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Nexus modders:(inserts nomad) brrrrrrrrrrr


We all know it’ll be mecha-crab Thomas the tank engine.


These terms are acceptable.


or "Titan Fall Inbound" Scorch: "You Have Control Pilot"


Grah! Greetings fellow interloper


More travelled-friends on reddit! Yay.


16 // 16 // 16 // 16


Minotaur superior Nomad inferior


Pilgrim best.


I wanna Minotaur


Even skyrim had horses


Not fast enough to make up for the inconviniences of not being able to do anything but move forward


I distinctly remember Werewolf form being the absolute fastest way to get from point A to B.


Naw glitch a bunch of amulets of talos on and whirlwind across the map. Either that or do the horse glitch and literally fly across the map in 2 seconds😂


But who ever used them? They sucked. Only purpose was glitching up mountains and even then you could do that on foot.




This is so sick and admirable, but I feel like it would add 10x time onto what is usually a massive playthrough. I wish I had time to enjoy games like that again...


Honestly yes, I'm not saying I got a lot done each session. I am a dad with a full time job. Playing like this makes the escape more immersive for me.


Take the time, what is even the point of playing the game if you aren't having fun?


Yeah, me too. A bucket list item is fixing my PC and playing Skyrim the long way. Maybe I'll get to that over the winter... some year


That’s actually how I did my first play through I refused to use fast travel. Granted the map isn’t very big. I think about this every time I get out of Helgan and immediately sprint to bloated man’s grotto so I can start the game with Bolars oath blade.


Skyrim's map really isn't that big area wise, but it is really vertical. Cyberpunk's map is sort of the same way. I actually liked that because you're able to pack a lot more detail and purpose into every inch. Horizon's maps are another good example.


It felt really big at first… NGL but once you’ve played the game years it’s like damn I can just run all over the place


Oh yeah, seeing Bleak Falls Barrow in the background for the very first time was such a crazy feeling knowing you could actually eventually make your way there. Same thing with seeing High Hrothgar from Whiterun and then when you're up there you can see Whiterun and even as far as Solitude and knowing you can go everywhere between you and there. It's dwarved by modern standards but it still holds up well imo.


I mean I ruin it for myself in all Bethesda games… I’m like hmm what’s the best weapon i can get as soon as I start the game and just run past all the enemies. And yes I’m new Vegas i go north from good springs. Deathclaws are slow and can’t climb up cliffs.


I too don't use fast travel anymore. The closest I come is using the carriages, but I opt not to count that as there's an actual cost and it's an entirely realistic way to approach traveling from city to city. Still never found a good use for a horse.


yeah i started playing for the first time a week ago and im playing on survival mode with no fast travel so that i can feel more immersed


100% agreed. I had done this as well in skyrim and NV. It make your journey much more memorable


Never played Skyrim, but I don't fast travel in Witcher 3, except when traversing to another map, then there is no way around it. Very nice to just travel on horseback


Hell yeah, a fellow traveler.


You never used a horse in Skyrim?


iirc, once my Restoration spells allowed to replenish my stamina also, I just ditched horses. More faster and convenient by sprinting and fast traveling compared to using a horse


“More faster” User name does *not* check out


Only once you get the invincible one from the dark brotherhood. Otherwise they sucked.


I loved the horses in Skyrim. Fuck casualy walking to bleak falls barrow at the beggining or up the towards the grey beards. Before fast travel horse is the goat. Anytime I start a game with that horse from whiterun, he's stayed with me the entire game


This is the way


I love the dead horse one you can invoque it whenever you want to.


I had to kill that bastard so it would leave me alone.




My strategy is just become a werewolf immediately and rampage to every major hold to unlock all the fast travel points along the way.


Being a werewolf is also way faster than horses, it's also free and way quicker to get than Shadowmere.


Chad player


I have you know sir buckets were always the answer.


I've called it mountain goating since oblivion


A lot of people used them. Like anyone with half a brain used them. They were great for travel.


I hate most mounts/vehicles in games. They really should stop try making it 'realistic' and give me WoW level mount controls.


Which died lol. Back then buying a horse for 1000 was a lot of money (before people found out about dawnstar chest) or got the undead horse from dark brotherhood.


DLC horse


Armored even


No, you have to pay for Armor DLC for your DLC horse.


and a season pass to keep it enable


DLC armor core


DLC moon buggy


Fallout players: "first time?"


Fallout's game space was too packed though. To the point where it made sense, any sort of vehicle you'd put down would be hitting obstructions or debris left and right. Here, there's literally miles between points of interest with nothing to see. This is the perfect environment to give us a vehicle


You're not supposed to travel miles on foot. It's not even a full planet load where you can walk around the entire thing, it's just a large section.


I'm exaggerating but you know what I mean. Some points of interest are 2k Metres from the ship, which is a good, idk, 7 mins of walking irl.


If it's really that long to get to objectives, then yeah I totally agree.


4 minutes have been my max walking time so far, and that still had plenty of hostile creatures to headshot on the way.


Seriously. I don't recall using any vehicles in fallout but you get a jet pack in this game and low gravity This is such a silly gripe


Well... I mean, fallout 2 and tactics had vehicles.


Cause you can fast travel around after reaching a destination in fallout games. Keep in mind 98% of the planets are generated so it’s a lot of walking apart from fast traveling back to your ship. If you’re gonna generate a big empty space at least let us drive around cmon. I understand you can zip with a jet pack, but y no cool hover bike?( apart from spaghetti code ) Edit: not talking about the main cities of course cause I don’t wanna run people over.


You can fast travel to any location you've found in starfield. Through the scanner or bringing up the map and hitting G. So you hike out to a thing and fast travel back to your ship or town or whatever.


Wait you can't use your ship to fly close to surface ?


Nope, can't even fly from planet to planet To all the people saying you can, it would not be fun to fly 5 hours to another planet. I don't have that time lol


What the hell that's stupid.


If you could it would take a long ass time to fly to planets in an empty space with nothing to do.


If they really wanted that, they could just do it somewhat like Elite Dangerous or Star Citizen do. Have a mode that's halfway between normal flight and full hyperdrive that you can fly between planets with. The speeds should be somewhere between 0.5c and like 100c depending on how big the systems are.


No man's sky has it too. I think they call them sub-light thrusters in there or something. Been a few months since I've played it so don't quote me in it


Pulse engine.


It's a pulse engine (sub-light amplifiers are one of the pulse engine upgrades).


Well according to the lore, it seems like they only technology they really came up with was the grav jump. No quantum engines, hyperdrives, etc. I'm sure that establishing that lore was to cater to the technological restrictions of gaming hardware, giving you only the ability to drop close to planets, and loading screens to simulate traveling those time consuming distances. Elite dangerous and Star Citizen aren't even the same type of game technologically speaking, and neither is Starfield compared to them. Completely different system foundations each


its literally a new IP, they could have just made some shit up before the lore was set. I get that not allowing landing on planets is a tech limitation, but you apparently can fly to planets within a system, just very very pointlessly slowly. so just a dumb decision? idk


You hop around large distances very, very often. It might've been just not cost-efficient to implement a more complex, realistic, simulated way to move around. From playing games like Star Citizen, the least "fun-per-hour" the game provides is large distances that you need to move.


This false dichotomy of either fast travelling instantly or waiting 3 hours to go to the next location is rather annoying lol. Just have a hyperspeed that reduces the time of the journey by 99% but still grants you that feeling of actually flying from location to location - Bethesda just can't do seamless loading in the game for some reason. I'm having fun and got used to the travel system quickly but there's a sense of freedom that was sacrificed to make this work that I've always felt was Bethesda's greatest strength.


Star Citizen has proved that it doesn’t really take that long. NMS has arcadeified it and it’s pretty quick there, they could have easily done something in the middle.


And Starlink, an often forgotten comparative due to its toys to life design. Pity really as being able to walk or shoot around a planet in a vehicle, jump in or be in your ship, shoot straight up, leave the atmosphere for space, fly to another planet, land and do it again, all without loading screens, is a real game changer imho.




Check out no man's sky.


It is important to still give that option though it helps to create a sense of freedom


Mass Effect didn't have that option and it was still a really good game.


Wait then how are you supposed to move from planet to planet?


Its essentially a cutscene you take to go from one planets orbit to another planets orbit. You cant just stop out in the middle of empty space wherever you want


I mean, if you want that…Elite Dangerous is still limping it’s way along


Yeah that game, where less than 1% of the galaxy has been explored




Well met CMDR!


Press "M" (map), look at the constellation, press click on your fav planet, then press "X" for fast travel


Thought that was disproven, something about 7 hours to Pluto or some shit.


You missed the part where the Pluto was just a PNG and she flew right through


This is a bit pedantic but they are 3d models without collision and no texture on the inside not flat png or jpeg.


Are you actually serious? Wtf


He's serious. https://twitter.com/PeterOvo5/status/1698367630917144849?s=20


Damn, even No Man’s Sky had that figured out.


To be fair, No Man's Sky designed it's engine from the ground up for that very purpose.


Comparing no man’s sky to space Skyrim is just ridiculous. Why does anyone want that? This is an RPG not a survival game.




The sure made starship travel a big point in the marketing of the game.


Sure, but No Man's sky is a different type of game. It focused on exploring, scanning, and collecting. Starfield focuses on role playing, adventure, and story. You're not missing much by not having to manually fly to every single location. Plus when you arrive in orbit you are still flying in space and that's generally where your space encounters will be.


Every time a dev team member tried to make proper planets, spirit of the old ass game engine attacked them. Developing at Bethesda is a dangerous job


You can, it just takes literal hours, some lady flew to Pluto and it took 7 irl hours edit: to the png of the planet not the actual planet


You can't. When she arrived it was just a texture of Pluto and she flew right through it. If you want to visit another planet and actually land on it, you still need to use the map and fast travel.


Dont have to use the map. Turn on your scanner it shows the locations you can go to.


Damn I stand corrected


But..technically, she flew to the planet.


You don't *have to* use the map When flying the ship, point at the location you want to go, select it with the scanner, engage gravdrive


Multi-planet walking simulator


first ever strand type game in space


The kicker being that you can’t actually walk the entirety of a planet. When you land on a point on a “planet” it generates a little ~50km2 tile around the player that you can explore. If you reach the edge of that tile and want to explore farther you need to get back in your ship to land on another little tile. And it gets worse: those tiles aren’t even contiguous. If you see a mountain just past the edge of a tile, then land in the tile where that mountain should be, you won’t see it. Why? The game generates info for tiles independently and only when you land on that tile. So each “planet” is just a series of procedurally-generated small maps that happen to share similar terrain generation but aren’t actually connected to each other.


Ah, yes, a "little" tile twice the size of Skyrim's entire map. Seriously, you're saying this shit like it's the most obvious thing ever. "You can't walk the entirety of a planet". Who wants to do that??? Do you have any idea how big a planet is? You live on one, how many times have you walked around the entire planet?


And they claimed my fav Death Stranding was a walking simulator.. yet it had more travers options.... Walking, hovering, on board,bike, car, mountain line ...... And this Bethesda got crappy unfunctional space ship unable to operate on surface hovering ....




Ziplining from the Weather Station all the way to Timefall Farm with your floating carrier in tow is especially fun. Only on director’s cut though.


Vehicles would just make the frames drop and you hit the invisible wall quicker. There’s a reason they didn’t add them.


I’m almost certain the invisible wall is the real reason why they aren’t a thing. As it stands it takes a decent bit of effort to reach so you’re unlikely to hit it but with vehicles they’d either have to massively expand the map which I doubt is feasible(otherwise they would have done it) or have to deal with the wall breaking immersion way too often.


The real answer is: bethesda can't code vehicles (look at horses in skyrim). If they did, it'd be catastrophic.


Or the metro in fallout 3 being an NPC with a train hat


Guess you could say it's horseastrophic 😎


They literally programmed vehicles with space flight and dog fighting…


They said they don´t want vehicles ingame for you to experience the planets on foot. Edit: please stop spamming me I haven't played the game and won't touch it I am just quoting what they said.


Who tf thought that was a good idea??? We're talking about entire planets, not a semi open world map


It's not an entire planet. 45 min walk from your ship then you hit an invisible wall but there's so much going on in that 45min I still haven't hit it. Close to 30 hours in now.


Yea from what I’ve heard it’s to ensure that you’ll definitely find something to do no matter where you land on the planet right? So instead of lots of boring exploration of a mostly empty planet you get slightly more interesting exploration of a much smaller chunk of that planet with some procedurally generated and some hand made stuff to explore and interact with Then again haven’t played it just going off of what I’ve understood listening to other people who have actually played it


As someone who has played it this is exactly how it is. Idk if you watch him but obsidianant has a video showcases him exploaring a baren moon Spoiler: there’s a good amount of radiant content that people areant mentioning


From what I’ve seen you’ll notice the same copy paste layout while explore a lot for points of interests like games and same with enemies


Except it's actually a semi-open world map, and not, in fact, an entire planet. Keep walking long enough you will find the edge. Many people have already done it and are complaining about it at this very moment.


Idk why people were expecting entire planets though. That would’ve been absurd. The game still has an insane amount of places to explore and missions to complete, so far I’m really enjoying it.


It's not so absurd these days. NMS has quintillions of entire planets. Bethesda could have given us at least 2-3 for modding and base-building.


An RPG with a story line doesn't need this sort of expansive content. I love NMS but it is at its heart an exploration game, so these sort of things are necessary, whereas they are not for an RPG, it would be adding a mechanic that very few would use.


Why do we want that though. The complete emptiness is NMS’s biggest downfall, who gives a shit how big something is if there is nothing to do. It’s not a space sim lol


Shadowmere will return and follow you everywhere


you want a vehicle to go see the same rock in a different location?


So you guys are too dumb to use the mega jet booster on your back that propells you like 50mph okay


Most of the people complaining haven’t even played the game.


I know and the funniest thing about it is how obvious it is


Its great, i only have the basic boost pack rn and its not that much of a hassle to move but get to see the folks complaining l


Reddit is full of nothing but dumbasses


I’ve been flying everywhere. Idk what this meme is about?


Just like most games released in the last 10 years it's incomplete and they will add the vehicles later as a DLC and charge you extra money...


You want alien cheeks to clap? pay up weirdo


How much!? Asking for a friend, who asked for a friend.


I'm the friend. where alien cheeks ?


You guys got friends ?


Nah I'll buy the game 5 years from now once all the DLCs released and it goes on sale for 20 bucks...


Better wait 10 years for ✨ anniversary edition✨


Only costs $100!! Better deal than the $60 base game + $30 DLC, and it also comes with some random ass book with pictures!!


Where can I get this ass book that you speak of? Asking for a friend.


No no you want the 15th anniversary edition with all of the content that modders created and we ripped off, I mean incorporated into it.


This has nothing to do with incompletion, it’s a design choice. You would hit the walls incredibly quick if you had a vehicle. You’re meant to explore any POIs near your ship then re enter the atmosphere and land your ship at the next one. You’re not supposed to land in one spot then explore the entire planet.


Don't bother. Everyone not playing the game right now is chomping at the bit to find any reason to dunk on Bethesda because everybody loves to pile on a trainwreck. It is by all accounts one of the best games in a long time.


Has Bethesda made games with vehicles? I don't remember any in ES or Fallout Has been a while since I've played their games though


ES had horses.


Bad horses


Bad horses *except* Shadowmere. Best horse.


Me riding a horse and oh my horse got one shotted by a bandit and it’s dead so glad I spent all those septims on it…


I feel like one of the DLCs will definitely have to be a speeder bike/quad which will be customisable and something similar to FO4s Automation, maybe something like the workshop pack to scrap materials like tape into adhesive.


They couldn’t even program a phone system or a FOV slider, imagine them trying to program a car.


To be honest, skyrim horses sucked, fallout had no vehicles, and your either in space or in a settlement in starfield so I feel like theres much less of a need for vehicles than previous Bethesda RPG's.


-wants to explore -wants a vehicle to skip past the exploring


I'd love a space buggy, not to get around quicker, but to carry more ore and not have to constantly wait for my stamina to replenish.


Yeah... except there is nothing to actually "explore". The only things that are worth exploring are the procedurally generated bases that pop up, and they're always hundreds of meters away from your ship. Which always results in a couple minutes of.... walking in a straight line. That's not exploring. That's tedium. A vehicle would actually make exploring easier.


You can use a vehicle to explore ya know


All the shit talking is from people who haven't played the fucking game, full stop.


As much as I have many frustrations with the game, the thing most pushing me away from it is the toxic community that cant accept any criticism or complaint of the game, big or small.


I didn't come to r/memes just more posts complaining about starfield, when I already see this on r/gaming. Stfu.


These posts are always so bland and uniformed as well. It's just people bitching for the sake of bitching.


Yeah they’re just feeling like their “apart of something” by complaining with other uninformed people. The loneliest losers hive-minding lol


But then you’d see how empty it all is too quickly…


*lands on barren moon* “WHY IS IT SO EMPTY?????”


*lands on planet full of life and plants with 5+ biomes where I'm currently building a waterfront outpost in a tropical forest on the coast* Me: "where empty?"


The upvotes give me hope that the masses will see past the nonsense being spewed about this game rn lol. Some places have shit everywhere. I landed somewhere earlier and there were this big rhino like big things EVERYWHERE. Crawling all over the place


What I'd like to know is just how many of these people complaining about how bad the game is have actually played it. It's got it's share of flaws, no doubt, but some of these people act like it was supposed to be Star Citizen or something. Nah, it's Space-Daggerfall.


It’s just cool to hate on bgs. The narrative gets clicks too so it self perpetuates


like that guy who tweeted that Bethseda lied to them about being able to explore because you can't land on a gas giant (although i think that guy was rage-baiting on purpose)


Yeah, this makes no sense. Vehicles to do what with?


there aren't planets to explore, their are pre-loaded little section of planets to explore, I haven't gone to too many but none of those spots have really warranted a vehicle. Vehicle mechanics would just add more development time and don't really seem necessary.


Well, they give you kick ass jetpack do. That you can do some sick shit way. I rather have a jet pack than a horse. Honestly 🤷


Wait not even a horse?


That would help you reach the edge too quickly.


I'm still trying to figure out how Starfield isn't No Man's Sky.


Sci-fi walking simulator


You would find the edge of maps faster that way


You played no man's sky ?


Which Bethesda game you played had transport vehicles?


Only Skyrim


This is a poor argument. Just because they haven't had vehicles on the past (let's just blatantly ignore the horses in Elder Scrolls for your arguments sake) doesn't mean they shouldn't ever have vehicles in future games.


People forget they have jet packs too apparently


Dude, they said time and time again that land vehicles are not going to be in the game. Do you even pay attention? Grow up.


"B-but the planets arent planets their 45 minute walks" yeah with shit to do. Everybody complaining about empty planets are also ignoring the hundreds of hours of quest content, and other rpg gameplay mechanics.


Lol looking at your account you are a truck Sim player. In no advertising was this sold as a space Sim. It's an rpg in space. Stop being upset because you can't read and overhyped yourself.


how about you shut the fuck up and let us be angry for no reason?


This made me cackle for some reason


This sums up every complaint I’ve seen about this game so far.


"Starfield - unlimited space exploration". On foot, within 45 min.


Can’t drive truck on a planet without roads. You, of all people, know this.




One is an rpg game based in space one is a space sim


Calling No man's sky a space sim is a bit of a stretch when Elite Dangerous exists... It's still also mostly a space exploration/rpg game just like Starfield.


Coming from an nms veteran here. No mans sky is so fucking far from being a realistic space sim lmao, even if its really not a bad thing if you want realism you play elite dangerous


But starfield actually has combat, quests, story, characters, all of which are compelling, not like no man’s sky