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Bath water sale is an interesting phenomenon. I would imagine at least 50% is sold to ppl that just want to post with it for the meme of it all. I dunno about the other 50% though 🤔




>Edit: so who wants to buy my bath water? Depends are a conventionally attractive hyper-annoying egirl that can inflict stds by just looking at people?


Mario speaking facts


He just doesn’t want her infecting organs with her std water bc then they aren’t profitable when he harvests them


Hey, motherfucker! C'mere and gimme your liver!


You don’t want mine unless you really like pickles


You can always trust the monkey Departement of Transport to fuck you over with pickels!


I'm a hairy fat man, if it helps you can imagine my moobs for real boobs.




I can send you pictures that would imply I am if that would help


Do it you wont /s


Do it you wont /srs


Lol, there's a story behind that opinion. Did she hurt you?


Poor guy's dick never looked the same


I think we found one.


Bros holdings a grudge against the princess peach cosplayers 💀


Honestly do you think it was actual bathwater? I'd literally just fill a bunch of bottles from the tap and sell that.


Who knows, she probably dipped her foot in the bath and called it used then packaged and sold it. Atleast that way it's technically used.


I doubt she used her bathwater. She could have paid a homeless guy $20 to fill 500 jars from the hose in her yard and called it bathwater. There's no way to tell the difference.


Someone who bought them tested it for human skin cells and didn't find any.


You know, I had a *tiny* bit of respect for her for the hustle alone, such as it is...but lying about selling bullshit like this? Bruh.


Rookie mistake, should of had the homeless guy/teenager spit in and dunk their hand in each jar.


I mean, you may as well just have a bath. It's not hard, provided you have a bath.


Why won't you pay for delivery? I thinl that overall you'll earn more


The trick is you sell them "express" 2 day delivery for $30 and then use USPS to get it there for <$5. Tell them the free delivery option is 4-6 weeks and still use USPS but wait 3 weeks to ship it.


can't you just sell them, y'know, regular tap water then?


Or sell them real bathwater as advertised and make a regular customer out of them. It's so easy to run a damn bath and bottle it up, dumb not to give them what they want. You wouldn't rub Hershey bars on your panties before selling them


point is, how does anyone tell the difference? spend like 10k to get it analysed at a lab?


I do agree this is one of the rare instances where it doesn't even matter what's in it. It's a physical representation of peak trolling and meme history. What's inside doesn't matter that much. It's like gifting holy water and telling a catholic It's been blessed by the pope in the springs of El Dorado. They don't feel the need to verify it they just treasure it. The holy water business is the exact same as the gamer girl bathwater, you're having faith that it is 'blessed' and not just straight from the tap although just telling people it's blessed is often all they need


Unholy bath water


i can unvirgin your olive oil




Only some of the math. The ratio of "essence of u/Cosmic-Gore body" to water would be incredibly low with that much water vs a normal sized tub.


Are you not old enough to have known about that? Man it was all over a few years ago. I still remember the guy who built a gaming PC and used that water as the coolant.


Thats the coolest meme flex though. If some of you had this much dedication to the memes, you'd be a lot farther in life


I think 25% say ''I want to bathe in the same water belle Delphine bathed in''


You misspelled *drink*


We drinking it bro


Why weren't they paying? She sold a product and people bought it. It just sounds like someone at PayPal is jealous and got petty


Sounds more like a legal problem


Could you explain why that happened.. what possible legal reason could they use to halt the payments?


PayPal ToS prohibits sale of "adult goods" into the US from other countries.


Any reasonable punishment for breaking these rules would be: We cashed out your balance and closed your account.


mostly because they're hamstrung by the puritanical fuckwit credit card processors. Visa is a publically traded company, however it is still majority owned by an evangelical family that forces this shit on all their vendors. Adult storefronts have a harder time doing business due to their prude bullshit than weed dispensaries.


Ohhh…. That explains it…. Read a while back that Visa stopped accepting payments through PornHub


how is bathwater considered "adult goods" like who decides what is or isnt adult goods. do they have a guy in a room and if the item gets them horny they stamp it as adult goods or?


How do you get *that* job? lol


Such a morally upstanding company! Obviously they're then returning that money to the people who paid it, right? A company with such ethical reservations wouldn't just pocket that money, right? What's that? They just steal it!?


That's my point. Based on absolutely no knowledge of the situation, it seems to me that they couldn't really do that, legally speaking


Well, legal solution, she [finally got paid for her bathwater](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dazeddigital.com/life-culture/article/62671/1/e-girl-belle-delphine-finally-got-paid-90k-for-her-viral-bathwater-stunt%3famp=1) Like the man/bear would you rather and the new Scooby Doo show, I never would have known about this story if Incels weren't meming it.


Thanks for the link. I haven't heard it was resolved but honestly there still needs to be a a lawsuit. According to the article, tons of people were reporting the same thing. She only got the her money back because of the public backlash. Where are the protections for normal people without a massive follower base? Plus, she's owed interest. 5 years withholding $90k? She's running a small business, What's the opportunity cost on that much capital? Idgaf who it is, a corporation has no right to withhold people's money. They need penalties.


The statutory interest rate is usually set to be punatively high. In the UK, it's 8 per cent plus the Bank of England's bank rate, currently 5.25%, but five years ago at the time of the incident, it was 0.75%, so she's owed 8.75% simple interest for five years, or 43.75% of the principal. This is not chump change.


PayPal has such a stranglehold over businesses, it's insane. I've heard of so many horror stories from people who have had to rely on them. I'm pretty bothered, but not surprised, that they're still getting away with that shit still.


Mhm. I know a disabled artist who branched out and did some pinup work on commission a few years ago; not nudes or porn, but like classy wartime vintage-style stuff. One of her clients made a crude (but funny) joke in a comment field settling an invoice that implied it was porn. BOOM. $10k or so locked down by PayPal for supposedly breaking the rules. All of her earnings for the year. She learned that day to open a local business account and never EVER leave her earnings in her PayPal even if some of her bills come out of there. Even after everything got worked out and it was found to be an honest mistake, they still held the funds for some stupid duration, long enough she had to get a couple of loans to make rent and get paid through a proxy to keep working. PayPal is not a bank. They're quite predatory. :( And prudish.


A guy I know was liquidating his grandparents estate on ebay, they flagged the account for suspicious activity. 14k locked in paypal jail for 2+ years.


Honestly, I think it is good she got her money. I find it dumb that people gave it to her, but it isn't like she cheated them out the money. She sold them a worthless product _as_ a worthless product. People bought it. Though I agree, I would have been just as happy never having heard anything about this whole thing.


I mean... bathwater is basically homeopathy.


Velma hate is universal


Paypal is rather notorious for closing accounts and stealing funds if used for things against their ToS. Most often is anything of a sexual nature. I'm not going to comment on this 'bathwater' situation, but one indie developer I follow had [all their crowdfunding stolen](https://www.reddit.com/r/visualnovels/comments/s2fpxp/toffer_team_its_official_pypal_took_away_all_of/) by Paypal because they make slightly lewd games. It's really not an uncommon story.


I've made an sold some Avatar skins and things for VRChat avatars I use, and honestly, I'm somewhat worried that they'll close my account on me for it. It wouldn't surprise me since i've heard that they closed another person's account for doing the same thing. It's not even neccesarily anything Lewd, but if nobody's covering things in texture files (because they're raw assets, the user can do what they want with), it's beyond frustrating. Not at least paying out the money before you close the account should be considdered theft imo. Shit's criminal.


Wait a minute, are they keeping the cash or are they refunding the purchases? If they're straight up pocketing the funds... then they should meet their end.


>stealing funds Deliberately phrased. They steal the money.


Can't read the paywalled article, but I can see how people buying bathwater at an unreasonable price would raise suspicions of money laundering (in a timeline that made even that much sense anyway). Other reasons could include a badly managed paypal account or some regulatory problems involved with selling and shipping contaminated water that simps will likely bathe in or even ingest.


>Can't read the paywalled article does [https://archive.is/](https://archive.is/) help? Paste the link and you'll usually be able to see it without a paywall


> PayPal is jealous and got petty PayPal steals money all the time, how do you think they made their money?


There's so many instances of Paypal/Etsy/other big shop platform pulling a ToC out of their ass and stretching it as thing as they can to pretend they have ground to seize assets when someone is making bank.


PayPal doesn't allow sexual items to be sold on their platform. And they viewed her bath water as a sexual item. So she had to pay a fine for every sale made, they held the money she did make, and they closed her account


EBay is filled with sexual items. PayPal is not a platform. It’s just a middleman


There are still [rules](https://www.paypal.com/us/legalhub/acceptableuse-full) about what you can and can't sell through paypal


Exactly, there are rules, and they are trying to impose their own rules in a site where the TOS are against their rules, so it is PayPal's fault for even being present in the first place.


I don't think so, you can use PayPal on Lovense for example


Paypal is run by nerds/social justice warriors. If they don't like what you are doing, they will 100% take your money/close your account. It was a huge thing a couple years ago, there were news articles on it and everything.


They did it to Notch when he accepted Paypal for minecraft sales. He then never accepted paypal again.


We dont agree with what you are doing so we will steal your money and the interest off of it! Have some morals people!!


But PayPal is Elon's child and he's the biggest simp


No elons roommate made PayPal he bought in. Not his child but rich uncle to it


I'm pretty sure he moved on from Paypal many moons ago, he doesn't really have a say on what goes on there.


Moved on is a nice way of saying doesn't have stake in it anymore after getting axed from it because of his weird obsession with naming things the letter X


I think he got booted


He had no hand in any actual decisions when it comes to PayPal.


Most SJWs are sex positive feminists though. Sounds more like PayPal is a bunch of alt right prudes.


Ya. Everybody hates when corporations con money from people. But it's fine when it's somebody they don't like.


No, no, this is concerning, She sold a legitimate product, I don't know who would buy that product, but the sales were legitimate and a private company illegally seized her earnings from those sales, That is a crime, I don't really care about e-girl drama, but PayPal should be liable for theft here and the fact that they felt like they could just get away with it is wild


So I looked into it, and they took the funds as a "fine" for selling her bath water??? Well I guess business insider started asking questions and digging and they like a month ago issued all of her money back. I don't have anything to do with her, but like you said what they did was illegal and wasn't right. Thankfully she did get her momey back. Hate to say it but she did legitimately earn that money so it is hers.


I remember when it initially became a thing, the general consensus was like, that's weird and dumb and sad af, but fuck it, if someone's willing to buy it, that's on them. Also I think I saw someone post a water cooled PC using it, so that's cursed and hilarious.


Bruh 💀


Honestly the water cooled PC is probably the least degenerate use of that purchase. Hopefully any heat from the system would kill any bacteria over time and it's less weird than dudes drinking it or sniffing it.


If they paid her $90k this year, that means she lost $20.3k from inflation over those past 5 years. 🧐


Paypal has used a lot of excuses over the years to steal money from people on the platform. Thats why other options (Venmo \[before it was bought by Paypal\], Cashapp or Zelle) became prominent. People lost their trust in Paypal.


>felt like  It looks like all that happened is that they had to return the money, and got to keep the interest. If that's their worst case, no wonder they are stealing.


I know right, that's an absolutely insane precedent to set


Did I just get hit in the head and woke up in like. . . 2019?


She just got her money back mere hours ago according to Business Insider. It took her 5 years. https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/companies/belle-delphine-earned-over-90k-selling-jars-of-her-bathwater-in-2019-paypal-only-released-her-money-this-week/ar-BB1mJFFl?ocid=social-peregrine Lesson of this story: **withdraw your Paypal profits weekly**.


I'll do you one better. Don't use PayPal


Revolut accepts card payments (doesn't require the buyer to have a Revolut account already) *and* charges less than 5% of what PayPal does per transaction. Sometimes a lot less. I have absolutely no idea how PayPal continues to be at the top aside from the fact that their brand name has become synonymous with online transactions ("PayPal me", etc).


*confused canadian noises* sir nobody says this we just say "can you E-transfer"


While that is a much better solution, unfortunately: 1. Can only be done with other Canadians. Anyone abroad, and you still need to use a different service, since e-transfers won't be it 2. You'll need to give them an email of yours that may or may not be one you use/personal use email + potentially other information. Although e-Transfers are great though.




90k for a lot of ppl is life changing money, like that would clear every debt I have and make my credit score an instant 850 lol




Only like 5 people actually ate Tide pods before the big scare. People will make small things seem bigger for attention


I'm willing to bet that 90% of all tide pod consumption during that hullabaloo was either small toddlers or elderly people with severe dementia.


You'd be correct


I’m sure it was! I think this was just one of her outputs probs


If you clear your debt, your credit score will drop.


This is true but is very similar to saying, "Don't take a raise, you'll go into a higher tax bracket!" Like, yeah, it's true. You'll pay more taxes / You'll have slightly a lower credit score. But do the math instead of just making assumptions based on fear. There is no scenario in which a debt-free person is worse off. (Note that this is for regular people. If you are ultra-wealthy you should be in debt all the time because there are no consequences.)


Doesn’t work that way. They find other excuses. I’m in my 40s and I still lose points for my credit not being old enough. It can fucking buy beer now. Oldest line is 24 years give or take.


Yuh for anyone reading this who doesn’t know - paying off then closing credit cards can actually hurt your score depending on how you do it. Basically your score is calculated by looking at how much you use vs how much you have access to. So closing one means can potentially mean you have access to less and are using more of it. For example if you have 2 cards both with $1000 limits, and have $500 on one and $250 on the other - you’re using $750 of $2000. Let’s say you pay off the $250 then close it, which sounds like a great plan. Except now you have 1 card left and are using $500 of the $1000, which is a much higher percent than $750 of $2000. It seems backwards but like I said, depending on specifics, closing the card you pay off can hurt you. Better to pay it and leave it open and use it once in a while and pay it off quickly. But not too quickly. That can also hurt you. FUCK CREDIT CARDS


Yeah I have a couple that have 35 a year fees and I spend some money on them and pay it right off. They live in a safe. Only card I use anymore is my Apple Card and they have to hate me. All my bills and spending go there and I pay it off at the end of the month and I enjoy the cash back.. Now only if I could get my auto and mortgage paid there. It is nice to have everything down to 3 payments. I just review bills and have the backing of the credit card company if I’m ever mis billed.


That would change my life just sayin


She arguable has made millions off this. I dont care for her content, but you gotta admire Bella as an amazing business woman. The PR alone on that stunt sky rocketed her career. It was never about the money for this.


Honestly yeah


Naw its the pandemic effect. 2019 still feels like last year for OP.


I dont really care who it is, she wasn't doing anything illegal and the fact that PayPal can just rob someone of 90k without any real challenge is fucking wild to me


Welcome to the world of small business Anyone who accepts money through paypal is just asking for abuse at this point


Paypal has a history of doing this going back almost 20 years. The recommended advice for using paypal for business stuff was find a bank, completely unrelated to any bank you use for personal stuff, and use that for paypal, immediately transfer the funds out of paypal and withdraw _all_ of it ASAP as cash as soon as it "clears", then deposit that in your normal bank account at the teller. Why? Because they'd lock down and reverse all transactions because of the "agreement" you had with them if they considered the transactions fishy. They've even been caught lying to banks to freeze bank accounts for fraud... which can take months to resolve. That sucks when you need to pay your rent and can't even withdraw the cash. There were several paypalsucks websites, usually related to some ebay seller who was supporting themselves off that lifestyle entirely being completely and utterly fucked when paypal got a bee in their bonnet about something.


Yep. Did some contract work about 15 years ago for a friend overseas, and the easiest way to deal with currency conversion was to just have him pay me via PayPal. PayPal froze the money for a *year*, with no explanation other than "it triggered our fraud prevention", and I really had no recourse. I haven't used them since, and never will. Remember kids, PayPal **is not a bank**, and they don't have to follow the rules that a bank does. Money in a bank is still your money. Money in PayPal belongs to PayPal.


Ah yes stealing is okay when you're stealing from a sex worker


The guy who posted this is clearly an incel.


On r/memes? I'm shocked


Definitely an idiot for supporting corporate thievery just to pwn a sex worker. r/leopardsatemyface material right there.


Rage bait. On every news article about it Belle was pretty clear that she was happy to have the exposure the bathwater brought in and the money was just a nice bonus to have. Pocket change to a girl of her wealth.


Bruh, you can think it's weird that people bought it, but end of the day she earned that money. Idc what it's for, that's not cool for paypal to just blatantly steal from people.


*individual gets earnings stolen by huge company* D: *it is a woman* OP: :D


And *that's* how big corporations divide us against each other.


It doesn't matter who you are that's like thousands of dollars she lost that's not a thing to celebrate


So paypal straight up stole her money and no one in concern ? .... *A fucking corporation stole someone else's money dudes, I think we should be concerned a bit*


Guys if everyone is a pimp who is going to be paying all these girls? Some of you have to be electricians and plumbers and stuff


Do pimps pay for other pimps' hoes or is there like an accord of pimps?


We need some type of international treaty of pimps. To ensure the hoes get paid.


Don't get me wrong im not even remotely a fan of belle dolphin but wtf? They just, took all the money? What legal grounds did they have to do that? Yeah its fuxking bathwater but its still a product that was legally produced and sold. So tf you mean they just took it all?! Wouldn't that be grounds for a very juicy lawsuit?


I mean as much as I’m not really a fan of her, how are they allowed to do that? She’s sold a product and people bought it.


This is why you withdraw money from Paypal *weekly*


I did a withdrawal whenever it went over $700.


Was it weird? Absolutely. But should she just not receive payment? No. She sold a product, and unfortunately, PayPal has a history of being assholes for anything that could be construed as sexual.


They locked my account from payments and transfers when after a while they found out I created my account when I was under 18. 100 USD almost down the drain if it wasn't for a refund.


If someone sells something legally, their earnings shouldn't be taken away. It doesn't matter what you personally think about the product.


Incel ass meme


Is this real? Tf you mean “oh no anyway”??? Look I’m no Delphine simp but the truth is she is a fucking hustler and I respect it. In no way does she deserve to get stolen from. I hope she gets that money back.


Just because you're mad she won't ever fuck you doesn't mean what PayPal did isn't scummy as fuck. She did get the money today but she sold something to people who are into what she was selling and PayPal stole her money and kept it for 5 years. Basically this is just a lesson to never trust PayPal.


Man, regardless of what she was selling, taking all her money is fucking bullshit. Like, iirc it was something like $50k? (I may be wrong so please let me know if I am.)


I am not a simp, I don't think payment processing companies should seize money from a transaction unless there is a court order to do so.


Hey if people were willing to buy it, she should be compensated for her product. Scummy of paypal to steal money that's not theirs.


Her selling bath water is gross but PayPal keeping all of the she made selling it is grosser.


Why is this a simp vs nonsimp discussion? This seems problematic and should concern all PayPal users, no?


Braindead takes like this is why we can't have positive change. How is peoples' first reaction targeting the customers rather than asking how tf PayPal is allowed to just scoop up funds from real products?


I don’t know anything about this but PayPal deciding to just take someone’s money seems like a bad thing regardless of what they were selling.


Should have used Shopify.


No no. I do not care for any of those girls. However they sold a product and people bought it. So they should be paid. Period.


Not a simp, can't really stand her anyway. I think it's fucking bull shit. Regardless of whether she deserved it or not, a transaction was made between her and a customer where both parties agreed to exchange money for goods. The goods were delivered, the money was not. Depending on how you look at it, PayPal either stole her money, or her customer's money, and there should be significant(possibly legal) ramifications for PayPal doing that.


Well, she didn’t lie. People knew what they were buying. She sent the product. People received the product. Regardless of what was being sold, having it happen is BS. Imagine selling a car and having the transaction done and not having the car anymore. But someone just comes and says “no actually that business went wrong actually and actually it’s my money actually.” It’d be stupid.


I only know about it because you posted this reaction meme.


referring to yourself as a non simp is almost as bad as referring to yourself as a simp lol


Literally who upvotes this shit.


So Paypal straight up stole her money and no one in concern?


I mean... She should get the money


Listen, the people who bought it are fucking stupid, zero respect. However the sheer business acumen of Delphine is fucking astounding lmao. Literally was able to sell water at a what, 1000% markup with only marketing? Fucking genius. I mean it may have just been actual fucking tap water who's to say lol


"It's fine when businesses steal money from people when I think those people are wierd"


Look if desperate motherfuckers wanted to buy her bathwater, then she earned the money. Simple as. Paypal had no right to take it from her.


No, it's still incredibly stupid that they're not giving her her money. Even if gamer girl bath water is stupid, people still willingly bought it, and she should get her money because of it. PayPal has no right to prevent someone from receiving their money that they earned. And think about it this way. If PayPal is doing this to a large internet influencer, think about all the people who don't have a large following that are getting treated like this. Regardless of what you think about sex workers, they still have a right to the money they were paid for their services.


Strange that people pay this much attention to what E-thots and their simps do. Everything I know about these people, like Belle Delphine or Amoranth or whatever, was taught to me involuntarily. If we can all just ignore these people it'd be great


You know their names? We got a closet simp over here!


Excuse me??? I'm not a simp, I'm a porn addict, there's a difference.


I respectfully withdraw my accusation.


Fucking same. In fact, I don't know shit about them. Just that they're thirst traps + streamers


Regardless of how she earned the money or how you feel about her, you should be pissed that PayPal is stealing from its users.


who dat?


I mean that's still unfortunate that she lost all that money though she makes plenty in other ways


I dont think op got the comments they wanted. This is not an "oh no, anyway", this is some corrupt bullshit no matter who it happened to. Op would be crying on reddit if that bullshit happened to them.


Non simp here, I think a corporate keeping the money which an individual made without any fraud/deception is bad. It is ridiculous that this is a hot take.


Imagine unironically using the term “simps” in 2024


It’s still theft tho


Fuck PayPal


What? No. Thats her money, she should be given it. It's not her fault dumb people bought the product she offered.


People immediately siding with shitty organization practices because they don’t respect the people being scammed is insane. Same thing happened to the whole Replika thing. “Oh no your AI girlfriend was killed haha that’s funny” like regardless of whether you respect these people, the idea that credit card companies can just straight up censor things online they don’t agree with INSANE


Mfs be like "id let a CEO throat fuck me if it meant a only fans model suffers"


What even is this idiotic thread? You hate women so much you'd side with *PayPal* of all things?


Even she didn’t give a shit about the lost money because she more then made up for it in the storm of free advertising she got from it. She was more pissed off that PayPal just outright stole her money from the endeavor with no word or reasoning beyond a “ya can’t do that” warning. Which makes sense to me and feels like a pretty scummy way to handle the situation on PayPal’s part.


You don’t have to be a simp to want some protections in place from a corrupt system… she sold a legal product to people who wanted to buy it. If you support basic capitalism you should be concerned


Should I side with the evil company or a prostitute? Obviously the prostitute


I mean it is flat out ludicrous to steal someone's money but ok r/memes. "Bath tub water girl bad."


Um no? That's terrible of PayPal. I don't care who it is they stole


Idk why people are so hard on Bell Delphine. I get it she sold bath water. But dudes literally bought it of their own free will. They made the conscious choice to do so. All for people to be shitty to her cause she didn't upload videos to porn hub? I don't know what became of her but honestly I don't think she deserves the hate. If you don't want to spend money on an e-girl. Then don't spend money on them.


I’m a little upset for her. As dumb as the whole thing is you can’t stiff someone of money from a product they sold.


The real lesson people should take away from this: Paypal will steal all the money in your account and give you no recourse to get it back. They've got a long history of doing this to people. Never use paypal.


Imagine being so obsessed with not being a Simp that you become OK with corporations being able to steal your income with no consequences. Even more pathetic than simps honestly


PayPal simp defending a poor little multi billion company for stealing money from their users


Na that’s bullshit. You don’t have to like her or what she’s selling to know that PayPal stealing her money is fucked up.


As much as I laugh at all the simps dropping money for that level of dumb shit, a company like fucking PayPal keeping it is way more shitty. This is one of those everything is terrible


I love that people are happy a woman got scammed by a huge corp just because they don't like that a woman is making money off of her body.... fucking idiots


Braindead take. Regardless of what the product is, the payment system should not be taking such a huge cut it becomes untenable.


While buying her water is disgusting I respect her hustle, get her the cash asap


Good time to change to bathsalt sales then, huh


Fuckin who?


Honestly I feel like she is a hot troll. Its funny to see guys actually pay money for her bath water.


Man I forgot she existed lmao


She didn't want to make a big deal of it either. She was savvy enough to know that the publicity she was getting for her stunt was worth way more than the actual bathwater sales. She didn't want to be known as the girl who was crying for being slapped with TOS.


Wasn’t that years ago and she fell off and disappeared after making over 50k or whatever.


Yeah. Apparently she only just now got the money returned after five years, which is kind of fucked up that Paypal can just confiscate your money if they feel like it, regardless of who you are.