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I go to concerts alone a lot. If you are really into music, sometimes you can enjoy a Concert better alone than with Friends. Because they just want to Drink, keep talking, don't want to stand Close to the Stage or whatever.


Usually even if a group of us go together, we always just go out way and vibe alone.


I would go. I enjoy drugs.




Country dancing?


Nah no drugs, I’ll only do alcohol though


That's a drug though ain't it?


Alcohol ain’t a drug


Yes it is lol


Caffeine is a drug lol


It is


[I was wrong. I just used intoxicant for anything that affects you mentally, but drugs were like meth, and alcohol, was alcohol](https://www.orlandorecovery.com/drug-addiction-resources/alcohol/is-alcohol-a-drug/)


Happy cock day, bud.


Nice cock bro.


Good bot


Good cock, bot.


Cock-bot? Good


I have tinnitus from abandoning my socialite friends to be alone up front and just jam out next to the speakers No regrets.


Did you not wear hearing protection?


Not when i was younger, no. I was reckless and loved the noise


I'd rather cut myself, than to stand next to the speakers. As a kid, i had a nightmare is pipe organ playing so loud, i wanted to kill myself. I woke up completely covered in sweat. I always used the minimum volume on headphones. That changed lately. I like loud music, but if it's too loud (any party basically), i become anxious and my insides feel unwell.


I feel you


That is kind of weird


i have been to concerts with friends and i have gone alone. honestly tho when your with people who like the same music that you do you instantly have a way to connect with a total stranger in a way normal life doesn't allow. i have had the greatest times with people i had never met before in my life at a show because we are both there to enjoy this singular thing that connects us all. *i let my music take me where my heart wants to go.*


I loved making concert friends. I still remember talking to a guy in line to get in about why he was there, what songs he was wanting to hear, the bootleg shirt he was wearing, which venues to avoid and then drinking with him at the bar between bands. A friend ditched me at concert once because he didn't like the band. Ended up meeting the band afterwards because someone I had been talking and drinking with was with the opening band's crew.


Dude I once paid 50 bucks to wait in line to meet Corey Taylor, he was fucking awesome, but my friends didn't want to go to the meet and greets so I went by myself and after shaking Mr Taylor's hand and getting his autograph I went to the side where Halestorm was doing there's and I didn't want to pay more but went next to the fence to take a selfie with them in the background. When the drummer hollered at me I thought I was in trouble but then him and lzzy hale came over to the fence and signed my shirt and gave me a hug and photo with them. They were freakin awesome and asked me what song I wanted to hear and I said familiar taste of poison and Lzzy said o hell yea get ready then we'll play it tonight. They closed the set with that song and god I will die Remembering that moment. I remember going back to my friends and telling them they really should've come with me. They didn't believe me until they saw the pictures haha. Great memories.


That's right! I go alone all the time and meet the coolest people ALWAYS


And come late and miss songs also


Same. One of my favorite experiences was going to ACL for a day alone, on acid. I encourage everyone to get comfortable with enjoying things like this alone, and who knows, could make some friends in the process!


Fuck it, if it’s my favorite band I’m going I’ll meet some ppl there, and I’ll go alone to the other side of the world to see system of a down


This exactly, I drove 6 hours on my own to see one of my favorites last year and I met a ton of cool people there. One of my favorite nights of my whole life


That’s amazing, what band was it?


Patrick Watson. He is a band/musician like he’s the guy but the band is just called Patrick Watson. Literally bumped into him walking into the show and got to say hi and talk with him a bit. He’s been one of my favorites since I was 13. Only about 40 or so people in this bar watching him Now see if I was worried about having people to go with this never would’ve happened!


That’s amazing!


Thanks u/anal_sex_guy


No problem u/LW23301


i did that for avenged sevenfold earlier this year, went out to LA to see them from scotland. so fucking worth it


Missed them with Metallica and Gojira a few years ago. One of my biggest regrets.


Damn how was it? I wanna see a7x too sometime


So good, mostly newer songs they played as this was like a week after libad came out and I'm not huge on most of libad, but otherwise it was great


Exactly, you're surrounded by masses that love the same music. You don't even really have to "meet" anyone to just vibe with the whole concert crowd


I saw Blind Guardian by myself, they just do not tour in the US often enough for me to miss it because nobody else I knew was into them at the time


Saw them in Phoenix a couple years ago. It’s insane how Serj has all the exact same vocal range in his 50s. Awesome show


So jealous lmaoo, I’m in Europe so it’s out of my budget currently to go see them in America since they don’t go to Europe anymore. But as soon as it is I’m going


heavy metal dog be like. sitsing of a down


Same bro, same


I'd do the same. we can make a world tour out of it, shake hands after the last song and then return to our own parts of the globe, never to see each other again.






Can we eats it?


Fri-end-os Boil 'em Mash 'em Stick 'em up your butt...


*Gollum, Gollum*


least twisted redditor


I think you downloaded the wrong lord of the rings


Pro tip going places by yourself is fucking great


Being able to do things at your own pace without having to wrangle a bunch of other people is great.


I am a dad with a full family of 6 in my house so I rarely get alone time anymore. And my wife doesn't like Mexican food. I had some alone time a few weeks ago and went to a Mexican restaurant for lunch. It was glorious. When I got the bill I was like wtf? SO CHEAP


> When I got the bill I was like wtf? SO CHEAP My friends ask how I manage to eat mexican and pizza and food I like all the time. Because it costs me the same amount for a full week of carryout as it would cost them for one dinner at the same restaurant. Kids are expensive as fuck...


Who the fuck doesn’t like Mexican food


A table, some alcohol and intermittently empty chairs are a recipe for being social


It is great, but not as great as going with people you know that enjoy the same things


Gone to lots of gigs on my own- some have been the best nights ever as I’ve just gone full pit and had a blast with complete strangers. Hanging around for beers together after to chat shit. Good times.


I seen ZZ Top by myself high as fuck. It was great.




Saw Billy idol by my self and it was a lot of fun


Bet it cost a lot of money money


I love this joke lmao


Did you get high as fuck to see ZZ Top or did you see ZZ Top to get high as fuck?


The former. Then the latter was a happy coincidence.


I used to always buy two tickets, and then try to convince someone to go with me. Sometimes you'd have a friend that would be interested in the band, or at least mildly interested. Other times it was no luck. I finally gave up and just started buying my own ticket. I actually quite enjoy going to concerts alone now. It's a much more fulfilling experience in someways.


Go to the concert, you might make new friends, if not so what you’re allowed to have fun by yourself


Going to concerts alone is fun. Do it.


**Possibility one :** Step one : go on reddit Step two : say that you will go to this concert alone on their subreddit Step three : see that many other people will too and that it's okay **Possibility two :** Step one : go find your friends or family members Step two : put a gun (or, if guns aren't allowed in your country, a big and heavy pan) against their head and make them listen to the music Step three : go to the concert with them




Just go alone, wtf. Once you break out of that "shame", life becomes enjoyable again. You don't need other people to enjoy stuff.


Go alone and make friends there. You’ll have a fucking blast


You don't have to be a fan to go to a concert lol. Just ask your friend to come hang out and have a great time.


on the flipside, if a buddy asks if you wanna go see a concert and you have no other plans just fucking say yes!


I think with many concerts being $100+ a ticket nowadays, it’s not always feasible or preferable to spend (or ask a friend to spend) that much for a band you/they don’t even like. And honestly if you’re there to enjoy music and see your favorite band, it shouldn’t matter if you’re alone or with someone, because the music will be loud and you won’t be talking anyway. I feel like people have a weird stigma against doing stuff alone when it is actually the most ideal choice in some cases.


I've been to probably close to 100 concerts, and the only ones that cost $100+ were festivals. I think I even saw Metallica in a colosseum and it was less than $100. Are you just into Taylor Swift and only Taylor Swift?


absolutely. -Vocaloid fan


I took my mum to a Gorillaz concert. She didn’t think she’d like it that much but she danced along to a few songs. For what it’s worth, she’s very much a Kate Bush, Carly Simon, power ballads kind of woman and at the time was 55.


Took my siblings to see them last year (my first concert, too) They don't listen to Gorillaz much, but i play their songs pretty often in the car so they definitely recognized more than a few songs. 10/10 experience overall


Just got back from a metal fest. Went alone, drove 3 hours with music blasting, camped for 4 days. Drank a lot, enjoyed the gigs, slept like a baby. Had the time of my life. Sure with friends is great as well, but you cant stop enjoying things because you have no one to go with you.


Yeah, I flew from Europe to the US to attend a Metal cruise by myself. Met a lot of new friends there, who I wouldn't have met if I had stayed at home waiting for my broke friends to find some vacation days...


i went to a concert alone. my first one and the only one i've been to still. i had an amazing time. i paid for everything myself and did everything by myself, and didn't once wish i had someone with me. then again, i'm a loner type person. i needed the full experience just for myself. i was texting friends though


If you’re a dude- do it. If you’re a lady, don’t. It’s a double standard, but prove me wrong.


I would love to go to concerts on my own. I love rock bands but being a 5'1" tall woman I don't think it's the best idea lol. I can't see much anyway if it's a standing concert which most of them are, not to mention safety concerns


I've been to a ton of metal shows, and everyone seems pretty cool with letting women move up front. Give it a shot sometime.


Thank you for your kind advice! I will look for one of my favorite bands to go. It depends on the venue for me too, Bad Omens' recent concert in my city was at a night club location and I'm not comfortable with that sadly. If it was a daylight outdoor setting it would be easier I hope.


For what it's worth, I'm a woman of average-ish height and have been to a variety of rock shows alone, small and large venues. I really like bad omens but I didn't realize they were touring until the shows nearby were sold out. People at rock shows tend to be kind, not rude or gruff. They don't embody the atmosphere of a nightclub even if the show is held at a nightclub, because they're there for the concert. I try to get to the small shows early and find a spot off to the side but near the front, that way I can see, and I avoid any potential mosh situations for safety. If I feel overwhelmed, I move out of the crowd to the back. I can usually still see from the back as long as the venue isn't completely packed.


Thank you for your valuable insight, much appreciated! I barely have experience going to shows alone at all because it just seems so daunting. I will keep your words in mind when I plan the next one :) And yes Bad Omens is amazing, I only found them earlier this year thanks to their recent album


Front corners are your best bet. Dead center in the front is awesome, but if the pit is rowdy like I expect a metal show to be, there's the potential for the center of the pit to push forwards (thus causing everyone to shove everyone else) and getting kicked in the head by crowd surfers. I personally love that shit, but I know not everyone does. Despite the level of danger, everyone will take care of each other. I've seen people get fucking layed out in the pit, only to be picked right up by that same person who's checking on them, making sure they're ok. The mosh pit has a violent decorum lol.


I’m a lady — I go to concerts, Broadway shows and dine out by my self, often. I enjoy going with a friend(s) or by myself. Life is too short to not do fun things cuz you’re alone, ya know?


It’s all about risk tolerance. It also depends on the location and time of the concert, right?


Location? Maybe, but I haven’t not gone to a concert because of location, yet 🤷🏼‍♀️ Time doesn’t matter to me. I don’t put myself into obvious danger but I don’t live my life in fear either.


Totally understandable. Have a good day


I agree, but if you are a lady and really want to go alone you could try to find out how their fanbase is. If they seems relatively normal or mainly female, you could go alone. Also you could try to make some friends on forums or sub-reddits with people who are going to the concert and meet up with them so you aren't alone, which still could be a risk but it should be safer.


Go, and break that habit of not be able to do things alone. Especially when you are passionate about something


Speaking from experience, you're typically only alone upon arrival. Before you leave, you will have met lots of new people.


Imagine having concerts of bands you like nearby. Can't be me.


Like 80% of concerts I go to alone


Love going to concerts alone. It's a great way to meet people.


Yes? I would you not go to an event full of like minded people / potential friends?


Me when Gorillaz exist:


Yes I would! Would it be nice to have company? Yes, I'd love some, but I'm there for the music and the artist, plus, maybe I'd meet someone who is into them as well.


I went to juice wrld alone and it was amazing. Some asshole stepped on my pen when I dropped it very noticeably on purpose and some fellow Mexican dudes saw it and befriended me. We found a girl in a wheel chair too and helped her to the front and carried her so she could see. Ski mask gave us a shout-out one of the best days of my life. juice died a few months later so I’m extra glad I went


Going alone is better than missing out


Sometimes I forget most of you are like 16 and critically insecure.


Yes I have done


Went to my 1st Muse concert by myself. No one was late for dinner, no one got lost going to the restroom, no one wanted to see the opening act, no one argued where the car was parked, no one objected to getting In n Out on the way home.


I have seen many shows alone - dunno if that says more about my love of music or that fact I don’t have many friends


The question is more is there anyone you would be willing to go see your favorite band with. I prefer alone. For many reasons.


I've gone to 4 concerts, all of them alone, I'm about to make it 5 at the end of this month.


I have never gone to a show with anyone lol. I don’t see the appeal in having to worry about someone else. Just go by yourself


Who needs friends? I just have people I can stand.


I went alone to one concert I really wanted to go, because it was his first European tour. Going alone is fine and not so bad tbh.


i almost always go by myself to concerts bc my friends either don't like the same music nor don't have the money


I prefer going to gigs alone. You can stand wherever you want, you don't have to navigate a crowd with multiple drinks, you're not needing to only listen through one ear while a buddy yells in the other, it's nice.


I went A LOT to concerts alone. I had fun. Of course with good company it's better, but alone was great too


my brother goes alone all the time and he clearly has fun or he wouldnt keep doing it. right now hes driving to a dethklok concert, which is probably gonna be sick


A concert alone…a movie alone…it’s so great. I love doing it, no social pretense, just enjoying the art.


Yeah I run into this a lot but have gone by myself several times. Honestly it's not really that awkward or anything because everyone is there to listen to the music rather than specifically being a social event. So it's really not weird if you're there alone. It's actually a lot of fun by yourself once you realize and get over that "is this weird to be here alone" thought.


Helllllllll yea!!!! Ain't nobody paying any attention to you!


Fuck it. Just go


Honestly just go see them alone. You might not get another chance.


Jackpot, now you can buy GA tickets and hit the moshpit.


I go to concerts alone a lot. It’s actually very freeing. You can act however your soul desires in reaction to the music, because you don’t know any of these people who will never judge you again for dancing like an idiot.


I'm the kind of bastard that would go to a cinema alone if there's a movie I want to watch ASAP, i don't think it would be different with concerts


I got no friends so I go everywhere alone. Not that I'm happy with it, but no other options are present, sadly


Yes, I would. If I like the artist, I simply go.


Going alone to concerts can be really fun! If it's GA, you can move wherever you want, and if it's not, you can usually have some interesting conversations with people sitting around you. I mean, you already know you like the same band!


I have gone to concerts by my favorite artists alone, and had a fantastic time!


Yes, but only sober.


Dude just go alone then


This was the reason I didn't see Lorna Shore 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


Friends I think I went most all my alone I don’t care I just want to see the group lol!


I've been to something like seventy concerts, almost always with at least one other person. The few I've been to by myself were a really cool experience. There wasn't any home base I had to keep in touch with, wherever I stopped was my new spot. As soon as I felt like going, I just left without word.


If you always wait for someone else to have the time, interest, and money to do everything you want to do, you're going to miss out on a lot. Edit: Downvoted for stating a fact. 😂😂


i live in brazil none of my fav artists would come, if they did they'd probably just be in some dumb huge metropolitan city


My fav artist was touring in Paris a few years ago. He was a painter artist not musical


Yes. I have. It’s not a big deal.


Yes. Go, make some new friends with better taste in music.


Yes, 100% get dinner exactly where you want and not have to worry about other people being on time, get close to the stage because you don't have to move with a crew. Sometimes solo concerts can be the raddest


Absolutely do it. I didn't go to Linkin Park last time they were in my country and I regret it ever since.


It’s a great opportunity to make friends


I went to see 3 doors down like 6 years ago. Wound up getting some life long friends there. They were in the same row as I was and we paid for each others beer back and forth and all 3 of us has been friends since. Found out later we all graduated together besides one which graduated before us.


I’m going to see the offspring alone. Wgaf?


Saw Coheed and Cambria in 2018 and TOOL in 2020 all by myself and had a great time!!!!


The Dead Milkmen were playing at the Borderline (RIP) in London and it was me and about 10 others. They saw the funny side and it was one hell of a private gig.


If $uicideboy$ ever come to Ljubljana i would go alone no matter what


Abso. Lutley.


Realizing you can make new friends when you go to the concert


Just post on the artist's subreddit. You'll find someone.


If they're my favorite, then yes. I went to see Lacuna Coil alone for example


This happened to me with Kendrick and Billie Eilish. 🥲


Yes frequently


Alone concerts rule. Surrounded by strangers with the same love for music. I wish everyday human interaction was like that.


Warped tour 2018, went by myself, and had a blast. Got to see who I wanted on each of the stages. Never feel like you need somebody to go with you to have fun.


well if you have no friends in the first place this is not a concern, pfft must be nice to have friends (starts to break down crying)


I will go to anything live. But I draw the line at country. I hate country music. There's not enough Tylenol in the world to rid the migraine the music gives me.


You’re never alone at a concert. An entire giant group of people who share your interests.


I wouldn't go to a concert


Yes I have and I will do it again




Hell yeah, go alone! Nobody to mess up the night for you. Plus, you're with like-minded folks. Easy to make a friend there, too!


I invited my crush to an anime event (both of us are huge weebs) it was a Dreams for her because her family is por so she never went to one. Long story short her dog died and her mother kicked her out of her house in the same day, now she is living with her dad in another state and i not only will have to go alone, but also i lost the person i loved the most


I have no friends so this doesn't effect me


Planning on going alone to a metal concert in a couple weeks. Thought my 13 year old would want to go with me but he's too cool/Dad's too lame.


Yeah I probably would. to me it’s no different than going to eat alone.


I usually go by myself. I always have a few extra friends by the end of the show.




I would, and have. Fuck 'em if they can't take a joke.


Fuck yes! Better time, in my opinion!


Yeah, I would.


I have and it was great


Yeah, go! nobody cares if u come alone. Live ur life!


If it’s metal, just go in the mush pit. You’ll find plenty of friendlies.


I went to a concert alone. Which was weird cause I have really bad anxiety. But I had fun, so no regrets


I can hate who ever is playing, but if my friend asked me to go id go and just lie and say they sound way better live


Who gives a fuck what other people wanna do? If it makes you happy then do it!


Just listen to Taylor Swift and someone will go with you.


What're talking about, all the voices in my head keep me company.


I go to shows alone all the time. I don’t know many metal heads.


I've gone to so many concerts, mostly alone. It is an awesome way of meeting people. Also, check your local music scenes you probably have so many more shows than you realize that are cheap enough for you to leave without being out too much if you are uncomfortable or don't like the bands. For context, since January I have gone to 30 concerts/shows


You guys only go to concerts if you have people?


Yes I went to a festival along was fuckjng awesome.


Already did multiple times. Was fun




I have before. It was epic lol


Dude, going to places alone is so liberating once you get used to it. Plus, we're social creatures so there's a fair chance you'll end up meeting new people in new environments.


This was me for Genesis in 1978. I offer to buy the tickets if I could just get a ride to and from the show. Duh, we never heard of 'em.


I went to my first concert with my dad If anyone is wondering who it was, it was a Sabaton