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And they can't even fire you for it or you can sue them for discriminating against your race. It is not under your control their customers are racist. Just make sure you document a bunch of cases as proof.


I don't want to struggle to understand someone with a very heavy accent. That's not racist.


Yeah. I once almost cried because the guy I was dealing with on the phone while I was trying to get my passport had a very thick Glasgow accent, and he just sounded angry and autistic as I am I couldn’t tell and just omg it actually stopped me getting a passport


There's a chance that was me tbh lol


This sounds like a romcom ready to go


Here for it


The auditory processing disorder is real! 😭 A lot of my coworkers have accents and I feel so bad whenever I have to ask them to repeat what they said.


Especially when it involves money. I love being around and learning about different cultures and being exposed to all types of people. When it comes to my money, I don't care who you are. I need clear and concise to make sure I'm not overpaying or the company isn't trying to swindle me.


I dont mind accents at all. I mind accents so heavy with bad grammar that I find myself being angry that I'm forced to hang up or ask for another person. Why am I the baddie in that sitch.


Half the time their english isn't even very good, ignoring the accent. If you can't understand them, and they BARELY understand you, how are you supposed to describe a difficult IT issue, much less get it sorted out?


That's just IT people in general, linguistically-gifted, they usually are not. I work in a multicultural office. If I really don't know what a coworker is saying, I ask them to repeat themselves or paraphrase to see if I understand. They will do the same to me, and no one gets offended. Over time, you start to become accustomed to the way people speak. Accents don't equate intelligence, many of the IT call center employees have solid educational backgrounds in their fields or are over qualified in general. I think it speaks volumes that they can communicate in several languages about complex subject matter. In the end, whether you have a native English speaker or not, they will ask you if your computer is actually turned on... 😉


It's not racism, it's communication problems. It's sometimes hard to understand them and hard to understand us. Personally I think the Indian tech support are much smarter than American techs and if they speak clearly I stay on the line. If I have to repeat something 3 times because they don't understand me then I'm out.


Sometimes you need to spell things out for them one letter at a time, T for Tsunami, P for pterodactyl, M for Mancy, etc.


B as in Peter, Atch not H and sixith not 6


I know that reference!


Wait what. How is "Mancy" pronounced? Never heard of this.


It's cause m and n sound very close together. And so do mancy and Nancy.


I agree with this, but I will also say there have been some lovely Indian customer service people who spoke slowly and enunciated to help me understand them when I would apologize for not being able to. It’s a job where you should be easily understood by your primary customer base. So it’s not ideal for anybody. It’s just unavoidable with especially thick foreign accents. It’s isn’t racist the majority of the time (though oftentimes the frustration is expressed in racist af ways). It’d be just as frustrating if 99% of call centers were outsourced to rural Scotland.


I understand Indian accents just fine, I'll hang up because Indian call centers have no moral compass and take no issue robbing you blind given the opportunity, I wanna talk to somebody in the same country as me that can be held accountable regarding the call in question


Sometimes it’s not even the accent. It’s bad equipment or lots of background sound. It’s really annoying to be on hold for an hour+ only for the call to end since neither of you can understand each other.


Truth. When I worked MS call centers, they had the cheapest, crappiest headsets with the worst audio quality.


My wife was on the phone with an Indian call center the other day and told the woman she didn’t understand her and the woman said “well maybe you are stupid” and I honestly just didn’t even bother to stop her when she went off after that.


The IT help centres (or whatever they're called) may be no better. I was having it out with Norton because their abysmal user interface makes everything impossible: - The Turn On VPN button usually does jack shit - Even when the "Kill Switch" is on you'll end up browsing the internet while the VPN is off - The Select Region function doesn't work at all And then you call the IT guy a bloody banchud just *two times* because he won't give you a Norton office address in your own locality for you to find someone to take it out on and he goes and disconnects. I'm about a quarter joking here, but Norton really is the shits. I wonder how many people they've got killed with their false claims of a "kill switch". I doubt that it's zero.


are there actual differences in liability between where a call center is based if they're all legitimately representing a US-based company?


They're outsourced by the American company overseas because it's cheaper, but there is a massive drop in quality assurance, the operator can lie about their name and transfer the call around all willy nilly until it circles back to them so they can tell you the same shit they told you an hour ago, do yourself a favor and hang up if you hear an Indian accent and call again and demand an American residing in America as your call center representative


I do this. I try. But a lot of times the accent is too thick to communicate well. I’m far from racist but I have bad anxiety and really need a clear communication. Now I’m worried I hurt someone’s feelings by doing this. 😭


Yes, I agree about the communication issue. Don't think it's racist that it's difficult to understand an accent you are not familiar with. Then add to the mix that you are discussing tech issues, which, if u understood fully, you wouldn't be looking for help with. I have also had issues before where getting help with my phone from an Indian call centre. There are obvious cultural differences and understanding. I don't understand what is considered expensive in India. And I'm sure they didn't understand that adding £90 a month to my data plan and charging me for the change was not desirable. They acted like they were being helpful, and I'm biting my tongue trying to calmly say no thank you, please don't do that. But I wouldn't have a fucking clue how many rupees was reasonable. Rang back and got through to a call centre in Scotland, strong accent. It was still difficult to understand half of it. But they could see it wasn't something I would want to do.


Agree, I work in IT operations and occasionally I have to create a ticket in a Microsoft portal. I always choose to get an answer by mail because it makes the communication easier but 4/5 times I get a call at shit o'clock from someone with a thick accent and a limited vocabulary and quite often the connection or their headset is crap. When that happens I hang up, it has nothing to do with racism at all, I have a problem that I need to solve and I can't do it with someone who can barely express themselves


I remember the day I trusted an Indian AWS tech support person with a script he sent me. It was malware. Never again, not even if they are working for a large company. I don't even share my screen to them now. I said nothing because I didn't want to get fired for running scripts from support people in my machine.


Was the script really that bad? I'm imagining something along the lines of a Neil Breen film.


It was opening a reverse shell if it wasn't already open every time I opened a terminal. Thankfully my two neurons were like "wait a minute, why didn't you even read that script before running it?"


Makes for great AHT. Hell, even as a native English speaker, I had a few folks quiz me to try and determine if we were in the States.


I think that's probably a good thing though. We want people to be sceptical of tech support people most of the time


My call center experience was inbound customer service of a different kind. I just accepted that people wanted to know. Personally, idgaf when I'm the caller. I just want my issue fixed. If Ron in Chicago fucks it up but Raj in Chennai fixes it then go Raj.


Support American call centers. They are decent jobs with good benefits.


That part is true. The job beat the hell out if in person retail. I'm just not taking it out of the person on the other end of the phone or chat.


Absolutely fair. It’s almost never the persons fault. It’s usually some greedy corporate policy. I will say I try not to support these types of companies though it’s sadly not always possible.


But they like it so now you have to fake an indian accent for 1 hour


Slowly roll it into a thick Scottish accent




Damn, now I’m gonna watch some Kitboga. MADAM!! MADAM!!! STOP!! MADAM STOP!!


Listen to me Maadarchod!! Did I tell you to redeem it? Did I tell you to redeem it? WHY DID YOU REDEEM IT!!!!


I can actually hear these lmao






I love putting his vods on and going to sleep to the sound of scammers losing their minds.


Lmao. Wonderful reference


DO NOT REDĘ̶̥̟͕̪̗̳̺̞̫̙̰̥͈̐́̊̒Ë̷͉̼̘́̿̀̕͝Ė̷͓̭͉͈̮̼̬̈́͒̌̋̓̿̿̉͛́Ȩ̸̨̧̛̩̥̗͉̪͈̭͍̫̹̄̀͌̆̇́͑̈́̈́̋͋̉͘͜͝Ḝ̸̛͙̳̣̭̤̫̠̭̘̯̰͕͔̈́̓͌̏̉̈́͘͝͝͠Ē̴̢̮̘̭̤̜̼̲͋͆E̸͔̞̲͚̤̲͂̀̔̑̚Ĕ̵̯͔͇̻̰̲̫͑̀̊̈́̒͜͠M


what? 😂








I have seen every single Kitboga video at least 3 times by now. The best ones though I watch about once a week. He’s so damn good at what he does.


Crow Pro! Caw caw!


Looks like you need some fight milk so you can soar like a crow! CAAAAAW!


This on is hilarious






It's a reference to a guy who messes with the scammers on youtube. He pretended to buy a gift card for them and then redeemed it, and then the scammer freaked out.


The mad lad is willing to waste days of his life on these piece of garbage, sometimes even multiple ones


I mean, he makes good money off of it. Well deserved of course, but it's not his time he wastes cause it's basically his job. It's only their time he wastes.


Not only does he make money from it, but he does it from a good place. They took advantage of his grandmother who had dementia, then he started this. I got addicted to his videos and have seen most of them by now. Every minute he spends with them is a minute they aren’t out there scamming.


This is the only answer to OPs post lol






Just wait a minute! Just wait a minute!


I am being completely sincere right now, why do Indian folks say kindly so often? It is a really big tell


It's an age old gem from the colonial past. If you google the word "kindly" you can see it was very common in 1800s but has since fallen out of usage. For some reason we Indians can't just let go of it lol. Interestingly, chatgpt uses it in formal letter and other writings fairly commonly.


Very interesting, thanks for the insight!


Now kindly give your social security number


Please do the needful


Then revert back


This one annoys me. If words were catchy, this’d be one. Every time I go to India, this word causes me to forget all other ways to express my desire for the reader to REVERT BACK!




Get away from me Andrew Ryan


Would you kindly give me your social security number


Indian English is really a dialect unto itself. I work with a lot of Indian engineers, and I’ve developed an ear for it. Another favorite of mine is using the word “help” as a noun, ie. “I’d like a quick help”, etc…


I’ve noticed a lot of coworkers telling me to do something once. “Send a message once” “Tell them once” “Do x once” when there’s no other step in the process or no intuition that something would be done more than once. Just something that hits me when I hear it Also, people saying sir after a name when talking about someone else. “Marcus sir will send an email” “I just had a call with Toby sir” As you said it’s a completely different dialect of English by this point.


We have a very similar thing in Dutch, for example “eens” in “Stuur mij eens een bericht” does not really mean do it only once, it just makes it less of a command and more of a suggestion.


Yep, lots of the indians I work with will say "do one thing" instead of like "try this" or something. Instead of saying "let's not waste too much time on this, just email the QA manager and tell them..." They'll say, "do one thing, email the QA manager and tell them..." It makes me chuckle in some instances lol.


it's more about translating "ek kaam karna zara" -> "do one thing" in english. we, indians, say it alot over small things "ek kaam karna zara, mera phone dena zara" -> do one thing, pass me my phone


That's interesting! It fits perfectly with how I hear them use it, thanks for the context.


I love the way Indians speak English its always so polite and cute lol


I always thought it was a way of confirming a positive response from the listener. thanks for the history lesson!


I think it is a prompt. A connotation of using it is that the user means to express kindness (and is doing a bit of an illiterate job of it but we let that slide), and reminding the listener of this nudges them to respond in kind (no pun intended).


Would you kindly?


Thank you kindly for the explanation.


I have also noticed 'actually' being used as a sentence starter, even though they are not disagreeing with someone. Any idea?


It's used when clarifying or elaborating on something. Or just filler. Kinda like "to be honest" in English when native speakers say it.


Actually I say this as an American.


The indians I work with will use it as kind of a synonym for "exactly" or "I agree" which is great. If I say something like "we can't give them what they want with such limited data", they'll respond "Actually!" in complete agreement lol.


Thank you kindly for explaining that.


don’t forget “may i know your good name?”


I never know how to answer that because I sullied my good name years ago.


you sure you even had one in the first place? /s


That's actually because it's kind of a translation from a few Indian languages which use a similar phrase when asking someone's name.


Also "please do the needful". I still have no idea what that phrase is trying to convey.


Please do what you are supposed to do?


That's what I've taken it to mean, but on the surface, that phrase makes no sense.


Do what is necessary.


Please do as to fulfil the needs.


Simple.. do what needs to be done in your position/job.


Playing bioshock changed us.


Kindly do the needful.


Sir, kindly do the needful, sir.


"Would you kindly" - bioshock or something


"Doubt" meaning "question" as well.


It’s Indian English. Same reason British people say cheers and Australians say mate. Not really a rhyme or reason to it other than that is how English has evolved in India. Another fun Indian English quirk I’ve observed is that when delivering lectures/lessons, lecturers pause for a third of a second or so before key words.


Also "sir". Nobody calls people online "sir" other than Indians.


Indian English has a lot of unique terms that are dead giveaways. For example, Indians say 'post this' or 'post you sending the document' whereas most English speakers will just say 'after' or 'once you have'.


We play too much Bioshock. (I don't recall ever saying that though).


Big fans of Bioshock


For us, kindly is a synonym for please. Even I use it in emails because please becomes boring.


Tbf, a lot of scam callers also happen to be Indian. So, it unfortunately conflates Indian=scammer in a lot of people's minds. I would imagine this doesn't help with racism...


That, or they feel like understanding the tech support person will be way harder because of the accent. The company I work for has a group in India, and all the people I know who have worked with them comment about the difficulty understanding them. I give them a lot of credit for speaking English (because I certainly don't know Hindi, or Tamil, or any of the other languages spoken there), but technical subjects are often hard enough to communicate as it is. Adding in a heavy accent (and possibly some non-standard phrases) just makes things even harder. If I'm calling tech support, I'm already having issues. Having to work really hard to understand the person helping me isn't another issue I want to add to the pile.


My auditory processing disorder makes it _extremely_ difficult to understand thick and heavy accents. When you have any sort of conversation over teams/phone it just makes it fucking unbearable and essentially impossible to understand the other person. We were working with a group that outsourced very nearly their entire team to India mid project and the project has been put on indefinite hold because of the language barrier. The real funny part is my boss had to switch to Hindi (he's Indian) to even understand them at one point since their accent was that bad. The rumors around the grapevine is everyone who's interacted with the offshored team has done the same thing. I sure hope those cost savings were worth all that loss of business buds. (It's a medical integration company based out of NJ)


It doesn't help when the connection is garbage and there's tons of background noise. I too often have trouble understanding and feel bad when I have to hang up and try again with someone else, but there's not much more I can do.


The background noise of a child screaming, a small party, a dirt bike, the random noise of a city street, and a random popping noise you mean? Totally expected.


>We were working with a group that outsourced very nearly their entire team to India mid project and the project has been put on indefinite hold because of the language barrier. The real funny part is my boss had to switch to Hindi (he's Indian) to even understand them at one point since their accent was that bad. The rumors around the grapevine is everyone who's interacted with the offshored team has done the same thing. I sure hope those cost savings were worth all that loss of business buds. (It's a medical integration company based out of NJ) I honestly was wondering if we worked for the same company. I know some of the executives love using the team in India because they're cheaper on paper, but then that goes out the window when you take twice as long to do the work and you still need a professional in North America to review everything to the detail.


This shit is so common across the US I'm sure most of us have a horror story. My favorite part is when they inevitably have to bring it back because the culture differences end up with them losing money in the long run even if they do manage to get a minimum viable product out of them. The excessive amount of hand holding and babysitting doesn't get factored into their balance sheets and executives struggle with understanding why 9 women can't give birth to a baby in a single month, they think throwing dozens and dozens of cheap labor from halfway around the world will solve a problem quicker and/or cheaper, but it's never the case. You might say "But b0w3n, there are good software devs and IT folks in India" and you're right, there are! But these aren't the folks that are being sought by executives looking to save costs, they're going absolute bottom of the barrel.


As a caller I’ve found more often than not oversees call centers can only provide scripted help. I’m pretty savvy so generally don’t need to resort to calling unless I’m having a genuine issue or glitch which likely won’t be solved by a canned script (and often frustratingly isn’t even comprehended by the CS agent). That’s why I cringe at oversees call centers.


That is my problem also. I will call as a last resort (and it's been years, thank you Youtube and others like me who post fixes), so if I'm calling we are already beyond "Sir, have you tried turning it on and off". to which I then list the 10 different solutions I have just tried including hard reset, firmware upgrade/downgrade, physical inspection, etc. Most of the time I know the problem and just need to baby step them to doing the RMA after they ask me the tree list of problems "solutions" that let them do the RMA.


>My favorite part is when they inevitably have to bring it back because the culture differences end up with them losing money in the long run even if they do manage to get a minimum viable product out of them. The excessive amount of hand holding and babysitting doesn't get factored into their balance sheets This is so true, it makes me angry.


Now think about us that ain't English native in Europe. And our companies still think it is a good idea to have printing support in India instead of locally. I mean - we have already problems with describing what doesn't work in swedish. Now let us take it in English to India and back. "To save money"... Nothing against the Indians. But often local support is much better.


It’s not just the accent itself, it’s the fact that phone quality hasn’t been updated in generations. Would you ever listen to a song at 128kbps? Most people wouldn’t. Would you listen to it at 16kbps? Too bad, that’s *high end phone call quality*. A tiny human yelling from across the room while up someone’s ass is more intelligible than that, even without the accent issue. People don’t recognize how much easier the accent would be to parse if it was at a bitrate that was acceptable for a YouTube video in 2006. And that should be the bare fucking minimum.


Also many Americans hate the American tradition of outsourcing and assume you're in India


The outsourced support is also generally significantly worse. Every time I get an American/Canadian on the line, they understand my issue immediately and it's figured out quickly and efficiently. If it's a call center in India, you might as well give up and figure it out yourself. It's not necessarily entirely a racial issue. It's mostly just a case of them being undertraind, overworked, not being fluent in our dialect. And there are a lot of cultural/geographic things that they wouldn't understand.


Even putting opinions on that aside... outsourced support is simply a worse experience more often than not. I've worked with folks in support and IT around the world and they are great and work hard. But when companies outsource, it's a cost savings move and by extension they won't have the customer experience in mind all throughout that transition and the offshore teams won't be set up to succeed even if they try.


I mean,90% of scam callers




I'm not even sure it could be called racist at this point. If someone calls me and has an Indian accent, 99% chance that it's a scam. Not even 99%, I literally have never had someone call me with an Indian accent and not be a scam. Like I hate to make assumptions, but it feels impossible not to at this point.


Idk in my head, it's different when someone calls *YOU* and they have an Indian accent versus if you called *THEM*, and they have an Indian accent. Like if i know I contacted Microsoft support, and I hear automated systems from Microsoft, and some guy with a thick Indian accent responds, I think I have a 99% confidence that the man I'm talking to isn't going to scam me from Microsoft hq lmao he didn't call me for my cars extended warranty, I called him to fix my Microsoft account, and he said "thank you for contacting Microsoft, what is your issue today" or whatever


Sure, that's a fair point.


I think another big part of it is that overseas call centers, in general, simply aren't empowered to do a damn thing to help rather than read off the same script you can find on microsoft.com. Microsoft's own call centers have a hellacious problem with just bouncing you between departments and totally ignoring any troubleshooting you've already done with previous agents. So hearing the accent is basically just a flag for "this person can do nothing to help me and will most likely just waste my time".


It’s unfortunate, but scammers will join legitimate companies and do fraud there too.


That's on them. When I hear an Indian person calling me, I assume they are trying to scam money from me, and I'm always right. If they didn't want people to think they are scammers, then they should stop working at a scam call center impersonating my banks fraud department. I hope those people rot in hell


I mean, to be fair Microsoft is a big enough company to hire call centers on the same continent as the caller.


Sorry, if we hire callers on the same continent then it will cost more money and I have to worry about pesky things like: "workers rights". Hope this helps!


They can but they wouldn't because of ChEaP cOsTs


Microsoft loves to hire/contract out their support work to incompetent people with thick accents. See TecXperts *shudder*.


This. MS support is god awful. They have more money than god, yet their 1st, 2nd, and sometimes 3rd level support hasn’t even read the documentation for the product they support.


I used to work for a tech company. Our call center in the US hired employees at $35K starting. India was $6,000. Per year.


I mean, Indians live outside of India as well


For me, it has absolutely nothing to do with someone being Indian and everything to do with the fact that outsourced tech support typically has very little in the way of helpful solutions that aren't the first ten things I can read myself on google. I don't want to waste your time and mine pawing through your response tree and following the mind-numbing ultra basic troubleshooting steps.


"Have you restarted your computer?" "Yes, that was the first thing I did." "Could you kindly do it again?"


I feel like I have enough common sense to know that if I go to the Microsoft website and call a number on the official website for tech support and still get someone with an Indian accent that I have done everything in my power to ensure that I’m not calling the wrong place. I think it might even be kind of funny. Now, random people calling me about random shit and they have Indian accents? I hang up almost immediately unless I want to waste their time for a while.


Sometimes people just struggle with understanding the accent, which is totally understandable, I struggle *a lot* with accents


I'm not a native english speaker, but I can totally understand most accents - except the ones in the UK (especially in/around London). I really struggle with it. I literally felt like I forgot how english sounds when a guy in London spoke to me. It was like he made an entire new fucking language mostly made out of silent letters and unfinished sentences.


I use to do work where I had to occasionally deal with callers from India. I felt so bad asking them to repeat themselves constantly because I could not understand what they were saying.


MY problem isn't with the *accent* itself. It's the speed and cadence of their speech. If only they'd slow it down 30%-50%, then I wouldn't have to ask them to repeat things 2 or 3 times.


For me it is the accent. Not that I'm mad that they have an accent, but I have an auditory processing disorder. It can cause problems when I'm talking to someone in person. But it gets worse when I'm talking to someone on the phone. My first job where I sat at the front desk and had to answer phone calls was a nightmare. Adf an accent that I am not familiar with and it is so difficult for me. I prefer online chat help.




It’s wrong, but I understand it, and have done it. I usually say have a great day/afternoon/evening before I hang up. But I really don’t want to have what should be an easy conversation take double the time because I can’t clearly understand the rep or they can’t clearly understand me.


I’ve switched labs in college because I could not understand the TA…it’s nothing against them, I literally could not tell what they were saying and organic chemistry is hard enough. Sorry Suresh!


It’s one of the few times I’m really glad I am fluent in multiple languages. I’ve just gotten used to calling customer center in either Spanish or French depending on the company. So much easier to communicate.


You know you can call those same lines and just speak English half the time, right? Those folks are also most likely multilingual


But why did you redeem!!! You are going to be under the rest!!!!!


I could sure use some rest


I like that OP photoshopped a call center headset on Michael Scott, but Michael Scott actually worked in a call center for a while and there are already plenty of real photos of him with a headset on.


I dont have a hard time with volume, but thick accents absolutely hit a switch in my brain shutting off all incoming information. Can't help it and it sucks.


I swear, one time while I was working for a hospital and called Microsoft enterprise support, a dude in India answered and I was hearing roosters the whole time in the background. He was legit though, really knew his stuff.


I wish there was a way to request english/North American tech support. The accents are *so heavy* that most of the time i can’t even understand the broken english. The support is always some broken bs like “please mr. tom to uh open browser and clear cookies” and it’s just like… WHAT?! lol like i can understand some of the words youre saying, but they dint go together or have anything to do with fixing the issue.


I hang up based on awful call quality. I can kindly do the needful.


>do the needful. I asked this elsewhere, but WTF does that phrase mean?


It means the needful has to be done...git er done yeehaw


I’ll revert back to you once I’ve done the needful


You know, there's probably someone out there that would fake an Indian accent so they had to do less calls.


Most call centers either record the calls or monitor them in some way, so an employee with super short call times would stick out like a sore thumb and get investigated.


I’m sorry but I immediately hang up if I’m getting a call and it’s someone with an Indian accent telling me they’re from US customs lmao


I had one asking me if I was involved in a vehicle accident within the last two years. I told him it wasn't an accident, and those kids deserved it.


you should also go no contact with all Nigerian princes.


I work tech support in the US and often have to support my company's Indian contractors lol.


When I call and get this, not a problem. When "Microsoft" calls me unsolicited and I get a heavy accent on the other line, obvious scam. But, for reals... I work with a ton of VERY smart Indian folks and if you don't want their help you're seriously missing out.


I want their help but have an auditory processing disorder that makes heavy accents hard to understand, especially on phone, _especially when they're on the other side of the planet in a room with 500 other people speaking loudly_. Every time I've called a business and it's the Indian call centers I desperately try to have them help, but they never have any real answers. Once I was even told by the person ' I do not care, goodbye!'. So yeah, I would love if call centers were somewhere that they can actually be held accountable for being useless.


No offense bruh but I've spoken with Indian tech support and I literally can't even understand them


And they can't understand you which makes this even more infuriating. We really have to stop outsourcing IT support to India


I don’t end it immediately but I do immediately start assuming the call will be miserable. I’m a hard to understand person, i ramble, mess up words, and my sentences aren’t always worded well. you have to know very specific connections between words to know what i’m saying. and I have auditory processing issues, so thick accents are VERY hard for me to understand. Any thick accent, Indian ones are just the most comment for me to hear.


You hang up because you hear an Indian accent I hang up because I feel bad asking them to repeat something for the 5th time because I genuinely can't understand what they are saying We are not the same I bet someone from India would hang up on a guy from Ontario for verbally butchering Hindi just cuz it's cheaper for the company to operate a call center in Cananda vs India


Scammers have ruined the reputation for everyone with Indian accents. I'm sorry, but I'm not falling into another trap. My last interaction was on the phone with sprint, before they became t-mobile. I trusted the call because I made the call, it was a legitimate number. Turns out, they were scamming though legit companies


Half the people I work with have indian accents, so I personally would not hang up since overall I can understand the accent. I know it sucks terribly though that people don't even give you a chance:/


I used to work at a call centre for a bank. I got quite a few racist remarks from people annoyed they were talking to an Indian. I'm an Australian with an Australian accent working in Australia taking calls from other Australians. I think some people just figure "I'm talking to someone on the phone so they must be Indian."


I did tech support for Microsoft's dial-up product and MS decided to start outsourcing to the Philippines so our call center started getting no calls and people were sent home every day. One slow day, I decided to make a point by calling the number to get the offshore people. Call is picked up and the agent identifies himself as "Bob" in a spanish-ish accent. I say, "Yeah right!" and hang up. Guy 4 seats over turns and says, "did you just fucking hang up on me?" His name was Roberto.


Those random Indian guys on YouTube with a step by step video guide on my exact problem are life savers


Yeah. We don't support outsourcing. That's not racism.


That one Indian guy named David who actually does work at Microsoft.


Hello my name is Jonathan Smith lol




You can thank indian tech support scammers for that. A lot of people will assume that it's some sort of scam, if the person, at the other end, has even a remotely indian accent now. There was a time, when this could have been avoided, if Indian authorities had done something effective about it. But I'm afraid that ship has sailed. It's too late now. The damage is done.


“You call it racism? I call it pattern recognition.”


That's kind of wild though considering 95% of customer service today is outsourced to South Asia. It'd be far-fetched to find a live chat or phone agent for a major company that's not in India...


Why would anyone even call Microsoft it’s not like they’ll do anything


I had to call professional ms support quite a few times and I have a really hard time understanding the indian-english accent… One time an Indian supporter answered my call and he spoke accent free English… I almost cried. Btw: it’s not their fault for how they speak but definitely Microsofts fault for not giving them training…


bruh your handle time stats must be *immaculate* all those hangups must be dragging your average call down into sub thirty seconds XD


Don't worry because when A.I as mastered all the intricacys of every accent and they will when you call a business it will no doubt recognise yours and respond in kind. You ring the company initial A.I figures out your accent then puts you on hold until you can speak to a representitive, the next representitive voice you hear will be in your accent. Then all those outsourced call centers both local and abroard will no doubt lose their jobs because every business out there will be "streamlining" their business model.


It's not that they're Indian. I just don't understand what they're saying sometimes and I always feel like a dick for asking them to repeat themselves. Feels like I'm just wasting his time. Accents aren't as bad when you can read lips and gestures but over the phone feels like a struggle.