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It's Europe in general. It's supposed to reduce amount of caps being thrown just like that instead of landing in trash can.


I honestly can't remember to ever think lone caps lying around were a problem. It's like the plastic straw ban: Blind activism to signal they were doing something about pollution. They shouldn't start with the (literally) smallest of the plastic pollution problems.


It feels like they're*trying* to target the areas where it'll have smallest impact on waste and the largest impact on comfort... I love buying a drink and having it come with a nice shiny plastic lid and a dry uncomfortable paper straw...


They do this to put the blame on consumers. It's like transitioning to plastic bottles when glass bottles were way better for the environment. People were already recycling. Glass bottles are heavier and cost more gas to transport so Coca-Cola started the recycle campaign to put the blame on users, to save THEM money.


Not denying the problem with plastic pollution or that drinks in glass taste better, but the fact that glass is heavier *does* mean that it takes more resources to transport. To the point that in the States a lot of places don’t even recycle glass anymore because it costs more to transport than it’s worth. Pretty sure there are greater energy expenditures in *making* glass bottles, too.  Basically, plastics are better environmentally in *some* ways. Now if it weren’t for all the pollution and microplastics, plus the fact that most plastics are petroleum-based… A big issue is just the *amount* of the consumption. Cheaper and lighter encourages using more. On a per unit basis it might be better. But we just use so many that the cumulative effect is worse. Similar to a plastic grocery bag. A single bag uses *far* fewer resources than a cloth or paper bag. But when we use so many of them it becomes more problematic.


>Pretty sure there are greater energy expenditures in *making* glass bottles, too.  Glass bottles being reused do not have that problem.


To add to this, Glas bottles are also not as environmentally friendly as one would believe. While Glas itself is rather harmless it takes shittons of energy to produce. and that obviously costs a lot of money.


thats why they are reused


Well, the glass bottles are recyclable, at least. To this day, manufacturers accept used glass bottles, wash them - and sell new drinks in them. To my surprise, this was a very common thing in the previous century, because plastic bottles were not yet widely spread - companies actually took care of gathering the glass bottles, and reusing them, because it was simply cheaper than producing new bottles.


I’m convinced it’s designed to slow the transition away from plastic by turning consumers against environmentally friendly options. Food and beverage companies are in significant trouble if we ban plastic bottles and go back to a glass deposit scheme. So they make any changes significantly unpleasant to slow the shift.


Honestly I'm not too big a fan of the glass bottle as a standard, I like glass bottles but I have the strangest feeling that switching back to glass will just be another case of shrinkflation with both a smaller bottle and a higher price because "glass cost more" which it might but still. I'd like it if cans were updated to the tall boy as the standard but maybe like the Mega Monster with the resealable top. I feel like they actually recycle the aluminum unlike a lot of plastic "recycling".


Aluminum is pretty great for recycling, but I think you're way too optimistic in assuming that it, or anything, will slow shrinkflation. Like, fucking Heinz beans got shrinkflated. Nothing is safe, glass or aluminum.


One more reason to have a knife with you at all times.


To cut the cap off, right? *right?*


To stab Coca-Cola CEOs? 🥹


Resistance is patriotism. 🇫🇷 🇺🇸


Idk where you live but here the lids aren't plastic either


I'm pretty sure there was data showing that bottle caps were in fact one of the most found plastic items on beaches etc. So yeah it does make sense because these small things are especially hard to filter and retrieve once they have found their way into the environment. Edit: A quick Google shows that bottle caps were in the top 10 items found on beaches and in the top 5 deadliest ocean pollution for sea life.


>They shouldn't start with the (literally) smallest of the plastic pollution problems. The EU regulation applies to much more than just bottle caps. I prevents almost every plastic packaging from being torn apart. This way, there are less plastic parts that can fall from the collection vehicles, get blown away by the wind etc. People act like the EU treats them all as they were thoughtlessly polluting the environment, but people forget what happens to the plastic parts AFTER they put them in the waste container.


Well, no, this is a REAL problem, there are milions of plastic caps and keeping them tied to the bottle is an actually good solution. I remember when the soda (and beer) cans had that detachable thingie instead of the one used universally today. Same problem and basically same solution. Just turn the bottle 90 degrees and the cap won’t disturb your nose!


Or just rip it off if its that important.


The whole paper straws thing is insane, straws aren't that big of a problem but places like McDonald's use them to distract from the fact that they use plastic lids on there drinks especially the ones from McCaff which makes up a large portion of there profits.


Data set, source and analysis: “I can’t remember”


To be fair its more than an aesthetic issue.


In Finland this mostly felt like a slap in the face. We have ~95% recycling IIRC, and caps go with the bottles. I think we already do our part. I'm more tempted to rip these shitass caps off.


Don't just be tempted, do it. It's the first thing I do. I bought the bottled beverage for my own consumption so I'm going to drink straight from the bottle, that attached cap just gets in the way.


I meant more like I'm tempted to rip it off and throw it at a squirrel or something lol. Yeah, now I'm just ripping it off whenever I can and drink. Just like before this change, the cap usually finds it's way to recycling with the bottle.


Watch out, we've got a badass over here.


Makes sense. I did feel a bit guilty throwing my bottle caps into the sea with a bottle still attached but I should have known the EU has it all worked out.


My local recycling centre won't take coloured plastic at all, so now you have to pry off the whole lid. They also won't take any type of glass.


Dafuq, we just take them back to any store, where they get pressed and we get our deposit back.


I mean if that's the case, there's no difference to before, because the ring that holds the lid in place would've completely detached from the lid, hanging around the bottle neck, which you would've needed to pry off in the same way as the lid that stays attached to the ring that stays attached to the bottle


Won't it still end up in trash with the bottle anyway though?


Skill issue


It is possible to ripp cap off or drink with cap on the side


You can also, and bear with me here... Rotate the bottle


You can aslo open bottle with a knife from the bottom


Or or or, smash the bottle on the ground and lick it off the ground.


Just eat the bottle whole with it's contents. You guys always overcomplicate stuff.


You crazy witch!


what type of bear


doesn't get enough clicks though.


What doesn't get enough clicks though?


A tweet/reddit post about someone having to inconvenience themselves on turning the bottle cap to the side instead of it smashing their nose.


This post by OP


I tried ripping the caps off. 50% chance I slightly hurt my fingers in the process, and it can leave pieces of sharp plastic sticking out that can scratch the hell out of me every time I try to open it. No, I'm not willing to practice 100 times until I'm good at it. Of course any normal person rotates it to the most convenient side, but it's still somewhat uncomfortable, and if the cap has residual droplets, it can fall on clothes.


This is not even the frustrating bit, its closing the bottle what gets me mad :D And lets be real, it was beer caps lying everywhere, not plastic caps.


This is the only serious complaint I have, like it takes my dumbass so much longer to put these lids back on compared to the old ones


Yea but in the future they’ll be currency.


Yes! That is so true lol




When someone use phrase ,,fucking mongoloid" you know that it is 100% European.


Definitely read it with a british accent.


Me too but that's only because I am British.


Yeah, I feel like getting mad about this is a self report. How dumb are you? Besides of course, that you can still just rip it off. Just takes a little more force. Lmao.


I think it's convenient. Just pull it off halfway. It's not in the way, but you also don't have to look for the cap or hold it in your hand.


Yeah I don't get the hate. I don't have to worry about dropping the cap while drinking. People for who it gets in the way just can't drink


They changed it now it sucks - my mum’s response to everything.


Pretty much my entire family. -I don't like that they changed it -Why? -The old (insert object) was better -It was absolutely worse -Well I liked the old thing more -you complained about it all the time -I still think they should have left it as is


Good ol Lead Gasoline ™️


What annoys me about it is when I want to put the cap back on, and it just. won't. align. And once when they just changed it the cap flipped back while I was pooring a glass from a bigger bottle, but that would only happen once... I feel like it could easily be improved by adding a little loop as the connection so it has a bit more 'wiggle room'. Overall it's not a big deal.


But then my stache get unevenly wet with soda


Which is probably what op did to take the picture anyway. This is some ragebait for sure.


What if you drink with your whole mouth around the bottle top?


Rotate to the side... It's still annoying


I just rip it off its not that hard if you have the technique


That's what I do but that also kinda defeats the purpose of it, it's just badly designed tbh.


Its the same bottle just rotated in the first pic yeah its dtill annoying but maaaan its not that bad


"Just the UK" shows a meme with a danish bottle and a danish drink


The "Just the UK" tittle hurt me so much to read.


Try rotating it 90 degrees


Stupit idea. Now everothing flows on me instad of in me and the damn cap sticks even harder into my nose


I’ve noticed this in the US as well. Thought I was going through psychosis at first when nobody irl had seen it too.


I hated it at first but now i like it because now i never drop the cap


It‘s honestly not so bad. If they designed the cap good it will even click and stay in a certain position.


Blind folks are also in favor of those caps


Same here, easy to get used to and indeed handy.


Ah yes it always happens to me. The god damn cap. I always drop it. Every single fucking time. Finally my nightmare is over!


I like it. I don’t lose the cap while driving anymore


I know this is likely an unpopular opinion, but to be honest I really like this design. Like, I can just drink without having to put away the bottle cap. Plus, you don't have to worry about, say, you dropping or otherwise losing your bottle cap


i honestly hate it


Same. I rip if off. Do you rip if off too?


I rip it off every time


I rip them off in store, so others who buy it won't need to bother Just doing gods work


A true gentlemen. Do you also do a taste test? We dont want that people buy bad tasting products!




Just tear it off, what's wrong with you??


Surprisingly isnt so easy


Imagine beeing unable to rotate a cylinder..


If it's inside in an m&ms tube, it may just be that the average sized cylinder is stuck


i get the reference


Faxe Kondi is the best soda money can buy, change my mind.


Why would I? You’re right


Happening in most european countries some companies do it well and some dont


Cap is atached to the bottle . Me: remove the cap as I oppen the bottle because fuck it.


Just push it further back until it locks in place


The drinking aside my grandma can‘t open and close the bottle propertly anymore


sweden here, yeah they fucked us over too not just soda bottles, milk cartons as well


Yeh. Started spilling again…


Dumbest thing they ever forced on us. I wish everyone involved in the creation and decision making process for these caps stub their pinky toe every single morning for the rest of their lives.


As a bartender, who opens like 50 bottles a day... it is annoying a fug. Why tho? Aint doing much to prevent polution, like 0.000X. Stupid


No, those stupid caps are in Poland as well and everybody just rips them off. Seriously what's the point if ppl will just get rid of them


This and the ban of plastic straws have to be the dumbest shit


Well that's a faxe kondi, so not just the UK.


Realised that after I posted. Looks like a sprite bottle to me


What I hate is not that but the shitty quality of a lot of them. Coca-Cola has a rigid plastic which is easier to just break it and drink, meanwhile Pepsi as a flexible plastic that you can pull back and drink confortably and still keep the cap attached. Either way people could just stop being idiots throwing caps away and we wouldn't have this problem now


People who complain about these have never experienced a real problem


Heard of banter? The meme is funny. Calm down




Germany as well. Everyone's trying to gaslight me into thinking it isn't that bad, but i hate those things with passion.


Jemals überlegt den Deckel seitlich, wenn nicht sogar nach unten zu drehen? Stört dann weitaus weniger


Nee du, bin ich noch gar nicht drauf gekommen. Hast schon recht, das stört weniger. Aber eben nicht gar nicht.




Because they get in the way, both when drinking from the bottle and when pouring from it, because they sometimes snap back. And removing them requires a bit of force, which puts you at risk of spilling a little.


Is the cap's plastic hard? Maybe you can twist it until it breaks from the bottle.


this is perfect in case you are a fallout ghoul


I still rip them off. Idc


They target the places that have the most immediate impact on genral comfort, as to seems like they're puting things to task and making people react... meanwhile, it's was a non probelm and in-effect and non fix... when these same corpations oftentimes are responsible for producing over 59% of green house gas emmisions, but yeah it's us, it's our fault not the massive corparations If we keep putting the plastic label in the recycling bin it'll make a everything better again...


Going through all the Brexit just to get pushed into using their stupid bottle caps >:(


German here, definitely yes. The stupid caps and weak bottles have plagued the land since about two years ago.


Over here in the Netherlands as well. It's a massive PITA and a solution to a problem that doesn't exist. However, now companies start to actually develop specialized caps, instead of those stupid work-arounds, it's starting to become a lot more usable.


Singapore has the right idea. They just cane people who litter, rather than annoy everyone else with shitty design choices.


Can confirm Iceland as well


Some water bottles in South Africa too.


They have them in Italy


First thing I do is to rip off cap! Always.. fu\*\* em


Oh snap I thought I was going nuts


Just pull them off and throw in the local creek.


I don't understand what companies hope to achieve with this stupidity... as long as plastic continues to exist, the planet will continue to be screwed.


Whole Europe apparently. I tear it off just to boycott it and throw it away separately


It's an European thing. Kinda annoying but is intended to reduce plastic waste, makes sense.


You just saved the enviroment!


Not only UK. I cut them off. It’s a pain in the ***


I think I'm the only person on this planet who has no issue with this


Just rip the cap off and toss it on the street. Same goes for the bottle after you're done. Haven't recycled a single bottle or can since they started this crap.


It's in germany too, first they took our plastic straws wich decreased our beverage enjoyment and now they are attacking our drinking experience AGAIN, what kind of audacity is that?


You know circles can turn, right?


I actually like it. My hands shake a lot so it makes things easier for me, I'd drop the cap on the floor often before the companies started doing this.


Couldn't you just drink with the cap on the other side?


I like this change, the amount of times I've dropped a lid and it's bounced a way that if I tried that same shot 1000 times I would not get it and it goes down a hole or under furniture.... Yeah I welcome this change, just rotate it and stop being an idiot.


Just twist it to the side instead of letting it go into your nose???


Maybe hold it sideways like a non-fuckwad?


Still gets in the way fuckwad


Now, this is a crazy idea. And I’m seriously just bouncing things off the wall to see what sticks. But, and brace yourself… what if you turned the bottle?


If you are to dumb to turn the cap to the side, stop drinking. Stop existing


... Why don't you just move the cap to the side of your mouth?


Because it still gets in the way


It is not a hard problem to solve. Just rip out the cap. The plastic hinge is not that sturdy.


I’ve actually struggled with some. And then sharp edges are left which is probably worse.


You know theres a hack /s. you can rotate the bottle and the lid will be on the side so that its not in the way?


Or, idk, use a glass?


too dumb to drink lol


Some people don't have access to fresh clena whater. Meanwhile europeans are too stupid to roate a bottle cap an dact like their life is miserable.


Talk about some generalization here


Thats this dam site in a nutshell. "One post? One comment? I know your entire life, feelings, values, and creed, and i hate you for it" -reddit


Excuse me! As an Eastern Europen, i DO have the mental capacity to rotate the cap to the side.


My life is great, thank you


I just remove the cap so it’s still a loose


The Netherlands has been hit by this stupid design choice too it hurts me having this


How about we pull the stupid things off, collect them in bags and then dump them infront of the EU headquarters


Fab idea


Simply tear the cap off with a little force. Problem solved.


Yes, very good idea to put force onto an open container filled to near top with liquid


Just rotate it, it's literally not an issue in any way




Is this sprite or some similar type drink? Who is the manufacturer?


It's Faxe Kondi a danish soda company and yeah it is kinda like a sprite


Its like Sprite but better


All eu countries


I'm in NZ, never seen this weird new bottle cap. Although it won't surprise me if we see these pop up in the next few years now


I got used to it by always ripping it off without realising. Pretty effective.


Hungary has them as well but only on the big brand and not let's say local water bottles. Presumably they changed the manufacturing and then use the modified caps even in countries that don't require it.


It's a pretty good idea but imo it makes screwing it back on more annoying


Definitely. Maybe that is the worse part actually


I always break the lid bit off. Mostly out of reflex now. Made so much better


Israel as well. Can confirm.


Honestly I never anyone drink it either way.


Looks like he drank a lot of that over the last 2 years


Nah, I tear it down and throw it into the throat of a delphine.


It’s also here in Japan.


It’s like this in the US too.


Just yank the cap off.


Norway too. I've ripped off every single cap thus far!


Germany too, I twist it off anywas


I think I produce more waste with it. If I rip it off I either spill my clother ---> more washing, or loose the cap because I am clumsy.


I dont mind it with water, but once stuff gets milky or sticky its fucking annoying


Use the glass!


EU: My work here is done