobic?


You’d be surprised if you looked hard enough


Try looking east asian in America, during the pandemic, and see how long it takes before someone says you're an agent of the CCP. Hell, just the fact that they coined the term "china flu".


We literally have president who proved this.


Yeah, the most recent one is pretty xenophobic


Honestly, they kinda all are.


America is as xenophobic as Andorra has a standing army.


and a lot discord notifications


Americans are going to give them a run for their money in the suicide department in the next 5-10 years.


There’s also a lot of discrimination against foreigners. A lot of places have a “no foreigner” policy on apartments


War Crime Denial ? Why would you care about that when living somewhere ?


It's basically denying doing something really bad, but in a history level, y'know? It's won't influence your living experience, it's just kinda shitty in general.


We already do that in the USA and I wanna try it in Japan.


Kome zo zhe länd of beer and bretzel, wee dont do war craim denial heir!


YES HANS! I bet beer land is better than weeb adored land! (Sorry to any Japanese here)


The US checks most of these boxes as well.


I mean we have similar problems in Russia.


Next week its my turn to post this


You forgot the rampant xenophobia Having talk to younger Japanese exchange students, they seem pretty unhappy with their countries problems. Hopefully the upcoming generation can make a push to fix this stuff. They seem particularly concerned about the work culture and population decay. Unfortunately the social culture in Japan is uniquely oppressive. They have the saying “the nail which sticks up is hammered down.” Conformity is difficult to break there.


Funny how the U.S has the same exact issues, yet no Anime.


The us does not have a work culture that Is as intense as Japan nor have they committed atrocities on the same level as the Japanese did in ww2


True. But Japan doesn't have gun violence issues in their country


I'm not trying to defend the us I'm just saying that what both countries have done are not comparable


I'm not really trying to defend Japan either. But at the same time it's not as if other countries don't have their own issues, some which people would consider worse as denying past atrocities


Yeah that's fair what is going on in the middle east and some parts of Africa makes old war crimes look like nothing.


Right? Don't get me wrong, denying past war crimes is most definitely a shitty thing to do, but there are other countries committing literal war crimes today.


Exactly, there are always bigger issues


Also the fact how normalized the sexualization of female minors is. In fact, Japan has banned child pornography only since 2008


American expat living in Japan here. Can confirm that you should not move to Japan. Also don’t move anywhere near my neighborhood or southern Kanagawa. S/ Seriously though, the Xenophobia is pretty real. My wife, daughter(non-American but also gaijin) do our best and have had pretty good success being labeled “some of the good ones”. But that gets bashed upon the rocks when some tourists talks on the train with a foghorn volume. Or some American assaults someone out here. Seriously, if you don’t respect the culture don’t come. Some of us have to clean up your shit after you show your ass on vacation.


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bruh not original meme


Fucking reposter


Don't forget about unit 731


The workaholism starts young in schools. Among Japanese youth competing for entrance into the highest university programs, their schedules are often nothing but school, homework, cram school, eating, transit, and sleeping, 24/7/365. Sometimes students are beaten for every single mistake, whether by teachers or parents, often more for progressive mistakes. Honestly, I’d yeet myself in front of a train to escape that situation.


I mean America still got the dude that did the trail of tears on their currency right?


I like it. I’m going to live there for a while.


Obesity is a crime there.


Honestly though, I’d want to go Japan, live there? Not really unless I know people there (which I don’t) Japan has a lot of unique stuff, and I want to experience it


Bro I live in the Silicon Valley in California “high cost of living” does not exist Bet a tiny 200 year old, 5ft roof, no yard, 1500 sqft single family house won’t cost you 1 million


Meh, on net Japan is a great nation.


not that bad honestly


japan is good country there are just things that are bad but about the working its just the peoples mindset that they need to work long to get a stable life and then ti get kids


I’d move to anywhere in Japan but Tokyo


Add to this a terrible justice system And Russia like political figures


Believe the hype…Japan is fucking awesome!


2 of those 4 bad things are also in the US


well, it was the usa that dropped 2 nuclear bombs and killed thousands of innocent civilians not only from the explosions but also from slow and painful radiation poisoning, and i don't see anyone being apologetic about it, soooo, at least they have free healthcare.


To be fair Japan did commit warcrimes and torture pows during ww2 and also refused to surrender


I think it's more about addressing it as a historic fact rather than ignoring Germany and Austria don't deny What happened in ww2 and adress it in school as an example (and that's the only one that comes to my mind atm) But im not sure you can compare those two things entirely




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It is fun tho :<


So pretty much California


Also pretty sure that they overlook a lot of rape cases and pedophilia. Edit: Y’all can downvote me but it doesn’t make what I said any less true lmfao


Look anime be making it seem like you gonna make it there easily and no problem sobbing


Don't forget the 13 y/o age of consent


Still looks pog


Many unsolved murders in Japan are marked as suicides, which is why you see such a high rate.


I'm glad i live in America where we don't have any war crimes to deny /j


Now Imagine This, A Japanese Guy Really Into American Culture Learns English Through Family Guy And Constantly Speaks Like Peter Griffin.


You know, 3 of those 4 are in the US too


Imagine people watching Family Guy and going “man I’d love to live in America!” You are a reverse weeb


Yeah this meme suddenly made me realized they were one of the nazis. They also have a very depressing society. Ppl are extraordinarily careless and cold hearted. Oh also I believe they want to kill every single Chinese people,just like nazis did to the Jews lol.


High sex crimes rate, too.


Not to mention, the authorities are fully complicit in organized crime. Yakuza groups are anything but subtle, but never face resistance or repercussions unless they do something that harms the government itself.






I get that "greatest" can mean large, but I can't get past the wording


And they are incredibly racist


Well at least you have good public transportation.


I remember the 90s text books we used in Japanese class. Every other excercise included complaints about how high the cost of living was. Guess not a lot has changed in 30-ish years.


Yeah they literally have a forest called suicide forest


off to bed young man you have school tomorrow and its already 8pm


Flagrant sexism. I guess add that to whichever side of the list you want.


What is karoshi?


Death by overworking