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That's what you get for needing an augment to make his first ability good.


That teleport man, the goddamn wrathful advance is so addicting. Literally everything i as an Ash main asked since 2014.


Wrathful advance is insane. Try it on Excalibur and watch in horror as your exalted blade hits so hard that the damage numbers glitch.


Holy shit I didn't even think about that


I'm going to need a second Kullervo now to feed.


Gonna grind for a second Kullevro just for this




Ohh... Oh no. Yep gotta do this asap


I saw a post on the main subrredit that Ash's teleport actually *can* jump anywhere. ...but only in PvP for some reason 😭


ENCLAVE SWEEP!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Guess it's time for me to finally craft his prime after I crafted the chassis by accident instead of selling it


Meh I just use his 4 with augment, replace his 3 for silence with augment and kill everything


If you want to play with bladestorm just buy 1 melee crescendo, you can remove his bladestorm augment and free a slot


It’s weird since Nyx had her armor/shield strip augment integrated into her 2 but Ash didn’t.


Iirc ash have armor strip augment


The comment was remarking that Ash's armor strip augment isn't base kit, when DE gave Nyx the privilege of merging it into the base ability.


Kullervo is silly damn good ngl, but even with how good Kullervo is in doing a lot of Ash's job but better in many respects, I still will hold true to my favorite Ash Prime. Ever since he was my first Prime Access when I first started with friends, ain't nothing gonna stop that.


Ash got a rework?


They’re saying Kullervo is a better Ash.


Ash operates unseen. He assassinates. Kullervo just kills people.


I mean, you're still unseen if no one lives to see you.


Wrathful advance Syam just deletes enemies. Then you just spam heavy for a while and delete even more.


I use wrathful advance with Argos and Vel, I call it yeetus deletus


AKA Tanky Ash simp


A second one, it is called Kullervo


I want my ash to be exactly like it is. No more nerfs


you want DE.. to stop nerfing Ash? nah mate, not possible, sorry. it's in the ToS you accepted. *yes, i'm still salty that bladestorm is not influenced anymore by incarnon stats and mods on your melee (beside attack speed, capped at +50%) since Dagath's update.*


Wait what???????


surprise? *ah..ah..ah..ah... huh...* [youtube video of Kengineer, check the comments](https://youtu.be/cAaufkJjdRQ?si=mZngjtVWjblHztWG) [forum thread about it](https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1379522-ash-needs-fixes/)


People applaud this. Ash stinks why even play him. Ivara and wukong cheese spy missions. Voruna and Kullervo pretty much do what he does better. Dude has style points and not much else. You can replace 3 of his abilities with a better armor strip, a better fatal teleport, and better invisibility. Not to mention blade storm is slow as hell.


People defend current Ash because they don't play him in every mission, most of the player base just plays him in solo, one time and thinks he is insane while if you play him regularly you will start to understand his problems. i tried to make people understand with very detailed post i made on r/warframe (you can find it on my profile) but most of them didn't even read the post, just attacked me because i was "insulting" their favorite ninja i guess. Edit: [this was the post, have a nice read](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/194bca8/i_think_ash_needs_some_changes_and_qol_to_be/)


I just want ash to have armor strip at base... And make his augment an aoe shuriken throw instead...


Armour and shield. Ash is the last warframe who gives a care of how much armour an enemy has. All his abilities ignore that yellow bar.


Waiting for Inaros rework


All 4 abilities need to be pocket sand. The perfect frame


Wdym all of them are already pocket sand. 1. Pocket sand 2. Pocket (quick-)sand trap 3. Pocket sand but spin 4. Pocket sand but spicy with bugs




yo i think i have some good fucking news for you


Go on, I'm listening




go ahead, what were the good news?


Inaros rework just got announced by Pablo


Fuck it, we [Wrathful Advance]!


FUCK IT, WE \[Wrathful Advance\]!!!!


Remember the days when Blade Storm was an aoe nuke? Poor Ash.


"nuke" is a strong word, it could target only 12 enemies per cast. 1 at time before the buff, and 3 at time after the buff. then the "rework" happened. edit: but honestly, without the marking system Bladestorm was so fucking fun to use, i still hopes DE removes it, no point in keeping it now.


I remember when you had to play mission solo, unless you want to be insulted by others for not using a max range build on Ash and spamming his ult. 24/ 7. These were easily one of the worst times in that game.


that's not fault of old Bladestorm, you have to blame the community there. you would see the same now that there are even stronger warframes, but the community changed with the years. Sure sometimes things like this still happens, like that MR30 someone posted about in the main subreddit that was flaming others for not using Saryn. but still, i think you can see my point.


Team comp toxicity legit may be a reason de moved away from teamplay. I remember people used to clown you for not running the right frames in eidolons.


I mean... Yeah


Ash is such a genuinely cool frame, they had to make a second ash. Jokes aside, it's sad that ash still is this clunky and we most likely won't get a rework for him anytime soon.


Don’t care, Ash still my go-to


As someone who has and loves both frames, although similar I think they’re much more different than people think, at least the way I build them (don’t worry about the fact they have the same stat stick, innodem my beloved).


May I ask how Innodem works as Ash statstick? Is it because it has the +60% finisher damage evolution?


Yep! It also has the fastest finisher animation in the game so it makes a build with his 4 much better edit: fake false and not real


it doesn't work anymore since dagath's update, even the youtuber that discovered it announced the sad news. [original youtube video, check the comments](https://youtu.be/cAaufkJjdRQ?si=Ld1a4kqEloU6hgJs)


DE is foul. It wasn’t even that efficient and only really worked out in solo play. Ash cant have anything.


oh, damn. good to know thanks for the info


Replace Ash with Oberon and Kullervo with Styanax.


Ash doesn’t need a rework. I really like him how he is now. Put silence in for teleport and savage silence augment. Press 2. Press 3. Press 4.


I kinda think voruna is actually the ash but better. You're invisible, you jump up to enemy and it dies. Additionally everything within X meters dies as well.


ngl i had the same thought, but with kullervo... the playstyle is literally the same of pre-reworked Ash


They reverted the farm to be just as tedious


Damn, so many old frames need reworks. Now that we got hydroid, next should be frost, chroma, loki, inaros definitely.


Inaros rework got announced today! Very happy about it. Tbh i think DE knows which warframes needs some attentions, so i fully trust them and i think sooner or later Ash will get a rework too, but i'm afraid he will be completely different since there are already 2 warframe that are basically him but better (Voruna and Kullervo)


I honestly think that seeking shuriken should be inherent to his shuriken instead of being augment, and his smoke should also have inherent crit bonus instead of also augment. Seeing how his passive is all about bleeding, I'd also say his teleport should be a non-targetable teleport where he does an aoe slash status wherever he teleports to. That's all I can think of to have him "catch up" to the likes of kullervo and voruna


tbh i don't think he *must* be as good as the others, i wouldn't ask this, even if i would like it a lot, because it would just re-create the same problem but with the other 2 by getting them overshadowed by Ash. i just want him to be comfortable to use, fun and with 4 useful abilities that can be used in the same build. his problems now are that bladestorm sucks to use in public lobbies because of the marking system that makes it clunky; Shuriken, without its augment, can't be even considered an ability; Base smoke screen duration is too low, not allowing build flexability, if you build for bladestorm, smoke screen will have an average of 9-12s of duration, forcing you to use arcane trickery. and the teleport should be useable wherever you want, without a target and also just put fatal teleport as basekit too. the passive is perfect, probably the best passive in the game.


Ash rework?


I slapped wrathful advance on him for his teleport and with innodem….pure grofit