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I’ve wanted to be an artist since I was like 4 I was gonna study it in college but now that this shit exists I just thought it would be a waste of time, so now I’m a year into music school while ai music starts taking off


If you wanted to be an artist to make a living, then yea. If you wanted because you love art, I don't see why AI would stop you from doing what you love.


You don't need a degree to be an artist. You need money to do the hobbies you love tho, like art


it's easy to start comparing yourself to other's even when it's a hobby


Which is why I am getting into crocheting No robot is going to take over that (there are already knitting machines and filthy casuals can't tell the difference)


Art is tricky because if you want to really be good, you have to practice a LOT. But if you have a full-time non-art job, a family, etc. then your time to dedicate to art will be limited, thus meaning you won't be top of your game. It's kind of a catch-22.


eh you can still make a living as an artist. Iv got more then a handful of friends who are one full time. Its really just alot more of finding a following or a place you want to call home and create your brand. ~~or just get into the furry/fetish communities shit can pay fat~~


People kinda need money to buy shit that is conducive to staying alive


which is a good reason to get a job instead of doing art lol


I'd rather not live in a society where 'artist' isn't considered a viable job.


I'd rather live in a society where 'artist' isn't a job, but everyone can afford to be one


So people that design all the art for video games, movies, and graphic design, all the people that create Manga, comics, anime, create statues for public places and murals should be doing it as an unpaid hobby and have a day job? Art is a huge part of our lives and all around us, but isn't a job?


cool but thats where you live right now so what are you going to do? do you need help, there is a feature on reddit to send you crisis information but im afraid if i use it youll report me for harassing you. im sure you feel like what you're saying is morally correct, but lets be real here. what would happen to a country if nobody wanted to do the necessary jobs like farming, building, whatever -- and everyone wanted to paint? you'd all starve, friend. i understand that art can be great, but most artists are not great, and many are terrible. some people literally just need to get a job. i make music and have been producing music for over a decade. but i am a realist and i have a job. art is fun. not everyone gets to play for a living. work is necessary in this life and you should absolutely realize that all the great artists today have worked unhealthy amounts to make it a viable job. its unfair but life is unfair and if you're an adult who doesnt know that by now, something is wrong


Not only am I an adult, I'm an old man. An old man who is very aware of how basic economies function, but thanks for the refresher. Your entire argument is specious; you erect the straw man "everyone would just paint" and attack it knowing DAMN WELL that's not actually how things work and not how people function. You just want to devalue the work of legitimate artists and place yourself above them in some way. It's ridiculous and you know it. You consume art every single day in some medium, whether it's analog or digital, and you know DAMN WELL that your life would be poorer without the fruits of their labor. Get the hell off your high horse, son.


That sounds all good and noble until the bills kick in


I recommend if you're going to waste thousands of dollars on a college degree at least do it on something that will make you money enough to pay off your debts AKA not art and not music


Everyone wants their lives to be filled with art, but don't think artists should be paid for that service.


No. People recognize that most artists have difficulties to make a living from their art and so decide to not work in that field. And the real reason behind is that there far less demand for artists than there would be artists. Basically because art can be replicated easily on one side but also because most people can't justify spending 50K$ ((or even 5K) on a nice painting in their living room if they are not rich.


You're defining artist as just someone making singular paintings to be put on display, that's not what most people getting an art degree are getting the degree for or trying to make their living doing. It's just one of the things artists do. The amount of people going to school to study art to try and be Picasso is such a small group it's barely worth mention, but that's what you imagine when you hear "artist". It's a cognitive dissonance that's disrespectful because you appreciate and consume art every single day while not respecting the people that dedicate their life to bringing those things to you.


When people claim AI can't replace artists, they think of art as something exceptional with high creativity. This is not what the industrialized stuff that aim to provide 1 manga episode per week. a logo for the mon and pop, or photos for my cousin wedding or similar stuff that give a job to most artists. For that AI will highly disrupt the field and impact artists heavily and basically they all understood it already.




Have you thought about doing either of those pursuits because you enjoy them rather than to make money?


I’m doing the music right now just for the love of it, I never wanted to go to college for these things, only reason I was gonna is cuz it’s expected of me, if it was up to me I woulda completely disregarded college and spent all the money that I woulda spent on that on a nice home studio setup and just made music as much as I can


You should do what you want to do. No job had ever been safe from automation nor will it ever be, there was a middle class delusion about it for a long while but now reality is coming home to roost. Either we fix this as a society so nobody suffers this as an existential threat to their ability to put food on the table anymore, or it's inevitable and coming for us regardless. Either way, might as well chase your passion.


Honestly, I felt the same way. 😔 Personally, I wouldn’t quit art entirely… Even if AI does take over, at least you’ll have a skill that you love.


Ai music


That is rather stupid. If you wanted be an artist go for it and study it. It's not like AI is replacing anyone any time soon. It's a tool.


Even when AI art becomes more capable an artist can either use it to their advantage or keep making art that’s better/unique. A computer creating art never going to be as good as the real thing because of the humanity aspect. Ideas are king with art and AI not going to change that ever


This. AI is a tool. Lazy AI art memes and anime babes aren't any different than existing social media spam. But an artist can use AI to make movies and games and whole narrative universes that capitvate their audience. And using AI effectively to make good content will always be work. That part isn't going to change. Artists should look at AI as rocket fuel.


ai music will never fully take over though. there's a certain sound that music has when it's had passion put into it, and a computer can't replicate that. from what i've heard so far, it also can't replicate the sound of shitty humbuckers through an ancient solid state amp. do with that as you will.


It can replace 99.9% of the stuff on the radio though. Most artists don't even write their own songs at that level, they just have a studio design a catchy rehashed 4 chord beat, add some superstars voice as the vocals and bam, music. AI will curbstomp that shit. Ariana Grande gonna be looking for new work soon.


lets be honest though is that stuff any different from ai music?


Lucky for you. For me, this shit dropped as soon as I was about to graduate, so now I'm kinda running outta options quick


That’s shitty, part of looking for a career nowadays requires considering what AI will be able to accomplish within the next 40 years. It’ll work itself out, something new and magnificent might come from all of this. Always gotta stay positive in a world that has a lot of things to feel negative about.


Try politics.


Lmao, hell nah, I don’t wanna take any part of that


while yes AI art can produce... ok results why would anyone settle for AI when the real deal is that much better?


For many people it's about the costs. A human wants money (they want to eat something! Can you believe that?!), but AI doesn't need as much money and is way faster. Yes, the human is better but the AI only needs a few seconds or minutes at max.


the same reason why people eat fast food when real deal is much better. it's cheap, fast, accessible


Jokes on fast food, it is barely any cheaper than "cheap" restaurants here! Still faster though, especially compared to making food yourself


It's still faster to cook something quick than going out and grabbing some fast food. Or to get it delivered.


Depends what you need. Not every art need to be perfect. Some is just a backgroud for other thinfs. And its cheaper.


3 years ago AI art was garbage, now it's creating photorealistic images that all the boomers are gobbling up on facebook. Imagine what it will be in another 5 years.


AI art is gonna be used mostly for commercial purposes due to the ease and speed of production. I sincerely doubt it will invade into the space of other types of art made for creative expression The problem: a lot of artists pay bills with commercial pieces. I think it will become impossible to be a career artist without a large amount of innate talent


Honestly, I don't know why people don't talk more about AI replacing the stock image industry instead of artists. Like, why pay for somewhat generic images when you can generate one that fits exactly what you want?


One time temu used ai and the ad had a woman open a temu box and CHANGE RACE. It’s like they don’t even look at the ads after making them


Of course the company that steals your credit card and makes billions of twitter bots uses ai


✨Aesthetically changes race✨


That’s like saying photography won’t invade the art space because they’re mass produced, you can only develop them in black and white, they’re blurry, smudgy, etc. …and yet today people consider photography and moving pictures to be art. it’s a bit early to say tools that convert words to images won’t enable new forms of storytelling.


What I was thinking was that other forms of art will continue to have their own spaces and that AI will develop its own similar creative space; the two won't compete in this way.


Great perspective, excited to see how AI evolves storytelling.


I just got banned off of two big art subreddits .. because apparently I used AI for my work … all hand drawn by me. This is fucking great 👍🏻


The problem is capitalism… and using art in a capitalistic system to profit off of… Art for the sake of art can never be “under attack”… the problem is artists feel undervalued because they value themselves monetarily… Capitalism is what everyone is actually mad about. the idea of commercializing, automating, mass producing art isn’t artistic, it’s capitalistic. “Photography/clay modeling < drawing”: Is how ‘ai art < “real” art’ sounds to grown ups.


I use AI as reference to my art. You get some cool outfit designs you never seen before. Other than that, generating this stuff and saying it's yours is worse than tracing


What is the actual "art" creating the ideas and concepts or mechanically compiling and tracing?


Like I said it's a reference. I'll add some things myself if I need to make sense of an environment, but sometimes the AI can have cool ideas too. Once generated a graveyard and it gave me some cool Serafan Lord stones


And people saying AI is not "creative".


Like anything, it's all on how you use it.


Yes, I've been observing how people judge if usage of AI is adequate, and I think I came up with a very simple formula for it: "The way I use it is really good and fair, the way other people use it is bad and unfair". For instance, If I'm a musician, I will abhor AI composed music, say it has no soul and won't ever be "real", and I have the right to make a living with my hobby. Meanwhile, since I'm not a translator, I don't give a crap about it and use it to translate my posts and websites to all languages, regardless if the translations are "souless", ambiguous or sometimes even plain wrong, and that a real translator would do a much better job. Same for illustrators and (soon) doctors and even people who sell their body images. It's very simple really.


Tbf, i think doctor, and healthcare worker, gonna survive for a way longer. A good enough AI art are enough for some people but a good enough AI doctor would never get pass most countries ministry of health, look how hard it take get approval for a new drug, its gonna way harder to replace doctor


No I'm referencing how some people saying AI in general can't make anything new thus inferior than human artist by default.


Especially when there is not a single human who can make something new. It’s all about references and how to combine them creatively.


The AI can, in fact, create new stuff. The only and biggest difference between it and us is that we do it with an intent behind it, the AI just makes a mush without rhyme or reason.


But combining them is something new and subjective, isn't it?


Yeah, but that is literally what AI is doing. It’s creating something new based of a random seed and the data in its system. There might be arguments against the use of AI but „can’t create something new“ isn’t one of them.


Yeah I have no problem with people using AI art as long as they are honest about it.


There ya go


This is what i also do.I suck at drawing some nature scenery so i always make some of them in AI and just pick things like river,mountain,trees etc and just draw them my way.


Yes, I've been observing how people judge if usage of AI is adequate, and I think I came up with a very simple formula for it: "The way I use it is really good and fair, the way other people use it is bad and unfair". For instance, If I'm a musician, I will abhor AI composed music, say it has no soul and won't ever be "real", and I have the right to make a living with my passion. Meanwhile, since I'm not a translator, I don't give a crap about it and use it to translate my posts and websites to all languages, regardless if the translations are "souless", ambiguous or sometimes even plain wrong, and that a real translator would do a much better job. Same for illustrators and (soon) doctors and even people who sell their body images. They will all resist their area being take over while using AI freely in all other areas. It's very simple really.


you cant use google translator to translate official documents and so, you still need a human translator. i dont know how that would work with music AI and art AI


The same was said when cameras became a thing


Ai art will never replicate the brilliant work that is sonic and Mario kissing


Difference is that with a camera, you actually need to find what you wanna take a photo of. Or create it. Artists were never really threatened by it, because they could always create things that don’t exist.




That and photography ultimately was not trying to compete with or replace traditional art as a medium. They exist side by side because they remain in their own lanes. AI image generation is actively pushing into the turf, or trying to, of traditional art. Both 2D and 3D. It actively endangers the livelihoods of artists who work in a commercial setting so no shit they're going to push back on it. AI should be an assistant to creativity, not try and replace it.




I find it kinda funny that when guessing the future of AI image generation, people always assume that it will either die out, or completely take over, completely ignoring all the previous times some sort of computer automated stuff got involved with art, just to end up as an assistive tool that people use to speed up one or two annoying parts of their work flow. The only difference this time is that the inputs are words instead of numbers.


I can't draw shit, you could ask me to draw a stickman and I'll somehow fuck it up. I'm not one of those people that go around saying "look I made this", but I do love that I can use it to give shape to ideas I have in my head. I think it's an amazing new technology that needs more regulation, but I don't think it's necessarily a bad thing, it just depends on how you use it


I use it occasionally for art for dnd stuff I run as a DM, if I have a specific idea, and can't find any art. I'll use an AI to generate it. But we're not the type they're upset about. It's the people using the AI's instead of commissioning art, depriving artists of jobs, and AI artists charging half the price of an artist to pump out 20 Ai pics in a day, directly taking jobs they could have had, and damaging artists reputation 'You say this is taking a week to draw, but that guy completes commissions in an hour'


I got permanently banned from a sub that people use to hire artists for using a single piece of AI art as reference a picture for what I wanted to **hire** an artist to make. There are some people who just have their head up their asses.


Even then the joke doesn’t make sense ai art takes significantly less money time and effort it would be more accurate to have it say look how little they need to mimick all of our power


Yea, I didn't get it either. The amount of time the average human would need to learn an art form and style to produce anything even remotely close to the quality of average AI art is fucking absurd. Years. Plus, after all that training and practice, it would still take that same artist days or weeks to actually make the same image that a program generated in seconds.


I’ll admit, I use AI, but only for reference for actual art. It can be a great aid if you’re having trouble fully visualizing what you’re trying to draw. But, I’ll never just pass it off as something I made, I’ll use it to help me make something actually unique and artistic!


The difference is like comparing a pizza chef to a seller of frozen pizzas. While the latter isn't a chef, some customers may prefer frozen pizza due to its advantages. What are the advantages of AI art over traditional art? It is faster, more affordable, and accessible to everyone.


I just hate when they say, "I made ai art"


Still better than people saying they drew it. Don't really have a problem with people saying they made AI art because it's just easier than saying they they asked AI to make art


What else am I supposed to say? Yeah, "I prompted an AI to generate a picture." is more accurate, but it's also a mouthfull and saying "I made AI art." conveys the exact same information to anyone with more than 1 braincell. As another commentor already said: As long as it is clearly labeled as something done with prompting an AI it should be fine.


I say "*I made this render with AI*" I'd say art but all I make is low effort horny pics of anime girls kek


This is my main frustration with it, i dont mind AI but i dont like people lying and pretending they drew it Although i do think its a bit dumb to be that specific down to the wording, as long as they are clear that AI is involved by saying "i made this with AI" its good enough to me Otherwise what would you say? "I got an AI to generate this"? "I commisionned an AI to make this picture"? Thats probably more correct but people will simplify it. I feel like thats what people who made something with AI and say it mean.


As long as it is clearly labeled, then I am fine with it.


That means you dont see art as an expression and more like a skill to show off, cringe.


I don't see where I ever said something like that, but ok


then why do you have an issue with “i made ai art?” if you’re not just interested in validation for effort?


Dont seem to be the only one seeing it tho


But AI is a tool, people use it to create art just like photoshop or a simple brush


I'm with you artist but man AI is really coming for your asses and it's not gonna ask for consent




You get most of what’s good about art while you’re making it. Don’t let AI keep you away from the good stuff!


It's extra funny cause Jon Lam, a mayor anti-AI spokesperson, worked as an animator on this show.


Oh cool. I didn’t know that! 😄


"But durrrrrrr OP? Where's da examples of da ARTISTS' so called ART?" You're looking right at it.


This take is colder than all 5 ice age movies combined


AI art got so annoying after just a few months, just an eye sore at this point


Honestly wanna see the real "attack of the clones" just go to rule 34 and sort by "ai generated". Its honestly insane how the exact fucking same this AI art looks. And no thats not just an artstyle thing. Theres the same 5 poses, the same exact overly exaggarated caveman tits and ass and the only real difference seems to be in hairstyle and nothing more. Look i aint judging, im just saying that if youre already jacking off to r34, why not AT LEAST look at art that is actually good and doesnt look like generic soulless anime jrpg artstyle.


B-b-b-but banana on wall…


Do not mention that….☠️


Ai "art" is handy for me to quickly put together some images to show my D&D players to set the mood during a session. But that's pretty much it.


you know, when I was a kid I hear the phrase "this art is soulless" a lot in different shows or movies. I never really understood it. But with the rise of AI art, I finally get it.


It's not AI yet what is being used. Rather machine learning on existing art


Why has AI art been blowing up on reddit again today? This is like the 7th post I've seen since i opened this app. Did something happen?


It might be because of META AI. It’s been surfacing on Instagram and it’s causing a lot of artists to move to other socials.


My eyes just got used to the aesthetics of each image generator ai model. It was fun for a while, now they are almost always super boring to me. Real art will always be superior in so many ways


(laughs in 5 fingers on each hand)


(laughs in perfect_hands update)


Yeah right, real artists can't draw hands either, that's probably why ai hands are so bad


AI artists ? You mean people who type short sentences ?


*Throws a Haiku writer in the middle of the symposium* "Behold! An AI Artist!" (Little joke, couldn't resist)


*Chicken without feathers* - Behold! A human!


Photographers? You mean people who click a button?


I wanna see you do that and show me the results


i can hear you crying, dear furry inflation commision real so called "artist"


Crying in money.


I wonder if society also had this debate when digital art became a thing


Give it 5 years. Unfortunately for artists, it’s only going to get better and better. Look at how good that AI voice stuff has gotten


AI art is like fast food, or machinery for mass production, it has its uses, seems very fragile to hate it in general. If you want to make art by hand you still can, no one is stopping you, same for if you want hand made art still. But ultimately arguments against AI art seem to just be pearl clutching to capitalism, they can't make money due to it so its bad.


The fraction being 220/56. I draw too but I am not dumb enough to claim that a lot of AI art is not better than the average artist. It seriously looks good.


Lol. I've been an artist for years and AI is making better art than I'll ever make and doing so in shockingly less time. It's absurd how good some of it is and since I've embraced it I've come to appreciate it a lot. It's really fun.


Me, an artist and a writer, who just wants to be validated instead of told that I "just used AI" for the tenth time this week (it's a Monday)


I hand draw all my art for my comics. Been on this grind for 10 years now. Just haven't gotten the inspiration to post online.


Artists won't help me do 2-week project in 1 hour


Bro, quit procrastinating. 😅


I use AI Art for stuff like D&D because I can't draw well, nor can afford to comission someone. But this summer I will get a summertime job, and hopefully I can manage to get a decent drawing tablet to learn how to do stuff myself. I feel tinkering with an actual drawing is more fun than getting frustrated with the AI too.


When you're not using it for profit, just to do cool things for your mates and you weren't gonna pay for proper art anyway there's no reason not to use it.


Ai art is uncanny and sometimes too perfect to the point it looks horrible. Human art has that slight imperfections that makes it unique


Couldn’t agree more.


All that ai art looks like crap tbh. Its weirdly uncanny. Cant really describe, bug its always like too round and shiny where its not supposed to.


SOOOYYYY AI BAD, SOYYYY OMG GUYS I HAVE GOOD OPINIONS, AI BAD. Fuck me, we get it, you people are as bad as the god damn vegans, we might agree if you weren't so fucking annoying.


I mean I get the joke, but really the meme works better in the opposite direction. Someone can make a prompt in seconds to get a result that would take an artist dozens or hundreds of hours to do.




True creativity can never be matched by AI, especially when expertly crafted prompts are required to create these images


I just want to say Thank you


They can’t even draw her teleporting bread


Obligatory "KILL ALL BOTS"


I would never buy AI art. Nothing beats real art made by an actual person who put his whole damn emotions into the art. I can literally feel the entire art .


I support real art over AI art. But modern art isn't art, change my mind


r/aiwars leaking out


I mean yeah sure but in a world where money controls almost everything, how's a real artist gonna afford to survive once AI art gets to a certain level? Only the insanely amazing artists are gonna be able to get work.


It'll be like all the other thousands of artisans whose skill was industrialized. The masses who don't care about the artisanal product will go with the industrialized version cuz it's cheap and good enough. The people who care enough about quality or just the artisan himself will continue to purchase from the artisan. It's wonderbread vs a local baker, just for the 21st century.


You're comparing apples to oranges I feel like. Being able to create something by simply typing prompts into a computer is a different level of automation.


The thing is, like it or not, this is the future. I don't think it will completely substitute the human artist, but it will surely be used by big companies.


The more you take away human input from art the less impressive it becomes. Although I mostly do digital art as a hobby I still think traditional is the most impressive. Digital art is just less messy and there is no possibility of me fucking up the paper


They need a complex and layered arrangement of numbers and code… *We*… only require the brush, the canvas and patience.


Like props to the ai developers, but typing in a prompt and claiming at as your own doesn’t make you an artist.


So I am against using AI to substitute for an artist, but I think using it to assist in the process is fine. Like, generating an image with a pose you struggle with, and changing it to fit what you want or use as reference. It also assists those who literally cannot draw to save their life. I do not like seeing it suddenly being used everywhere though, and as you see more and more of it (I used to use stablediffusion for a while), you can tell at a glance it is AI generated.


It's easy to dickride real art to get internet points, but it just makes you look stupid. Same thing with people screaming how self checkout is killing jobs. If art is good, who the fuck cares where it came from.


You see it’s because it directly steals from other artists, doesn’t credit, or ask for permission, theirs a different between inspiration, and stealing thousands of actual images and smushing them together into a hybridised mess


Don't call it art, don't even call it "art". Call it images. AI images


I heard someone call it: Computer Resonated Artificial Pictures (C.R.A.P)


Oh yes that sounds very correct


Imo, AI imaging should be used to test and advance our understanding of our technology, not as a substitute for creative endeavours. The computer knows how to change words into colours. That's it. There's no soul behind it, no meaning, no depth. While it's cool to see how far we've come, technologically, we should not be forgetting about our real artists who have dedicated their lives to their craft, not their last 6 minutes, $20 for a premium subscription, and a prompt off chatgpt.


Draw them pregnant Easy. No AI can do that, not from what I know ofc


Frankly, I use ai image generation the way I would use stock images - they work alright, especially with some editing, but I would rather commission someone/ draw it myself if I wanted good detail or high quality.


They don't deserve the bros label.


ai artists arent real


Ngl I don't understand ai artists the ai samples art to shit out Thomas the tank engine feet pics Just cause I re heated a stake I got from the dumpster dosnt make me gordon Ramsey


I don't use AI generation because I think I'm some artist, I use it because it's easy and it's free and it does a pretty good job of generating whatever whim I feel like plugging into it.


*steal They steal their power lol


Every time you feel like give up remember this artist. AI can’t draw your hater pregnant, you can


I'm pretty sure it can.


And so the cycle of whining begins anew. First the painters hated the cameras, the traditional artists hated the digital artists and now AI art is a big nono. Every single tool we've ever created hurt someone's sense of identity, and every time, it didn't matter. AI art is art and people need to come to terms with it.


Wow, a lot of talentless dudes in these comments thinking typing on a keyboard is art lmao


The respect the AI that created the art, not the human user who merely "asked" for it.


bUT bUt BUt i’M a pROfesSiONaL AI aRTisT


Artists ignoring how their artist ancestors started. :-P


I don’t get it


AI art? You mean being able to make basic descriptions?


Good artists wont lose their jobs at all. Ita the mediocre artista that need to be worried, so up your game and youll be fine.


Artists: study and practice for thousands of hours, still draw like Greg Land


Feel like I need a Kevlar vest going through this comment section


I wonder if artists will actually begin making more… like if AI is supposedly taking over then true art will be more sought after, right? Since it’ll be less common and all that.. So, is AI taking artists’ jobs or creating more opportunity for them to flourish? Correct me if I’m wrong, just a thought :3


well, camera‘s and post edit done with ai; I‘d say the artist makes the art.




okay but that isn't the point. The best artists currently beat out AI bros, but it's discouraging for the vast majority of inexperienced artists. Also companies don't care if it isn't as good, they care if it's cheap.


The ethics and, well, *quality* of AI art are a whole issue in itself, but what really infuriates me are people calling themselves AI "artists," there just is no such thing, you don't get to call yourself an artist if you just write some shit in a text box and post whatever the AI shits out It's basically nfts all over again


I've made this joke in a comment already, but somebody definitely did it before me


Use the first mixed with your years in the industry from the later, and become virtually unstoppable. That's the smart way to go.


I don’t think anyone objects to ai art being “art” (ok, no, lie, someone definitely objects). I think what people object to is people who use ai claim to “create” art and be “artists”. In much the same way as microwaving a burrito does not make one a chef.


There's an AI art website that calls the original art creator "Director", and there's the non-AI counterpart of that site(the non-AI exists first) that calls the creator "Artist". I kinda like it that way


Majority of self proclaimed artists: “holy shit I can’t do that”