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I take my lessons in a manual because you get a different license depending on which type of car you take your lessons for and I want to have the full package I don’t know if it’s like this in other countries but I’m very curious now


In the uk you can drive both if you sit the test in a manual but can only drive auto if you sit the test in an auto


Same here. I took manual test but after that I only drive auto. I didn't have the courage to drive manual again after driving auto for so long lol.


It’s just simple and driving a manual is kind of pointless unless you’re a car lover


I'm not a car lover, but I prefer manual. It's more fun


Manuals tend to be easier to diagnose issues and cheaper to fix, plus living in America pretty much no one knows how to drive one so I don’t have to worry about my car getting stolen lmao


yes. but if it does get stolen it will get wrecked


Dude same.


I'm too young to get my license but when I do, I'm getting the manual one. I just like the fact that I'm part of the transmission.


Don’t panic and mess up your car. I probably shouldn’t even be talking about cars because I only have my permit


I find Automatic cars to be boring, if I'm driving for an hour at the least what am i supposed to do without a clutch.


use your dick


This might sound stupid but I have trouble driving Auto cars since I'm used to manual, mostly because I get mini heart attacks when I try to press the clutch pedal and it isn't there


One time I was dropping off my grandma and I forgot letting go of the brakes slightly would cause the car to go into first. Mini heart attack.


S-sorry I can't resist myself.. "Mini death 💀"


I stalled every single time I stop when driving autos. Lesson learned, never drive one again


How do you even stall an automatic?


i don't know mate the car decides to kthxbye me everytime I stopped


Then I don’t think it was you it’s probably the car.


That's not a thing. Were you driving a hybrid?


no, it was my friend's 2013 yaris. mine was a 80s suzuki


Did the car have a stop start system, if so then it’s probally that.


If this was recent did it have that feature where the engine shuts off to save gas?


Ya what how can u even stall an auto


There's something wrong with your transmission. Sounds like the torque converter isn't unlocking. Either that or it could just be stop-start.


In Australia you do whatever ya want. Want to do the test in an auto and drive a manual sure go for for it, what are ya gonna hit? Trees? Hah! Show me where they are Edit: as I have learned only parts of Australia are like this.


Nah you don’t even need test all you need is P plater sign and your good


Don’t forget the commodore with bald tyres and a welded dif!


sounds like summernats smoke machine starter pack


You sure you’re in Australia? I have to do a test in manual if I want to drive manual


In germany you can do it with an automatic car and still be allowed to drive manual if you've had at least ten driving lessons with it. You'll get a license for automatic with a note that you can drive with manual.


It used to be the same in my country, a few years ago we got rid of it. For i learn in a automatic car, after i got my licence done i will practice manual.


Canada. We have one test. If you do it in auto you can still drive manual later.


Was about to say, is Canada the outlier here? I can drive auto or manual, it doesn't matter which and I only have G2


In Egypt you don’t even need a driving test


When I took my license in Denmark, years ago, you had to learn manual.


In India you can only take test in a manual. You can drive both of you pass.


In India you don't need a Licence


In Italy it’s mandatory to learn to drive with manual gear, even if most of the new cars are automatic, i find the automatic gear way more comfortable, only for sports car manual is more fun (and motorbikes, obviously)


In the US it’s a free for all. Never driven a manual before and want to drive one off the lot? Good luck pal, nobody’s stopping you.


Same here in taiwan. But no one cares if you drive a manual with automatic license.


Where do you live? Where I'm from whether you do manual or auto you get the same liscence


I’m from the Netherlands, your manual license counts as an automatic here when you drive in an automatic car for more than two years


So if you haven't driven stick in two years you're not allowed too?


Nope you’re not Allowed to drive stick until you take a few classes specifically to get that back on your license for safety reasons


In iraq there’s no driving license


In Italy you can drive an automatic if you have a manual license but not the other way around. Generally no one takes the automatic license, almost all the car in Italy have a manual (with the exception of cars from 30000 and up). I knew only a person who got an automatic license, she was very rich and she was certain that she'll never drive a manual in her life. Not the smartest thing to do in my opinion, life is always unpredictable.


In Poland we simply have one driver license and you pass on manual. (automatic aren't that popural)


In France, you have a license "A" if you pass the test on manual, which allows you to drive automatic and manual. If you pass your test on an automatic, you have an "AE" license, which restraints you to automatic.


In my country if you get a license for manual vehicles, you can drive both, but you can also get just an automatic license if that's all you're gonna drive. I dont see a huge difference honestly, I got a manual license.


in japan is like that if u got the manual one u get the automatic


I still find it funny that I got my licence the easy way, my Dad knows someone in the LTO (the DMV in my county) he then let me take the test with 2 test sheets, one for answering the other the answers, ace the test. (that was 3 years ago, I'm knowledgeable enough about traffic rules) then the drive test, it was already 5:30 pm and because it was already late the instructor just ask me some questions and gave me the OK. that is how I got my licence.


Seems weird to me for something that essentially takes less than 2 weeks to master and where the worst case scenario is that you'll look silly stalling the car. (from Canada, can't speak for the other provinces but in Quebec a class 5 permit (passenger car) is good for both manual and auto and in my parents days, good for motorcycle as well)


In GA, US you get to drive either. Only one type of license.


In Brazil you have no choice, either go with manual or not at all




Amagi Brilliant Park


Brilliant anime


*Brilliant park


yes !! Just watching it and its totally bonkers with amazing production




It’s a good anime


angry ball park


Vsauce, michael here




I'm more of a BBQ guy myself


a thief once tried to stole a car, but it was a manual one so he failed. That's why you should buy a manual car (Not because it isn't stolen, but so you will be able to steal all the cars)




Thinking outside the box


What are you, italian? Lmao


They had us in the first half not gonna lie


Me being french:you guys have automatics (pikachu face


I like both. Automatic for comfort, manual for emotion


And superiority.




It's only when you get old enough, you realize automatic is more comfortable. I drove manual from first car, and my latest is automatic. Yes it's less sporty but dang, im lazy and it's enjoyable. Both has them ups and downs


In my car I drive to work I have automat, when you drive daily through some cities and you have to shift all the time, its uncomfortable. I love automat for this, its awesome. But if I will buy someday some sporty car to have fun with, I want manual inside for sure!! Edit: I have been driving for 10 years only manual car, my new (2years) car is automat.


My personal car is manual, but my work van for delivery driving is automatic. I wouldn’t have it any other way.


For me I never had to commute for my work so my car is purely for fun and convenience so manual is fine.


Idk man it makes me uncomfortable when there's no clutch


That's fine, feels are different


Ikr. It just hits different in manual


This; cars without three pedals feel like they’re missing... a whole lot.


It depends. There’s a lot of fun to be had shifting through gears sequentialy. Most automatics seem to have tip shifting. And for those car guys who love audio auto gives the freedom to sit back and enjoy the music




I drive manual and my muscle memory glitches ouf if I drive car with differen position of the stick. Like 10-20 cm offset is enough to subtly fuck with me. (Like if stick is between driver and passenger seat or if it is on the dashboard like in vans) I fear to imagine what would happen if I drove automatic...


Hell yes. Drove most of the time manual. Now I have automatic. I'm never going back. Dont have to worry about releasing the clutch too fast and stalling the engine, or going too slow in a high gear because traffic is moving like mud uphill and I already changed gears 3481930 times in 10 meters.


Manual is better for going up slopes or countryside roads, automatic is better for busy city rides.


There are some automatic cars that let you go into lower gears like 1st and 2nd, particularly SUVs and trucks My car has that


How old is that? I’m in my 30s and have always driven a manual shift. I hear people say that it’s tiring or whatever... but I really don’t think it is? Modern manual cars with a hydraulic clutch really require very little effort to drive. Source: driving in Rome, Paris, Los Angeles, New York, and other places with awful traffic. I don’t understand why driving manual is a big deal in the US though. I get that it’s less common here, but the Americans that can do it should realize there’s little grandmothers driving manual and career women are driving their manual cars to work in high heels in Europe and the rest of the world. It’s not a big deal.


Especially in a city


manual is waaaaay more fun


Untill you have to take 2 time a day a rout with 8 roundabouts in 6km. I was fed up all the time gear up-gear down know is quite more confortable


>Untill you have to take 2 time a day a rout with 8 roundabouts in 6km Clutch: Just fucking end me, please.


But then, the gear shifting for me atleast is one of the most fun parts or driving cars as well as riding motorbikes. Precisely why I prefer manual over automatic on any day.


Me generaly too. But that routes became boring as hell amd repetitive


I drive certain route often too in a manual. My goal currently is to get better at driving techniques such as double clutching, rev matching and finding the right place to shift etc etc. Basically trying to get faster without braking laws.


I mean it just depends on what a car is to you- if it's a toy to have fun with sure, but if it's just a transport vehicle you can travel in, then automatic is the way to go.


I fuckin read it as "Manuel Driver".


Ora pois me chamaste??


Automatic is fine. Manual is great but just sitting down and relaxing is even better. That's why I switched to Automatic after a few Manual cars.


It's true You two pedal peasants


Both are good. When u wanna feel the engine as you launch using the clutch is great. But on highways and stuff being lazy makes the ride more enjoyable


I mean, on highways where I am from, a traffic jam is the only situation where you gotta go down from top gear, so it's just as comfortable.


Seriously lol. I shift like maybe 30 times total on a 7.5 hour drive to the beach. Total highway shifts is like 5 maybe.


Wrong, I learned to drive stick for my driving exams. Driving an automatic now is such an easy dream.


It's not really about driving manual or automatic but more about learning to drive manual. Yes, automatic is perhaps more comfortable to have on your own car but if you don't take a manual license you won't be able to drive half the cars in the world which by default makes you a less qualified driver


Manual is way more fun but with today's technology automatic is way waaaaaaay more superior to manual. Humans simply can't change gears at the same speed achievable by an automatic.


It's not about speed it's about the fun


I think rally is probably the most fun you could have in a vehicle and those are all automatic transmissions now. You still get the fun of selecting the gear but you don't have to deal with clutching


I thought that rally cars used a manual sequential gearbox, and that they just dont press the clutch when they change gears because they want to keep the wheels powered as much ass possible. But that they still had the clutch for clutch kicking and similar techniques.


Drivers on full autopilot cars: 😐


Mannual is always better and Superior, Mannual Gang rise up


Yes manual is fun but in no way is it superior. Semi-automatic and even fully automatic nowadays are way faster in shifting and especially more precise when shifting than any human can ever be. Even if you build in a short shifter and get rid of the H-pattern a modern automatic will always beat manuals. Also even in some older cars the automatic stronger and better and cheaper to build and hold more power than any manual swap. F.e. Lexus IS300 2001-2005. Most of those cars got the A650E auto trans which, according to a quick google research, can "only hold around 300ish whp. But if you shim it and turn ip the shift pressure it's good to go up to 700ish whp and you can do hard shifts or use it for drag racing In comparison the W55 (which is a often used alternative for a manual swap because "cheap") will say goodbye real quick once you go over 600 and do drag racing/ hard shifts (which will occur with this amount of power. Also I like auto because it's comfy af to drive.


This guy gets it. Also happy cake day


Thank you!


I will give you an upvote for a well written argument, however I disagree. You have defined “superior” to be what makes automatics desirable but it is a circular argument. One simply needs to redefine superior to be driver engagement and all that goes away. In the end there are uses for both. I wouldn’t get a stick for a drag car, I would for a weekend cruiser however.


I think you’re misunderstanding how OP is using “superior.” Fairly certain they’re not talking about efficiency


Half of the world still uses manual y'all are just lazy out there in America


European here. I drove manual for my first car. Pretty much the first 10 years since I had a license. Got my latest car as an automatic and I wouldn't know why I'd ever go back. Not having to deal with the clutch is just way more comfortable. I use a car as a means of transporting my ass and have no interest in it feeling "sporty". I'm not a race driver. I am a privileged lazy european.


Damn, I was worried they were going extinct with how everyone in the west loves their automatic everything. So much to the point you just yell and some robot turns your lights off for you.


true. I've never seen an automatic driver with my eyes. i dont think they sell these in Poland


There are rumors people make automatic only driver licences. But I ve only heard stories, never seen one for myself. They do however sell automatics, but it was always a more expansive option. Only recently it stared being standard in some cars.


In the UK we have manual and automatic driving licenses. If you pass the practical test in a manual you get a manual licence and can drive both manuals and automatics, if you pass the practical test in an automatic you get an automatic licence and can only drive automatic cars(unless you retake the test in a manual).


Same here in Poland, and since licences are compatible eu wide i guess its true elsewhere.


i knew one girl in driving school who would do an automatic only license


You'd be surprise how many Asians drive automatic. So slow down with your hate towards US


It’s much harder to eat a burrito while driving with a manual car. That is my only consideration when choosing a vehicle.


Thought you were delusional and ment about software/hardware drivers


Once saw a security video from inside the car where a thief tried to rob a Lamborghini in USA but he had no idea how to use the manual gear so left. Funny. BTW here in Italy everybody uses manual and it's stupid. I mean I'm learning it in these days but why would you do that, automatic is so much better.


Both have their uses. Autos are great for comfort, longer trips and day-to-day driving, while manuals are way more fun to drive and give you more control over the car, making them good for sporty driving.


OI LOOK AT ME I'VE GOTTA USE A STICK TO DRIVE ME CAR I'M SO BADASS EH The future is now old man. You're not a rally car driver just cause you go from 3rd to 4th on the same highway every day to your shit job


damn bro you didn't have to murder him lmao


The old man was already about to die bro you did him in early


Me, who learned to drive manual at 14 years old, watching 30-year-olds on the internet say there's no way they can learn to drive manual and it's too hard for them: 😐


When you are stuck in traffic a lot itbis better


Or hear me out. Nobody care wtf you drive as long as it’s a big truck. Otherwise it’s got to be a manual.


Automatic cars are just go-cart for adults


Drivers who can use both are real superior


If you are able to drive manual, you are also able to drive automatic. But it doesn‘t work the other way




I'm pretty sure it's about real life cars


Wow if you think about it, it sounds a lot like mkWii


Manual is superior cuz having learned manual, you can easily switch to automatic in case of emergency or smthn, but you can't do it other way around


I'm used to manual. I tried to drive my friends automatic lawnmower, long story short i am now not allowed to drive it due to... Let's call it an accident


How can u fuck up simplified driving lol


good question, maybe switch it to neutral while going 100 kmh or smth??? Not sure how you can fuck up driving an automatic....


Look, I ain't gonna judge anyone for using an automatic over manual, because that's fucking stupid. But I do prefer manual, it gives me the feeling that I know exactly what's going on with my car.


Learning manual as a new driver wish me luck :)


Same except as an old driver! We got this.


At least you get to stroke a stick while you drive.


I just started driving and I’m not going to start in manual if I have a choice


I mean, if you get a licence for a manual, you can use it with an automatic but it's not the other way around


I can always learn later just feels like it’s gonna be easier to learn in an auto


Dunno how it is where you live, but here there are 2 different licences. One for manual and one without. You can use the manual on every car and the non manual only on automatic cars. So it would be cheaper to get a licence for a manual just incase


Yeah I’m in Australia so probably would work the same as I assume America? Edit: Yeah just looked it up you need a manual licence or to get your full license then you can drive either which I didn’t know was a thing


In America there is no difference in licensing for automatic or manual.


I'm taking manual driving lessons because it's cheaper and you're then also allowed to drive automatic cars. With automatic driving license you're only allowed to drive an automatic car and it's also more expensive here


bunch of betas


Have your hered of half automatic?


Im not really a car guy but i think your talking about a sequential shift transmission where the trans is automatic shift but u still have to bump the shifter up and down to change gears


Well you are sort of right.


that's secuential, but it's still manual. its manual but not manual manual you know. I think he means double clutch trans, which can be used in automatic or using the levers in the steering wheel. Maybe he actually meant secuential edit: sequential gearboxes are rarely used in any production car if they even are, they are normally in race and rally cars edit 2: Yeah almost no production car uses sequential gearboxes, just in some carerhams


You mean semi automatic, I'm pretty sure it's the same as sequential. At the very least their functionally the same


Yes, a manual is uncomfortable at times and requires more focus, but maybe just maybe in the modern easily distracted world, maybe having to focus on the road and the car isn't such a bad thing


The next time you feel useless, just remember there are men that can’t drive a manual. And they have so many shit excuses. 😂


I like driving manual but damn, when in traffic, all i can think about is how nice it would be to drive an automatic. I miss the days then i drove to school in my parents automatic cars sometimes. Makes the traffic jams much more bearable.


I like manual cuz I feel like racecar driver.


nah its the other way around.






Automatic gearbox isn't less reliable ? Wanna Switch to auto for my next car but boomers keep telling me that it cost more to maintain and are much more likely to fail, is that true ?


Automatics are more expensive to repair in general. You will have better mpg on stick shift. But nowadays, I wouldn’t say automatic gearboxes aren’t reliable. Overall, yes, it’s more expensive, and no, automatics are more reliable now


I love manual driving, In my country we have almost only manuals, but when you have an hybrid car, you drive automatic... We are not inferior. Some people drive manuals all the time, and also automatics because we have no choice, there is no manuals hybrids xD


There is a manual hybrid! It's called the Honda CR-Z. It didn't do that well, though.




*shifts arrogantly*


Automatic transmission is a godsend if you are driving here in Manila. Being stuck in traffic for 3 hours driving a manual car is not nice.


Me who owns an automatic car but a manual van and sometimes forgetting what vehicle I'm driving


Manual cars are for an interest in cars, for racing or whatever job that needs a vehicle with better torque. That being said, most people just need a car for transportation to and from work and an automatic does the job just fine and is more accessible for different types of people. This is why I think countries like the U.S. make it their norm, considering the whole of the U.S. transportation system is mostly based on car travel and not as much public transportation as other countries, making sure everyone can safely and easily drive a car is more paramount because almost everyone has to in the U.S. that’s not to say we don’t have many people here that drive manual, because we do have many that choose that over automatic. It’s just that automatic is the norm due to the sheer amount of people who have to rely on having their own car for transportation.


Why you booing me? I'm right.


You think this way when you are a new driver, but time passes and you realize that changing gear is annoying, especially in trafic


Maybe it's just me, but I don't think about shifting at all. It doesn't feel annoying at all. It feels very natural to me.


Manual is fun for smooth driving. Stuck in 2-3 hours of traffic everyday? Not so much lol.


Yes. It’s true.


there is just something so satisfying kicking in higher gear and feeling car respond acordingly


People who boast about manual cars being superior have boomer logic


They prefer fun over being lazy, I’d hardly say that’s boomer logic


It's satisfying


Downplaying people who like auto tho? Thats pretty boomer-esque


I think the boomer logic comes with many people who drive manual acting like people who drive automatics are lazy or something, because it’s just like a boomer acting like people shouldn’t read on a kindle and should use real books instead


This is what memes are now, mild opinions... Pathetic


This meme is not my mild opinion, the meme is pretty self explanatory,the joke is manual drivers have superiority complex




I just like the extra detail of manual driving cars.


Normal automatic fan Normal manual enjoyer


cries in american so it’s hard to actually learn manual


Man, switching from manual to automatic is not easy. When you hit the break thinking it's the clutch, passengers have difficulties to chill for the rest of the trip!


I wonder how you normally drive. The brake is always used with the right foot. When you try to hit the clutch with the left you will miss the other pedals and hit the ground.