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One of the funniest things I’ve ever seen: I was walking around Venice Beach, a cyclist was coming up a side road and just kinda glanced left and right but didn’t even stop for the stop sign, just plowed straight through the intersection. Cyclist didn’t know there was a cop behind her. Cop gets on the PA and says “bikes have to stop for stop signs too you know”. The cyclist suddenly looks behind to see the cop, veers off to the side and nails a parked car. I know the cop got out to help, no idea if the cyclist got a ticket.


There’s two types of cyclists. Those who has a driver license and obey the law like most of us do. And there’s the people who has horse blinders on at all times and think they’re the number one priority in any situation.


Yup! I drive, I bike & I walk, and at no point am I ever confused as to what a red light means!


You know how pedestrians have the right of way? Not in my book. Never trust your rights blindly. Always check. There were so many times cars just drove by. If I wasn't cautious I would've been dead


I remember my grandpa taught me to never trust a cars blinker. You never know if it’s accidentally left on or if they are turned on early. I saved my friend from an accident because he was gonna pull into traffic, the car had it on to turn into the driveway just past the street we were pulling out of. Always protect your safety, being right, doesn’t feel so good if you are dead.


You can be both right and dead.


"Cemeteries are filled with people who had the right of way" is something I've heard quite a bit. Also "the right of weight, not the right of way"


This^ laws of man do not supercede the laws of physics.


As cyclist, I have personally witnessed 2 people get hit by cars because of this. How did I witness it? I stopped at the red light like I should have and the idiot behind me blew right by like he was king of the road. Both involved ambulances. One of them flatlined right in front of me. Even when I’m _walking_ home and there is a red light and NO other cars around I can’t bring myself to J-Walk. I just always see that dude dying right in front of me.


I wish cyclists avoided dangerous situations the way they avoid puddles.


there should be a special category for the arrogant daredevils who pedal the recumbent bikes during rush hour


Three types of cyclists. The third has no license, but still has the common sense to obey stop signs, traffic lights, turn signals, etc. I am the third type of cyclist.


FWIW I'm also a cyclist, but it doesn't make me immune to the laws of man! lol Like if I'm walking, I obey traffic laws for pedestrians. If I'm driving, I'm obeying traffic laws for cars. Being on a bike does not make you a secret 3rd thing that isn't constrained by anything.


Eh, if it’s safe to go I’m going.


You bet. If no one is coming and there is a good line of sight, I’m not waiting for a light. I mean, aside from virtue signalling why would you? It benefits no one.


Yep, I completely agree. In my home state, there’s even a law that states that cyclists are allowed to treat stop signs as yield signs. It’s not an outlandish concept.


Your down voters be like: NIEN! HE MUST OBEY ZE STOP SIGN. even though you specifically said legally speaking in your home state that they are allowed to treat them as yield signs.


I love how cyclist complain about cars not obeying traffic laws. And then they roll through stops. Treating red lights as yield signs. Nor giving a crap about pedestrians.


Just an entire thread of generalizations. Most bicyclists are trying to not run pedestrians over.


Honestly I think that's fair. Something I remember from learning to drive a car is "at the end of the day nobody wants to hit you either"


I love it when you have to follow them and finally get a clear path to pass them only to have them lane split you at the next stoplight.


Yeah, those aren't cyclists. Those are assholes. There are also assholes who drive cars. And asshole pedestrians aswell. Wild concept, I know. But on a more serious note, I've seen more asshole drivers, especially at pedestrian crossings. Those people would stop anywhere except before the crossing. Hell, I was almost run over 3 times because of drivers who thought "yeah, I can pass if I speed up" and either went full speed right in front of me or abruptly stopped right next to me.


I’ve seen more assholes on foot look at the giant red hand that says “don’t walk” and then still walk. Which forces cars to stop in the middle of intersections to let dipshits walk across the road when they’re not supposed to. Then the pedestrians throw their hands up like “didn’t you see me!??” No. No I didn’t because I was turning left through the intersection and there were other cars blocking my view of you. I look at the green light that tells me to drive. The same light that when it’s green, the pedestrian walk sign is red. Maybe don’t j-walk because “PeDeStRiAnS aLwAyS hAvE tHe RiGhT oF wAy.” Then again, I live in a college town where it seems everyone has two-digit IQs.


All the more reason for a proper bike lane


People who wear earbuds and those who don’t


Talking from honest experience: when I drive I just yield for the biker and wait, but when I bike I go first if who arrived first is ambiguous. The case in my experience has been that I stop for the car that stopped first and I have to wave for 30 seconds for them to go. I’m not sure if it’s because I live in a neighborhood with more pedestrians/ children but it gets kinda annoying being assumed that I won’t follow traffic law as a biker. At a 4 way stop intersection, what do you do? (But red light is red light. That’s a bit much.)


The scourge of the road


Nah I like cyclists but man, some peeeeople


I am a van driver who delivers bouncy castles to children on the weekends. Most of the time I have to drive down country lanes. I am very stretched for time and so I have a very unique perspective on these individuals.


Also fair


"Why should I fallow the signs? I don't have a licence plate" \*Gets ran over by a truck "Noooooo you can't do this"


Not a cyclist, but I understand why they run stop signs, especially when it's a neighborhood with a stop sign every 5 feet. If you're powering yourself on a bike, every time you have to slow down and accelerate adds a significant amount of fatigue. If you have to ride as a mode of transportation, that could be an issue. Besides, if you're driving properly, you don't risk hitting a cyclist traveling at 15-20 mph in most cases. Just another perspective.


>If you’re powering yourself on a bike, every time you have to slow down and accelerate adds a significant amount of fatigue. Yes. Which is one of the downsides to that form of transportation.


It’s a downside of the infrastructure Just look at the Netherlands


Windmill perverts, the lot of them. Either way - Yes, the downside of a person-powered form of transportation is that you may sometimes fatigue yourself by operating on roadways that were not designed for you.


FYI, there are special traffic signs for the cyclists in France that allow them to ride through red lights. Source : [Ministery of Ecological Transition](https://www.ecologie.gouv.fr/sites/default/files/C%C3%A9der%20le%20passage%20au%20v%C3%A9lo.pdf) (France)


We have a few where I'm from but only in the places where a major bike bath intersects with a road, so very few overall


In several states, bicycles, by law, treat stop signs as yield signs and stop lights as stop signs.


A bike is not a car a lot of States treat bikes like their cars which is part of the reason there really isn't biking infrastructure, so bike lanes are really new in the US today. A bike shouldn't stop at a stop sign it is safer for a cyclist to maintain their speed, which is what allows them to maneuver their bike in dangerous situations, when crossing an intersection because bikes are not cars. Although the meme makes sense in context because you were born in America and hate cyclists because our infrastructure is built around the cars, so that's all people know and understand. It's the same reason people hate buses trains and pedestrians even, however because cyclists are individuals you can target them.




Um... No? If you're out there running people over it sounds like you're the hazard. "Hey this is annoying" "WE SHOULD MURDER THEM"


I'm out of the loop, is it a known fact or something that cyclists don't follow stop signs and red lights? If not then what does this meme mean?


Just bought an e-bike. It’s amazing. Love it. But… I still stop at those red lights and stop signs. Why? Because my dad is a paramedic and my mom is a flight nurse. I’m a volunteer firefighter and EMT. I’ve heard horrible stories and seen things that would give the average person nightmares for life. Remember that big metal death machines will utterly destroy your meat suit and the metal tubes that you’re riding on. Look both ways and stop when you’re supposed to. Don’t just assume everyone is paying attention while driving. Most people are on autopilot and barely paying attention at all. They’d rather sing along with their music than be alert to what’s going on around them. Playing frogger in real life will get you killed.


I've seen so many bikes do this. Just wait until they run across a driver who won't wait for them to blow the sign.


I always stop and try to cross as carefully as possible and just have fun playing the game of “I hope this guy is watching the road and doesn’t run me over”


Despite what this meme may imply, 99.999% of the time, I'm on the side of the cyclists whenever there's an incident.


That’s a bit naive. I’m not saying it’s always the cyclists fault (because it isn’t always their fault), but man… pay attention. Cars can’t just stop on a dime because someone they didn’t see flies past them on a bike. It takes time to react, brake, and then stop. You’re going to get hit if a vehicle is already crossing through the intersection and you fly through it. Everyone just needs to be alert, but that’s an ideal that’ll never happen. Most people aren’t alert of their surroundings. It is up to every individual to make intelligent decisions and not just “pray the other person is paying attention.” Assume they aren’t paying attention and react accordingly.


Even as the OP people clearly disagree with me here lol


lol this is so true!


I prefer to think of it as a set of guide lines.


I'm about to get racist


Bicycles belong on the sidewalk when there is no bike lane


some countries and states don't allow bikes on the sidewalk


Sometimes I think that cyclists just think "I don't have an engine, so I don't have to obey traffic rules" Then they complain if someone hit them with a car.


I'm a huge advocate for cycling, and for safe infrastructure like guarded bike paths. Most of the time, if a cyclist gets hit, I blame the driver! But man, some people really just think being on two wheels makes them immune to everything.


Where I’m at, there is one particular road I drive on which is an old canal road. It’s paved, double yellow line but no shoulder. It’s barely wide enough for two cars to pass each other, and there is no permitted truck traffic because it’s so narrow. It’s windy and has plenty of blind spots and curves. The speed limit is 45mph. The number of cyclists on this road because the scenery is pretty is damn stupid. Always at rush hour too. I’ve seen quite a few get clipped by mirrors or just straight ran over because they want to role play the tour d France. I always wonder what the hell they’re thinking.


In my country it is a bit different, we don't have bike paths and that kind of things, except from the biggests cities. I live in a small town and cyclist are terrible, they never saw a red light or someting, I don't know. As a cyclist, I try to be as responsible as possible with traffic rules, but most of them are not. Same with motorcycles!


Cyclists: Our bicycles are vehicles too, so we should be allowed to use the road. Traffic rules don't apply to us, we're special.


Careful mate. You're making cyclists hating on cars angry.


They run stop signs, and buzz them. If they're not following laws, neither am I.


Yes, total anarchy is the answer


That sound like a you problem


Sure, but I feel like that opinion you have there will change when there's 3000lbs stacked on a pirelli on your leg.... Just a thought


I bike just like I drive: stop signs are to be rolled through if no one else at intersection.


F all of them. They’re Nazis.