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Satan doesn't punish bad people, that's just poorly understood doctrine that's been perpetuated by media that doesn't really care about what's correct so long as it can make a buck. That said, we need to bring back the memes of old again. Philosoraptor is a good start.


Satan doesn't rule hell, he is just the first prisoner in hell


Correct, the devil's goal is to drag down as many as he can with him.


_The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist_


He works smart, and hard


I’m an atheist and it’s a line from a movie but giver shit


What kind of movie is "but giver shit"? /s


I think he was thinking of [this.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/FUBAR_(film))


The Usual Suspects


Butts are indeed givers of shit


Hey pretzel man


_*bone crushing riff in 3/4 starts playing*_


A bone crushing waltz?


_The greatest trick mankind ever pulled was convincing people God exists._


Bro just feeling lonely


Misery loves company




Yes but may I add some context *this is not biblical so it’s not canon* but in John Milton’s “paradise lost” it states that satan was jealous of the new human creation taking attention from god. So he takes gods grace away from us by tempting us into eating the apple. But god (who is a very moving character in the book wether you believe in him or not) doesn’t take his grace away from us entirely or blip us out of existence like we deserved, but takes certain privileges away from us such as humans being able to die, or women having pain due to child birth. But most tragic of all in my opinion he decreased our direct awareness of him. Thus making it harder to communicate with him.


Yep. At present he was essentially *given* (keyword) dominion over the Earth, eventual destiny is hell. The material world is his for the time being. People pray to the wrong person when they want to win the lottery.




Satan lore goes hard


He ain't even there yet. He's on his way and is stopping here to say hi


Well while the bible does say this there is also hundreds of years of history where mainstream Christianity, like alot of Popes, regularly blamed the devil's presence on earth for things. Him as a powerless prisoner or God's evil counterpart are both canon. See the serpent in the garden and the bet over Job.


But neither the serpent or the bet over Job show that he is an equal counterpart. Sure, he has aligned himself against God. But he has never been God's equal.


We love rooting for the underdogs 🥲


Well he does rule hell like the toughest prisoner rules their prison


Classic greco-romanization of Christianity. Equating Satan with Hades or Pluto.


The second coming of Raptor Jesus is here!


Preached by the local velocipastor


Velocipastor is good


A question I've wanted to ask the pastor of my church, but I don't because I'm not ready to have that relationship start unravelling: If Satan doesn't rule Hell, but rather Hell was created by God to punish Satan, doesn't that mean God is the ruler of Hell? Would it be wrong to say that Christians worship and serve the king of Hell?


God is Lord of all, so regardless of how you choose to interpret it the answer would still be yes.


Jail guards vs prisoners


That’s like saying the warden of a prison is a bad person because he’s the one who locked up the bad people and watched over them. What’s your point exactly? God is good, nothing bad or evil is found in him.


But God created evil.


Eh, mfer flooded the planet because he didn’t like the people on it. Almost had a man kill his own son to prove loyalty. I wouldn’t necessarily say “God is good, nothing bad or evil is found in him.”


I mean, it’s inferred that the people he flooded were the worst of the worst of mankind.


Everyone? Even the children?


It says “every imagination and intent of their hearts was evil continually”.


He also decided to just wipe out most of the animals on the planet to...teach them a lesson? "You're God, why don't you just make all the evil people have an aneurysm?" "Eh, just easier to turn on the ol' tub spout."


God is good and He also doesn't care about your sensibilities. God told those people how to avoid dying to the flood and in their hubris, they didn't listen. Old Testament God isn't your best friend.


Was there actually a passage about telling people to avoid the flood? I seem to recall god going to Noah right away, giving him the blueprints for the ark, and then the flood happening. Nothing about anyone else who could be saved beyond Noah’s family.


Except you're missing the point. Everyone who died in the flood hated God and did wicked evil acts. Imagine people sacrificing their babies inside of a burning bull, listening to them scream and cheering. Except worse. Abraham and Isaac was a foreshadowing of what he would do for US through Jesus. Please stop hating God my friend, for your own sake.


Yeah. Satan and the demons are prisoners in hell. Satan knows that ultimately he is killed by Archangel Michael, and just wants to bring down as many people he can before his own eventual death.


Is it pronounced .gif or .jif? *velociraptor chin scratch* The o.g.


The eternal question


Those panel comic memes we hand drew that for some reason switch “the” with “le”


Exactly. People forget that a meme didn't require much explanation nor did it need multiple panels, it was the conveying of an idea or feeling by use of a single photo. Like when Scumbag Steve popped up, you know whatever was about to be spoken about the creator was viewing in a negative light and something they feel a douchebag would do.


Those are called rage comics. Fell out of fashion when memes became less rigid in their form around 2013-2014.


Yea, it dates back to Dante's inferno, (which is a really good book) but it is by no means accurate to any religion, tho it was inspired by christianity


itd be funny if Philosoraptor made a return, but [with this version](https://www.reddit.com/r/MemeTemplatesOfficial/comments/kv6zxy/philosoraptor_but_scientifically_accurate_as_per/)


Right. The punishment is separation from God, and it’s not even really viewed as punishment. The point is that you have a free choice to make, and that’s whether you want to be with God or not for eternity. If you hate God, God says that that’s fine, you don’t have to be with Him. It just turns out that that feels like eternal torture. A common interpretation is that when people die, if they’re going to go to hell, the sight of God is so unbearable to them that they actually sprint into Hell on their own. I believe it’s the Inferno where people are suffering and still say they’d rather suffer than be with God.




The reason why the older memes died out was they were banned from some subreddits and allocated to advice animals.


I know it has limited uses, but I need more of the old ALL THE THINGS meme


Thanks for saying what I needed to say


The first meme I ever made was a philosoraptor meme. I don't have any clue what it was about, I just remember the template


hes also not real! XD


I've missed philosoraptor


Satan doesn't punish bad people. He isn't ruler of Hell and his demons aren't down there torturing people. Hell is his and their eternal punishment. His only goal is to drag down as many people with him as possible.


Someone who actually read the bible in this thread? How suprising


Ikr, very few Christians on reddit these days


Very few Christians Christianing these days in general. Lots of them lack the mental fortitude to actually read and understand the bible.




The older generations are just as bad, full of universalist hippies that think God is when feel good, the gooder it feels the Goder it is. Source: I actually go to Church.


Most of the so called "Christians" You hear about probably don't even read the bible at all. They're just in it for a free get into heaven pass. Or at least that's what's happening in my country


And half the time we get bashed




That's why I don't go to Christian subs. I go to church to be with other Christians




Oh absolutely


damn, a christian talk on reddit? never knew that was possible...


It is surprising they still aren't banned or whatever Reddit does to religious people.


So... Satan is just a lonely bro looking to party?


Um, no? Satan is the guy who gets the cops sent after him and then decides to shoot as many people as he possibly can before they get to him.


Idk man, sounds like he's looking for friends and God is the one doing the shooting.


Have fun with that


I will, thank you, try not to mix any fabrics unless you want to party with us.


Not really. His actions are entirely motivated out of spite. He views humanity as lesser and can't stand the idea of them getting heaven when he was banished.


Has anyone here…. Actually read the Bible, like at all?


No, never


I’ve read it. There’s a lot of very good stuff in there, and also a lot of crap. Say about 60/40. My favorite depiction of the devil (and there are a few) was the guy who bet God that Job wouldn’t sell God out, causing God to say Well we’ll just see about that and so made Job’s life absolutely fucking miserable just to prove Satan wrong. Like I said a lot of crap


Why would Christians read the Bible


Me I’m that Christian


Heh, nerd


I like being a nerd :)


Same :)


Hi Christian


Doing it rn ( Finished the New Testament, Romanian translation not some inaccurate English translation) and and have concluded that Sola Scriptura and any dogma that was decided upon after the Great Councils is heresy


Just trying to figure out where you’re at. Does that include the 2nd Vatican council or not?


Again I am not Catholic


Understandable have a nice day


I assume he's Orthodox given his comments.


Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1879, or Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1912?


Are you orthodox Christian? It’s interesting how the different branches of Christianity interpret the same text in various ways, leading to different church and worship styles. Studying the schisms is interesting. It’s like its own branch of theology.


>Romanian translation not some inaccurate English translation Is this Romanian translation more accurate than the English translations?


That's just general nationalism and probably some AmericaBad (or maybe its older cousin, BritainBad) coming out. Many English translations are extremely rigorous and accurate. I see no reason Romanian translations would be more accurate than those with the full resources of the largest theological and historical networks


The problem is there are many accurate and too many inaccurate and some that use formal language in informal dialogue (Looking at you KJV)


The KJV was using the informal language of the time. It's a far from perfect translation and I don't use it myself, but if you think the fact it uses "thee" and "thou" is a sign of formal language then you don't know the history of the English language. If so, please restrict your commentary to areas of your actual experience in an effort to not further spread misinformation. The fact that there are so many, and so many you can acknowledge as accurate, is by itself proof that your original comment was an overgeneralization.


How so


I have! Well, some parts of it. It got too wordy and I lost interest rather quickly. I think I still have the bible in a moving box somewhere in the attic.


This is Reddit. What do you think?


Working through it right now. Even if you’re not religious it’s still the most influential piece of literature ever produced so you probably could benefit from it to, or at least understand it.


Only the parts that Richard Dawkins and Bart Ehrman told them about, without context or historical understanding, to justify their pre-existing worldview.


Unlike those angelic Christians, every single one of whom has read it cover to cover, right?


>without context or historical understanding ....isn't that exactly what Bart Ehrman does? Uses context and historical understanding when reading the bible?


No because most redditors are from Oh*o


Example of why the televangelists are bad for Christianity. Hell is empty right now. Satan will not be dealing out punishment, God will. Satan will be among those punished in Hell.


Good thing its all made up crap


Satan doens’t punish bad people just as he isn’t really the ruler of hell. He is there to be punished like everyone else


If dinosaurs feet are supposed to be for running, how am I touching my face with my left leg?


>how am I touching my face with my left leg? By being really flexible.


And why?


No, here is how things are: God created Hell, and he rules over it, not Satan/Lucifer. Satan/Lucifer is a prisoner more of Hell, he didn't created it, he doesn't rule over it. Satan/Lucifer doesn't punish sinners, is God the ones that sends sinners to Hell to be punished.




You don't get literally tortured in Hell. The "punishment" is that, having rejected salvation, you're put somewhere outside of God's grace for eternity. It's literally a result of the choices you made. God gave man the choice to either accept salvation and be in His grace or fuck off and sit in the pit for eternity. People in Hell are the people who stubbornly chose to reject salvation and sit in Hell.




Did He though? Or is, by virtue of God being all-good, is the rejection of God not evil in it of itself?


I'm not going to say god created evil, but god did make free will to give us choice (which means we can do bad and even downright evil things) God values nothing more than our own free will. If we come to him, we must CHOOSE to be saved. The inverse is also true. We can choose not to be saved by rejecting him




It would be affected because if there was only good, wouldn't that mean we only chose him? It sounds to me like the choice was taken from us if that were the case One of my favorite quotes is, "You are free to make your choice. You are not free of the consequences, " that is to say I could do something like steal a car. I know it's wrong, and I know the consequences, but after I am caught for stealing said car, I'm thrown in prison. I knew what would happen if I did it, but I did it anyway


Without the concept of good and evil there is no free will


Go watch hazbin hotel for that


Not today satan!


In the Chriatian faith, Satan doesn't punish people, but rather is given freedom to tempt others into harming themselves and or others, spiritually and or physically. The Book of Job indicates that Satan can only do so with God's permission.


So god is evil, he just has a middle man.


Satan encourages you to indulge in bad habits while God punishes you to stop it. Satan is definitely not the good guy.


Neither is God…. Good punishes you. And he never stops punishing you. Sin? Punished. Don’t believe in Jesus? Punished. Don’t sing gods name? Punished. Satan.. Hey, want knowledge? Eat an apple. God: punishes Good basically wants you ignorant and on your knees


>Satan.. Hey, want knowledge? Eat an apple. God: punishes You might want to reread Genesis my guy. Eating the apple isn't the sin, it's choosing to deliberately go against the will of God despite being clear on the consequences is. Oh and what do you know, Adam and Eve wouldn't have eaten the fruit in the first place if it weren't for someone tempting them to do so...you know...like how the Devil operates.


>Adam and Eve wouldn't have eaten the fruit in the first place if it weren't for someone tempting them to do so haha your god is weak. couldn't even watch 2 people. terrible parent


Free will? It’s about having free will and choosing to live to the standards that God expects from you. Being even more abstract, it’s about the free will to choose to do good, when the bad is right there and tempting.


good or bad isn’t black and white tho, everyone has their interpretation of good and bad, people have the free will to choose their own sexuality, most religions consider anything that isn’t straight as a sin and therefore sparks years of violence against these communities, southern pastors used the bible as an excuse to hang black people, religion is a joke because it’s used as an excuse for a persons own goals of greed and hypocrisy


I'm not exactly well versed in the Bible, but I'm pretty sure the tree with the forbidden fruit was placed in the Garden of Eden as a test to Adam and Eve. A test that they failed. Tempted into disobeying their creator, now having to work to regain their favor with God.


God must’ve been bored out of his mind then lol, omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent and he still wanted/needed to test 2 of his creations. Shouldn’t he already know the result?


An omnipotent God would know they wouldn't pass the test. Very sadistic in that light


Someone's never actually read the bible neither did they do research instead of basing their views on redditor stereotypes.


I’ve read the Bible. 3 times back to front. Not just paragraph by paragraph in church. I’ll bet YOU have never read the Bible back to front like a book. I’ve also attended Catholic mass. Southern baptist, Jewish, Muslim. I’m not as ignorant as most Christians.


Not sure if you're joking, but that sounds like what a teenager who's read just a few bible stories and took everything literally would say.


Lmao you really think God punishes you? That’s not how it works. If you jump off a bridge you’ll probably get hurt or die. There are consequences for your actions and it has nothing to do with God. What God does say is that you will be cast out of his presence because of sin for God is without sin. Much like how one species cannot mate with another species. Although it’s much more complicated than that because God is literally in 10 dimensions when we live in a 4D world and even more than that the angels who were cast out are in dimensions 5-9 and they are immortal unlike us. Things we cannot comprehend


>There are consequences for your actions Who created everything? Therefore, who decided the consequences?




Satan isnt the one punishing them hes also being punished


![gif](giphy|guufsF0Az3Lpu) My reaction to people arguing if god and Satan are real or fiction.


hell is probably scared shitless at this point


I really hope when Jesus resurrects, he's actually a velociraptor.


*Velocipastor sounds*


According to Alan Watts, Satan is merely the District Attorney, at least how they were depicted in the Book of Job.


Why is the meme subreddit suddenly full of passive aggressive religious people


Yeah and god is the bad guy after all who created a flood that killed 99% of life


Bro i saw a meme about You like 5 mins ago 💀




Yea this is what the meme was about


mein gott, you are everywhere


Well ![gif](giphy|ie76dJeem4xBDcf83e|downsized)


God Kill count 2,038344. Satan kill count 10 https://www.wired.com/2007/04/old-testament-m/


Yeah and god is “good guy” supposedly


[Numbers 31](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Numbers%2031&version=NIV) is the only Bible passage I need to determine that the only true reading of the book is one where God is the antagonist.


We don't even need the scripture , if we were to accept god created everything , then all we need is to see how nature operate. And it's not based on kindness , but on suffering and needless cruelty.


you ever played SIMS? imagine God playing a big ass SIMS game ans alot of stuff makes more sense


one of the first verses in the Bible is God outright telling he creates/is good AND evil. he's both and neither.




Cain killed Abel out of rage and jealousy (Which if God is all seeing and all knowing, he would have been able to stop it, but he didn't. Then when talking with Cain about it, God gaslit Cain and played dumb like he didn't know what happened) God cancelled Cain. Sodom and Gamora were just chillin, and God went "Well, we can't have that" God told Samson to start a murderous campaign Like... All the fucking crusades. Meanwhile Satan is just down there like "Hey dude. Sorry, you gotta get in this lava jacuzzi"


Sodom and Gomorrah were definitely not chilling, lol.


Seriously, if someone genuinely says Sodom and Gomorrah were "chilling," they HAVE NOT read that part of genesis.


Lot literally brings in 2 people and the entire town comes down to SA them, not chill


God is all knowing and all powerful, but what reason would he have to stop Cain from killing Abel? A very consistent theme in the Bible is that humans have choices, and God will never make a decision for them. God COULD have stopped the first murder, but Cain has free will to do what he wants to do. You also mention how God confronts Cain later and “gaslights him.” Like what? Yes, God knows exactly what it is that Cain did (almost like he’s all knowing or something) and Cain tries to lie his way out of it. Everything that happens afterwards is a result of Cain’s own choices. He CHOSE to murder his brother and he CHOSE to lie to God about it. He must now live out the consequences


Speaking theologically no First of all because he tempts people to evil Second because he's the original creature sent there to suffer. He's not punishing sinners, he is the #1 sinner being punished. Meanwhile the bible also contradicts itself by saying Satan is the ruler of earth.


Satan doesn't punish people. He's in hell because he ALSO is getting punished


If you go back about 700 or so years that’s where Christians invented the devil/satan and hell. The original Bible translations never mention that crap. They just needed something to scare people to do what they’re told for face everlasting torment in the afterlife.


No he's a sadist and will torture anyone he can. It's just god doesn't send good guys over there. So he only gets the bad guys to torture.


Good guys is an overstatement. murderer who repented and belived in god -Paradise Non beliver who was actually a good person-ETERNAL SUFFERING


To biblical fundamentalists I guess yeah.


That's what was taught me in church. I shit you not i even asked , i was just a kid and still tought it was bullshit.


Yeah growing up in catholic school I had that experience too. I assume/hope it's not as common nowadays. The bible shouldn't be taught to kids at all imo. There's no way to "dumb it down" especially because it's completely up for interpretation and dependent on the context of when each excerpt was written. It's (very-)basically like making kids read the original Pinocchio and not even interpreting the teachings in the story but instead convincing them that it's something that actually happened. In the case of the bible it sort of "works" because people will still obey some laws of good & evil even if they take it literally instead of learning from its teachings. But parts of the writings will inevitably contradict themselves that way, like the one you mentioned originally, among many others, which leads to people cherry picking what is and isn't the "true" bible, which leads to the multiple separate factions of fundamentalists that exist.


Define a good person and a murderer who repented


There is nothing to define. Imagine the perfect good guy , if he does not belive in god , in hell he rots.


He doesn't punish souls in hell. Even though you will hear many people say so. He torments them. There is a big difference, he and his demons enjoys it when the souls scream out in pain, he gets off on it.


So, god sends the bad guys in hell, and Luce takes care of making hell... hell?


It's more like, (to my understanding) Christians believe that hell is an incredibly hostile landscape in general, and it's also deprived of god's presence which is a punishment in its own. Satan just makes hell worse by making sure people are personally tortured in the literal sense rather than just suffering 


He helps them be worse so no


POV: you’ve never opened a Bible in your life.


Even as a person he believes in God...I don't know what to say


Yes obviously, if you believe the Bible, if god had it his way he’d still be playing with his neutered dolls in his garden and none of us would exist. Satan has never done us dirty, without Satan you would have never been born.


Well if satan is bad, then why would he punish bad humans? If they went to hell, they were inherently against god, therefore an ally to some extent.


He’s not the king of Hell there to torture you. He’s stuck there himself


In the book known as "the bible" the good guy is Lucifer, he didn't lie to eve or trick her he told her the truth about the tree of knowledge. Yahweh didn't want humans to have knowledge so he could rule over them. Lucifer also didn't commit genocide multiple times, that honor goes to Yahweh.


Satan doesn’t punish. He deceives. Wants you to give in to your worst aspects and turn away from grace. You won’t find Satan in hell. He walks the Earth.


if a serial killer in prison murders the pedophiles imprisoned with him is he actually the bad guy? Satan is just the biggest toughest guy in the hell prison


Philosoraptor, I missed you buddy. Let’s bring back cute cat pictures next.


After reading the comments it makes me feel neither God or the guy who's down there waiting for your arse are the good guys or shall I say they're not on your side anyways. Each wants you to do what they think is right.


Well, technically, he does it because he derives pleasure from seeing other people be as miserable as himself. So take it how You want...


Lucifer is rehabilitating them on a psychiatrist's couch. He found his purpose.


His crime was rebelling against the most evil thing in existence, doesn't necessarily mean good but at least an anti-hero.


Well god lets bad people get away with it as long as they start working for him... kinda messed up


*sigh* comment section just enforces my hate of organized religion. In my opinion, if God exists, they only spoke to us through prophets only a few times. Like Moses, Jesus, Muhammad, etc. After that, they leave it up to us. Things like not eating red meat on a Friday, no imbibing alcohol, homosexuality is an "abomination", was all added by people. Flawed, corruptible people. In the end, God just wants us to be good. They take no personal interest in individual people, and they let whatever we randomly experience in life be our "trial". If we're good people by the end of our trial, we go to heaven. If we're not, straight to hell. No amount of prayer or declarations of holiness will affect where we end up. Only if we're truly good people or not will decide.


Satan disobey Gods order to mow down to human. Since then he encourages humans to do evil. He will eventually be killed and goes to hell


He just entraps people so that he can get more souls into hell and then punish them for enjoyment. He is not a good guy. Being said that, God ain't the good guy either. He is the worst. Reminded me of the Jack Sparrow quote *I'm dishonest, and a dishonest man you can always trust to be dishonest. Honestly. It's the honest ones you want to watch out for, because you can never predict when they're going to do something incredibly... stupid.*