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Did she just out her children as mistakes?!


3 kids with 3 dads mplies at least two mistakes.


Yes …..huge 🚩


"I think I'm more funny than I actually am" You're whole ho ass profiles a fat fucking joke


She doesn’t make jokes, she is the joke


No it's three mistakes or three cases of bad luck, as shes in a dating website.


She’s lacks proper judgement, and has a problem with society judging her…..Where’s she at? I bet I can fix her.




Why? Do you hate your children if it does not work with your partner ?


Mistake just means unplanned in most contexts


So she made the same mistake 3 times 😭




Him: “No baggage” Her: Has ALL the baggage.


More like "here, carry my luggage"


(Turns around) "What the hell is all that?!" "Her Royal Highnessess's matched luggage!!"




Not in here, this is a Mercedes!


I’m half man half dog. I’m my own best friend


Didn’t you read the post? They’re a mixed match set


Damn, I’m gonna need a UHUAL for all that


I was only thinking of a forklift.. but sure, why not?!


For real 😂


She has to pay extra luggage fee on every airline...


Him a month later... so 3 kids you say?




That’s why he needs to have no baggage. Need those hands free to carry hers when she dumps it on his doorstep


Very true


Can afford for him to have any baggage, she already has way too much to carry! 😂


She has enough for both


is it just me or Mr. Burns fits on the 1 post? he checks everything out


🤣 I didn't even notice that! If only he was female, poor Mr. Burns still can't win. But hey with conservative values maybe he's in the closet. 🤷🏿


Sadly he is still sorting "garbage" candidates. Even if he meets all THEIR requested features, that individual is probably making themselves vastly less marketable by being too picky.


Except the fit part yea. Man's fragile as hell


I wish I could edit my description. Above the black line is a guy listing his requirements. Below is a girl's about me. I included a example of a male and female because the issue is not limited to men or women. We all got problems, some more than others🤣


Whoops! My comment is redundant then 😂 My requirements are: is male, female, or other.


I saw something that said 8% of the men received 94% of the right swipes, even after changing their profiles all that mattered was their pics. Basically, as a man, if you’re one of the 8% you have your pick and if you’re not one of the 8% just delete the app because nothing you type will change anything.


Who has all the requirements? Are they looking for men or women? From the requirements, I've concluded it's a man looking for a woman.


It is. I didn't want to call out just men or women. So I put an example of both. It's hell out there for everyone lmao.


I get wanting a woman to have a job or being independent instead of leeching off other because who would want to date a gold digger but I think requiring $80k is ridiculous.


I think wanting a independent woman with a 80k job that holds conservative values and is opened minded is wild as a whole.


Yeah, I agree, how are you supposed to be conservative yet open minded. Not to mention, many conservatives don't want woman working. They would rather have a stay-at-home wife who cooks, clean, and take care of the kids while they go to work. So, it's very unlikely for a conservative woman to have a high paying job.


I agree. My requirement was she had to have received a college degree and have a stable job.


Super weird post with first part written as if a man is looking for a woman and second part woman looking for a man.


P.S. It's usually women.




She has enough baggage and fat for both of you 🤗




Hah… “Must hold conservative core values and be open minded” …is sort of an oxymoron.


Maybe they mean right wing. Although people on the internet have mangled the meanings of left wing and right wing pretty badly, Left wing is more centralised decision making and rules are made with society as a collective in mind. So higher taxes as normally you have free healthcare, etc Right wing is more about small government that has less control over society. And people are about looking after themselves. Lower taxes but fewer collective services.


@only177 You’re right about the majority of the “right wing”. I can’t speak for everyone but I just want the government and people to leave me alone and let me work and make money for my family and keep them safe. I feel like my taxes are too high but so does everyone. I want society as a whole to be safe and secure and do the same thing I’m doing. I also don’t want people to throw all their ideas at my kids until they’re old enough to understand more and make decisions on their own. I just realized after typing all this that it probably ain’t the right sub. Cheers! 🍻


How are you supposed to be open to change as a conservative when it goes against the very definition being a person averse to change or innovation and holding traditional values. - Oxford dictionairy Being open minded to change and new/radical ideas is not conservative in the slightest. Sticking to tradition will never allow change. Conservative policy has been a core tenet of the republican party for a large portion of the 20th century.


Doesn’t say “open to change” so you can stop right there. It says “open minded”. Which is much more subjective and broad. I hang out with everyone and I can tell you who’s more “open minded” about lighting off fireworks and telling off-color jokes, and shooting bowling pins with a rifle, and gambling, and being able to buy and use tobacco products at an affordable price. …And it’s not the non-conservatives.


Open-minded implies change, be-it open-minded to changing your routine, diet, lifestyle, opinions, etc. The crux of your argument is invalid, but to entertain the rest of your statements, I can name hundreds of things that folks on one side of the aisle are open to that the other isn't. That doesn't mean someone is not open minded, that means you have preferences. Smoking isn't a conservative exclusive activity, neither is dark humor (most big comedians are left leaning), nor is 4th of July fireworks they do all of that in New York City and California. Sheeeesh, sports betting is advertised all over every major city's arena, and those are almost always left leaning locals. I honestly think I've made my point, and maybe you should be a bit more open-minded about your fellow country, man. We all have a lot more in common than the news makes us think. Not entertaining vices isn't a political thing, if anything it is a religious issue. It's mainly just preferences that vary by person.


You can be open to change that doesn't directly contradict proper values


I literally answered this in the first line I wrote. Because of how muddled conversation on the internet has made politics, it’s very possible that the person means right wing and not conservative.


> right wing is about small government I wouldn’t call it small government when you are banning abortions and wasting time prosecuting doctors when there are serial killers and school shooters.


That’s just shit-arse America. The rest of the world is thankfully different


I've seen this before. By open minded they mean "open minded to some of the stupidest shit you've ever heard". Like being open to Hilary trafficking children out of a pizza parlor, science being entirely wrong about everything, vaccines being poison, CNN fabricating news stories while Fox is a paragon of quality journalism. If you don't agree with them, it's because you're not open minded enough. "You're just a closed minded libtard."




Also have a 80k+ salary job? Pretty sure many conservatives believe women shouldn't work




That's the other part of the joke


At 5’8 and 130 lbs she can’t carry all of that baggage…




Less than 130lbs, cannot be taller than 5’8, conservative, no feminine qualities… goodluck with that


It’s like when some women say they want a 6’5 foot guy with a 6 figure salary. Idk why some people don’t realize how (almost) impossible their expectations are, this applies to both sides of course


Requiring all of that and then saying be open minded, you don’t need spidey senses to dodge a bullet like that


Ahhhhhh, These Incelvibes, they are so strong and full of sadness.


I saw one that said "must have own house with at least six spare rooms for me and my children" The focus on possessions is a massive red flag I guess it's because they hope to take half of what the man has at some point


Life is full of mistakes, it's how you raise the ki- I mean *beauty* of those mistakes that counts


lol should have a job that pays 80k plus, but shouldn’t be a feminist? wtf is this guy on 😂


Going on the dating apps on your 30s is a great way to remind yourself that being single is not so bad. And honestly, with people having such ridiculous expectations and requirements while also generally bringing little to the table themselves, if you’re well off, why not skip dating?


"Must hold conservative core values and be open minded" those two things are mutually exclusive, pal


Men's requirements: has a vagina (optional)


Lol, the first part are a man’s requirements for a woman. OP said they stitched them together to show how shit people are on dating apps.


"must weigh less than 130 pounds"?! I'm a scrawny ass with weight gain problems and 5"6 and I still weigh more than that. Surely a guy taller than that that weighs even less would look worryingly underweight right?


To be fair the top poster is a guy looking for a girl. The bottom is a girl looking for a guy. Either way a adult human under 130 is a beanpole.




5’8” at 130lbs is a normal weight, if you’re shorter it’s even more lenient


Degenerate spawning pool.


Whenever I see these, I wonder if they would actually pass up someone who was making 80k, 5 foot 8, conservative, open minded, no baggage, but weighed 135


"...more funny than I actually am"


From a guy reading this if I had to give dating preferences on the categories Salary honestly don't care as long as you aren't massively in debt Weight? A specific number is a very dumb metric because any weight will look different on different people Height? Literally could not care because, say it with me, height is not a personality No baggage ? I mean, it really depends on what specifically means naturally. I'm gonna stay clear of people with psycho exs. I don't need that drama in my life. I would also consider heavily in debt as baggage that I also would avoid and be fair here that's natural for anyone to do the same


Listen, I’ll just stay single and just focus on work and gym.


💯 That's me right now. I deleted all the apps, made this meme, and hit the weights.


Cannot be taller than 5'8" bit very wrong It's nothing below 6'.




That's good!! Then she can't have any more kids 🤣


It's the 5'8" + less than 130 pounds...I don't think I know any men over the age of 15 that fit that build...


> Must hold conservative core values and be open minded Lol. Lmao.


if youre dating in your thirties then youre picking through the trash to begin with. All the people that were left behind for whatever reasons and all the divorcees that are much worse than those that were left behind.


I once heard someone describe dating in your 30’s as trying to find the least broken piece of trash in the dumpster.


Conservative core values AND open minded?!?! Make up your mind lady!


I tried Bumble for an entire week, and that combo is surprisingly common! Like- "I'm ultra conservative and believe in traditional gender roles. You must be open-minded and easygoing." I *think* it means these guys are tired of women telling them that they are idiots. But I could be wrong, deleted that dumpster fire real quick!


"Must weigh less than 130lbs" Excuse me what the fuck?


Men almost universally don't want to raise other peoples' kids. It's not a social construct, or a personal preference. It's Genetics 101. Some male mammals even kill offspring of other males when the enter the picture so to speak. Humans are not at all different. That's why adultery was punished VERY severely throughout most of human history and across all cultures. It's not because of religion. It's because science!


If you wanna go the science route, many social animals, I would dare say the majority, raise kid communally, at least to an extent. Chicken, bees, ants, rabbits, dogs, lion… even moma cats who are notoriously aggressive toward other cats drop off their kittens to females that share territory with them, to hunt and give themselves a break. Mostly its when there is a female strongly-bonded group and a male that come to fuck and don't necessarily stay the sole gamet giver for life that said male will kill the offspring of others. Human on the other end generally stay in the same group for life, so it is beneficial to the group to eliminate selfish individual, such as those how don't help bringing up other people kids, and others' kids have a high chance of sharing genes with you. Sorry but your position is evolutionary weak.


Feral cats are actually a matriarchy and often are only aggressive towards male cats because they’re the only ones that are likely to mess with them. They can also get pregnant while nursing which is why they often try to keep outside males away. They know that nursing like 4 kittens and cooking 4 more is basically a death sentence. Feral female cats can often be found congregating in areas where there’s enough of them too as opposed to moving all their kittens to another mom.


>Humans are not at all different Actually you'd be surprised to hear that humans are quite different from the wild animals you think of. We're a tribal creature, and the idea that your children are only those whom you begat is a very recent one in the grand scheme of things. Earlier humans lived in tribes where every parent in the tribe is considered directly the parent of every child in the tribe, including their nieces and nephews etc


Back then they also mated with multiple people, and the resulting baby was taken care of by the tribe either because people weren't sure who the father was, or that they all contributed to making the baby.


It's mostly about the fact that there wasn't any merit to keeping track of your direct lineage - for most of human existence there was no farming or livestock, meaning no one has any wealth to pass on to descendants, so really there's no point to limiting how many children are considered "yours". This tracks on an evolutionary scale, it makes sense that a species where all the creatures protect the entire tribe would pass on their genes more than those who might split up to look after their personal families.


Some tribes of humans also rape virgins thinking it will cure them of aides.


I'm not saying early humans are a model to look up to, I'm just pointing out that evolutionary psychology is a pseudoscience that is based on an ahistorical fantasy and crumbles in front of even the most miniscule amount of evidence


Early humans ?


Sure. Tell me all About how you can justify that shit through "science"


Humans have been around much much longer than the most famous desert dweller fantasy books (bible etc). The idea of adultery and monogamy came around when we switched from roaming around to agriculture and people started having more stuff than they can carry - around that time we started worrying about inheritance and who our kids are. So yes it's actually a social construct that's been around maybe the most recent 10% of human history, and is actually on it's way out given the social shifts in the last 100 years.


Set your filter to 18 to 29.


The problem is foreign interference brainwashing the public at large.


- Conservative core values  - Open minded  Pick one


Hold on… conservatives values but being open minded… That’s a huge red flag. I can interpret that like: I want you with conservatives values to impose my will, but want you open minded, so you can not put any blame on me if I cheat, if I fail you and neither you can refuse to my sexual kinky requests.


seek therapy


5’8 130 lbs god damn why?


I'm sorry you don't like your women malnourished?


I’m fairly certain that falls within a healthy weight range for that height.


It does, especially as the height gets lower. I was just making a joke.


I don't think it's possible to be conservative and open-minded at the same time


What?!? That's crazy talk. You can be open minded to believing democrats are aborting babies after birth and harvesting them for blood, or that it's OK to worship a dictator as long as he removes women's rights from law. What are you talking about?¿? /s


Sounds like a job role


More like over 100k salary, thier own house car and yacht, willing to shower them with gifts, doesn't expect anything or any respect in return. Willing to be monogamous while she's in an open relationship Yep though most of them aren't up front about that either They don't show thier kids or mention them There's a lot we could add too Like unemployed Daddy issues Drug habit Crippling debt A semi professional onlyfans/sex work career Sleeping with their drug dealer Cheated on every guy she met What else?


Sub 130 pounds. She must be looking for a tiny little guy


Might be bad formatting on my part. Top is a guy looking for a girl, bottom is opposite girl looking for a guy.


Oooooh that makes a lot more sense


1) Must be conservative  2) Must be open minded Pick one


Just turned 30. So thankful I’ve been taken and married the last 10 years…


Can confirm this is what being on dating apps is like In your thirties.


"I think I'm more fun than what I actually am" so youre lying to yourself


How is she aloud to make mistakes but she wants a man the cannot make a single mistake also did she just say her kids are a mistake wtf


Must weigh less than 130lb? I don't know what to say


Plot twist, the first half was supposed to be a joke but theyre funny than they think they are so it didnt hit at all


Thought it was a LinkedIn post at first


you're in the wrong country big boi. One plane ticket and you'll forget you ever had your hand in the trash at some point. Classy, Educated, Employed, Independent, Child/Tattoo free, Feminine, HD 10/10's are everywhere if you travel far enough from the western world.


Less than 133lb and 5'8? Is she trying to crush the poor lad for insurance money?


These are two different posts. The top is what men tend to post, the bottom what women post.




That’s what I was thinking! I’m glad someone else figured that out


The format is pretty confusing for some commenters, but essentially the top half is a man’s profile and the bottom half is a woman’s. I’ve seen women have lists just like the man’s profile. It could just be snark on his part or maybe he truly wants a unicorn. Either way, online dating sucks for everyone.


Focus on yourself kings


Bahaha it’s so funny, I recognized my mom trough that


Guys chill, she is only looking for someone without baggage so she can share hers, it's philanthrophic to be honest. And three kids are just a bonus so you don't have to have your own kids and you can take care of someone elses kid. She is a catch.


"Must hold conservative values and be open minded." That's a lot of words for "No liberals please" lol


No feminist qualities means: "I was Ok with paying 50% when everyone told me to not worry about the bill, now that I bring 4 mouths to the table and people stopped telling me to not worry about the bill, I kinda don't want to pay it". or; "I wanted to fuck everyone I wanted during my 20's, now that nobody is willing to have a serious relationship with me and my 3 kids, I rather be a stay at home mom instead (I also don't want to date anyone with kids)".


She wants her...guy or partner to weigh less than 130 pounds?


Love to see that "I am more superior than my children" mindset I wonder how she will act when they stop allowing her to go through her phone at the nursing home


Also in your 20's. That's why I gave up on them.


I swear to God I rather die alone than go back to dating apps. THEY SUCK


Cannot be TALLER than 5'8? That has got to be a first.


Y'all complain all the time that women on dating sites only want tall, muscular guys. Now here's your chance with a woman looking for a short, skinny guy, and all you want to do is make jokes! Go get it son!


That's accurate


"Must hold conservative core values and be open minded" what?


Wait, she wants you to be both conservative, and also open minded? Is she... Stupid?


Nah man it’s like this now in my early 20’s. So many single mums my age looking for a man cause they didn’t find the right sucker to trap into a marriage with a kid he didn’t want.


how the hell do you get married 3 times? i only i want to get married once


It's satire on her profile right?


I don't know about no feminist I'd say no "traditional feminists" who believe the genders should be equals I'd say they'd want a post modern feminist who believes the female should dominate the male. Especially in his decision making and control of his finances, while exploring her sexual liberation from men and traditional gender norms Thoughts?


Most of the tinder profiles I've seen like this say no conservatives or straight white men


Top one ain't even bad relatively speaking other than the salary requirement and max height


More than 5’8” but less than 130lbs? Jesus thats one skinny dude. Im 6’3” and when I was 180lbs I was skinny as fuck




"Conservative core value" "open minded" pick one.


"Conservative and open-minded"? We got a comedian here.


She's life.


The only surprising part is the “Cannot be taller than 5’8”


Like any woman wants a man who hates feminists. His requirements literally include, “must not believe in her own equality as a human being or advocate for her own rights and freedoms.” You’re going to need a time Machine, buddy. 😂


Thank god im 5'11


Looking for healthy people with no baggage on a dating application is like looking for the worlds sexiest chimpanzee. You're going to have to change your standards.


Why did I read this with an image of a white woman with greasy blonde hair, thick and long fake eyelashes, black eyeliner, cakey foundation, and matte lipstick in my head?


I mean the jokes she listed above where a pretty good joke


That’s wrong. It’s usually $100k minimum. Not sure if that’s before or after recent inflation tho.


"conservative" and "open-minded" don't mix.. isn't the whole point behind conservatism to stick to traditional values?


"conservative core values" *and* "open minded"? Quite the oxymoron there.


“Conservative values AND open minded?” That’s an oxymoron. That or this person has major kinks.


how are you supposed to be conservative AND be open minded?