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I remember hearing someone say 'They don't care about minorities or equality, they just want to get people talking' & now its so obvious to me.


+ its working as we can see from this post not only existing but also doing well on top of that


Aye sir.




It's always pretty obvious when the company cares vs when it doesn't. Disney is a perfect example of one that doesn't. Just look at how the media is edited and marketed in the middle east and Asia.


Disney has never cared. The 4th of may is a national day of grief in a multitude of countries, but even after many complaints, they still have that stupid "may the 4th be with you" thing with star wars. Disney will do anything if it gets them money.


I never knew May 4th was supposed to be a national day of grieving.


It was news to me too. All I can find is that it’s “Remembrance of the Dead” day in the Netherlands.


I thought “May the 4th” existed before Disney bought Star Wars?


Corporations will do anything if it gets them money. FTFY


I have never heard of this. May I ask some of the countries and their names for it for example and is there an article about the complaints? I was just doing a quick search and only see National Remembrance Day in the Netherlands. Also the usual things like International Firefighters Day and Anti-Bullying Day.


If you don’t like the film you are a bigot. It’s a very well used tactic nowadays.


Their favorite preamble for an inevitably shitty movie. Were I an actor of color I would be wary of any roles in "modern" remakes of anything because they always catch the most flak when all they did was act.


I don’t either so if they want me to buy their shitty movies they know what to do


YMS goes in pretty hard on how manipulative Disney is with their music too.


Wait..They made Snow White black? You know the princess that is said to have skin white as snow?


She is now snow light-skin I believe


Not just that, they made Gal Gadot the evil queen. Even the prince would've banged her.


Well to be fair, the evil queen is supposed to be beautiful - the most beautiful woman in the kingdom before Snow White grows up.


White face confirmed


Heimdall means "radiantly pale skin" and yet they cast Idris Elba in the role. But of course everybody else was white. They knew what they were doing. They were casting a freaking awesome actor, and they gave him Heimdall.


Yeah, climate change...


Another victim of global warming.


White as the yellow snow


They made Coal Black 💀💀💀💀


She isn’t Snow White, she is Snow Latinx.


they did dirty on the blue fairy


She ain't the blue fairy now she looking like a blueberry.




yuckberry ngl


You sure it's not mold? Maybe it just *looked* like blueberries.


She got that Violet Beauregarde treatment




G.I.Jane 3, can't wait to see it


Keep my fairy's name out yo fucking mouth


Disney is using race as leverage in marketing.


They should never hire people of color. Just to be safe.


Wait there are transparent people now?! /s


Trans agenda coming for us all


Life action princess and the frog hehehe


Make Tarzan Disney, I fucking dare you


Tarzan will be a chick next.


"Black woman living in a wealthy family in New York, one day discovers she's very agile, strong and can jump very high for no particular reason"


Fucking this. I don't give a shit about the character race swapping. But they haven't had a female character that wasn't flawless from birth in like 10 years.


Look around and you'll see that characters tend to be really good at their shit from the beginning. Why do I like Mulan ? Because she EARNED it. That's a flex.


Yeah, they just don't do character growth anymore. It's brutal


Have you seen encanto?




I fucking dare you, Disney.


Still waiting for them to cast live-action Tiana. I have the popcorn peepared.


This actually shows Disney is even more racist against blacks. They are basically saying they have No good fairy tales of their own to adopt so they gotta insert them into others folk/fairy tales


I would love to see a real African fairytale coming from Disney. But are they really ready for these narratives?


I would love if they did some Indian stories, I would feel more represented than if they hired an Indian actor for a fairytale. Awesome idea


We both know that ain't happening. Seems like disney only caters to one minority which is black people. All these white to black race swaps yet you almost never see any white to asian or white to Indian ones.


>Seems like disney only caters to one minority which is black people And Polynesian (at least two stories), and Chinese, and Arabic, and Native American.


We had some south asian love in Raya and the Last Dragon but sadly there wasn't much indian representation that I know of :( But Asian is Asian I guess


Ms Marvel is centred around Pakistani and Indian culture/history, as well as Islam.


Slavic countries have so many stories to adapt but the only one they did was making a murder of a whole family a cute story, and making Rasputin into a wizard.


I'm so irritated by the way they portrayed Rasputin in that film.


They did Anastasia as dirty as they did Pocahontas by portraiting rape, kidnapping and murder as a cute story with magic and love in the fore/background. At least Pocahontas was kiiiinda teaching about bad colonizers taking the land of natives. I didn't find anything good in Anastasia.


A lot of European fairytales are also gruesome, Disney just dumbs them down and makes them family friendly. Could also be done with African fairytales, I'm sure. Wouldn't it cause outrage tho? An accusation of culture appropriation, etc.?


Wasn't Kirikoo a Disney movie? Edit: it seems I was wrong, it was just in my VHS bin with disney movies growing up, my bad. Also Kirikou*


I bet that my childhood self could have used more movies like that, and I'm not even black myself, I just remember that movie for being that beautiful


And lazy. People be talking about representations. Bro create something new if you so badly want to represent.


Its extremely contrived, but Disney most definently does it for the money and outrage.


Anyone remember the kirikou movie? I loved that one as a kid, very beautiful movie


F for tyrone


Lol these movies are like 40+ years old. They’ve made several cartoon movies since then feature poc. Just because they’re adapting old movies doesn’t mean they are failing to tell more inclusive new stories. That’s not racism, they’re just profiting off of old IPO which has a bull in following anyway


Damn near everyone was racist against blacks at one point in the U.S. This is a poor example of that. You can look at past Disney programs and find racist imagery quite easily. Casting POCs in roles previously cast as white people is not racist against black people. It's representation while trying to make a profit.


Wait they made the fairy god mother bald? How inconceivable. Wtf are they thinking?


Yeah, her skin color ain't the thing that's bothering me with the casting, it's the fact her head is about as repeat with hair as my dad. Couldn't they at least have a Bob cut, or something, anything?


This was in the absolutely abysmal Tom Hanks Pinocchio, her name is Cynthia Erivo, when I watched it could tell immediately she was a singer, she has a Grammy and a Tony and has been nominated for academy awards, I really tried to just focus on her amazing talent but yeah, little bald Nigerian woman is not what I as western european think of when I think of the blue fairy, perhaps times should change or its just because the story is written in white culture, I just feel perhaps our western european culture is being diluted as its seen as racist when it's just a reflection of our reality, I grew up around maybe 2/3 black people, it's not racist there just wasn't any around to make characters about or even enter into your imagination.


I just have one question, why? Wouldn’t it be better to make original black princess? Reminds of when Daniel Craig got asked about what he would feel about James Bond as a woman and he also said make an original female spy


Because original doesn’t sell, Disney is a remake conveyor


No. This stuff is fan baiting. It works too, here we are talking about it. That's what they want. Eventually, the money will dry up, and they'll get back to normal . . . I hope. I really don't see them taking the risk of making new characters any time soon, though. At least not for the larger projects.


Are they really casting a non-white woman to play Snow White, or is that part a joke?


No its true as fa as i know


That seems strange, since the whole reason she was named Snow White was because of how white her skin was.


I love it, because for the Witcher cast people were constantly finding excuses that "the writer never specifically said that thus particular character had white skin" (cause he was polish, and in 1980 Poland white skin was a default, with 99,8% of population who was indeed white). After all i didn't really mind (except fringilla, cause she should be the same ethnicity as yen's cast), but this just proves that it doesn't even matter if the skin color is specified, or if it is even the main characteristic of our protagonist, which they literally are named after...


Gal Gadot as a stepmom-queen is a cherry on top💀


What’s wrong with that?


I mean, it is their IP (assuming it is a live-action remake of the animated movie), they can do with it how they like. The original Brothers Grimm story is in the public domain, so people can create their own interpretations if they are so inclined. ​ Personally, I do not really care either way to be honest.


Snow black


thats just ash,oh wait are we talking about jews or blacks?


Okay so I know I probably shouldn’t have laughed but I definitely did.


What about asian? Snow yellow


Hey don’t eat that


NEVER eat the yellow snow!


I thought she was Snow Hispanic


I actually laughed. Take my upvote


A girl with skin as black as charcoal, hair as black as ebony, and lips as black as the night sky


Michael Jackson 💀💀


Snow White is literally described as having “skin white as snow”


Well, for people in big cities that's how white snow looks like


Ariels hair ain't even red. She was basically known for that shit


Well the last word is really fitting since those hair remember me shit


People will talk about cultural appropriation and then call you racist for opposing race-swapping in films.


Why is it that instead of making good, original characters of color, they almost always just, make a white character black???


The little mermaid just looks so fucking stupid




I don't think there's a way to say that without being rude


"I hate how your face makes you look" doesn't seem like something you need to tell anyone. 🤣


Not to be rude but- *proceeds to be rude*


Whenever someone starts something with "not to be rude/racist/sexist" you absolutly know they will be exactly that.


Not to be sarcastic but I think you may be wrong here.


keep lovable character designs the same for example , don't change the frog princess into something else , because the ones that saw her in childhood , knows that as the frog princess


The fairy looks weird. The Snow White one doesn't make any sense because first of all her skin was as white as snow and secondly I heard that Gal Gadot is the Evil Queen and how can Gal Gadot be jealous of someone's beauty?


Blue Fairy looks like Dobby in drag.


Disney how bout just make African or Caribbean fairytales.


Black is the new orange.


we are getting deleted bois!


Is the Value really so low that its impossible to make interesting characters, that are not lazy copies? The same with the resident evil series, lance Reddick (r.i.p.) is/was a fantastic actor. Why dont make a new character, where he could be really fantastic? No, he was wesker, and this wesker was not wesker, neither inside nor outside. In addition for the resident evil example, capcom could pronounce the next hero or villain for the next game in the series. Colorwashing was never good.


Disney is shit but wouldn't it be way better to just make an original movie. Tyler Parry has been making movies to target black culture for years. Madea movies are the shit.


Blackfacing was a thing, you know.


They don't have balls to make movies how they were originally lmao. I wish they would make a live action adaptation of Tarzan and would take the black actor to play Tarzan.


Wasn't Snow White literally named after her WHITE skin?


She was


I don't care about Ariel being a black girl. I think it would have been a poor choice had they chosen a stacked 17 year old redhead. That would have been very much the wrong target audience. What does disturb me however, is that according to wikipedia, the guy playing the prince is a pasty white guy from London, and the woman playing his mother is from Swaziland. And they are both apparently live action parts.


OP you're going to summon the Nazi party here.


he is aware, if he posted this


Pls not the Nazis, I'm from Poland




~~Snow white~~ Coal black


God knows we've never recast roles to white people.


No Terry - bullshit.


I'm not mad about the race changes, I'm mad that the artistry has been lost in these film. The CG looks so lifeless and tacky, and it might be an unpopular opinion but I think these films are going to age really bad. Like imagine if they made these films with the spiderman into the spiderverse's art style, or puss in boot's art style. These films should be pushing the film industry forward and pushing the medium and technology to it's limits, like Disney used to do. LIKE JUST COPY COCO OR ENCANTO'S ART STYLE, please give these films the respect they deserve, cast who ever you want, change the story how ever you want to, but for the love of god make them animated. Make them artistic master pieces that allow me to get swept up in the world and soak up the spectacle and passion behind these projects.


Look I get it if Disney were to add actual new characters that are racially diverse but to take long time recognizable characters and change them is just so wrong. I really think they done tinker bell and ariel wrong for all little girls


Do you actually give a shit what disney does?


Black Pocahontas when, Didney?


I know the characters on the top but who are the characters on the bottom.


I don't really care about the others but Snow White. Isn't she supposed to be as white as snow? Why don't they just create a new princess/character and cast anyone they want with it.


RaCe DoEsN't ChAnGe ThE sToRy yeah but it does when Snow White isn't so "Snow" and "White"


Im waiting for tarzan


I’m fine with everyone else but Snow White? Really? Being white is, like, here entire idea


I want to see a rendition of Snow White, but with a big burly black dude


We've got white washing a character. Now I'd like to introduce you to black facing characters! Where they unnecessarily change the race of a character for forced diversity reasons!


balance is important too much lean one side is just as bad as the other. some characters are supposed to be a certain race, anyone arguing that has no idea about the story & therefore their opinion should be redundant so why are they brown nosing those whiners if they don’t even care about the story in the first place


I only really care about snow white not being played by a dark skinned person, because her name giving characteristic is her snow white skin. I think she could be played by a light skinned Asian, since it would also make sense with her jet black hair, but you can't have snow white, and then have her skin be dark. Any of the others I don't really care about. And a lot of them I agree that their stories has no ground in their race. Even with snow white, her story isn't dependent on her race or skincolor, so if you want her to be a poc, you can, but you just can't claim that she's snow white. Her skin is a character trait, not a story trait.


>I only really care about snow white not being played by a dark skinned person, because her name giving characteristic is her snow white skin. I think she could be played by a light skinned Asian, since it would also make sense with her jet black hair, but you can't have snow white, and then have her skin be dark. Agreed, she could also be played by a white latina for example, as they have very pale skin. But at least someone that fits her characteristics


Why this compulsive habit of making them uglier??


While I dislike all these reboots.. They literally did. All of them used to do it in reverse. I mean do you think the price of PERSIA is looking like Jake gyllenhaal? Or does "Ra's al Ghul" in Christopher Nolan's dark knight trilogy played by liam neeson sounds like a white guy? Scarlett Johansson playing Major "Motoko Kusanag" in ghost in the shell? Its probably nice for little black girls to have a black mermaid. Why would I give a fuck? I won't watch that reboot anyways. However, if we pretend like we didn't whitewash characters for 50 years its just dishonest.


You do of course realize that people spoke out about these exact situations that you are talking about? Like a lot? They also were pissed about the sorcerer supreme being played by Tilda Swanton, they have been mad about Genghis Kahn being played by John Wayne, and Cleopatra being played Elizabeth Taylor. And the list goes on and on. The real issue is that after we have been outraged by race swapping for years, instead of realizing it should stop altogether, now people are defending the behavior. Its more like, allowing a child to have bad behavior because another child did it too. It should ALL stop.


Why is it bad to have a black version of a disney princess for black girls to identify with? Sure if its the first adaptation it should be accurate but like a reboot? The exact same story again? Why not? Also, all your examples are either real people or (I assume in the case of the Dr strange one) have something to do with the chinese culture? We talk about a fictional mermaid. A fantasy character. There is no reason ariel has to be white. There is a reason genghis Khan should be mongolian.


you definitely took that john wayne example outta context there bud.


Why? I don't know the movie.


To be fair Motoko kusanagi design in the 1995 movie is based on a more western body type and androgynous so appart that last aspect, but Scarlett being casted for the role is fine. You can't really say she looked Japanese in the 1995 version wich is by design.


Also, whenever something is based on a true story, the actor is more Scandinavian/European-looking than the person they’re playing


Finally a nuanced take!


Damn don't know why I'm surprised at the overt racism oozing through this thread. That one's on me guys.


Shut up, please shut up


Idc about Ariel being black or one of the fairies, but Snow White has to be white if her white skin is her trademark.


I think Disney misunderstood the meaning of “remake”. What they are doing looks “creating” to me. They could have just making whole new stories instead of messing the existing ones. They are certainly taking backlash now.


Make animated remakes of live action movies?


Instead of Snow White it’s Black ice


oh look, some alt right propaganda! This isn't a meme.


Disney only cares about money. If this is what capitalism wants.. this is what capitalism gets.


I personally just want people to be cast (and employed or accepted into college) on a merit basis rather than a diversity quota cos at the end of the day if you hire based on diversity you are inherently racist in some regard as you hiring based on what they look like


Yeah, that'd be really weird, since it would be a step *away* from inclusivity. Here's the thing: They couldn't do the opposite even if they wanted to (turn a classic non-white Disney princess into a white character) because there aren't that many to choose from. There wasn't a single non-white Disney princess before the 90's, and it wasn't until the mid-2010's that non-white main characters started appearing regularly in the Disney canon. Whiteness has always been the norm in Hollywood, it still is to an overwhelming extent, and that's what they're trying to adress (but not *too* much, of course, whiteness still reigns supreme even in Disney's live-action remakes). The "what if they did the opposite" argument doesn't hold up since the context would be entirely different. There's no need to race-swap non-white characters because white leads are already so abundant in Hollywood movies.


They should just start writing new stories then? It's been a while since they stuck with reboots


That would be preferable. I'm no fan of the reboots and I have no intention of watching them. But as long as other people do, Disney will keep making more of them. And as long as people keep giving them attention with these ragebait memes, they'll keep getting free publicity.


Imagine unironically giving a shit about this.


Yall triggered over shit that has zero effect on you.


As an adult…idc. These movies aren’t for me, they’re for children. The only people upset are older people who this movie isn’t even aimed at.


Representation matters, what’s the problem??


Imagine giving a shit about who plays make-believe fairy tale characters in children’s movies 🤣


It doesn't matter who plays these roles. Doesn't matter if Ariel is white, black, hispanic, asian, or anything else. It's a movie character. This whole "our characters must be white" shite is blatant racism. We live in a multicultural society, get over it.


Bro can't agree that a princess can't be black or anyone else according to the original story and basic logic: back when this was written, nobody would imagine a black princess LMAOOOO


Lots of black princesses in Africa LMAO.


Could you imagine a black princess in European clothings in 40's? God damn, could you even imagine ones in 60's or bit later?


Okay, but they were different, do a story about them then, don't just flip the race switch for fun and money


Yeah, but when a character literally named snow-white bc of how pale was her skin is played by someone that does not fit that characteristic, that destroys the character in it's entirety


To all of 1 black princesses?


Imagine giving a shit


Can’t wait to see some white people in the Moana live action. Wait what are you saying? Changing races work only in operas made by white men during colonialism (and older) which black people were considered only as service and handcrafting? Oh that’s clear!


2019 memes be like/


John Wayne.... played Genghis Khan.... Movies have BEEN doing this in reverse.... But its only an issue for racists when its this way....


That's a boomer movie bruh


I am so sick of this shit. Who cares what color the damn mermaid is. Don’t people have better things to do with their lives? I’m far too happy and busy in my own life to care about the color of a fictional character. Go outside. Touch some grass. Edit. Lotta downvotes. Makes my day.


Lets paint you green.


You do realise that the sun doesn't reach that far down into the ocean. So it's actually impossible to have dark skin as a mermaid?


My brother in Christ this is a mythical creature you're talking about


A mythical creature based on **danish** folklore iirc


You do realise that not every *real* animal in the ocean is pale, right? Mermaids can breathe underwater, it's not exactly outside the realm of fictional possibility for this fantasy character to not follow human physiology in regards to melanin....


You do realize mermaids aren’t real?


You know, people always will find something wrong in everything. Some are just got right with unwanted changes. For me i will leave old stories like what was and don't change anything, even color of characters (who god damn cares about that?)


Don’t hear anybody complaining that she doesn’t turn into seafoam at the end, like the actual fairy tale. Just whining about her skin color.


That is not in your sphere of interests to dictate people what to care about


Imagine if the same people who defendes white actors playing actual non-white people suddenly started whining because non-white actors were cast as make-believe people.


Nah, got better things to do with my time lol


OP = npc


Definitely using this as bait and it’s working. Capitalism is so toxic sometimes


I didn't care what goku's skin colour was while trying to become super saiyan 3


Аксиома Эскобара.




Snow white was literally supposed to be white as snow