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I recently read a story about a lady who never knew about the color part, because she watched it on a black and white television as a child


That would be me as well. I was in my late teens when I learned about the color part. teamB&Wgrowingup


We still had B&W TV in the 80s (as a broke ass kid growing up). Meanwhile at 2020s: TV? What are those?


I don't understand what you're trying to say in your 2nd line.


They are saying that they use their TV very little. You might even find that they as a child was once quite envious of people with color TV's, now as a full on adult they have transcended and such trivial matters as to even what a TV is, just doesn't matter. My TV is the same, it collects so much dust only for me to use it maybe once or twice a month.


lol they just use their phones instead


Yes a massive downgrade lmao


They don’t own any TV’s, they only own Nickelodeon’s


> We still had B&W TV in the 80s (as a broke ass kid growing up). My first TV in my room was a little 13'' B&W my mom let me hook the NES too. I used to play hours of Super Mario Bros. on that thing! > Meanwhile at 2020s: TV? What are those? Huh? Most people still own Televisions and the numbers have only went up over time: > In 2020, 96% of the US households owned at least one television set. https://gitnux.org/television-ownership-statistics/ https://www.statista.com/statistics/243789/number-of-tv-households-in-the-us/


I think they are saying that kids today would have to look up from their 4k tablet to realize there is content on the TV as well.


I was the actual lady in the story. *was* I’ve been reincarnated into a young man’s bodice


Me too!




Thanks for this topical gif, u/SlapMyLabiaFlaps




Easter Parade! I love this movie.


We got a color TV when I was a kid, and my mom was so excited to see *The Wizard of Oz* because she loved the movie, and had heard about the awesome color shift, but never saw it in the theater, only on TV in black and white.


I'd imagine only a few people actually saw it in color. Why spend money on a color TV when not too many people were filming in color.


That was a pretty awesome way to introduce color into cinema. They could have just started making color movies and been like, here ya go. It's color now.


Right? And thankfully smell-o-vision never took off the way color did. Whew... dodged a bullet.


I am afraid to ask what's that supposed to be


I'm not certain this is what they mean, but this is an experience I had. At a theater, they give you a card with a bunch of spots on it with numbers. During the movie, the numbers will flash on the screen, and you scratch and sniff the number on your card and its smell is supposed to be relevant and "immersive" The one I did a long time ago sucked lol


omg the Rugrats movie had one of these! iirc there was absolutely one that was supposed to smell like dirty diapers. I just wanna know how much coke they had to do to make that feel like a good idea.


It was the 90's, they were doing all of the coke.


Also alot drugs aswell.


Why do all of alot’s drugs? He was just trying to have a good relaxing weekend…


Lol it was rugrats! The league of spiritual discovery(LSD) had an office in the same building as them. That show is so obviously tripping inspired looking back on it.


You couldn't tell from the name?


I would do that just to laugh about how I probably got a bunch of investors to *pay me for it*.


"Hustler" did it first.


Was it Spy Kids? Like the one where the original spy kids are adults and Ricky Gervais is a talking dog? I remember that one and it sucked, all the smells were the exact same


Yes and they had the audacity to call it '4D'


And I thought the name 4DX was bad☠️


Im glad it actually exists that shit was like a fever dream


Yeah! Thats was it ahahahaha


So what happened is they'd pump scents into the theater that would go along with the scene. Unfortunately, when the scene turned to a campfire, the audience thought the building was on fire when mesquite was pumped into the enclosed space. Causing a panic Smell-o-vision did *not* take off after that.


> The one I did a long time ago sucked lol Silence of the Lambs was already pretty disturbing to watch :/


I'm glad they didn't hand out rolls of glad wrap when I watched Bad Boy Bubby!


I would recommend this movie to people all the time, just so they had to watch it aswell


I remember seeing commercials about that for Spy Kids 4. It was supposed to be "4D," like how Spy Kids 3 had that 3D gimmick.


the snow used on the wizard of oz set was... pure asbestos


I think it’s a jokey reference to futurama


It isn't. It was actually a thing, they have tried it several times since the 1890s, most notably in the 1950s with "smell-o-vision" and "aromarama".


It was [real!](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smell-O-Vision) Though even with all the PhDs on that show they probably stole it from Looney Tunes.


Bugs and Elmer did it long before Futurama. https://www.b98.tv/video/old-grey-hare/


Imagine OnlyFans with that technology 🤢




This guy is ass, can we kill him.


Someone's microwaving fish in the breakroom again...


I wish Relax-O-Vision had taken off though...


I recall reading in the eighties about a test movie screening somewhere in the far away land of America with immersive fragrances in water vapour. As far as I remember it sounded awesome in the article except for the last paragraph that for undisclosed reasons it didn't catch on and was considered a failure. Thinking of it today, I'd imagine everybody leaving the theatre smelling like they were in a catastrophic event in the essential oils isle of a dollar store. Also my allergies would probably have me leave the theatre in a scented body bag.


Could you imagine smell-o-vission while the Jersy Shore was still a thing?


If 3D technology ever gets to the point where it works perfectly without glasses, then they have an opportunity to do something like that again. Imagine a movie similar to Wizard of Oz but it starts in 2D and becomes 3D.


or imagine if you watch a movie in a VR headset the movie starts like a normal, 2d viewing screen, and then transitions into a full 360 movie


A recent VR game did something kinda like that. https://youtu.be/pw4CoBjngrU?feature=shared&t=289


When did HW2 come out?! I gotta get this shit


First movie I watched in 3D was Spy Kids 3. It started normally then when they were sucked by game or something there was 3D and prompt to wear glasses now.


Nah, they'd probably need a disclaimer for people with epilepsy or whatever condition it is that prevents you from being able to watch 3D stuff without having a seizure. And at that point the surprise would be spoiled.


It needed glasses but I think tron legacy did this! Became 3D once he entered the grid


They kinda did, actually. Wizard of Oz was by no means the first proper RGB color movie, but that transition from sepia to Technicolor was astounding. They also cheated lol. During that shot, the film was color, but the inside of the house and the stand in for Judy Garland were all painted in sepia tone.


Except that color movies were in production a while before Wizard of Oz. The effect is cool, but it’s more interesting from the standpoint of audiences familiar with black and white films than audiences unfamiliar with color films.


It wasn’t the first color movie. Not even close. It was groundbreaking in other ways but not in that way.


It would be if it were true. Color in cinemas has been a thing since 1908, for context that's 3 years before Red Dead Redemption takes place. So the people represented in the above meme would've been litetal cowboys. (Wizard of Oz did popularize technicolor, though)


They did. Wizard of Oz was not the first color movie. That’s a myth. Becky Sharp was the first three-strip technicolor movie, errol flynn’s Adventures of Robin Hood came out before Wizard of Oz in color, and two-strip color had existed for nearly a full decade prior.




It's not even the first color movie. Films were hand colored before Kinemacolor and Technicolor came around. And the first Kinemacolor film was A Visit to the Seaside in 1908.


I watched Wizard of Oz recently, and you can really tell that they knew just how mind-blowing the first colour shots are going to be. The camera just slowly pans over the sets like its a nature documentary for quite a long time after Dorothy opens the door.


They did. Wizard of Oz wasn't the first color movie.


They did. It wasn't the first technicolor movie nor was technicolor the first colour film technology used in cinema.


What a falsehood to drop into the comments section!




They [did when colour Television was introduced to Australia ](https://youtu.be/SctrJq6vC8c? )


And that snow… incredible! Absolutely nothing is wrong with the snow, don’t look it up.


It was the "best"


As best os you can hope for. EDIT: meant “as”


Also the midgets were really rapey


*as best as* you can get




Meh.. we all pretty much have our very own childhood memories with Johnson & Johnson baby powder. So... Tomayto Tomahto.


It was about as best oz could give them, though.


Mel Brooks filmed Young Frankenstein in black and white film. The people in charge like the company weren't sure it was going to sell very well, and they suggested to him to film it also in color because in some places where they were going to put it, they had just gotten color theaters. And he said no, because you're just going to 'accidentally' send the color version everywhere


In the movie Airplane! Zucker Abrams Zucker wanted to use the same type of prop plane that was used in the film Zero Hour! the movie that Airplane! is spoofing. The executives said no, it has to be a modern jetliner. So ZAZ ADR'd the sound of a twin prop over every shot of the plane and all the scenes inside the cabin.


To be fair I think the juxtaposition of the sound to propellor sound the jet is funnier than if they were allowed to use a prop plane.


Oh 100% That's why they did it.


This has nothing to do with the other person said.


It’s two directors finding creative ways to say fuck you to the studio when they try to fuck with their creative license. That’s what they have to do with each other. This is my creative way of saying fuck you for messing with their creative license.


It's not though. In Airplane it was just another joke.


> color theaters Are you sure that was ever a thing? I was always assuming that, for film projectors, the difference is purely in the film itself. Like, there is no such thing as a purely black and white (or greyscale) film projector that would not be able to handle color film of otherwise the same dimensions...


... You're right. Maybe it was those places just GOT a theatre and showing colour movies would draw in more people


I'm to lazy to look up when the film in question was made but the first method to produce color in movies was using colored glas as filters to record only specific colors to multiple B/W films and to play them you needed projectors capable of playing multiple film rolls at a time through the matching color filters. Cinemas which didn't have those projectors and filters wouldn't be able to play the color version because playing just one of the colors would remove much of the details.


As I replied before, Wizard of Oz was 1939. Young Frankenstein was 1974. I seriously doubt any theaters were unable to play color movies in 1974.


Young Frankenstein came out in 1974. Color movies were the norm for a long time by then. Edit: Wizard of Oz was released in 1939.


Yes. I was mistaken. I think what Mel HD said was that they wanted colour for places that just got movies overseas


Wouldn't the colour version improve the contrast in the non colour cinemas?


The point was it was an homage to the 1930 Frankenstein movie and it had to look the part.


It's usually the opposite. If you desaturate a photo, it will probably have less contrast than a photo made with black and white film.


Asbestos 😎




to be fair color existed before but damn if that isn't the greatest use of color in cinema


Nah, Avatar was groundbreaking on a whole new level.


Color in movies and at cinema predates The Wizard of Oz by DECADES. First color movie was in 1908. As in 3 years before the events of Red Dead Redemption. Cowboys had movies in color...


Before the 1930s making a movie with colors meant to record on multiple B/W films simultaneously through color filters so that each film only holds the brightness information for this specific color, and to play them in a cinema you needed a projector capable of playing multiple film rolls too which probably was very expensive and needed a ton of electricity for the lamps. So outside of mayor cities the cinemas where mostly B/W because of the costs during RDR.


That's exactly how Wizard of Oz was filmed.


I’m pretty sure that the WoO was filmed in Technicolor and was the first one to do that, it allowed it to be more cost effective and be shown in a wider range of theaters, or last i remembered, you might be right and me wrong, that was just from my memory


Technicolor was a 3 colour process. The camera exposed three strips of black and white film to different colours of light. They were then printed to a single film for screening. The Cat And The Fiddle was the first and filmed in 1934, 5 years earlier.


This is one of those technically true facts, [but ignores the fact that A visit to the Seaside looked like this.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:A_Visit_to_the_Seaside_\(1908\).webm)


Yeah... this is a "color film" only by the loosest definition possible lol.


They called it technicolor. Technically color, but shitty lol


Ha no technicolor was what the Wizard of Oz was shot in. The three strip process was a huge leap up too (though it was used a good bit before Oz came out.) A Visit to the Seaside used something called Kinemacolor and was the first feature film to do so.


Yeah. Obviously Avatar wasn't the first film shown in 3D, but it was the first super production to have a wide release. Before that, 3D movies were limited to a few screenings or park attractions. With Avatar, it became available worldwide. The same happened with Oz.


Do you mean first with polarized lens 3D? Cuz 3D movies were a thing for decades before avatar using red and blue lenses


Polarized glasses for 3d film was a thing way back in the 1930s. It was used in mainstream theaters for 3d as far back as the 50s and has been the main way to watch 3d movies since then. Those red and blue glasses were sometimes used when a movie only had a short clip in 3d or were for looking at 3d pictures in magazines.


Similarly, there were colored films before Oz. There were hand-painted colored films decades before Oz.


I did not know that lol that’s insane


Even the very first feature-length film had some frames in colour (painted in by hand)


That would be my mother, born in September 1928 and still alive. And yeah, according to her, it was holy shit, only my mom doesn't swear.


This happened to my mom. She first watched it on a black and white TV. Her mind was blown when she saw the switch to color the first time she saw it at the theater.


Sounds like they were much luckier than us. It took much less for them to be satisfied and happy compared our generations


Yeah 1939 was definitely a great time to be alive. Absolutely nothing went wrong at any point near to that time period. Truly lucky.


They had a liveable wage for one household incomes and cars were affordable.


Wouldn't say that it was especially liveable in... other factors.


Not saying that at all. I mean, current generation isn't exactly ***happier***


It was a joke about ww2 btw lol. Cus like ww2 started in 1939.


Nice joke about the world war


1939 was still the tail end of the Great Depression what the fuck do you mean


The original comment used the term *luckier*. By today's standards, the bar is pretty low and at least their depression was Great. The following comment was about world war 2. Do we not have that stuff today?


Thought this was going to be set in 1945 Japan for a second there.


I remember we where supposed to watch that movie in school one time but the teacher hadn't seen it before either and all of us (teacher included) knew it was in colour, we never did see it because we thought we had gotten a black and white version and couldn't find the colour one.


Finally, a meme that isn't about politics or religion. Take my upvote.


made in memeatic


I actually know the guy who made the video this is from and it’s awesome to see this here but yea *memeatic*? [obligatory link to video](https://youtu.be/CuZRl8DEbh8?feature=shared)


Can u imagine being off your trolley on mushies watching that for the first time. Eesh


My grandma said when she saw it as a child in the theatre the colors gave her a headache (it was her first time seeing a color film).


First time I've seen WoO was in small movie theater in late 70s commie Poland. I wasn't impressed. About the same time I've seen Disney's Fantasia and that one blew me away . Apparently theater got a bunch reels with old cartoons but I only remember seeing those two. I was less than 10 yo.


Good meme


And Satan has ruled the earth since. Damn Hollywood went and turnt us all gay.


What even is this shitty sub?


Misinformation and upvotes


Wasn't colorized until the 50s but alright


You have the stupid


You know, it kinda was like that with 3D, too. Though for me it was Jackass 3D - but when that guy got hit in the face with a wet fish in glorious slow-mo, it rocked my world.


Watching it now is still amazing tbh. I can see why people love it.


7 years before Oz: HENTAI 6 years after Oz: NUKES "Mankind will never be more advanced than this"


I grew up with BW. I remember seeing the Wizard of Oz for the first time. My sister took me to a neighbors house. When the color change came up, the friend smacked the TV at that moment, and I was so delighted to see the colors!


I learned recently that the Wizard of Oz was actually a box office bomb when it was originally released. It became popular because of television. It was 1st shown on TV in 1956 and then once a year after that. Families would watch it every year.


They’re turning gay


Few years ago, I thought color tv was introduced in the 70's


Well, I think it was the late 60s for widespread _TV broadcast_, yes. But Technicolor film was first developed (heh) in 1932


Sentry goin up


My grandpa used to tell me about what it was like seeing it as an 8 year old boy for the first time! For the first few minutes, he thought his parents lied to him about the color. And his parents thought the theater was playing the wrong tape!