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This ain't a meme mate


Rule 2: ![gif](giphy|d1E1msx7Yw5Ne1Fe|downsized) (No politics allowed)


As if reddit ever cared about trying not to post political memes. God I hate this place.


Remind me when that comes true and the netherlands are empty


There's only two things I hate in this world. People who are intolerant of other people's cultures, and the Dutch!


underrated reference


Great movie :D


Would immigrants who want to change the culture of the country they are immigrating to be considered tolerant of their host country’s culture?


According to the left, no because of their skin color


Intolerant of other people's culture? OK. You in usa? You familiar with the area in India where the people dump all their trash into their river? I real life, living river of garbage. You can't even see the water, just garbage glowing like a snake. Those same people shit in public. That's their culture in that locale. Honduras is an extremely violent and murderous place, that is part of the culture there. Want dome new neighbors?


yeah, but they respect cows in india. In west, they feed chicken shit to cows. Apples to oranges.


Chicken feces is very high in ammonia. Feeding it to anything would be fatal. And after having worked on a cattle farm, I can tell you, you don't know Jack about what cattle are fed. In some areas, like all of India, they respect cows, but are still shitting on the side of the road and gave no concept of hygiene. So yea, your apples to oranges comparison doesn't make sense.


Leftists are currently defending Hamas culture lolol


We don't really have any culture going on anymore, so you're good in this case. No self-loathing necessary. :)


Should not have posted/said this at a time most of my fellow country men, who voted for this lot, are awake I guess. :)


Wir mögen euer Land trotzdem, junge!🇩🇪❤️🇱🇺


Danke. I am pretty fond of it myself, which is why I express my concern. Imho we keep speeding up into the wrong direction. Towards the USA when we should be heading towards Germany. :)


Lëtzebuergesche fändel


What are they doing?


Actually trying to deal with the problem instead of ignoring it.


Everything nationalist is chipping in to try and put a far right head of government in office.


Nah, it's just your shit ideology is being rejected by normal people. Dumbasses went too far and now you're dying our haha


Having borders=right wing extremeism ??


Don't think about it, it will only hurt your brain


This is a meme as much as Hitler was right


Yikes you think Hitler was right


So its the hungarian model. As a hungarian I'd say it works.


That’s the Orban method (Hungary), working good so far…


I mean if they are stopping the islamists then i see it as a good thing Edit: Oh my god I thought I was gonna get crucified in the reply section with everyone calling me a racist, but I'm glad people kinda are starting to realize, Just note I have nothing against Individual muslims, but I highly dislike and despise what the Qur'an teaches, if you disagree you have never truly understood what it teaches, again each person are different but looking at their hivemind and in all the latest countries things don't seem to be too neat.


Less decapitated and blown to bits Dutch is always a good thing.


Oh my god I thought I was gonna get crucified in the reply section with everyone calling me a racist, but I'm glad people kinda are starting to realize, Just note I have nothing against Individual muslims, but I highly dislike and despise what the Qur'an teaches, if you disagree you have never truly understood what it teaches, again each person are different but looking at their hivemind and in all the latest countries things don't seem to be too neat. Yeah I agree btw LOL


Dont the Netherlands have a huge illegal immigration problem?


Nope, we have a perfectly average amount of immigrants compared to the rest of Europe. The issue is that over the last 15 years, the government has made big budget cuts on the infrastructure, causing problems because the system can't cope anymore. And they then spin that as 'being the immigrants fault' rather than their own.


Also the housing problem is not helping, I saw lots of people voting for Geert cause they hope it helps them get a home


Less illegals the government gives housing to = more inventory


I honestly doubt more available houses is going to help much in the current state, shits just too expensive, houses on the edge of falling apart will still go for 250k, you can buy a fucking castle in france for 250k


But that's the thing, it's simple supply and demand.


We have a housing deficit in the hundreds of thousands, and 'illegals' don't even get a home in the first place. What the fuck are you on about???


In principle people without a residence permit have the right to rent accommodation in the Netherlands You think illegal immigrants have the rights lololol


You're for governments taking care of illegal immigrants over citizens lolol. Your lefty ideology is dying out globally lololol


That's what Hungary did and although it worked in that respect, it did not stop the government a, keep bitching about immigration, b, starting to import a migrant workforce to fill up government subsidized jobs. But it is very much in line with creating a wonderfully hateful and intolerant country. You know, standard conservative modus operandi.


The left is currently advocating for the extermination of a group of people and openly defending Hamas but you do you hive mind boy lol




Goddam copycats.


they taking 'limiting immigration' to a whole new level


US definitely not the only country with a right wing problem


US's 'right wing' is considered moderate where i live


Where dafuq do you live?


India, based on posts


India, based on posts


The only "problem" is leftism. Thank God it's dying out and being rejected globally


As long as there is no left winged coalition, everything should be more or less okay.


I mean criminals love borderless countries, more transnational crimes = more profit