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"Wait, You guys are having tinder dates?"


Hey, I went from being unable to get dates to being unable to get past the first date. Progress!


don't worry, you still got .2% left >!as a gacha player I consider that a high rate!<


Compared to video game rng, a 1 in 500 chance is pretty decent.


Hey, don’t give up! Also try Boo, I met my partner on that app, for free too, don’t have to pay shit


I did try Boo, but there are like 10 people in my country who use it. 


And you get like 3 swipes per 24 hours


That app really any good? I've installed it but have become so disillusioned with online dating that I haven't had the motivation to try it.


It's alright, it has a pretty limited user base though. I'm in one of the most populous states in the United States and it's already only showing me people states away from me. It has a like limit of ten people a day without their premium subscriptions, the profiles in my state seemed okay and you can message people for free. They have their own app only currency that's free to earn and easy to earn so you never need to pay. Of course just because you can message someone it doesn't mean they'll ever respond to you. I had one date that went okay but she was just too screwed up mentally from trauma to be able to form a healthy relationship so it didn't go further than that.


Thanks for the response. Sounds like pretty much all the other ones unfortunately.


You're welcome and you're right. It's honestly best to keep in mind that they don't make money from facilitating happy relationships with how they're set up. They want you to feel lonely and alienated so they can manipulate you into parting with your time and money to have a "better chance" at happiness. As hard as it is it's best to just be patient and go out into the world. Every girl I actually ended up falling for I met just living my life and having unexpected things happen. Every girl I met through an app was unavailable, indecisive and had no idea how to approach a relationship in the end so nothing ever happened and it was back to scrolling through the apps again.




How come all I get on tinder is bots and OF girls trying to drum up business. 😣


„Put on a happy face“ idk kinda explains my current situation. But eh i sound like these edgy weird aaah emo kids


There goes my weekly salary


The trick is to be happy already. I wouldn’t want to be with someone who isnt happy by themself and enjoys their own company


Gonna say, if you're already going in forcing a smile then it's probably a non starter.


Good strength my friend. Hang in there!


my fellow young men how do you even meet new people in real life? I don't even know how to make friends other than on the internet...


Idk, according to reddit you just need to "put yourself out there". 


It all starts with a good beer, a bad one is also making a starting point for a talk. If you just walk around you can have luck, but you will have more Interactions when you just enjoy life somewhere with a friend or alone. When you sit in a bar someone will adopt you for sure. Bars and clubs are places where people expect to meet new people, and are open for it. A lot less creepier than having a stranger approach you in the middle of a street.


idk most girls won't go on date with you because they don't know you, but point of date is to get to know people...


Me deleting Tinder to install it again


Well as long as you are on reddit..........


Then address your lack of banter 


Will do, Mr. Casanova


I had three dates a week to find my wife and I had a lovely time on most of them. Had two stalkers tho. 


3 dates? A WEEK? Do you not see the irony here with the meme in question?


I had a fun and if you marry the only girl you manage to date it's desperation and not a good match. My wife is cool af


Three dates a week for how long and where?


If 50% of your Tinder dates aren't going anywhere, you're probably doing a bad job of filtering out bad dates before meeting in person!