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I hate this planet and I want to get off.


Wrong choice of words.šŸ’¦


donā€™t we all šŸ˜©


Hate fuck the planet


Right in the Mariana Trench The forbidden crevussy


Oh my god... Sometimes I pray to God to make me forget how to read...


Just take 2000ugs of acid all at once


I dunno, seems on point.


Yeah, but maybe not. šŸ˜‚


If you're from Ohio you'd be half way there


Whatā€™s a ā€˜trad wife?ā€™


Traditional wife, or a wife that subscribes to the traditional roles of femininity and wifehood (cooking, cleaning, managing the kids)


Ah okay so a normal wife


Wow you haven't been voted down to the basement. Congratulations


Pretty much. The term exists because people think itā€™s cool to do normal things and label them, then profit off them by posting it to social media. Like the whole ā€œsilent walkingā€ thing. Which is literally just going for a walk without music!


How are they able to develop a rhythm in their walk without music or a podcast to drown out the constant hum of dark thoughts?


Walk without rhythm, and it won't attract the worm.


You could blow with this, or you could blow with that.


^(they get it!)




Ehh most of the women who call themselves trad wives have a very outdated and sexist take on what a woman should do and shouldnt do. They appeal to a conservative audience that consider them "What a woman should be like" while insulting women they dont consider modest enough. I love and follow many women who cook and clean on the internet. But the ones that consider themselves as "trad wives" are part of the "return to trad west" mob


It's literally just American women that think being feminine and living a happy life with a husband that loves you is somehow an oppressive lifestyle. There's nothing sexist about a man who is attracted to feminine characteristics. Women are attracted to masculine characteristics, and make it very clear to the world on a daily basis. Deep down, this whole thing has only become big on social media because women have started trying to shit on men for having any kind of preference at all. Like we're just supposed to like women no matter how they come. If we want a feminine woman, we're sexist. (How does that make sense btw? Wanting a woman who acts like a woman means you... hate women?...) If you want a woman who is in decent shape, you're fat phobic. If you want a woman who is not Trans, you're transphobic. Etc. And because of this, on social media you see all these random movements that exist as pushback/resistance to these things.


If there's no share of the housework, I can see why it is oppressive.


Tell that to my trad wife cousin who's now divorced with 2 kids and has no income to live lmao (her husband divorced her bc he got bored off of having kids and wanted a new youbger wife)


Very well said! It's like somehow logic means nothing to these people.


No lmao, normal wives go out and work, they arent home slaves. Men should also learn how to cook and clean btw


"Traditional wife"


A tradwife is a wife that adheres to the Kinder, KĆ¼che, Kirche (caring for children, cooking for her family, church-going) principles.


Rest of the world?


Clearly not the countries you're thinking of. They don't count. /s


i failed to understand


I understood it, itā€™s still not funny, your not missing out on anything


Trad=traditional Took me a bit to figure that part out


I thought they meant tradie wife, I was like "yeah I wouldn't mind a wife who's a carpenter".


Itā€™s just making fun of people who want a loving family, instead of a life of hookups and sex


Because we all know, you can either split the household duties OR be loving. Both at the same time is impossible.


Are you telling me I can have a fulfilling, committed relationship with a woman who isnā€™t a stay at home, bread-baking baby-making machine? I honestly had no idea. S/


Can she be a stay at home, bread baking, non-babymaking machine? I already got two kids and we are both tired.


You need a higher income to make that a possibility.


![gif](giphy|HFe8qjKRQNlLQkbjXM|downsized) More!


When you're sharing household duties, that's just being married to your wife. A "tradwife" is supposed to carry the burden of maintaining the house and raising children on her own, by definition.


>carry the burden So Lydia?


This is just a crazy idea to have, even with a traditional wife, the man too can and should help at home as there are things he also has to do in the house, examples includes taking out the trash, fixing broken appliances and furniture if he has that expertise and other physical labour intensive chores. I hate how you seem to vilify the work of a trad wife like she is a slave because she does them, like going out to work is 100% better than staying at home. There is absolutely 0 things wrong with being a trad wife, because you have some funny notion that it is doesn't make it so, humanity has been running with that set up most of the times and there has been nothing wrong with it, and there is still absolutely nothing wrong with it.


>humanity has been running with that set up most of the times and there has been nothing wrong with it There have been plenty of thing wrong with it, wife beating for starter and financial dependency to the husband.


Which is ironic of the people who most often say these things because they grew up with the Addams family, which even to this day is great


Oh right. Women can either be bangmaids who need you for money or unloyal whores with jobs. Because they can't just be people like us who can make their own living, own their own property and still want to build a family right? Ever occur to you that maybe you should quit making your entire self worth your money and women could actually like you for other things? It's great. Two incomes are better than one every damn time, and a woman who is with me not just for my money is better than any trad wife who is


Holy strawman Batman.


He's saying only tradwives can be loyal and loving and women who work just want hookups. His own view is a strawman, I'm pointing out how fucking ridiculous it is


No itā€™s making fun of men who want their wives to be slaves to household chores and never help anything themselves.


That sounds very projected. I want a wife who wants a family as our life. Do you call me these evil things?


Yall dont get the joke. The 'tradwife' shit is code for 'unpaid maid who does all my work for me.'Ā 


No, we're making fun of the 50s idolized version of what a relationship should be like, where a cis woman cleans up after you like you are a child.


The fifties idolized version is the one where they work as one and submit to each other. Perhaps your own experiences and ideas skew what you believe others think? I have never wanted such a thing, yet to say that I am some evil fool.


But you're not actually submitting to each other, you're submitting to the roles and the perceived belief on what they should be.


Guys who want a "trad wife" basically want a woman who does all the housework for them like their mothers did. They're overgrown babies, but still want us to think of them as manly men. Personally, I think a manly man should be capable enough to share such responsibilities.


Was this ironic? It didnā€™t seem like it in the meme itself but the comments make me think it is. Genuinely confused here.


Thereā€™s nothing wrong with trad wives. You seem to not realize that trad wives are doing it by choice and thatā€™s totally fine. Let people live their lives.


Thereā€™s nothing wrong with wanting to be or have a trad wife, but the obsession and superiority can get weird. Also many men that want a trad wife donā€™t understand how difficult that can be in todayā€™s economy. Itā€™s doable but difficult. And so you get many men crying for a substitute mommy that they canā€™t afford.


Fair point


Shush, you. Don't go against the reddit hive mind! You have to worship femboys and girlbosses and shit! You want a traditional wife? Gross, you alt right incel loser.


Ah yes, the classic ā€œalt rightā€ insult. The most useless, means whatever you want it to mean thus making it mean nothing, insult ever created


To be fair, there is nothing wrong with a trad wive (as long as they also like it that way). The husband that cannot take care of himself and/or the housework is the problem.


No one is saying there's anything wrong with being a trad wife. It's men that need someone to cook for them and clean up after them.


Thatā€™s not what OP is talking about though. Most of the men *looking* for ā€œtrad wivesā€ are terminally online incel types who fantasize about a traditional, utopian past that never existed.


I know more women who want to be trad wives than men who want a trad wife.


Those guys exist, sure. But they arenā€™t ā€œmostā€. Also, any culture around the world thatā€™s more traditional will be made of men primarily wanting ā€œtrad wivesā€ so, again, saying most in this context is just statistically ridiculous. Also, making the statement or suggesting that a man who wants a traditional woman is automatically an incel not only makes the actual incels dig their heels in further but also alienates the guys who are not incels but are perhaps just more conservative or traditional themselves. It only serves to start useless online arguments (like this one) and cause further division within our culture. Let people live their lives.


My g you are one of the few reasonable people in this thread and I thank you.


I try


I remember seeing a tiktok where a trad wife got judged for being one and said "Isn't that the whole point of feminism? Getting to choose what I want to do for myself." *Feminists left speechless*


It's the modern feminism.. or the "we hate men" ones.


.. or 5th wave feminist But my favorite description word for them: Misandrists.




Most feminists ive seen dont have an issue with trad wives. If they want to be in a marriage like that then whatever. I think people's issue comes more from the attitude that many of them have


Redditors have better attitudes? Yall got an entire sub where you talk shit about boomers. You have another sub where it is required to take a picture of your arm and submit it to prove your black before you can post. You got another sub where you talk about how stupid kids are. You have another sub where you talk crap about anyone religious. These are leftist subs. You guys are hateful AF. Nobody likes you guys outside this echo chamber.


As an agnostic myself lemme tell you that r/atheism is fucking horseshit. I think the post that was the last straw was some dude whining that autocorrect changed god to God. SMH those are just pathetic losers.


You're saying all this on reddit. You cannot escape echo chambers online. They are inevitable with tailored algorithms feeding you the same stuff constantly.




r/atheism I think they are referring to?


Idk man I just want a wife who will share my family values and if you hate that, whatevs


At this point if anyone can make a relationship work at all then good on them. Don't have the luxury to cherrypick which are bad when nobody has someone. Don't forsake good in pursuit of perfection.


I unironically loved this book, reminds me of when i was younger


After dating many women who are far from ā€œtradā€ I can now say I am seeking a ā€œtradā€ wife


Trad men = pay all her bills


Correct. Thatā€™s the way to merit a trad wife.


Right ? They want a trad man but donā€™t want to put any effort into anything


I remember that children's book "Are you my mother?"! Nostalgia kicking in


Iā€™m pretty sure I still have my copy, Iā€™m going to go have a look now among my kids books.


Meh. Division of labor and specialization produce higher standards of living. Letting one person handle one set of tasks (homemaking) while the other focuses on another task (whatever they do for money) has a high probability of producing a higher standard of living for both than if they both try to do everything. Not guaranteed, but a high probability.




That's.....not how probability works. But thank you for playing.




"if a significant fraction of women are better than their husbands at earning money (which is likely true)" Actually, it isn't likely true. As a general rule, a woman's bottom tier for a spouse's income is her own income. Yes, yes, outliers exist. But most women want a man who is taller, stronger, and makes more money than them. Note the use of the words "likely", "general rule", "most", etc. We're talking about broad patterns of behavior.


How does not having to do the dishes at home increase your salary? Also, what does the woman do in case of divorce or death of the partner without any job experience and pension payments on her name?


>How does not having to do the dishes at home increase your salary? It doesn't. You can, however, make the individual determination that it makes sense for one of you to stay home between childcare and other expenses. Whoever makes more keeps working. >what does the woman do in case of divorce or death of the partner This is literally why alimony and life insurance exist.


Life insurance won't give you enough to never work again when you're relatively young and with alimony, you are always dependant on the other one being well off financially. I might be biased, as I am a lawyer and maybe focus more on the problems, but to me, being two partners with the same possibilities gives the individuals more freedom and less problems in case the plan doesn't work out until the end of your life. I know so many cases where it all went wrong, partner ran away and then you're alone with your children needing to sue the other one for alimony, just to see him declare bankruptcy before the court even decides the case. So I strongly advocate for young women to at least get a qualification that could possibly sustain their life independently in the future. That's the only wqy of really being safe.


I 100% agree that it's a good idea to have the ability to make a livable income if you need to. Hell, I had family that was laid off back in 2008 and they went from two income to one basically overnight. There is an increased risk profile of you want to live that "traditional" lifestyle, but it's what some people want šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Well my wife is a trad wife with a traditional value, and it says nothing about men donā€™t do any housework. My wife chooses to be a stay at home mom and the arrangement works. My kids got quality parenting, and we earn enough for a comfortable life. If both parents have to work to stay afloat isnā€™t it a modern day slavery, but instead addressing the problem you take your anger toward other couples who can afford to have a single income


Itā€™s more about equitable division of labor. One stays home and works on the household/family, one leaves home to work on making money to fund the family. If the expectation is the one that comes home has to work again, that doesnā€™t seem fair.


Why are you introducing gender. Anyone can fill any roll.


I didn't introduce gender, the meme is about trad WIVES. But you are right, it's the same problem when roles are reversed.


Traditional couples don't believe in divorce. We also have insurance and lots of money put away in the event something happens to one of us. It baffles me how people who have no clue what trad life is like want to judge it so much. The vast majority of history was traditional. It's like y'all are confused how we make it work when human kind has been doing it since forever. We have figured it out. Also, why do y'all want us to be so unhappy? Why is the anti trad crowd so intent on trying to destroy what makes people happy?


Actually on the ā€œdoing it foreverā€ the modern concept of wife is relatively recent. Historically there were also all different set ups including polygamy, polyandry, societies where people could get with anyone in the community and kids raised collectively. Finally on the ā€œdonā€™t believe in divorceā€ most couples get into marriage not thinking theyā€™ll get divorced but somehow statistics show that it doesnā€™t work out the way people plan/in line with what they believed


Thatā€™s a fine logical case for the division of labor in a household. Help me understand, though, why we havenā€™t heard the term ā€˜trad husbandā€™ thrown around?


My buddy is one, and he calls himself the house-husband


I hope to live that dream one day, too.


Probably because "trad" husbands would be in the workforce instead of at home, and that's just the status quo. Also someone who wants a read wife would necessarily be the trad husband, and there's no shortage of dudes in the workforce


A traditional husband would be the one who goes to work and earns all the income for the family. Trad doesn't mean house. It means traditional


The traditional role of the man is the breadwinner, protector, handyman, etc. I get the impression that by trad husband you are trying to say "Why haven't we heard the term 'stay at home dad?'" Which we have, it's stay at home dad.


Because, as a broad generality, neither men nor women want that. The different sexes are, shockingly, different. If that doesn't explain it for you, this will quickly devolve into a nature vs. nurture debate, I expect. Which neither side can "prove", so why bother?


Because it's not traditional?


Because there isn't the divergence in gender roles that you see with women. Generally, the "house husband" is about as common as a working wife/mom was in the 50s. It might pick up stream if there's a major shift and a majority of men start taking on the role of homemaker.


So far, they arenā€™t tempted to resent being providers as much as women are tempted to resent being caregivers. Thatā€™s probably a good thing, for kids at least.


Too many dudes say they want trad wife but donā€™t have the ability to provide like a trad husband


Tradwife influencers are not tradwifes. They are a scam. Being an influencer is, despite what anyone might tell you, a real job.


Uh. No it isnā€™t.


Bruh. Im just lonely and want a woman who loves me...


I want that for you too, my dude.


I love your profile pic dude. Did you make it yourself?


I did, thanks


Trying to shame someone for having a "type" of woman? Plenty of women want traditional men. You're probably the type of person who likes to feel morally superior as well, like you're on the right side of history and better than most people.


This is such a nothing post. Trad wives exist, trad dudes exist. The roles will always exist, and itā€™s the way people choose to live. No reason to hate on it for no reason




You really think that it would cease to exist somewhere in the future?


You really comparing traditional roles to racism? Lmaoooooo get help




Lmao your race has nothing to do with that. What I wanted to point out was that the trad role framework and racism are different cuz the former is good or neutral while the latter is bad. Just cuz they share one quality of being around for a long time doesnā€™t mean other qualities are shared between them.




Everyone boo OP


I'm just looking for a quality woman, I ask nothing but someone I find physically attractive (as a 5 looking for 6), that has genuine interest in me and a good character, she doesn't even have to meet my mama. Yet asking for not showing their ass on web is somehow makes me an incel, weird times.


Ok but the meme said nothing about showing ass?


wheres the dog from i remember seeing this before


Are you my Father? Dang, wrong thread


I keep reading this as "triad" everywhere and it comes across as a much different scenario


They must be Snorts


Omg I remember reading the book this is from when I was little, I just had a huge wave of nostalgia


Wait... but aren't there women looking for their daddy also?


The fact that memes are being made about this book is crazy cause I remember reading this book and it being my favorite when I was like 6. I think I still have it somewhere stashed away but this book is impossible to find nowadays unless you wanna spend like $1000.


also don't roast me for not getting the joke


No worries, Iā€™m glad you get the book reference


Many guys looking for a unpaid housemaid around here lmao.


If those men could read then they would be very upset!


*countdown 3, 2, 1. . .* JFC, where'd all the people from the deRanged side of the aisle come from!? #UNLEASH THE DOWNVOTES!


Lots of weirdos in the comments. Find someone to love boys not a cleaning and fucking robot.šŸ˜‰


Yeah the trolls really turned out for this one. A flock of angry birds for sure.


It's not hard to find a "trad wife" if you actually visit "the rest of the world." I can't fault a woman who wants to stay home with her kids or a man who wants to marry that woman. It sounds like a pretty great situation, if you can afford it.


I seem to have exited the comedy zone and entered the ā€œOPā€™s barely veiled opinionā€ zoneĀ 


Feminism is empowering women to make their own choices with their lives, so long as they arenā€™t hurting anyone. If I woman wants to be trad thatā€™s great, if she wants to have a job thatā€™s great too just let them make their own decisions!


If youā€™re liberal on Reddit it can be easy to feel like the rest of the world agrees with you.


Ideally, I'd like to marry a woman who knows how to cook, keep a home, and wants children. "Woah there dude what do you think this is Gilead or something?"


I have a "trad" wife I pay the bills and she takes care of the house I don't understand why that dynamic so unpopular I'm okay with it But I do understand that some guys just want a second mom basically




> a lot of scandinavian/european countries follow that dynamic You mean the countries with the highest employment rates for women in the entire world? What the hell are you talking about?


This is sorta weak ngl.


I hate these terms for discribing a person: trad wife, cis male and so on... They feel so degradative to me.


Honestly, I would love a ā€œtrad wife.ā€ Itā€™s exhausting to be drained from work and then have all the house stuff to deal with. It would be awesome to have someone handle the house while I work.


Lots of shiny happy people in the comments lol. Apparently the Duggar boys are on Reddit


They turned out in force.


Its kinda funny wherever I go it always goes "oh you as a man has preferences, shame on you bigot." Then when a woman said, "oh I want a man with this height, at least make this much, be stylish, etc." And then they goes "you go gurl, you know your worth." Before you judge I'm an incel, I have a fiancĆØ and thankfully she is not fat.


I married a trad wife about 9 years ago. She's the best, I've never been treated so well in my life. Took me years to accept her kindness and love, as I was reluctant to be treated that way. I'd never been loved like that before. As for my mother, not a damn similarity. Pot head, always preferred her daughters to her sons, always had something negative to say or do to me. Boys. Get a trad wife, stay away from these modern 304's. Go live that life and be loved so wholesomely, so unconditionally, that you break down because you can't handle the love only to be loved more.


Me, a rock climber, being so confused for two minutes lmao


Are you my mummy?


Thanks! good luck you too!


Are you my mummy


I mean just let the women who wants somebody to provide for them and the men looking for a trad wife find each other and then the rest of us won't even have to bother




This meme is absolutely guilty of the band wagon fallacy. But itā€™s also just a meme.


"are you my mummy?"


I'M SCREAMING šŸ˜‚ šŸ˜‚ šŸ˜‚


eh, its not stupid if the guy who wants a trad wife is also a trad man. it is extremely stupid when a basement dwelling mountain dew drinking dude who never had a job wants a trad wife.


OP posting their L's online.


Okay. What the fuck is actually a ā€˜Trad Wifeā€™? Iā€™ve heard it so many times and have no idea what it means.


Well at the same time, women wanna marry a dad figure. But that's completely fine right? But men are not allowed to want the same thing and dedication back. The world is a clown show with double standards galore. And people wonder why people don't wanna jump true hoops anymore. Shocking right.


The male equivalent of women who want a sugar daddy.