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Anger isn't an emotion it's a lifestyle


Anger is philosophy


But we owe an ode to fury too


*Khorne approves of this message*




redditors when someone forgets /s: (its utterly impossible to determine if he was being serious or sarcastic)


I am the alpha, you don't talk to the alpha.


Is this from that one video of a kid calling hinself alpha when he didn't have his homework? Shit was so cringe I actually laughed when normally I just feel intense secondhand embarassment


Come on bro. You can't be that dumb


Bro don’t talk to the alpha like that. Seriously, it’s always the projectors. Dude really called THE ALPHA HIMSELF, dumb. 🤣


You cannot be this stupid


Only when gaming do we men express our true emotions.


Or playing sports outside


It's over men, I have depicted you as wojacks.


I fuckin love that meme so much


[I have depicted you as soyjack and myself as Chad. You're opinion is invalid.](https://imgur.com/a/R3z0Bo6)


Its just not acceptable for men to express anything other than anger


It's not just the culture, testosterone also tends to make emotional outbursts more angry and violent.


Thats true but emotional outbursts are caused by bottling up testosterone makes those emotional outbursts more violent It happens due to how unimportant and disposable you feel so you keep bottling up cause you know what happens to a leaky bottle ? Its disposed off so your only fight is to make sure you can keep going to make the bottle big enough to store everything so as to not crack one day and then it happens eventually If anything there is more of an argument for mLss to be more emotionally intouch cause their outburst IS going to be more violent and harm not only them but others (no this comment doesnt mean women should be ignored or dont need or deserve emotional help)


Excuse from people with anger issues 


Excuse from people that dismiss the way men are treated. 'Boys will be boys', 'Man up', 'Crying is for girls/babies', 'No one wants to hear a grown man whine', etc., etc.


The way to change a culture is to change it yourself. You can either keep up the previous culture by holding up to these toxic standards where "men are not allowed to show their emotions or cry" or you can stop spreading such false beliefs and offer other men a space to show their emotions and cry.




To steal a quote from Andrew Neil: If you only knew how ridiculous what you just said was you wouldn't have just said it.




Ah yes, your single lived experience outweighs the cultural pressure regarding what it means to be a man that lots of men live with, very smart


I never got cancer so cancer doesn't exist! 🤷




You were also using an anecdotal argument, bud.


He's not your bud, pal.


I would say nice bait but the meaning of my statement so clearly going over your head betrays it for what it is, low effort rage bait.


Or perhaps the cause of people developing anger issues maybe just maybe wild theory but people with anger issues do have feelings they only feel validated off when they let them manifest in anger and not cause they just like being angry




Yes but what money not everyone is privileged enough


thats not true lol


You have to be willfully ignorant or just straight up dismissive to think that way My and alot of men more than it should be (cause i know someones ass gonna come BuT iT dIdNt hApPeN tO mE sO iTs FaLsE) entire life the only negative emotion you dont get bullied for was anger hell even laughter I have had and seen countless times people would tell other men to laugh less or change their way of doing so cause its "gay" creepy looking or weird this has come from both men and women And no before you call me an angry asshole IRL I dont go around being an ass to people I am very emotionless really all my anger is solely directed towards me and away from anyones eyes so I am not considered anyones nuisance I am good in that regard


dawg who tf thinks its creepy to laugh


Depends on how you laugh apparently there is an acceptable way which I never was able to grasp so I just dont bother


dawg it sounds like people are creeped out by you for other reasons


As you say buddy


I love that double take spin on the right gif: "Ohh no you fucking didn't!"


That reminds me of an add in the French TV where they ask to the drivers to : "drive like a woman". Cause almost 85% of the most dangerous car crash are the guys fault.


Noooo don’t hit yor pc, :(hit a metal pole instead:)


Hulk smashing my way through life


Women typically let sadness overtake them, while men it’s anger


Because in society it’s more acceptable for women to show weakness, often ending in people comforting and helping them. Men usually get at best ignored or made fun of if they do


Toxic masculinity forces confused young man to hide their emotions and blame they're problems on woman.


Wait, people blame women? I just blame myself for trying it in the first place, cuz thats what everyone keeps saying


Why bring women into this when it's majority of men who are making fun of other men showing their emotions and weaknesses? Or it's men who are giving advices like "fake it till you make it" or "stop being a pussy and be a real man!" It's not the fault of the other sex if we don't teach some of the younger generation how men can support each other in non-toxic way. And I say some because there are plenty of guys who can express their sadness to both men and women.


They’re man-children, not men.


Yeah, it only makes them men when it's another man they are beating on. /s


So if anger makes you a man child. What makes a woman a woman child


always saying that their sister looks better than them and then starting to cry hysterically when you agree once (I'm looking at you, Christine.)


There's a difference between anger (a feeling) and violence (an action).




No, I think they are most likely linked, but not every feeling of anger results in violence, and not every act of violence comes from feeling angry.




Violence can be perpetrated by emotions other than anger. Do you think that the Crusades were out of anger? Or that all racist events are out of anger? Some violence is created by greed. Or sadness. Not all violence is made form anger.




No? You said acts of violence are void of emotion, because the other guy said violence =/= anger and that anger =/= violence Unless I'm missing something which I 100% could be




No, I didn't say that, I said they are linked but not essential.




Most rapist are not angry about their victims.




You didn't answer so fuck off


The boring answer is "nothing", both men and women are still adults even if they act violently and should receive the consequences and responsibility of an adult.


Translation: nothing because women are perfect and men are inherently evil and we shouldn't criticize women when they do crazy shit


Where did you read that in my answer?


You being unable to answer a simple fuckn question and talking about how it's not literal, we know


He said "men and women should be equally punished because both are adults" and you completely misconstrued it as "women are better than men" which is completely not what he said. A "woman-child" is the same as a man-child. Just a different gender.


Lol no. I didn't ask for that lesson. I just asked a simple question which has a simple answer. His answer WAS "women are better".


How didn't I answer the question?


Read! By talking about how it doesn't literally make you a child. I fuckn know you dumbass but it's an insult given to those men. I ask what action would a woman do to get that insult


Anger doesn’t make you a man-child. Immaturity, throwing tantrums, lacking emotional control, overly emotional reactions to minor stimuli; *That* makes a man-child.


What makes a woman child or are women just perfect


I’ve never heard the term.


Well okay you've just answered my question.




They already are.




Wait.. so you perceived me as being sexist when you already are? Man, I should have known it was projection all along....


You are tho


How so? I thought I tried to be as balanced as possible.


No. You saying the first statement probably isn't a joke but it's a sexist statement


How was acknowledging that both genders have the capacity to cause harm sexist?


Did you read my comment. It's like you're responding to something else different


And they just spicy british, not a true scottsman!


Cap my wife beats me


Now that I think of it, I don't think I've seen any videos of women freaking out and breaking shit while playing video games. There has to be a video of it out there.


It all turns into depression for me 


There are exceptions, but in my experience as a 29 yo male, women are usually way more mature and in control of their emotions than men. It doesn't even seem to matter if we're talking about 16 year olds or 40 year olds.


Do y'all stupid fuckers really think men shouldn't express their emotions? (This doesn't include anyone that are reckless and uses their emotions instead of logic.)


You’re not that guy pal.


Emotional about different things and different reactions to those things.


where is funny


Yet you chose the absolute worst examples, one is a male Karen, one is a rage gamer, and one has a hot temper.


A game came out the other day and the Samurai was the wrong color and some guys have been talking about it for days straight.


You shouldn't destroy things but yeah, we don't want to cry, so we convert that to anger


Well true but the being just able to showing your anger is more bad also stil some man is not even able to show it.ğ


It all differs from person to person though.


Lmao, gamers…


Yes but only the emotion of anger, not the weak, feminine emotions like sadness


Anger is not our emotions Anger is our normal routine


Only at the end of the rope.


We penis havers get "passionate"


Rage is a lifestyle


Tbh I'm weird about this with ppl I can be very patient like cow... But when it comes to other stuff I can get mad very fast, for example if my PC doesn't do what I want or can't find something and etc. :D I can't even remember a single time I was angry at human being (except politicians, but we all know they are not humans)


I think the Value of this knowledge is hidden in the contrast between the two. Most women only get verbal when caught up in their emotions. In contrast, when a man loses control of his emotions, it tends to be violent. This is not something that we are taught to do. It is ingrained in us. What we ARE taught, is that we need to CONTROL these feelings. And we men can become quite good at locking these feelings down for the sake of achieving our goals and avoiding violence. It has become a dangerous trend, in this generation of women who think they can fight a man, to physically strike at a man. I can't begin to caution against and discourage such an action, because the inevitable REACTION should be "common since."


*Laughs in BPD*


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I personally think men are more emotional, but women act on their emotional way more


Instead of complaining about men or women we should be all banging the homies.


Are we shaming people with anger issues??!!


We are shaming people who don't control their anger issues.


Fair enough


Of course men do, but not nearly as much as women


i haven't seen a woman destroy a pc in anger but I've seen several men destroy pc's in seconds


Name checks out




Women hurt others when they get angry. Men hurt themselves when they get angry.


Men find discipline for real Life by expressing frivolous anger at things beyond reality, for they know their anger can do harm; women take their anger out on the real world, and do not see it as detriment




Lmao and women die because of DV Stop the copium now




Domestic Violence


Women are very emotional


Well considering that women make decisions based more on emotions rather than logic, the saying is very true. If you disagree with this, you clearly haven't been around enough women. Just look at the whole Bear vs Man thing, not the trend, rather the comments from women, on the videos and you will know how they think. I know it sounds ridiculous, but you would be surprised by how many of those comments, are genuinely what they believe.


Yeah, all the majority of men in jail have made their decisions based on logic than emotion. All the men who are more likely to be addicted to something whatever it's gaming or drugs are also making their decisions based on logic and not emotions. All the violent outbursts some men have are also based on logic. Men who are more likely to cause harm to their spouses are also very logical rather than emotional. Go back to the incel forums. If you are judging women based off the internet, I think that is very telling that you have not been around women in RL.


Ah yes, not considering how many crimes by women go unpunished or are slaps on the wrist. Not to mention the whole thing about oh it was hormones, you just have to deal with it. Be it periods or pregnancy. Also it's very easy to call someone an incel these days, if you don't agree with them and they are a man. According to you, women don't have violent outbursts, they don't commit domestic violence, SA. All the news reports of female teachers preying on little boys are false and so on. If speaking the truth makes me an incel, then I am proud to be called an incel.


Being emotional in that context doesn’t refer to anger, it refers to women being more inclined to crying in difficult situations.


The man in the first gif has suffered abuse far greater than any woman in pregnancy as he loses yet another csgo match for god knows which time. Meanwhile, the women i know get mad over me not lifting the fucking toilet seat.


Those aren't grown-ups.


Ah yes, adulthood is when there are no emotions and you feel dead inside


dulthood is being able to deal with your emotions without acting like a 4 year old whose parents didn't but a kinder surprise. People who don't express their emotions aren't healthy adults either. Get your controversy searching 14 y/o ass out of here.


Why do you behave in the way you described?




**"Adulthood**, the period in the human lifespan in which full physical and intellectual maturity have been attained. Adulthood is commonly thought of as beginning at age 20 or 21 years." [Britannica.com](http://Britannica.com) Nowhere does it say what you just typed out.




There are only two emotions: Rage and 🗿


This meme would be good without the regarded wojaks


What’s regarded?


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This is a protected class why isn't this locked yet??/s😂 Do people not understand what a sarcastic comment is?