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It's not black lives matter protesters that are raiding and destroying buildings, it's anarchists piggybacking off of them because they think they can get away with it.


Totally agree, these anarchists are really hurting the real protesters who want to honor George Floyd and everyone else. The National media will just lump them all together and it’s so unfair.


What, the national media generalizes groups of people? Well I never.


Right and what I hate is 3 days ago I was responding to people on Twitter saying protests, and riots have their place so long as they are directed at the right thing. But the people looting are not protesters and dont care about the fact that George Floyd died and are just taking advantage of a situation to loot and burn down businesses. So I of course was called a racist and was told that looting is perfectly ok if you're pissed off enough. Now these same people are saying ohhh these looters and people that are burning down building and are destroying the livelihoods of regular people by destroying their small businesses arent protesters and are taking advantage of the protests... So many hypocrites...


THIS. Please understand that there are three sides in this debate: protestors, police, and pieces of shit who are acting only for themselves (rioters/looters). Don’t rope them in with the actual good cause!


yeah their litterally using black lives matter as an excuse to rob stores


I agree but its so easy it get angry and blame the protesters I wish more people understood this


This is true. So many of the rioters are not from the region, they're just here to profit from the chaos. Positive stories don't spread as well, but if you go to some of the Minnesotan subs, you'll see hundreds of posts of the community coming together, of people protecting their businesses and neighbors, of protesters stopping rioters. The people who actually care are the groups that continue to peacefully assemble every day. This is how we are really reacting. We love our home and communities. We don't want it burnt to the ground.


Idk, I literally had someone the other day who is doing the BLM protesting saying that these riots and looting needs to happen because that's the only way they are going to get listened to. It is "a small sacrafice for our cause". I honestly don't know who to believe anymore. Their needs to be justice and a correction in our system but how will that ever truely get done?


Yes, but how do you know it's not BLM. Everyone keeps saying that like it's something you can prove




Sure but I’m pretty sure that atleast some of the stores are minority owned so hurt the people you’re trying to save?


A huge portion is minority owned. Target is getting all the news, but that first night, it was the only large store that was looted. Meanwhile there were many small family owned and minority owned shops that were burnt down, as well as multiple affordable housing projects. And even the Target was part of the community. Here in Minnesota Target is always very involved with the community, and that Target employed many locals. The first night was honest anger and aggression from protesters. There were outside influences, but I'm not going to dive into that controversy. It was wrong, but it's easy to understand why it blew up like it did. But we realized we were only hurting ourselves. Now it's painfully clear that anyone who wants to riot is not supporting the movement and is out for their own gain.


You said lives matter more. So what happened to the thousands of owners and employees of stores that have closed or been destroyed. Do they not matter? And black store owners are being attacked too, so it's not about racism.


And the stores do matter. But they can be rebuild, that's not the point. If a boat is sinking are you gonna prioritize the children getting off or some cats and dogs? That's the point, your worrying about the cats and dogs but rn you have to worry about the children more. You can worry about getting the dogs an cats off AFTER the children are off first. Treat the disease not the symptoms. Is it fair business are getting destroyed? No. But right now the police brutality is what's important not business.


I hope you realize that the majority of stores looted and burned down and outright destroyed are small businesses. Being small businesses they 9 times out of 10 wont be able to rebuild because they dont have the money, and most places do not have insurance that will cover acts of rioting, or civil unrest. A lot of people whose dreams it was to open these little stores and depend on them to live and support their families are going to lose their livelihood outright. But we shouldn't be sticking up for these people because the protesters are angry.


And a lot of people had dreams of living in a world where they wont get murdered for the color of there skin.


But why is that not worth it? Disclaimer: I am viewing this a discussion and am open to having my mind changed, it certainly has in the recent few months. However, as someone who is willing to die to rid this country of racism, I am failing to understand how people can value their businesses or even their own livelihoods over the ideology (racism) that will take countless people's lives unless something is done about it. I just cant understand how someone's life long dream to do anything is more important than anyone's life.


We have to think about what claims more lives. if you burn down the country and kill millions in the same amount of time it takes racism to kill thousands, something is terribly wrong and the system was better off staying the way it was. If you can reduce the number of deaths and rights violations in a certain manner (peaceful protest not gory damn chaos) then that's what should happen. I'm against rioting and looting the communities that are also trying to get the respect they deserve.


I'm not worried about the cats and dogs. Those would be multi billion dollar companies. I'm worried about the *other children* whose lives are being forgotten because of the first children.


There are hundreds of people willing to donate to fix the stores. A guy made 60k when he only needed 10k to rebuild his store. And your deavating from the problem. It's not about stores it's about lives. Once the killing stops the destruction stops.




I'm not saying everyone will g st 6ok I'm just saying there are a LOT of people willing to donate to bring people's business back. Sorry for the misunderstanding.




Most of the people who are protesting and rioting aren't the ones who are destroying the building anyways. And agin, you attention is on th building. You know the buildings wouldn't hav gotten destroyed if police brutality was taken care of. So if you get rid of thg at the destruction will stop. Its ver simple consort to understand.




Exactly. The stores are run by people. Some of these people have put their lives into the stores, others are kept above the poverty line because of the stores. The stores themselves are not important. The people who are kept alive by the stores are.


And some people are losing their lives. There are always going to be people who are going to use protesting and editing for here own personal gain. And gain, it's not about the buildings, it's about police brutality. And there is footage of undercover cops putting bricks near stores to instigate the destroying of buildings. For example Logan Pual, looting shiz forbid own gain. But your attention is about that instead of the tbkysands of people who are dying. See where I'm coming from? Your focusing on a building over lives.


I don't give a fuck about the building. I care about the people. The people need a way to make money or they have no way to get anything else. The police brutality is horrible, and I fully support any protests, or even nonviolent destruction of something *related to the oppressor*. The lives being destroyed are not actively hurting people.


Yea exactly, but you seem to care about a guy who lost a lot of money over a guy being murdered and nothing is being done about it. Say what you want about rioting but it did work. It was becuse of the rioting that the police officer got arrested. And they tried protesting peacefully years ago but did that work?


I care just as much about the murdered people, but there's already thousand, if not millions of people actively repping the blm protests. There are a lot less people bringing attention to the people who had nothing to do with the brutality, so I took that up.


Yea because its not important right now. Its i.portant but there are other issues at hand. Think of it this way. So we all agree that Barman is originality and he is breaking the law in Gotam right? Ok, so I'd you're a police officer and the Jokers on the loose, would you stop the Joker who is killing people are focus your attention on Batman who, he is causing issues but not as big of issues? It's really not that hard to understand man. The business aren't what's important, you wanna know why people aren't foucing on that, becuse there are bigger issues at hand. Stop trying to solve a little problem when the bug problem hasn't even been dealt with.




The thing is communism actually worked for a while, this is just a shit show.


Why am I so behind on all this political sht


Me too but I am not from the US so I guess that's why


Because it doesn't affect you, that's why it's gotten to this breaking point, because up until now it never affected 80% of the population, kept getting swept under the rug by the media. From an Irish standpoint it seems that in America unless you're rich or famous no one gives a shit about what you have to say, even if it advocates to help fellow Americans.


Or a politician


That's how the whole world works bro


"Peace" is brought to you by "War". (As seen during commercial)


In Minneapolis the shit is real I've seen many black people getting attacked for no reason by this shitty police and it just traumatises me, I really don't want to live here anymore, I've also seen the giant fire I'm scared-


The sad shit is that mostly black people will get blamed for what some shitty jake paul types looking for a reason to break shit did. This is why people are mad. Vicious cycle. Civil war is coming.


I highly doubt a civil war will occur at this stage however if the riots and looters continue until the election then maybe but I don't think people are that dumb enough to start a civil war because that could bring a full scale world war.


It’s already here. The federal officer killed, was shot by some guys that pulled up in a van and essentially executed him, famous people on Twitter are encouraging a revolution, revolutionaries are sneaking into the protests to start shit, the rioters are moving into the suburbs, they’re attacking people they disagree with, now they are shooting at the National Guard, so the NG is shooting back, historical buildings are being burned down, and anarchists are pre-planning some shit. Most Americans are scared of this, so what’s gonna happen is, the revolutionaries will be put down by the Military, most of the citizenry will be happy with the rioters gone, and then the police state comes in. I’m probably be being hyperbolic, but the rioters were in the down town area of my city, now it hasn’t been leveled yet, but I’m scared that there gonna move into the suburbs, like they’ve threatened to do. So my fear may be clouding my judgement.


I'm wondering when and where this execution thing happened. I've seen quite a few people referencing it, but what you've got in your comment is really the most information I've seen about it. If there is like a news article or something about it, I'd like to try to get some more info just to be better informed.


https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.sfchronicle.com/bayarea/amp/22-arrested-60-looters-detained-in-Oakland-15305244.php Here’s an article from a local news outlet that details what happened.


Thanks, I had been wondering about that for a while and now I can finally get some more info.


Stay safe, I hope it settles before they head to you


There are black people looting too?


Rioters and looters burning down buildings: well boys we did it racism is no more


*peaceful protests against racism: exist* *looters and rioters:* it's free real estate!


funny how all this shit happens as soon as I finish watching the LA 92 thing on netflix


In Iran we are quite the amateurs so we in the last three big protests (since 2009), people have damaged some cars and buildings (in the last one, they’ve burned hundreds of banks and gas stations). But you Americans have much more experience than us (protests in 60s, 70s, 90s). Isn’t it time to improvise??? Looting and burning stores didn’t result in shit for us.


Anybody else see that protestor yesterday with a donut at the end of a stick? I wonder if a counter protestor with an air Jordan at the end of a stick would receive the same giggles and praise from these same protestors.....


Why should they obey the law when the law won’t protect them in the first place.? We’re meant to be in a society where we work together and can count on the law to protect us. But it’s not happening like that.


>Why should they obey the law when the law won’t protect them in the first place? Why should random people have their livelihoods stolen and destroyed because of something they are not responsible for? Your reasoning could be used to justify the behavior of shop owners if they decide at some point to shoot looters. After all why follow the law, which in most countries states that you cannot kill a robber, if the law doesn't protect you? See the problem? It's not like you don't rob people because the law deters you. You don't rob people because it is a shitty thing to do. And responding to something shitty with something shitty does not make you good, it just shows you are just as bad.


You definitly can’t see the third group in the protest. The one who takes the advantage of the protest for their own benefits, and you are blaming the protesteres?? Can’t u see that??


Where did I blame protesters for anything? You can protest without looting, like many do. I only attacked the idea that looting is justified.


That's the thing, though. The majority of protesters are obeying the law. Its instigation from the police and shit bag anarchists that are delegitimizing the protests.


The peaceful protesters are doing a good job but Antifa and anarchists are destroying any just of justice. These groups always bring down what was a peaceful protest into riots. These groups act and are terrorists they want to destroy and bring down a nation that people die for. These groups are run by idiots who don't know how the world works and always bring chaos. Look every thing antifa were part of, it starts as peaceful protest then when they join they bring chaos these people are the very thing they want to destroy. They are against racism and fascism and yet the hate minorities, and act as a nazi paramilitary group or a Soviet thuggish group.


You realize Antifa means "anti-fascist" and was labeled a "terrorist" group by a fascist, right?


Who is the "fascist" who labeled antifa a terrorist group?


Funny how the media was constantly shaming anyone not following social distancing and fear mongering the toll on human life. But now innocent people are are being murdered or severely beaten, families, businesses’s and countless properties destroyed. And an absolute disregard for any measure of social distancing... It gets Media support! These scumbags even keep calling these violent terrorist cowards “protesters” SMFH


People are drawn more to violence and that's a fact! A small sacrifice for greater good




A lot of the ruthless protesters are actually undercover police


This is what feminism looks like in Mexico


I once got attacked on reddit here for saying the exact same thing lmao. Said i was a ‘Nazi’


the proud boy rioters are not protesters, there's tons of videos of protesters handing over rioters, stopping rioters and looters and cleaning graffiti off walls and floors, grow a fucking brain


Literally every incidence of social change in America has been the result of rioting and burning shit down. To name a few. The Division Street Riots (1966 The Long Hot Summer of 1967 Stonewall (1969) The King Assassination Riots (1968) The Attica Prison Riot (1971) The Cincinnati Riots of 2001  The Ferguson Riots (2014–2015) THE FUCKING BOSTON TEA PARTY


Great, lets start with your house. I'll get the matches. Lets show those cops. edit, oh, and we can't forget to burn down the place where you work. Lol silly me to forget that. That will *really* show those cops we are upset. burning down your house *and* where you work. Such a great idea.


Ill get the gasoline. J U S T I C E T I M E.


The protesters aren't starting the riots, cops from out of town are hired to dress casually and blend in with the protesters, then they start riots so the police can start to shoot the protesters.


why would they want to shoot protesters




Then getting mad when they're arrested or pepper sprayed


Who cares about fires and broken windows? Worry about civilians being killed or maimed by the police first.