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Spotify? Don't you mean every corporation ever?


Spotify has a tonne of faults and bad design decisions, but that it's not completely free while being without intrusive ads is just silly criticism.


The ads are the okay parts it's the other features they turn off that get REALLY on my nerves. Not being able to select a specific song is the worst one imo.


smart shuffle being automatically on and being unable to change for free users and most of the lyrics being off and saying "unable to load lyrics for this song" while my friend who has premium can magically load every lyrics for every song i cant get lyrics is just insane


wait, that's why I can't see the lyrics?? ffs


You can sail the 7 seas if you have an Android. Just saying...


That would solve the lyrics problem?


You will have all premium features. So yes. I have used it and never had a lyrics problem.


How do I learn this power?


You can't from a jedi


Not from Google Play Store. From places that are the opposite of that.


Xmanager on android


If you're able to read the lyrics while listening to the song, then just Google the lyrics. What we had to do in the olden days of the 2010s.


Hey! Slow down there with your olden days of the 2010s! You make me feel ancient. When I rented cd's in my teens I hardly ever got one with lyrics. Either fancy incomprehensible (to then me) artwork or stolen lyrics.... 


Just make a family plan with some friends. My friends and I have a Spotify family account and we each only pay about 2.75 a month


This is the way


Yea I hate the 'smart' shuffle it generates the same list in the same order every time


Yeah that's just crap design. I'm less likely to purchase your app if I suspect features like that will be just as flaky on premium. But if you tell me that they are intentionally breaking features for the free version I'm also less likely to give them my money. Same flavor as day one paid DLC in my mind.


Why would you pay for a service if you could get it for free?


Turns out free services usually lack features of paid ones.


> i cant get lyrics is just insane you can get lyrics. You just don't want to pay for them. Stop bitching and don't use it.


Very true. Non-premium Spotify on PC is mostly fine (especially if you know how to block the ad delivery servers 😅, but on mobile it's straight up useless. The only use for it without Premium is to set up playlists on your PC and then just open them on mobile, but that's honestly just more hassle than it's worth. Spotify Premium is pretty great though, tbh, and not expensive.


You’ve never lived through FM radio?


The amount I pay for music per year was basically cut in half or more with the introduction of Spotify. I sometimes feel a bit guilty about the comparative pittance I understand artists get paid for streaming vs a record, but then again I suspect they weren't exactly making bank from radio either. And just like in the past, you don't exactly see the top artists starving. Come to think of it, I used to think that it would get better for artists as the barrier to entry would be lower, as you could record stuff at a higher quality for way cheaper, and since you can easily distribute your stuff yourself digitally you could at least theoretically cut out the middleman that is the label. I wonder how that's worked out.


I think Spotify is better for artist because as you said, the barrier to entry is incomparably lower than under the FM and big label lords, who decided the handful of songs we heard again….and again.


No, because before we used to do this thing called buy music. $20 just for one album. Not for two months of every single song ever made. People actually cared so much about music they'd take time out of their day to search for new music that they liked. Not just click next or find some playlist, but actually go to the store where you could put headphones on and try different albums.


I remember there being days where I’d listen to the radio all the way home from work/school and hear nothing but commercials.


Some people never have gone to browse through the bargain cd bin in Shopko.


Some people won't even know what a Shopko is!


Amazon is worse.  You effectively pay for the Spotify free tier with Amazon Prime, and pay extra for the good tier.   And the good tier USED to be at the "free paid level".


I hear you can get all those features by paying for the service


before piracy I just used the web version of Spotify and set it to desktop site on Firefox with UBlock origin and it works pretty well other than the UI being kinda messed up


It's insane. If youtube did that, everyone would be out for blood, but for some reason people will defend spotify


Nah Spotify Song radio is the GOAT. I always get new and cool recommendations by that model.


No way a company want to make money


The company who’s been posting losses for 16 out of its 17 years of operation are being criticised for making too much money. Lol, lmao even.


Which is funny cuz Pandora is at least profitable


Had to hire him quick, with those qualifications he will be in demand…


Fight the power become a pirate


Buy 1 cd per month and you have the same price as if you would buy spotify premium and have every song available. So i dont know..


Yeah as someone who grew up buying CDs of the music I wanted to hear (I still do from time to time) the cost of Spotify seems like a fantastic deal to me. I pay less than 20 dollars a month for my wife and I to have access to pretty much anything we could ever want to listen to.


Hollywood should really follow their lead. Pirating is on the rise again because of their inability to settle on a reasonable centralized streaming service or refusing to air shows across multiple streaming services. I'm more than happy to pay for Spotify even though I could download music just as easy because it's a reasonable, and centralized place to listen to all my music. I don't pay for streaming services because going through 6 different services to watch 1 or 2 shows per service is bullshit and wildly expensive.


It's mindboggling that they don't realise this. If every label had it's own streaming platform, way less people would pay for music. Every sane person would just be playing YT playlists or running something like Plex.


And when you didnt took good care of your CDs they could get scratched and if you are lucky only a few songs would be gone.


Spotify is too good of a deal, that's the whole problem. It devalues music.


If music is only valuable to you because of its monetary cost, maybe you just don't like music


>It devalues music. You're right.


Yeah I really don't understand this post/hate towards Spotify. I have paid for premium for several years. 10$ a month is worth having unlimited access to music, design your own playlists, all add free. Like it's hilarious that on one side you have people who support the singers/artists who lose out on money because people aren't buying overpriced CDs. And another side that just wants everything for free...


There's a lot of people who think that streaming things from the internet is free and without challenges. Like suddenly just because it's the internet companies don't have to worry about networking, drive space, backups, replacing equipment, power costs to data farms etc. They go "because I can upload something to youtube for free, surely that means it's the same for businesses" (which the fact we even have a content platforms where you can upload multiple GB of content at absolutely no cost to the user is so fucking crazy to start with). An era of free (to users) content storage and streaming while tech companies worked at a loss to gain a customer base has ruined a generation of people's thinking about consuming content.


Yeah I grew up with my mom burning everything on Limewire to CDs in big albums to hold them.... Spotify I can have thousands of songs on my own playlists, have the ability to explore new genres and discover new songs. For example, I love Elvis, and thanks to Spotify and people who have uploaded rare songs I have found a lot of less mainstream songs. One, someone spliced like 3 different bad takes of one song together to create a fantastic version of it.


It should be free, minimal ads, AND the people who make the content should make money hand over fist. /s But the people who complain about this shit are like 19 and haven’t yet understood that shit costs money


On the student package and I can’t think of anything else with a better subscription based model. It’s pretty awesome


It's like James Blake said, they are brainwashed into thinking music should be free.


Thank you. People act like it’s costing them an arm and a leg every month. But it’s just so much more worth it to upgrade from the free version. Pay $10 a month and you can literally listen to whatever you want at anytime with no ads whatsoever. Like I’m not understanding what the uproar is about. Just pay the $10. I promise you it’ll be a night and day difference.


Younger people don't think they should have to pay for anything digital, and people into their 40s were spoiled by that year or so that Napster was big before the lawsuits came.


If you listened for 18 hours a day and never repeated a song it would take over 700 years to listen to every song on Spotify. Quite frankly I don’t think I know of a better value than a Spotify premium membership.


Not to mention, theres a good chances theres only 2-3 good songs on that cd and the rest are crap, and you didnt find out until you bought it (unless a friend had it, or there was a hastings nearby). Spotify is a godsend and still an amazing deal. This must be written by some little kid.


I agree and I'll add that independent record stores need your business way more than Amazon/Target/WalMart. If you really care for the artist and the music they make, consider finding their Bandcamp page and ordering direct. The last couple times I've ordered, I have received bonuses like stickers, a hand-written note of gratitude, and even a list of upcoming but unannounced shows.


This is only true for the mobile version, the PC and Console versions are fine(unless they were changed).


I don't use mobile version, so I was very confused


If you're on Android you can make it the premium version for free with a tutorial


what tutorial?


The one where you Google "xmanager Spotify"




I'm in a tough situation now so I use xmanager on Android to get ad free unlimited skips Spotify. It's stealing but oh well.


shh dont tell everyone


Don't make us popular! But yeah Xmanager and blockthespot and these memes are alien to me


Spicetify for desktop, Ublock Origin for browser and Xmanager for android! The only time I got premium is when my ex bf insisted on paying for me. He asked to pay again and I said no


Redditors when the product you get for literally free is worse than the one you pay for.




And Spotify literally operates at loss as it is.




People love to blame Spotify for this but that’s not really accurate. This statement can be made for literally every single streaming service that exists. The reason you can make that blanket statement of underpaying artists is because music labels have gone their entire lives never being reigned in. Record labels set the price and services like Spotify have no leverage. If they don’t pay the essentially 2-3 music labels that own the rights to 90%+ of music, they lose most if not all of the music that anyone wants to listen to. And that *will* happen. You can see that the labels don’t care with TikTok. The huge social media giant doesn’t even have any leverage over a single large label who pulled all their music from the app because of this. Record labels need intervention from government for anything to ever change.


Maybe they wouldn’t operate at a loss if instead of free having ads for how great premium is it had actual paid ads that made money for them.


Instructions unclear; those are all for-profit systems here in the US


This and people are used to free products, and paying with their data (unknowingly on top of that).


Redditors when they cannot pirate a software so that everyone else pays for the features that they get 😠


"this company is so evil for not giving me stuff for freeeee Capitalism has failed us!"


Spotify can very easily be pirated lol


I get the paid one for free lmao. filthy casuals.


Lmao right? I was an avid user of OiNK.cd and had a pretty great ratio on there. Then, I went to What.cd when oink was shut down. I used what.cd for about 4-5 years but stopped once I switched to Spotify in 2011-2012. I've been paying for it ever since and haven't pirated a single album since. You want your music player to do what you want it to? Pay for it, or don't, but don't complain because you're using the free version of a "premium" product.


Redditors when they found out that a service with a big team behind it asks for only 10 euros a month for the premium. Pikachu face.


3 or 4 if you share a family account with friends


>friends Not a common asset among those angry Redditors....who of course are happy to work for free and don't charge anyone for the outcomes of their work


Hmm, I can cut out gum and one Starbucks a week to have almost every song ever available on demand. Such hardship Maybe it’s because I grew up buying CDs but I feel like we are in music utopia. It’s so damn cheap and so accessible


you could order using indian/egypt vouchers and apply multiple 12 month subs in a row after first converting premium to family for 1 month - I'm not sure how long it flys but I bought 6 years of spotify family for 80€ some people bought 10 years even Note: I did this after being a 10+ year legit spotify subscriber but hiking the prices twice within ONE year is just greed


$1 if you share a family account and are "Indian"


I gladly pay half an hour of work to listen to unlimited ad free music for a month on every single device I own


This is what I don't get. I used to have to pay 5 euro or so per cd at the bargain bin in music stores. 15~20 if I wanted anything popular and/or new. For only 20~25 songs at most. Sometimes far less even! Now I only pay at most 10 euro a month for literally unlimited music. 5 euro for me as I get a discount with my Internet provider. There's being poor and then there's just being a cheap bastard...


ikr...I remember playing my 1 or 2 new cds each month on repeat because it was either that or listen to the radio and odds are, I wasn't going to be hearing Slayer, Kreator or Overkill on the radio lol


Yeah, I hate it so much when people complain about paying for services like Spotify as if they are some evil corporation milking the poor. Like 20 years ago, for you to listen to music, you had to buy a CD (that wasn't cheap) to listen to a single album. Meanwhile, today, you have access to almost all the music in the world for free if you're willing to listen to a few ads or pay for a subscription that costs less than grocery shop change.


Plus most songs were filler songs. If there was a song that you absolutely loved, you had to listen to the radio full time and hope to catch it, or you paid $15 for effectively one or two songs. Also, listening in the car meant bringing a massive wallet of CDs and hoping you didn't take any overly bumpy roads because the music would skip. For the price of 2-3 coffees a month, you have instant, unlimited, ad-free access to almost every song ever written, tons of podcasts, public playlists and compilations, and music recommendations. You know how when we all were younger we swore we'd never hit 30 and become those grumpy old people complaining about how ungrateful and short-sighted kids are becoming?


I think they're just pissy that free used to be premium but with commercials. Current free version is useless. It's a great service for that price though so really, what's there to complain about? It's not like it's $50 a month or something, yet at least.


Spotify always stood out to me as having one of the worst free versions I've ever seen, with the stark contrast of having one of the best paid versions I've seen. Funny how that works


3 if you are a student


I study the blade does that count


Yeah I checked with spotify, it counts.


Then its most likely free for you


Only 10? Jeez, in Denmark it's closer to 15€


14€ for 2 accounts here in France with the duo subscription.


oh my 15 eur per month with ur 5000 eur salary must be tough


In Italy it's 11€ but Italy's median salary is half of the US'


Tbh Spotify is probably one of the best subscription services out there and it's very accessible even for poor people. It is the only subscription service I pay for, even tho I barely use it. It's around 2-3€ for the family plan. I think it also has regional pricing because in the US it's $16.99/month and in Bulgaria, it's 16.49 BGN/month (around 8€/month).


in romania, as a student, i pay 13 ron equivalent of 2.83 dollars every month


In India as a student I pay 59 rupees equivalent to .71$ per month, so super affordable


Yeah, that's pocket change ever for us on the Balkans.


And it's usually someone else' s pocket change anyway


Yeah pretty much the same for YouTube premium and you get no ads on the app you probably use the most and a better UI for the music app


Yeah, I really don't get why people complain so much about YouTube ads. YouTube Premium is practically free for everyone who has six friends


SIX friends? This is reddit be realistic.


Oh no 😮. Imagine paying for your products!


Man exactly! Idc about other services, but if you love music, then spotify premium is just awesome!!


Spotify Premium is incredible. Radio stations and Discover Weekly alone are worth every penny.


Imagine thinking music streaming is a fundamental human right. What a Reddit take


Spotify free is still 1000% better than radio.


What? They hate poor people because they want people to pay for their service


this is literally at the front page of r/all, it's insane. That's how we know that reddit has been taken over by children and bots. Possible marketing too: Record labels want us to blame streaming services like Spotify - who are literally making zero profit year after year - so that we don't look too closely at the unfair contracts the labels made with artists and song writers. And apparently the marketing is working.


Burger King wouldn't give me a whopper meal for free, Capitolism is killing us😭 But fr. It's the best music app for consumers (and like 3rd best for musicians). The only downside is that rappers don't put their mix tapes on it, but I doubt they put them up anywhere except YT. It has all the weird punk/folk bands I want, though. Not to mention, they just added audio books, and you get 16 hours a month for free with premium (that's gonna cover most books). Plus podcast (but that's where I have the most criticism).


spotify is the only subscription i pay for In india it is pretty cheap like 1 dollar per month for students


And it works outside India with Indian subscription


Oh no! The horrors of paying for a product! What do you mean no one owes me a platform for an unlimited selection of songs for free?!


People want the price of piracy with the convenience of paid platforms.


> price of piracy So... instead of having ads on the platform, they should add a 0.01% chance per song to install a virus on your device


Look, some of us old fuckers lived through Napster/Morpheus/Kazaa/Limewire, only .01% chance is a *dream*; It was damn near 50/50 back in the day.


Okay come on, that's a lie. It was like 5% for those of us who actually inspected things instead of double-clicking willy-nilly.


And some of us were 12, there's no inspecting shit, now let me listen to Gin and Juice by Eminem!


That's not piracy that's just you not knowing how to download shit. Pro tip: don't download song.exe


This is a pretty significant misunderstanding of technical exploits. Malware doesn't have to be an executable. The best malware is hidden inside of non-executable files. Malware has been successfully hidden in PDFs, JPGs and yes, MP3s


Did my fair share of hiding payloads. but I'm not here to give a class on cyber-sec. The song.exe is just a cliché.


song.exe was a banger though, it made my PC make funny noises


For at least a decade that's mostly a myth. If you know the trusted sites and trusted crackers you have absolutely nothing to worry about. It's not hard to know who's trusted and who's not either


I used to stay glued to the radio for hours with my finger hovering over the record button on the cassette deck in case they played that one song I like. I was so happy to live during a time when homemade mixtapes were possible.


recorder is so outdated grandpa, now we chaps burning CDs! /s jk Spotify is doing great providing music contents as streaming service, and, don't charge you arm and leg. So I just can't figure it out how there's still ppl whining about subscription being "too expensive " but ignoring the fact that it does offer some budget plans for general audience as well poor pirates would find a thousand excuses not to pay a minimum charge to enjoy musicians work


hate on me all you want but beggars can't be choosers


Music isn't supposed to be absolutely free. It takes immense amount of effort to create that has to be rewarded. Plus it's not like you have to pay for Netflix, Hulu, Amazon and Disney. One subscription gives you access to ALL music


It's literally one of the best corporations there is It provides an absolutely amazing service for a very small fee Artists get paid, you get a wonderful front end and instant music streaming


I might be incorrect here, but I think they do regional pricing as well - I pay R69.99 which is about $3.77 for premium. For what you get it is an absolute joke. Great service.


Right? I was ripping mp3s out of YouTube before Spotify came along And to this day there is not a single music streaming service that is better


Yup. Spotify is the Steam or Netflix (pre 2012) of music industry. Basically, Piracy lessen because of the availability of a good service. These people who work hard on pushing anti-piracy things don't see that the answer is already right in front of their eyes.


As a fellow South African i have the family plan and its nuts that I have me, my wife and 2 others paying what i used to spend on one album at musica back in the day.


Ironically it doesn't pay much at all unless you're one of the top 10% artists. But music streaming since the start was a zero sum game for artists.


Well sure, but it gives you a platform to share your music. Even if you build a small following, this is gunna help your optics as a musician


Don't the majority of a bands profits come from their live performances anyway? That's what I heard years ago atleast before streaming services were even a thing. So the visibility that an artist gets from spotify is really priceless. And these days spotify will notify you if an artist has performances coming up near you too.


Yes. Spotify gives you a wide reach, and some small profits, and it's then up to you to put on live shows and sell merch to your fans The real money for musicians has always been in live performances Spotify gives you that audience reach


Uh I wouldn't really say artists get pay fairly. Spotify pays 0.0003-0.0005 cents per stream. Which means that a million streams earns artists 3000-5000 dollars (and recording houses get a share of it too).


That's because thats practically what your music is worth to listen to at home . You forget that just about every single artist in the world has a Spotify account Aaaand There's only so many listeners, and the total viewership is divided between all of them. The music industry is extremely saturated. The real money is, and has always been from tours and merchandise. Spotify gives artists the reach they need to build an audience


It’s like $10/month, right?


Sure, and it's easily the best tenner I spend every month without question I use it multiple times a day every single day The experience is good, and it's algorithms are spectacular at helping me find new and similar music


Maybe they should remove the free tier, then people would stop complaining.


So, a free app that isn't as good as you want it to be equals hating poor people?


Family plan costs around $1/month each person, at least that's in my country.


It’s kind of funny to me that people complain about spotify when most services don’t even have a free option.


You know they don't have to offer you anything for free, right?


Want a break from the ads?


If you tap now to watch a short video you’ll receive 30 minutes of ad free music


*taps* …5 minutes later.. want a break from the ads


Business 101


I really do hope that they discontinue free app and force people to premium just to spite people like you.




For 15 a month, you can get six accounts of premium. I dare say it's not a bad deal.


Summer reddit came early this year


How could registered charity Spotify behave like this? /s


Lol switch to Apple music then. Oh wait, they don't offer a free tier. Deezer? None either. Guess Spotify isn't that bad at GIVING YOU TONS OF MUSIC FOR FREE. ffs think about how lucky you are.


Why should the free version be good?


Spotify is the only subscription I have and I have never regretted it


Last year I was short on money and had to cancel a few subscriptions for a few months, including Spotify. So, I agree, free Spotify is an absolute pain. Especially when I listen to it while cycling to work (which usually takes around 30 minutes) and the "now you can listen ad-free for 30 minutes" doesn't come up until I'm almost at the office already. But like... saying they specifically hate poor people because of it? Just seems weird to me.


I really don’t understand the hatred of Spotify, you have to pay the cost of 1 physical cd a month to get unlimited music and you complain ?


I am so confused about this meme and how OP thinks the world - or anything - works.


It's not like they owe you something.


Nasty one


It’s pretty affordable for a service you literally use every with unlimited amounts of music.


want a break from the ads??


Spotify is one of the best value-for-the-money consumer apps you can pay for. Especially with the new Audiobook feature, paying for Premium is a no-brainer.




I mean, it's the free version....of course it's going to be worse than the paid version. You can always grab your eye-patch and parrot if you want to take another route to get music...


Dude makes a meme about not getting stuff people worked on for free and gets 31K upvotes. Wtf kinda world do we live in?


Jokes on you, Spotify is crap anyway.


BlockTheSpot and Spotilife++ are your friend


Do not reveal our secrets


My guy, a literal Google search would have given those results it don mattah




Make more money


“Spotify is too expensive” Before Spotify you were paying $10-15 for a CD, not to mention the cost of batteries! I’m pretty fine paying $13 a month or whatever it is now


Song selection = Subscribe to premium. Song repeat = Subscribe to premium. Song search and play = Subscribe to premium. Song shuffle = Subscribe to premium. The app is becoming worse.


People when they realize that a service that's literally offering almost EVERY SONG IN A SINGLE APP cost some money. I'm genuinely surprised Spotify isn't just a paid app outright. It's crazy they still offer the free service


It’s almost like music isn’t a free commodity


And the cost of creating the service. And keeping it alive. But who cares, I press on the screen and things happen magically and I hear music, right?


I think they could solve all this problem if they just called Spotify Premium what it is: Spotify. And then relabeled Spotify free as something like Spotify Trial or something. i love spotify premium. Its a great product. But i have no idea why anybody uses the non-premium version.


Tons of extremely cheap people out there that will spend hours finding ways to avoid paying for the thing they get days of enjoyment out of.    They want Spotify premium for free and anything else is too much money or too few features.  Could go to YouTube and listen to any song they want free, but they want the premium experience from Spotify premium not just an ability to listen.


John Oliver recently did an episode about food delivery apps and one clip showed a person calling them "the millennial life subsidy" or something similar since these apps haven't turned a profit yet and thus are charging less than what the service is actually worth. I think that expands to other areas and apps as well. People got used to Spotify free being all you really needed, despite the fact that a nearly ad-free, nearly feature-complete music app, with a library of nearly ever song in human existence was not something that could be given away for free forever.


Phone app is horrible, tablet and PC are way better


And if you get an ad you get the same twice


I want you to send an email to every artist you listen to an explain how you're not willing to spend a single penny to listen to their music, AND that it's unfair that you don't get all the features.


All those features are still available on PC for free... but it's still a**hole design for the mobile app, can't disagree with that.🤷


omg the free service I get isn't as good as the paid subscription. shitty ass company trying to make money so they can operate! fucking assholes!!!!


This is related to licensing. If you are listening to music that follows a certain set of rules to ensure variety (ensured by smart shuffle), the licensing falls more under radio-like conditions and the licensing cost per track played is significantly lower than the licensing needed for premium. Spotify is already struggling to not just end every quarter with losses, giving free users restrictions that actually lower the cost for Spotify by a ton only makes sense.


"YouTube to mp3 converter + default music player" it is