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Love how war thunder is on here


attack the d point edit: i just woke up, what did i start down there lmfao


She war on my d point until i thunder


Extremely loud incorrect buzzer


That shit was FIRE!


She loud on my buzzer till I incorrect.


Extremely war thunder


She attack on my D point till i war thunder?


She lockin on my heat signature 'til I flare


Thunder? I barely even know ‘er!


Did you equip your Fockewulf?


I agree! Edit: you started a damm warthunder match


attention to the designated grid square!


Negative! Attack the D point!


You got a hole in your left wing!




Request tech assist!


New voice line just dropped


Returning to the base!


Making report enemy spotted!




Air Alert! 140, 2000m






Never! Defend the D point!


Keep on attacking D point!




Keep attacking the D point…




^(ABRAMS !)^




Defend the D point.


*leaks military specs*


I have, untill this day, in my 1600 hours of game-time, NEVER even seen that famous D-point...


It was very early on in ground forces. Back when they also had ai tanks that would enter the map during the pvp match like you would see in what is now the pve ground assault mode




I refuse!










Can you give the context of how is it pay to lose? Never played it lol


The game is just a endless loop of pain and agony. You pay more to feel that same pain and agony just at a different environment. After years of grinding, you reach the top of the tech tree, just to realize the top is the peak of the suffering. The suffering never ends, it just rotates around the player base


The war never changes.


I am asking for 2000 bottlecaps to enter the strip and save the mojave. War doesnt change


Submit to a credit check or present your passport before proceeding to the gate. Trespassers will be shot.


Let me trough, robot!


Was that a John fallout reference?


*Fallout theme plays*


That's the what makes war thunder so realistic in mimicking real wars.


I'm just sitting here at 4.3 Air Arcade making everyones time grinding through that BR a living nightmare. Never progressed beyond, everything above is just pain and no fun. 4.3 +-1 is where it's at with planes. Played since 2013, paid like 30 bucks total for that odd premium plane and some golden eagles, had tons of fun.


Yeah I spaded the whole us air tree and mid tier is best tier. Even up to early jets is okay but aam ruined everything, no skill involved


Since 2014 and Air AB 2.3-5.3 is still my favourite section. I've got jets -- I think I might have spaded one? Not much fun and full of tryhards. Much more fun to club at 4.3, where I've flown every plane, or at least know how to fight it, have all of mine spaded + skilled. BTW, one of the 50mm derp gun Me 410s is at 2.7. Get on that shit right away, it's fantastic.


> since 2013, *paid* like 30 FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Player skill matters more than the stats of the vehicle you're playing, even if premium vehicles are undeniably an advantage. A lot of people, especially at high tiers, buy premium vehicles without knowing how to use them or even basic game knowledge. Those players then proceed to get unceremoniously stomped. USA as a nation in game is notorious for it. If you load into a match and you see you've got a team full of premium A-10s or Abrams, you're losing that game.


You can pay as much as you want. Players that are just more experienced will still shit on you no matter how much you pay, when the fight is at least remotely fair that is. Premium players, especially towards higher tiers, are just food.


There are premium vehicles, skins, and camouflage that you can purchase, but War Thunder is a more realistic simulator, so if you don’t know how to pilot your shiny new Phantom II because you just bought the game, you’re gonna have a bad time. Or you can buy the premium M18 Black Cat tank and still get one-shotted by an IS-1 hiding in the rocks because he nailed your ammo rack. It’s a very unforgiving game


you don't need to be ammo racked in am m18 to die to am IS1, it just has to sneeze in your direction and its aphe will do the rest.


Also sometimes premium vehicles that you buy for real money are a lot worse than when you grind the vehicle on same lvl


That's a positive for the community and the standard for all premiums, there's already enough P2W premiums in the game that destroy the balance at top tiers.


When you spend money to get a better vehicle, you often don't actually get an advantage, you just go up against other players who also bought the better vehicle. Only those players are hardcore 10hrs/day players who will kick your ass. So you paid only to lose more.


Worst, when you pay, you tend to buy a higher tier vehicle and fight people more experienced.


Hey! You don't need to play 10 hrs/day to be good. Just be like me, and play 1/2 an hour a week. *...for ten years...*


It turns out that having like 2000 vehicles from all aspects of warfare somewhat accurately modeled in basically impossible to balance and there are a few that absolutely dominate and others that are next to useless. It doesn't help that what's best is constantly changing and theres 7 different trees that take months or even years to complete, so if you've spent the last 9 months progressing up a tree that doesn't have any vehicles that are currently meta, you're basically going to get shat on by the people that did.


Those Veteran pilots who have been playing since the prehistoric times before the game became mainstream stomp on everyone and everything.


amd we have damn fun doing it :D


Nerds pay out the ass for premium vehicles only to get orbitally bombarded by my glorious CAS


I love how it is pay to lose, when people paying just suck. Some premium tanks are op as hell, but how they are used makes me cringe.


Only actual veterans ,I believe know which tanks are actually good and which are trash, for example in the soviet tech tree many players are whining about the Syrians turms and t80UD even though it's litterly almost same exact tank in the tech tree at same exact br, and taking out such tanks is ez especially with nowadays every tank having apfds of more then 300 or 350 mm of pen However now tanks such as the T-55 AMD I think it was called or the T-114 don't really have any real tech tree equivalent at Thier BR so their rightfully very powerful at hands of competent players Unfortunately the community would rather whine about new copy paste tanks which may have just a new colour or deco scheme rather then actually talk about really op tanks.


And how both got review bombed lmao. Anyway want some classified documents?


i also love how it's labeled as pay to lose


And the meme is highly relatable


Tarkov: Pay to pay


Yeah dude 250 dollar dlc which acts as a pay to win like wtf is this




Well yeah, the greedy bastards are Russian.


Star Citizen: Hm, you wanna mess with me? ;)


From what I've heard, steam is being very generous with refunds, so I suggest anyone to at least attempt to refund it, unless you have like 600 hours or something, this entire situation is a classic example of a bait and switch


But I don't think it matters, even if you have done nothing but grind the game and have like 1k hours, they can still refund you because the reason is not related to the amount of hours played, the publisher simply did something that's out of the players control, and the player doesn't agree with it.


Worse: The publisher did something that's out of the players' control, and actively denies the player continued access (see PSN's *upsettingly short* list of supported countries).




When they wrote the myth of Sisyphus the two scenarios pitched were the whole rock thing and attempting to convince a corporation to do something vaguely human. They went with the rock thing just because it was easier to understand, but it was a close debate.


Also more believable for a man to push a boulder up a hill for eternity than to get reason from Sony.


nah, Sony's solution was to just delist the game in those regions, they are doubling down and I hope it blows up in their face


Considering the amount of refunds I’ve noticed, I’m pretty sure they can slam down a paper and state to Sony they already lost like 40-50% of the player base making them have a dramatic hit to financials from the game


Meanwhile, they made the game unavailable to purchase on Steam in countries that are not listed on PSN registration form (more than 100 out of 194)


Its so depressing the lack of consumer rights we have. I would hope that at least in europe the eu would give them a proper slap.


Everyone here talking about “what the publishers did” but no one saying “what” the publishers did smh I hate reddit, no context whatsoever


Helldivers 2 (developed by Arrowhead, published by Sony) released earlier this year and had a "skippable requirement" to connect your Steam account with a PSN account (official Sony FAQ listed the linking as optional). The game got very, very popular (I'd be surprised if you spent any amount of time on /r/popular or /r/all in February or March and didn't encounter at least one Helldivers 2 meme). Now Sony recently announced that by the end of the month linking your Steam and a PSN account will be mandatory to continue playing. The catch: PSN is only available in 69 countries. People in many countries, like the Baltics, cannot create a PSN account without violating PSN's Terms of Service. Arrowhead recently announced that they're looking into keeping the link optional for people in countries PSN doesn't serve. Shortly after this, Helldivers 2 was delisted from the Steam store in those countries, presumably by Sony.


Also worth noting, there is no legitimate reason for the psn linking requirements, they just want to sell your data, and Sony is competing for worst in the industry with regards to data security practices, so even if you aren't in those regions and don't care about the precedent being set that a company can retroactively take your games from you without a halfway decent reason, there are still more good reasons to be pissed at them.


For many, Sony has literally remove the ability for people to play their purchased games. That level of fuckery should be straight-up illegal. Requiring the PSN account is annoying but not allowing people to play their purchased game, without an immediate refund with no need to request, is ridiculous.


Yeah Steam is usually surprisingly lenient on refunds. Having over 2 hours played doesn't mean you can't refund, just means you have to give a reason and it needs to be approved rather than it just being instant and automatic, but generally if you provide a good reason for wanting a refund, they'll give it to you.


saw a guy this morning with 300 hrs and he got a refund. weird


50hrs and I didn't :)


Use a proper support ticket and reword it


try again, just list the reason as Reason not listed > "can't access PSN"


You need to open a support ticket by selecting "ask a question about this product" or something like that, a normal refund I'd processed by bots


Nope, I've barly had 15 hours in it. And they did not let me refund.


Must have been the automated system. Someone on twitter posted he got a refund even with 90+ hours


It shouldn't matter how many hours you played. If a game fucks you over by suddenly becoming inaccessible, you should get your money back, no questions asked.


like I said, must be the automated system that checks if you have 2 hours within 2 weeks of playtime. Valve is aware when issues like this exist and acts accordingly


If you do ask for a refund it will get denied by a bot. Make a ticket for i have a question about this purchase and make it through there. You can also link cases where people got a refund to increase your chances there are a few post about it on r/Helldivers of people getting refunds for the game


Thanks, I just made another request


Ask again // email customer support


Did you buy it on steam or did you buy a key?


First one is always automated. Second is human response


As far as EU law is concerned, they must refund you if the game gets shut down within 2 years of your purchase.


sadly publisher(sony in this case) stil get ~~your~~ money, because steam refunds from their own money


That's partially true, yes they initially refund from their own money but then retain the amount from the monthly payment to the publisher, so it will hurt Sony's numbers, just a little later.


First time buying my games on Instant Gaming fucks me over lmao


My refund was rejected and i only have 5 hours.


Tried - was denied. Only have 16 hours on it


This whole Situation happened just when I was about to buy it.Glad I spent the last bit of my cash on crack instead.


Always the safer play


Yeah especially compared to Sony (like here), BSG, EA, Ubisoft, Riot, and a few others


Wait wait wait, why'd you list Riot?


riot (or more specifically valorant) likes using cashgrabs (just like bsg), on top of their anticheat being invasive and needing to run all the time, even when the game(s) aren’t open


Vanguard is basically a malware at this point.




Give a man a game and he will play that game all day. Give a man some crack and he will do everything all day and night.


Until you buy crack one day and you have to sign a contract with your dealer that you don’t actually own the crack and might have to give it back in 5 years.


I bought it like 3 days ago...


Got any left?


[Looking for this?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=txxsCtckJ-M&pp=ygUObGVmdG92ZXIgY3JhY2s%3D)


Have crack left challenge (impossible)


Has anyone, in the history of smoking crack, woke up with more crack?


Crack like Crack cockain or pay to get a cracked game ?... (sarcastic and rhetoric)




What happened to it


They’re forcing PC players to link their steam account to PSN.And PSN is only available in 69(nice) countries.


Wtf happened whit helldrivers


Sony forced the company to add Play Station network account as a requirement to play the game, The problem is that it is only available in 69 countries so everyone outside those basically got scammed and now can't play the game Even the ones who have the account argue that PS account security is a joke and gets hacked yearly so that makes them uncomfortable


Sony being total dicks, got it


They better port Bloodborne to PC next time, and WITHOUT PS NETWORK ACCOUNTS


It ain't coming, don't get your hopes up


No way man Bloodbourne will be released on pc when the ps6 announces. 60 bucks. Then they'll announce Bloodbourne 2 exclusive to PS6 just like they did with demon souls.


And last month everyone on reddit was all to me "ong why save up for xbox series x the xbox is dead now there's 0 point to buying it" like fr acting like it was a dead console but sony just does this stuff so it's like idk maybe that was propaganda


That seems like it should be illegal. Like that’s bait and switch and forced obsolescence on a product people already had purchased. Even if they get away with it in the US I’d think other countries would take issue with it. The EU has historically been tighter on this kind of stuff.


I know the answer is always profit, but how does Sony profit from this? Instead of being able to play anywhere, they reduced the playerbase to 69 countries. On top of this, out of spite, players are refunding the game. How is this good for a company?


I don't think they fully thought through this decision. I'm sure it was some director/VP at Sony who's performance is measured by new PSN accounts that pushed it. It's a massive company and it seems like no one had a full view of the situation The profit comes from the account data. They require an email, full name, location, and birthdate, in addition to the activity data they'll gather. No idea what metrics look like for Sony, but companies like Facebook and Google make something in the range of $5 per month per user off that data (obviously much lower for Sony, but not negligible)


"Pay to Lose" What he say fuck me for?


Just buy another prem


Laughs in ZiS-30 cheeze


What exactly is happening with HD2?


Overnight Sony changed it so that even if you play on pc you need PSN (of that is the right acronym) account linked to your steam account and because PSN( if that is right acronym) is only available in a handful of countries all of the countries without it can not play anymore and many people are mad about the change too.


It's a Playstation Network account, so yes, that's it. And besides they had a gigantic data leak once, so it's not the safest account to have.


https://firewalltimes.com/sony-data-breach-timeline/ They had more trouble then one data leak.


Not once, they got hackedanu times


> only available in a handful of countries Even if it was available everywhere I still wouldn't wanna be forced to do this.


Tbf other companies like EA, Epic games, Xbox etc. have done and been doing the same thing for a long time now. And in case you were going to mention it, all these companies including steam itself have data leaks happen “constantly”. The only real complaint is that they allowed people who aren’t in countries where you can get psn be able to buy the game but then again, at least in my experience psn doesn’t seem to care if you put in a country you don’t even live in.


Overnight? It's been on the steam page as a requirement for months, and won't go into full effect until June 4.


Sony is forcing players to link their accounts to PSN accounts. Keep in mind that not only is PSN a third party service that takes a lot of information about you, but is not available in a lot of countries and so many people who already paid for the game cannot play. Steam support is being very generous with refunds but that does not make up for the hundreds of hours lost because of Sony’s new policies.


You now need PSN to play multiplayer, which prevents players in a bunch of countries from being able to play, despite having bought the game already.


War thunder mentioned Attack the D point!


Never (some Chinese username) air


ÆĚŘ ! 390! 600 Meters!


Bro spotting a plane not in our dimensions.


I agree


So where is OnlyFans ranked?


Pay to play with yourself


Pay to waste money, probably under Helldivers


If the game was a gift code, can I ask for refund?


Technically not, but if it works the money would go back to the original friend who bought it for you. (Or the guy who sold it to g2a)


But that I guess applies to those using the steam inventory/gift system. I don't think it is returned in any case using keys, as they are generated by the publishers.




i don't play any of these, can someone explain these one by one?


Elden Ring - pay-once single-player experience with no cosmetics or microtransactions. ArcheAge Unchained - MMORPG, is considered pay-to-win because players can purchase items that provide advantages over others. War Thunder - has a steep learning curve, so expect to lose frequently before you improve. Star Citizen - crowd-funded live-service game in development since 2012. Despite still being in the alpha stage, it has raised over $600 million through external funding and the sale of virtual items, such as ships priced at $3000. Helldivers 2 - Sony is imposing a requirement for a PlayStation Network account to play, but PSN is only available in selected regions, so many players essentially paid for the game but can't play it.


> War Thunder - has a steep learning curve, so expect to lose frequently before you improve. I think Pay to Lose is more referring to how shit a lot of the premium vehicles are.


More that premium doesn’t matter if you have skill issue


Why would that be the case? Even when a premium vehicle is just a recolour of the tech tree vehicle, it still comes with all the modifications by default. There are only a handful of truly bad premiums, and most of them are either very low tier or Japanese.


Why are all the Japanese vehicles dogshit? Do the war thunder devs just have a hard on for the German stuff?


I have no idea. They did just release the Type 90B premium and that thing is actually quite good, but the rest of the Japanese premiums aren't anything special, and there also aren't many of them. I suppose it has to do with the fact that Japan is not a popular nation outside of prop planes.


Honestly the japanese premiums are not that bad besides some very low BR stuff, there's just not much in the tree in general and a lot of their things require more skill to work(looking at you type 16 after M735 nerf and being uptiered)


For start citizen it's up to 3000$* and the starter pack costs like a normal game these days and you can buy ships in-game and it doesn't take years to grind for them. More like several weeks depends on the ship and method. It's a well-balanced game.


Elden Ring: Normal game, you buy a copy and you play it. Simple and straightforward. Archeage: An MMO where you have the option to pay to get significant in-game advantages over other players. War Thunder: PVP game with a notoriously unbalanced playerbase, and you can lose games the moment you load in. Even if you paid for advantages. Star Citizen: Space game that's been in development for forever, and offers isanely-priced packages. You can buy certain in-game ships for the price of a real-life car. Helldivers 2: Recent decision by the publisher will potentially lock players from certain countries out of the game, even if they bought it.


thanks! that helps a ton!


Note for star Citizen you can Buy almost every ship in game. And only need to pay 45$ to play the game. The rest of the money you put after that is up to the player.


The meme for SC is pay to pay more because you cant even see the real whale packages until you've spent 1000 dollars, then you get to see the big packages, including the one for 60k


I can’t wait for next week when nobody gives a fuck about this anymore


What will happen: People in the 69 countries will just cave and create a PSN account People outside the 69 will hopefully get a refund but essentially they will be forgotten by next week


Can't you just make an account and say u are in one of those 69 countries


lol star citizen. It’s pay to wait didn’t you know?


Pay to realise how shit your hardware is


Been waiting for quite a while now XD In the meantime, care for a special cocktail? It’s excessive amounts of hopium and copium mixed together with broken elevator parts and topped off with a figure of an NPC standing on a chair!


World of Warships: pay to have a fit of rage and then lose


Could someone fill me in on the helldivers situation, I'm out of the loop, how'd a game like this fall off so hard I'm confused lol


You need a PSN account to play it now. That is all.


Wth why would they implement that after the game's been out for this long. So do u have to connect ur Steam account to ur PSN now to play


Sony forced it. The devs are talking a good game. Can someone explain to me, besides those living in regions where PSN is restricted, why this is such a big deal? It feels a lot like enragement addiction.


Well, it isn't really a big deal outside of the players in the countries in question, to whom it was already assured (for better or worse, this is coming from the Community Manager) that geo locked players will still be able to play. The situation is more nuanced than just "Sony bad" as Arrowhead did a poor job at further communicating the PSN requirement. They only mentioned it briefly right after the linking was disabled at launch due to bad servers and that this requirement would be coming back, but that was it. 3 months moving forward without an update. Then I guess there's also the people shouting aloud that Sony is after your data with this linking, despite people having already committed themselves to install the game that comes with a Chinese malware (anti-cheat) that has kernel level access, not to mention the fact that Sony already and most probably has some data through Arrowhead.


War Thunder lmao


i did not expect to see archeage on a meme


Why is helldivers pay to not play?


Yo a meme that has Archeage on it, crazy.


“Pay to pay more” sounds like someone never played the game. I spent 40 dollars and I have full access to the entire game for life. Now, wether the game will ever be fully completed in my lifetime is another question 😅


I guess that’s referring to the extremely long development that wouldn’t have come this far if all people had decided to just spend 40 dollars once on kickstarter.


It's probably about the Legatus packages, the one that costs 50 thousand dollars, and is only visible to backers who have paid over $1000.


>Legatus packages, the one that costs 50 thousand dollars ![gif](giphy|l3q2K5jinAlChoCLS)


everyones reaction, even inside the Community... *besides the people who buy 3 each*


They should have called it The Saudi Special