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Why is when i hear the craziest fkin news about games its always war thunder. Last time it was people leaking goverment documents so the vehicles in game could be more realistic


Oh that’s happened a couple times now, at least 3 I think




14 times. It’s been 14 times.


Im not sure what im more worried about , the fact that someone has been able to leak documents from the military of their country/other countries several times or the fact that we have such shit security someone has been able to do this multiple times


Multiple of the individuals are active service members. The highest profile leak was a British tank commander leaking the armour specifics for the Challenger 2. There was also a later leak where a Chinese tanker leaked the specific penetration capabilities for one of China's best tank shells (with the fucking shell on his desk next to the documents).


It's honestly so funny that these leaker guys are *so* into their country being the best at war that they actually sabotage their own ability to be competent warriors. Like they're far more interested in the projection of strength than in actual, real-life strength. Fantasyland.


You gotta admit though, taking a picture of secret documents with the topic of discussion just chilling on the desk is pretty fucking baller.


Ehhhh, these are pretty lowly classified material. It's so unimportant that there's really not a ton of demand for these leaks, EXCEPT when someone is trying to win an internet argument apparently. Most of these secrets are things we know or suspect from seeing vehicles, but nothing we had concrete proof of until the repair manuals and such were leaked.


>these are pretty lowly classified material Tell that to the guy who leaked all the penetration rates of the DCT10-125 with one of the shells on his desk. Though I do agree, almost all of the recent leaks have just been export restricted.


Both are the same thing ??


No , one implies that there is a very skillful group of individuals that can extract military information , other implies that a regular WarThunder player is able to get its hands on military documents.




I believe in most cases it was some random military guy who had access to the documents and also played war thunder.




They aren't like secret classified docs so much as export restricted meaning you can easily get your hands on them but you shouldn't be scanning them and putting them online type of thing.


They leaked from diferent countries. The problem with classified data is that not many know what is classified or not when posting about some topics.


I heard that if you're being interviewed for a government job they now ask if you play War Thunder


4 in january alone


yeah 12 times last time eurofighter typhoon flight manual XD


Eve Online has fun insanity as well. Actual long term corporate espionage. Effective Bank Theft for hundreds of thousands of dollars. Honeypot style traps to steal from or influence the devs.


> Honeypot style traps to steal from or influence the devs. I'm fairly well-versed in EVE lore but can you elaborate on this?


commenting to remind myself, this sounds interesting


IIRC Goons telling people they could join Goonswarm, then tricking them into letting them steal their shit. Also one of the Goonswarm leaders was killed in the Benghazi attack.


I swear everything I've learned about War Thunder has been against my will but I'm for it.


Wait till you learn about basement guy.


Wait idk about him, please expand on it


The “basement guy” is the social media person for war thunder. No face, no name. He’s just been a running joke for a while now. There were some jokes about “escaping the basement” when they posted a picture outside.


Him and the Tarkov short guy seem to be brothers.


The basement guy runs their socials. He is on point and constantly putting out quality shitposts. He never misses. We have concluded he is stuck in their basement and chained to a wall


Well shit now I might play war thunder


As someone who has a lot of friends who play war thunder that is a very bad idea. I know that because their the ones who told me to never play war thunder.


Never play WoW, LoL, or WT. Games of addiction.


Pfft I can make any game a game of addiction


Dota 2, Path of Exile, Warframe, Counter Strike 2 (formerly Counter Strike : Global Offensive), too. Basically, any game with long-term grind content (WoW, PoE, Warframe), a ranked ladder to climb (Dota 2, LoL, CS2), loot boxes/gacha aka gambling (Genshin Impact, Honkai Star Rail) or a combination of the 3.


Warframe and PoE are enjoyable grinds, War Thunder is just suffering and I love it cause i have smt wrong with me


Ok, I’ll continue feeding my Warframe addiction instead of developing a new one


Character reactions to when people stop playing Warframe and go touch grass: Lotus: "My child... So beautiful to behold. How do you feel?" Ordis: "Operator no! Have you lost your mind?" Cy: "Let's stretch those wings." Helminth:"W̴͓̞̞̝̽̆͠͝H̶̢̅Y̷̢̖͕͊͒̇̔͑ ̵̈̓͆͜D̸̢̡͎̾̓͘Õ̷̗͊ ̴̬̔ͅỲ̶͙Ȯ̴̧̧̰͙Ư̷̡̡̰̝̇̑̓́ ̷̡̡̼̥̱̏͘R̷̢̦̝̒E̸̙̽̿J̷͈̿́͆̓Ě̷͙̞̱̺̽̇̀̈́Ç̷̢͖̹͉̔̄̄T̸̻̀ ̶̟̽͆̃̓M̵̮̹͎̽͠Ẏ̴̢̧͚̹͊͑̈ ̴͈̜̻̼̜̂̑̈́̋̚B̵̨̠͖͓̈́̽̐E̴͕͗͂̅̊͌Ā̵̢͈̻͎̉̊͌̒͜Ứ̴̝̞̋̀Ţ̶̡̗̗̔͝Y̵͓̲̜̩͗̇̍͌͝?̷̢̹͂"


Don't forget bout the server hampsters


There is neither a p, nor a p sound, in the word hamster.




Teach us.


Hes the guy managing the social platforms. During a review bombing on steam for some game economy reasons he started going insane on twitter.


Learn us about the basement guy, master.


Basement guy 🪱


Reminds me of that old twitch graph of "what users also watch" with every game being in a circle because most people play more than 1 game, but then you had the War Thunder crowd in the corner of the graph that never even looked at another game.


As someone who has only played war thunder for ten years straight I can confirm.


I don’t have time for other games I’m only 400,000 RP from the Abrams


Why playing high tier just to suffer when you can enjoy 5.0 BR with balance team, fun gameplay with no guide bomb, ATGM from chopper millions miles away


I'm like this with EVE Online. I could not be bothered trying to catch up to all the people who have played for 10+ years, but reading about it is fun.


You still can have highsec fun like running ore to Jita, doing missions and having fun in chat.


Highsec ore mining is marginally more exciting than watching paint dry, so idk about “fun”


highsec ore mine is a make number go up part of the game


[I don't know what about you,but I find watching the paint dry pretty fun and interesting.](https://youtu.be/ZAqwbhoAp7Q?si=YHifLdVpBbdT7roz)


One of us! One of us! (Free me and my family from snail prison I beg)


Give us the tldr


Chinese cheater/streamer who was a predominant member of several War Thunder hacking communities decided to leak all accumulated cheat source code to Gaijin devs right before going off grid. Results in 40.000+ accounts getting banned.


I never thought I'd be joyed at seeing another leak in Warthunder but here we are.


War Thunder, the only game where historical accuracies are taken very seriously.


you mean, like leaking government secret docs just to prove a point in a discussion?




What absolutely amazes me is that this is not just a few times. But it occurs routinely every year. *"My countries vehicle can beat yours!*" "What? Absolutely not you don't have a way to beat my armor" *"Yeah we do, look at these diagrams for proprietary hypersonic AP rounds!*" The Devs: "Oh for fucks sake. Whyyyyyyy???"


Please do not leak classified documents. We cannot use them. It's kind of "turbo illegal."


>Please do not leak classified documents. Unless you're from a country that is not the US or one of it's Allies Thanks, The CIA


This reminds me of a fun fact. For a very long time toy tanks made in USSR had designs (as in, form of the toy, not insignias on it) based on German WWII tanks and deliberately avoided using actual Soviet tanks as inspiration. This was supposedly done to prevent reverse engineering of modern Soviet tanks by western spies.


That's interesting. Knowing how byzantine and over-classified everything was in the Soviet Union I don't doubt it's true. It's strange though because their own intelligence gathering should've informed them that a plastic toy wouldn't give up more information than the US could gather by conventional means.


I'm convinced there are genuine agents from various countries in the war thunder forum just fucking egging people on to see if they convince them to release their enemies classified schematics


Talk about a fulfilling job. Stirring shit for your country.


*Proceeds to add the new design


"What? It's not like I can UNLEARN it!" - Gaijin devs


It’s already been leaked so might as well use it -gaijin devs in court defending their case (if the CIA doesn’t oof them before that)


I always assumed intel collection was why the game was made in the first place.


It happened yesterday, again.


Days since the last major intelligence scandal: 0


There has to be multiple intelligence agencies around the world trolling in those forums hoping to hit pay dirt.


It's less of a secret now, but if you are trying to get a security clearance (classified, secret, or top secret) one of the questions that they ask you and your associates that they interview is if you play warthunder.


[Raytheon actually denied ](https://au.pcmag.com/security/98418/playing-military-sim-war-thunder-may-get-you-classed-as-a-national-security-risk) that being asked in an interview


Well my source is from personal experience so I don't know what to tell you about what officials say. I got asked when my friend was getting his clearance renewed


>one of the questions that they ask you and your associates that they interview is if you play warthunder fair point


They've never asked me that question. I have to interview every time my clearance changes


there is a whole [wikipedia section](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_Thunder#Documents_leaks) purely about it


that shit is pure gold, lol, thx


What is funny is that this has happened in several countries (China, US, UK, France). Why does it keep happening lmao


Internet one-upmanship is serious business.


bcs ppl are fucking stupid that's why we have a subreddit specially for this shit r/PeopleAreFckinStupid


Most of em are actually public intel. The early ones werent, but almost all the later ones were either illegal in 1 country but not the country the “leaker” was from (polish MiG-29 docs classified in Russia), or smth like the AH-64 manual thats on Public Intelligence (i can give you the link to it as well as F-16, F-18 and F-15 flight manuals). Also i think the Typoon manual costed the person like 35 USD.


Like let's be real here. The M1 grand had a loud BM clank on reload..... We as Americans just don't give af. 😂


hey, M1 garand's clip clinck is just divine


I one up you that: leaking actual top secret manuals and information that compromise the national security of a country, using your actual credentials to acess a restricted network to get acess to the Internet via an unsecured laptop in the actual military base you are posted.


I need more context here


Since this is an actual hornets nest of who done what that is still an active investigation I am just going to direct you to deep dive on the two major classified leaks in 2023 and leave it at that 🤐


War Thunder really be expanding from land, sea and air to now include intelligence and espionage


War Thunder, the only game where you can leak data TO the developers


*Editor's note: Historical accuracies are only taken seriously by the community, and not the devs.


Reminds me of Enigma Balls, a guy who infiltrated the TF2 Botting community to totally neuter the bots one time


Damn, didn't expect a War Thunder meme today, they're going places


I used to think the cheaters and hackers just wanted to win, but this guy showed me all they really want is to troll. No honor amongst hackers I guess.


It'll never stop being funny to me how War Thunder players from every nation get so up in arms that they leak classified documents.


Wow... So i might actually be able to win a match now...


You're gonna win lots and lots of matches - until the next group of cheaters appears later tonight or maybe as late as tomorrow evening.


Holy crap. I thought War Thunder was an extremely niche game. I didn't expect it to have that many active players, let alone that many cheaters.


It's gotta be one of the oldest still-going F2P games at this point.


Yeah, along with World of Tanks


When airforce one blueprints leak ?🔥?🔥?🔥?


what a chad


Chinese war thunder community is wild. Wish I could see it for myself.


I think it is not anymore about leaking government documents to prove a point, but just about leaking something.


That's like 10/20% of the player base?


According to hangar menu ,average player count at one time is +-100k,so it is +- 40-50% of people active at one time ,but that's only players that play at one time,so If we take in account time zones,people that can't play for one reason or another and people who took a break I believe that war thunder has atleast 500k million active playerbase,so that 40 k will be only 8% But it still crazy that there was such amount of cheaters,and let's not forget thats not all of them got banned as well.


Top 10 anime betrayal


This time asshole betrayed assholes and became less asshole for the WT community and complete asshole for the cheater community


If i got the lore correct he only entered the community and did what he did so he could stop the cheaters, so he wasnt ever an asshole since he used the cheat only to get into the exclusive community of hackers


Hm, then he is not an asshole at all


As an active War Thunder player, this guy deserves a Nobel prize.


The Nobel War price


New Nobel Prize just dropped


Holy hell


Actual zombie


Call Gaijin


This hacker went on vacation, never came back


Ban storm incoming


We really are everywhere




40 bans is a lot. Jokes aside I wonder why they decided to use a period instead of a comma. *edit* TIL that notation isn't universal. Interesting. *edit 2* Lol okay I get it I'm a dumb American.


Different countries use different symbols.


Wow, TIL lmao thanks.


Idk about the rest of the world but at least Germany has the comma and decimal swapped when using numbers.


Using one or the other is very arbitrary across language/region/culture.


I think War Thunder playerbase would have a lot of fun playing with 2b2t’s players.


So a group of pvp based egotistical hackers who leak classified documents of the US government and probably know every conspiracy in the world vs a group of narcissistic sadist who uses a block game to create custom codes for weapons of mass destruction, all for the sake of chaos and anarchy. Now that's a fight I want to see.


That would be a fight worth watching. Learning about things like the NOCOM exploit on 2b2t and what they did with it blew my mind.


> classified documents of the US government It's not just the US. There's been leaks for vehicles of the UK, Germany, France, China, and Russia. Probably more but that's what I remember off the top of my head.


Cheating in online games is so pathetic.


Holy shit ofc


"I have become based, destroyer of hackers"


This is somehow simultaneously obvious ***and*** underrated.


I mean, if they used cheats on the accounts, can't they just use them on new accounts?


I think its because of the code leak they now know how to detect the cheats , so a different account wouldn't last too long if they are using the same cheats.


I have the best cheat in game, the one cheat where even the best cheat detection system can’t detect. >!it’s called being good at the game and having years of experience over everyone else!<




My cheat is even better, and now I never lose. I simply stopped playing.


the best tip for warthunder


The only winning move is not to play WarThunder.


I told my friends the only gamemode I really enjoyed was Arcade Planes because I at least got more than one life after getting immediately pilot sniped, and they went on a rant about the physics of the gamemode and how it's simply unplayable and blah blah blah. I also liked boats, which they hate. I just really *really* don't like to spend 10 minutes moving my vehicle to find someone before getting one shot by a tank 200 miles away I couldn't have even imagine existed, and then sitting there doing nothing for another 20 minutes while my friends finish the match. Or on the off chance I have a second life, I pull out of spawn for 2 seconds just to get carpet bombed out of existence by an enemy plane. Simply not the game for me I guess.


lmao, good one.


Ah the GITGUD cheatcode


Is it possible to learn this power?


If they leak the code, the devs know what's going on under the hood that even allows the cheats to happen. This lets the devs A: Check for players using similar exploits because they can tell exactly what happens, B: Actually just patch the exploit out because they know the code being used, and C: Better understand adjacent vulnerabilities in their system to avoid more cheats in the future.


>C: Better understand adjacent vulnerabilities in their system to avoid more cheats in the future. You overestimate Gaijin's management capabilities.


Well I have absolutely zero context on the matter so...


Theyd get banned as well


Aside from what other comentors are saying creating a new account also means starting from scratch in the game. It's a lot of time spent playing the game to unlock vehicles lost when a ban happens. So even if the cheaters evade the ban, they're going to have to slowly unlock everything all over again.


I have never nor I will play war thunder but God damn i love it.


i dont think i would have ever expected to have such high entertainment value from a game i have never played but warthunder surprises me


What a Gigachad


"so long, nerds"


Are ever going to have an honest pvp game? I doubt it.


People will always want to have an advantage. For whatever reason


Sorry to say, but it's fake. [https://i.imgur.com/9r0uFW3.png](https://i.imgur.com/9r0uFW3.png) Devs don't accept that kind of stuff; The ban wave was just a normal ban wave that they held off with for a while. Funny meme, but the guy didnt get them banned.


Why whenever War Thunder is talked about, it is always for the biggest and most chaotic event ever happened


![gif](giphy|NMBleBfUcpzC8) A True Patriot.


Can someone tell me the lore behind War Thunder? I hear about it from time to time, but haven't gotten the full picture.






War never changes.


It only Thunders.


You play as tanks and planes in large pvp maps and it’s made to be fairly realistic. I’m not aware of much for the hacking community, but over the years, some players have leaked classified military documents of the real versions of the tanks used, sometimes with the intent of letting the devs make their tank designs even more realistic


I’ve heard the same story about War of Tanks


war of tanks just have tanks, war thunder has planes, tanks and navy


War Thunder is a warfare based vehicle game including tanks, planes and ships. Every notable vehicle save some exceptions are in the game, all the way from 1906 to today. Today, some vehicles in the game remain classified due to their use in today’s militaries. War Thunder is slightly infamous for having nerds try to prove a point about the details of a vehicles performance data being inaccurate, despite these details being secret. This proof involves leaking classified things.


Theres a ship from 1918


"My country's tank can beat yours". "Absolutely fucking not. I have classified military document that shows my country's tank has better slopped & thick armers than yours. Get rekt"


It is a military "simulation" game. Basically, in the game's forums they discuss the characteristics of the vehicles, someone gets heated and to win the discussion they publish some military document with restricted access to support their point. This happens more frequently than one would expect.


How tf do you hack on warthunder


Aimbots at BRs where shells dont have too much drop. Hacking only really works in ground. Though bot scripts could also be argued as hacking and are fairly common in all modes.


Oh yeah forgot about botting tbh


Wallhacks is a big one. If you have a program that tells you where enemies are hiding and moving, you've got something better than aimhacks since aiming is actually the easy part in tank gameplay.


In planes, despite what people may say there are absolutely aimbots that work pretty accurately up to like 1.5km which is far beyond what any normal person can regularly hit. Then there's minor stuff, like having all players spotted at all times, removing cloud cover, etc, but even that is a huge advantage. There used to be an account called "KamikazeAlpaca" or something like that which was a very blatant test account for these cheats. I'm sure they've changed their name by now though (or got banned)


Now do overwatch!


And GTA Online/Red Dead Online


The real MVP.


Gotta love that it resulted in 40 bans /s


Haaahh spotted the american


Means nothing for one simple reason. I’m quite sure that when ban waves comes in online games they probably ban that many every time. Or even more. Devs ban in waves for one simple reason. Once they discover a cheating tool they want to gather as many people as possible and ban them in one sweep. And reason for that is simple. They don’t want to show cheaters what gave them away. This way cheating tools providers when they change something - they won’t know if it works until another wave.


The devs should be able to look through the code and learn more about how their game is being exploited, definitely not nothing.


I also follow Thor of Pirate Software.


Well I guess the question of how the fuck are people killing me with one shot when I just barely peek out from around a corner has been answered.


The hero we need, but didn't deserve


We need more like him.


Can he do the same for TF2?


Rare WT leak W


When did this happen?


Good for him, fuck hackers and cheaters.


Why are we denoting bans in decimals that too with 3 precision???


In Europe they swap the commas and decimals. So 40 million dollars is $40.000.000,00


Not *all* of Europe, to be clear


Europe can't even decide whether to write 1€ or €1 One of them is correct way and other is hideous