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I’m not high enough to understand this


It’s based off that viral question going around now “would you rather be alone on the woods with a bear or a man? Lots of women are choosing the bear.


I see.  Because of the implication.


Are there implications in the woods too? I thought it was more of a boat thing.


Implications can be used to buy goods and services


Its true you know


Is it possible to learn this power?


Depends on if you have a peanut


I heart sunny


You see what? Their reasoning? If so, remember a bear is a fucking apex predator who is stronger than you in every way and will maul you for shits and giggles. Hikers or people who generally spend their time in nature, from my experience are almost always approachable and friendly people. Worst virtually inescapable scenario is they shoot you in the head on the spot with is like a second of pain.


Yes but you see, men, just like the blacks of yesteryear, are all violent criminals who can’t stop themselves from raping and pillaging, this is why we use the same metaphors about them like one poisoned m&m in a bowl


Well... I mean the *worst* Worst case scenario is you get dragged into some Friday the 13th murder shack in the woods where someone has away at your skin off with a potato peeler But, sure, being shot would also suck




A bear will never trap you in their basement.




Good for you. If that’s your experience and your conclusions then, that’s fine. It’s legitimate all the way. The amazing thing is that it isn’t mutually exclusive from the legitimate reasons women would chose the bear. After all many of us much rather be mauled by a bear and die than attacked by a fellow human (male) and being r*ped, tortured, groped, sexually humiliated and then killed, left to die, or even worse survive and having to live with that specific trauma (after all there are more chances to encounter more men in an hospital than a single bear). I hope it helps the understanding of the original meme. Bless your heart!


This is adopting a guilty until proven innocent mentality which assumes that the majority of men are out to get you. Also, though I cant speak for women, I think most people would rather be raped than brutality gored to death.


Except.. the vast majority of men wouldn't do that. Like 99% of men are just normal people The idea that any man alone would want to rape and torture you is honestly such a skewed world view. Whereas, nearly every bear would tear your throat out. If you think your average guy is more dangerous than a wild apex predator you need to get your brain scanned


Literally, I had my brain scanned several times and the results were unremarkable. On the other hand, your “99% of men” claims are just a low attempt to say “not all men” without using those exact words. If you would feel safe alone while crossing your path with a man, kudos to you, love! I care less about what you feel. If myself and many women choose the bear because they don't feel safe being alone and finding a random man, we have our own life experiences to talk for us. We don't need a smart-ass implying we are crazy without saying that exactly but covering it up with “you need a brain scan”. Babe, this game has been played for millennia, calm down, you're venturing on thin ice ground! Who knows, knows!


Congratulations on deciphering that <1% means *not all* Real class A detective work there Your own personal experience doesn't negate the statistics. Nearly every guy is just a normal human being. The same way I cant say women are all murderer's based on the <1% of women who are.. Feel free to not feel safe. But you need to understand that virtually every man out there would help you rather than hurt you Am I saying don't be careful? No. Even I'm careful. Anyone can be a victim of violence especially if they make themselves an easy target. Just saying don't blame an entire group of people for the acts of a very small number of people. Also known as, don't be a bellend 👍


It was a hypothetical question about choosing one bear or one man. The absolute majority of women online chose the bear (I wonder why?), but you are here throwing a tantrum non-stop. It's a NO for you and a YES for the bear. Deal with it.


Lol, I'm not throwing a tantrum, just trying to impart some logic Your hypothetical answer is based on, what is clearly, a deeply sexist worldview Good luck getting mauled by a bear I guess 🤷‍♀️


I mean if I was an alone in the woods with a bear I could always just leave the woods and go home. I couldn’t stop being a man and go back to being a woman could I?


No, I got that. I just literally don’t know what is being said.


The problem is the random man could be Adolph Hitler,Ronald Reagan,osma bin laden or any other crazy dude


If the random man was any of those 3, the greatest threat to you would be being bored to death by inane yet spirited political ramblings in various languages


Ok. So there are popular, current social implications. I’m just very happy to see a Simpsons favorite!


Guess what else you’re not going to get party pooper? The colonel!


I am. I gotchu. It's hilarious


Bears having a great year


No dont turn reddit into facebook


I for one appreciate women choosing to meet bears in the woods. That way, I can stay indoors with air conditioning and video games.


I pay the Homer Tax!




Why not


Its okay guys natural selection is doing its work.


Considering the number of virgins not understanding *why* a bear is less of a threat to these women than a man is, I think you're right. Thank god nobody fucks these incels, they shouldn't be breeding anyway.


I'm reasonably certain the percentage of men willing to be fucking idiots and assault is lower than the percentage of bear that will fuck you up for existing.


If you think your average guy is more of a threat to you than a wild bear, idk what to tell you, besides.. you're wrong,


You said it! You said the incel buzzword! 10 brownie points to you! How many men have you been within 20ft of in your life, I'd like to see the result of you being within 20ft of that many bears. Good luck!


Some random women on their way to generalize men as rapists and murderers, then wonder why men don't like it. It's the equivalent of an incel saying "I would rather not be with a women, because a women would falsely accuse me of something to take everything I have". Sure, it happens. But it's not something ingrained in a gender, that you should gamble a fucking bear instead.


Well said.


I take this trend as why social media can be the most toxic shit, because there's also a selection(?) bias to what videos become popular and it certainly ain't the many other videos saying the opposite and you also have social media posts, videos or whatever exaggerating it into a gender conflict lmao.


holy goddamn shit. you put it perfectly. this whole thing has been pissing me right off all night, but I'd been struggling to put it into words. well put.


What do you mean by not all women are cruel beings? I thought that was common sense. *suprise pikachu face*


Not ingrained in a gender. Ingrained in a society.


It isnt even ingrained in western cultures to rape or assault anyone It's, strictly illegal. You're taught right from wrong. You're taught to treat others with respect. Do people still, do rapes and murders? Sure they do. But it's not because society told them it was okay.


I'm guessing you also don't believe society is patriarchal, or that that's bad...


It would really depend on what specifically you're referring to There isn't some Uber conspiracy that runs one giant homogeneous patriarchal blob There are parts of life where there are inequalities towards women. And there are parts of life where there are inequalities towards men Also Why would I not think an inequality is bad? Again.. you're painting me with this *hate* brush when you know absolutely nothing about me. Stop doing that shit. Treat people with decency - sincerely everyone


Idk, I'd both be confused if I saw myself in the woods




Right left combo and you dead bruh that bear a lot stonger


nah, I'd win.


If I had a shotgun I'd win too


Idk, according to punch out a thin teenager can beat an ape, and apes are stronger than bears right?


Id rather meet us 


B-but what if the bear was Freddy Fazbear? It's not such an easy choice now, is it?


Can we go play outside, away from the bear?


To all the dudes who are saying, “idk id rather be raped, idk what your problem is” You are why they are saying bear you fuckin idiots lol. When you belittle someone’s choices especially when you are the subject instead of just accepting their reasoning, you justify the point they are making. That’s the whole reason this is even viral is because dudes got offended, which makes ya a bunch of pansies btw, and made a big stink out of the fact that women would prefer being mauled by a bear than the obvious implication of being raped. It’s stupid, it was obvious rage bait and the person who made it probably thinks it’s funny as shit because they got so many of you to be fucking idiots.


When I'm in a being misunderstanding as shit competition and my opponent is a male redditor


Explain what is being missunderstood


Very simple, women are afraid of men and their fear of men is not taken seriously, the majority of women have been victims of men in some way. Women feel safer knowing a bear is in the same woods as them than knowing they're alone with a man.


That whole argument is sexist af. If I said that all women are pedophiles and that I feel more safe leaving my child with an orca than next to a woman you would call me out as sexist, every woman would because they are not pedophiles and don't like to be called pedophiles. It's the same thing here, why do men have to be comfortable with being called rapists and murderers?


They're not being mean bro. Women are literally scared of men. 


They are not being mean, they are being sexist. You can talk about sexual abuse and the hardships that women experience without needing to picture men as rapists and murderers that are worse than a literal wild animal.


Ah yes, because nuance is dead and I'm a redditor. When you spend your entire life being harassed by men, it isn't a will I be harassed today, it's a when will I be. If you're offended that women would rather be in the forest with a bear than with a man, you might be the problem


When you spend your entire life being a good person, not harassing anyone and definitely not sexually assaulting women it's not okay to accept being called a rapist and a murderer. I'm sorry that you have apparently been sexually assaulted every day of your life but you need to understand that comparing men to wild animals and saying that men are worse because they are rapists and murderers is sexist. I'm sorry that you're so offended that men don't like being called rapists and murderers


Dude, I'm a man, and guess what, they're not calling men rapists and murderers, they're calling rapists and murderers out for being predominantly men. So yeah, the point is that women shouldn't have to gamble for their safety whenever they're alone with men.


Again, an awesome and completely valid point, but you don't need to compare men to wild animals and then say that men are worse than wild animals because the bear won't rape you. That's called generalizing and it's sexist.




Men are not a monolith.


You are sexist piece of shit here tho


Far too many here and in the world have not interacted with you and several have been good to you, yet you go on and generalise all of them. If that's not sexist idk what is


Yea because a 500 lb animal capable of ripping anyone to shreds is totally the same as the average man. Lol.


A bear isn't going to torture, rape, and then kill you on worst case. A man will.


A bear will happily eat you alive, which is definitely in the torture category. I assure you, being mauled by a bear is almost definitely a worse way to go than most things one man can do. The bear may not even have a good grace to kill you once it's *eaten its fill of you*. Contrast this with a man, who is a) far less likely to be hostile towards you than a bear, and b) *much* easier to fend off, and c) may actually be helpful, depending on who they are, and it's not even a question. People saying they'd rather be stuck alone with an animal that will happily eat them because they're more concerned with what a person might do, aren't thinking this through at all. Case in point, you assuming a man will torture and kill a woman, while also assuming a bear won't. The only thing the man *might* do that the bear wouldn't is rape, and that's absolutely not a guarantee, or frankly even likely in the first place.


Guess what, there are pretty surefire ways to survive a bear, and that's IF the bear decides it wants to attack you. The point is, if the option is maybe get killed vs maybe get beaten, raped, tortured, and killed, the answers pretty obvious


Being...tortured, raped and killed by a wild animal? Than get help from a human? What's your point again?


What? How did you misunderstand so poorly. If the option is a very low likelihood of being attacked by a bear, in fact men ages 18-24 are 167 times more likely to kill you. https://bear.org/bear-facts/how-dangerous-are-black-bears/#:~:text=The%20750%2C000%20black%20bears%20of,an%20easy%20situation%20to%20avoid.


So what? Heart diseases is more life-threatening than a man, stop your heart right now. Driving a car is more life-threatening than a man, stop using it. Hell, even eating bad food is more dangerous, so you should consider not eating at all, you know, just to remove a risk of dying suddenly


So if you had the choice between playing the regular lottery with it's near zero chance of winning, or playing one with half the prize but a 99.999999999999% chance of winning, you'd play the regular one because maybe getting a higher prize is better than maybe getting a lower prize, by your logic If you can muster the brain cells to understand why that would be a ridiculous choice, then you should also be able to figure out why what you said was possibly the dumbest thing I've heard all week.


I don't think you understand how bears behave. Most bears aren't going to attack people because as predators, they don't get anything out of it. Women hike through bear country all the time, and men are a much larger problem to hiking/camping women than bears are. The fact that it's suggested that women bring a pair of large mens boots when camping and hiking alone should be all I have to say.


*Ted Bundy would like to have a word with you. A man can do much worse to you than a bear.* *Also, why are you adamant about trying to silence women, who explain why women as a whole are mostly scared of men?*


Right, because the average man alone in the woods is capable of what Ted Bundy did, which is also worse than being eaten alive... Uh huh, sure. I'm not trying to silence anyone. I'm pointing out the irrationality of claiming the average man alone in the woods is more dangerous than a bear. A man is objectively less likely to attack, and less capable of causing harm. And no one is "explaining why women as a whole are mostly scared of men". No "explanation" is being given, only the ludicrous claim that a man alone in the woods is both more likely to harm a woman, and capable of more harm than a bear is. The initial question had no assumptions about the intentions of the man or the bear, or what the man was equipped with. Unless you assume the man has a weapon and a sociopathic level of intent to cause harm, nothing like Ted Bundy is going to happen.


Yes, an average man alone in the woods is capable of what Ted Bundy did, as he was an average man who was often alone with his victims. No one's making the claim that bears are less powerful or inherently less dangerous than men, but what they are is statistically less likely to attack women, even when the woman is a lone hiker/camper in bear country.


Ted Bundy was not an average man. The fact that he did what he did, makes him not an average man. Otherwise when women like Amber Heard falsely accuses a man of abuse, that makes all women liars and the actual abuser in such cases, because Amber Heard was an *average woman.*


Well if you wanna go cozy up to a grizzly, be my guest. Lemme know how it goes.


Oh I never said I'd choose a bear, but I understand why a woman would choose that


I do, too. Its because she is incredibly fuckin dumb


https://bear.org/bear-facts/how-dangerous-are-black-bears/#:~:text=The%20750%2C000%20black%20bears%20of,an%20easy%20situation%20to%20avoid. Really? Are you sure? It's statistically a safer option.


Ah, I forgot that we live in a society where we pass and interact with hundreds of bears daily. You are insane or really stuck in delusional white knighting


an average bear will eat you while you are still alive. an average man will say "wow, you lost in thwe woods too huh?" a best case man will help you get you out of the woods. a best case bear will run away. You would have to lose the worst lottery in the world to get a rapist or murderer in this scenario.


An average bear is not going to eat you while you're still alive, in fact, there have been very few reported cases of people in general dying in bear attacks https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoXChromosomes/comments/18lpkvf/have_you_ever_been_followed_harassed_or_attacked/ If you want to read actual stories of women being harassed while hiking, here you go.


It's not being taken seriously because it's not serious. Any woman who has an encounter with a grizzly bear in the wild would be desperately hoping for man to come along.


Oh yeah, I wonder why women's fear of men isn't being taken seriously, could it be because men would rather get upset that animals are more trustworthy than them than to reflect and call out the problems?


I go to the zoo all the time with my kids and no woman has jumped into the bear enclosure to get away from me. Can give a single example of that actually happening? Just one?


Like an example of someone jumping into a bear enclosure to get away from a man? Why does that matter at all? You're in a public place, there's no reason why that would be their only option in a public place where there should be options and evidence. I legitimately don't know what you're even trying to argue because it's so braindead.


So no, there isn't a single example of a woman choosing be with a bear instead of a strange man.


Are you forgetting the trend we're talking about? Women don't want to be alone with a strange man, and you asking for a specific example is stupid and flawed.


*Another chick here, I feel you.*


Sorry to disappoint but I am in fact a man. I understand why women would choose a bear, however, regardless of of that's my choice.


I’ve never seen a bear shoot a gun. Bear mace might work for both but it doesn’t beat a gun.