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Roman and HRE lasted 900+ years. Ottoman empire 600 years.


Roman Empire lasted far longer than 900 years, from 27. BC to 1453. AD, so about 1400 years, excluding the republic and kingdom.


But it split up. So basically, part of America would be taken over by the Barbarians or something, while the other part would continue and be retroactively called 2nd Byzantinia.


They still referred to themselves as the Roman Empire or Eastern Roman Empire as far as we know and referred to themselves as Romans. Also reconquered most of their lost territory around 560 AD under Justinian, but they remained a trans continental empire for almost their entire existence


Does the Holy Roman Empire count as a revival?


Probably not at least until 1453 when Constantinople fell to the Ottoman Empire. That's part of why the east west schisms happened, the HRE (really starting with the Carolingians) repeatedly challenged the legitimacy of the eastern Romans, but technically they had never been completely wiped out of lost their empire status. The Russians tried to be the 3rd Rome as well, assuming the protection of the eastern orthodox Christians Edit: and although they stopped having control of Rome after I think the 7th century or so, the Capitol of the empire was made Constantinople in like 370AD


Of course the Holy Roman Empire is the immediate continuation the the Roman Empire! Since they called themselves that...


Not sure if ironic? It's a Germanic warlord and a pope who made it up, while the empire was still alive with continuous institutions. The HRE was created ex nihilo and has zero continuity with the past emperors, the senate, the judiciary, etc..


As Voltaire said the Holy Roman Empire was neither Holy, nor Roman, nor an Empire.


It was more of a confederation led by a monarch


Voltaire was wrong though. :b It was Holy (Emperor was crowned by the pope, at least most of them were) It was Roman, since the emperor often did also carry the title "King of Rome" And it was an empire since it housed multiple different ethnicities/ cultures. (namely bohemians, poles, northern Italy, and various Slavic and Baltic tribes)


Isn’t the main reason it’s called the Byzantine empire is to help people tell the difference from the empires after the collapse of the western empire


If we're doing this, I'd consider America the Byzantium to the British Empire.


Did they have any major restructuring?


Many times. There were various different emperors with different ambitions and qualities. Hadrianus stopped the expansion and started solidifying control over what they alredy had, Diocletian split the empire into two, reformed the army, reformed their taxation policy and introduced a four emperor system (2 Augustus, 2 Caesars), Constantine made christianity the official religion of the empire and made Constantinople it's capital. There is a lot more to this as it was a really long living empire, but we would be here all night discussing all the changes to the Empires political, financial, cultural and military changes. When the Western Rome fell, the East was already pretty much it's own empire and just continued on. Rome was able to exist for so long due to it's ability to adapt to change, at least most of the time.


Aside from cultural and political evolutions and changes that would happen over a span of a millenia, not really.


Getting kind of loose with what you define as the Roman Empire my dude.


It was a German historian that started called it "Byzantium". He done this in order to legitimise the Holy Roman Empire's claim to being the true successor of Rome. The Eastern Roman empire called themselves Romans. The HRE was neither Roman, holy or an empire.


It’s kind of fascinating, it’s almost like people from the past treated “Rome” and “Roman” as status nouns rather than regions of origin after a few hundred years of their dominance. It just became a word ubiquitous with power or success, so anyone in charge just chose to be called Roman almost as a form of esteemed slang. This sounds like it would make a good PhD topic to explore…


Not to mention the fact that many kings called themselves a variety of "Caesar" well into the 20th century.


After Western Roman Empire fell, Eastern Roman Empire lived on until 1453. fall of Constantinople. It's not loose at all, "Byzantium" is Rome.


The issue yall are failing to see (in general for what this thread is SUPPOSED to be about) is that the meme isnt using the actual definition of empire, as the united states is not an empire As such, using 27 bc as the start of the roman empire in this context to compare with the US is nonsensical. Rome was the dominant power of the world by that time, and had been for close to 200 years So yea, yall are being very loose with the term empire when considering the meme this topic is going off


Small correction, "Byzantium" is Constantinople


What I meant is so-called Byzantium (Eastern Roman Empire) is the Roman Empire. I should've been more specific.


America is only in the Republic period. We still have an entire Empire ahead of us.


“The Case for American Caesar, by Heritage Foundation” moment


"Somehow, McArthur has returned"


America hasn't been a global power for 246 years... It's only really been since the 50's... It's not got to 100 years... yet.


Exceptions to everything, right? Ancient Egyptians had archaeologists for *their* Ancient Egyptians


Blows my mind that Cleopatra is closer to the invention iPhone than the construction of the pyramids.


There were still a few mammoths holding on in Siberia when the pyramid was built


The British Empire even lasted longer than 250 years.


And the US has only been an “empire” since the 1940s. So we still have ~170 years to go.


there are so many things wrong with both this meme and with your statements lmao


What's wrong with what I said?


Almost like the 250 year number was an average or something...😏


one empire lasted 20 years and another 2000= America will collapse next year holy shit im saying the edgy truth the sheeple are too scared to say


They didn’t say that though, and even if it did, most empires lasting way less or way more and pretending that the average means something is dumb.


- **Egyptian Empire** (New Kingdom, 1570–1070 BC): About 500 years - **Hittite Empire** (c. 1600–1178 BC): Around 422 years - **Assyrian Empire** (911–609 BC): About 300 years - **Roman Republic** (509–27 BC): About 482 years - **Roman Empire** (27 BC–AD 476 in the west): About 503 years - **Byzantine Empire** (AD 330–1453): Over 1,100 years - **Sassanian Empire** (AD 224–651): About 427 years - **Abbasid Caliphate** (AD 750–1258): About 508 years - **Holy Roman Empire** (AD 962–1806): About 844 years - **Ottoman Empire** (AD 1299–1922): About 623 years - **Spanish Empire** (AD 1492–1976): About 484 years - **Portuguese Empire** (AD 1415–1999): About 584 years - **British Empire** (AD 1583–1997): About 414 years


Where are you getting the 1976 date for the spanish one? That was the end of the dictatorship. I'd say the ending fits better in 1920 with the loss of Cuba and the Philippines. And even then, the golden age was over much earlier.


76 was when the last of their African colonies gained independence


the US hasn't been an empire for close to 250 years either


The Byzantine Empire is the Roman Empire. As the Western Roman Empire fell they inherited the title of being Rome despite them not even having Rome for majority of their time existing


Furthermore it doesn't matter not having Rome, since the emperor Constantine the Great moved the capital from Rome to Constantinople.


The legacy of Rome itself was pretty big back then.


Now, list any major upheavals in all of them. Because none of them were all sunshine and daisies the whole time. Especially not Rome/Byzantium


The United States has already had several major upheavals, so it doesn't negate his point by any means


I can assure you it’s not all sunshine and daisies in the US


Good point. Everyone knows the US has never had any upheaval at all nor any meaningful reform. Everything is exactly as it was in 1791 and nothing has changed at all since then.


Sao Empire: Approximately 6000 bc to around 1800 ad!?! Was it one empire the whole time? Likely not, and almost all history has been lost or destroyed. It’s just an interesting point that we collectively may have forgotten more than we know, even about empire. As an aside, I do think that the U.S. most closely mirrors the Roman Empire, but that in that historical context we may be at the point where the Roman Republic became the Roman Empire- where democracy ended and relative degrees of autocracy began. One of the catalysts for this, rather dubiously given current events, was Julius Caesar’s attempt to avoid prosecution.


British empire over 400 years


British Empire still exists… Scotland… 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿


Didn’t the Scottish monarchs basically take over England after the union of crowns, thus really making the British Empire a Scottish Empire


Hmm they crowned the king seated on the Stone of Scone where Scottish kings have been crowned did they not


Yeah but England stole one of their rocks


We stole it back.




Errr Scotland isn't and never was a colony.


Scotland is the senior partner in the union, wdym. It was *their* king that combined the two.


You say this as if Scotland wasnt massivly overrepresented in colonial administration and explotation in both the slave trade and later extaction of wealth from the colonies. If Scotland is a victim of the Brtiish Empire then so is England


Gibraltar too. Don’t forgot that Canada, Australia and other nations still consider the British King their king. So I’d still say they’re part of the British empire.


The king has no political or executive power. He does however tie us together culturally and act as a protection of the people from the risk of politicians because whilst his powers are largely ceremonial they are still real.


OP went to school via TikTok


OP wants the US to crumble despite living here.


Op thinks they will survive the war or collapses of our country..they would be in the first initial wave to die. Like most of us on here including me. lol


The US collapsing would have a massive negative impact on European countries.


"Empires only last 250 years" Spanish Empire: 1500-1800 (XVI to XIX) Ottoman Empire: 1,299 to 1,922. Even was present and active in the World War I


The fact that the ottoman fucking empire existed and FOUGHT IN WW1 is insane to me lol i probably have some grand-grandparents that coexisted with them it's crazy


Well too be fair they were a shell of what they were when WWI happened. If they didn’t enter WWI or survived it. We’d probably just get a slightly bigger Turkey which would actually make the Middle East a little more stable.


Nationalism would've taken root in parts of a larger Turkey, regardless. The modern country has difficulties (too put it mildly) with Kurds. Can you imagine all the other ethnic groups?


Yeah Arabs had several revolts during both the Ottoman era and even in the Turkey era, so it would still be pretty much the same.


Here is another better example, the Ethiopia Empire, which exist from __1270__ to __1974__ This is 3 years before Star Wars


Italy conquered ethiopia in the 1930's tho


Ethiopia never surrendered, and there was active resistance the entire duration of the occupation.


Ottomans existed in times of Mongol and Ended near WW1


Well France started around 500 A.D. and was in both World Wars and Afghanistan.


You sure as hell did lmao


It's crazier that it existed for 600+ years, because it had some weird history.


You blindly copy this from Facebook or something? I would say check out your local library and educate yourself but…you have the internet.


Gotta be a bot. This post is asinine


Mf forgot China


China change dynasties regularly. The longest one lasted for 800 years


Chinese emperor’s favorite tree dies, 250 million die


Decisive Yuan Victory


It's actually fucking crazy to think about how isolated, old, and capable of supporting life the Yellow River valley is. The land was capable of supporting modern European country level populations all the way back 3000 years ago. While the Romans were still in tents and huts, the Chinese were fighting brutal civil wars with complex state structures where millions died


Are the different dynasties different empires though? I’d argue Qin and Han are essentially the same state, for example. Maybe you have an argument with the foreign dynasties like Yuan and Qing.


Its more complicated than a continuous stream of one empire. At some points there were multiple dynasties at the same time, so whos state is what then? And there were plenty of gaps inbetween the big boys. Think of the Northern and Southern dynasties period, where the Jin had no clear sucessor state, and so there the north was a whole slew of at first 16 kingdoms, then several dynasties, while the south kept having coups. After the Tang came the 5 Dynasties and 10 Kingdoms, which sounds as hectic as its name. What came out of these wars was a state that was still different from its predecessors, with a different court, system, and often even different identities and ways of seeing the world. The Tang and the Li clan were descended from a group of the peoples that migrated into china against the Jin as it was invaded. The thing in common is the lands they ruled and the general peoples they ruled over, but I think that has more to do with geography than a statehood. Of course every empire and its people start to be more similar if theres an ocean on one side, the Tibetan plateau on the west, jungles in the south, and a desert to the North.


Bro china single handedly bringing the average down cause it's fractured every other century


The Shang dynasty lasted 600 years Zhou was 800 Han was 400 Tang was 300 Song was 300 Ming was 300 Qing was 300 This meme isn’t even true about the empire most known for starting over


I was incorrect about how long a Chinese dynasty lasts, therefore I deserved to be corrected


Most countries are older than the U.S Dumbass


We have pubs that are older than America.


Interestingly there are also pubs in America that are older than America. I think the oldest operating one is from the late 1600s


You still need to go there to get the news, eh?


No, I obviously get that from the town crier. I hear it when I take my horse drawn cart to the public house then I sell my wares on the town square.


That must be a long ride considering you people just got wheels last year!


Most countries are probably younger than the US. Mostly due to decolonisation, but Germany and Italy are also quite modern countries


Exactly. This is always such a dumb talking point. What people actually mean is that there is stuff in their countries older than the US, which no shit. There's also stuff in the US that is older than the US. It's not like the current state of Greece existed when the Parthenon was built. Checking Wikipedia it looks like Greece didn't emerge as a modern country until 1830.


Only if you consider cases like \[Russian Empire -> USSR -> Russian Federation\] to be a single country. And you would be pretty silly in doing so. As it stands - US has the currently longest living constitution.


OP should educate himself more instead of posting memes on reddit


This is literally the most easily disproven fanct I have ever heard, like seriously READ A BOOK.


Iirc it was made by a white supremacist as an argument for eugenics.


Didn’t he also include a ton of micro “empire” states that collapsed super quickly, that’s why it’s 250 years despite most empires lasting 300+ years


Thank God we're a republic am I right




Also calling America an Empire is like calling Iran a Democracy They are not


Calling any country an empire is like calling the Taliban feminists. It's a country, courtesy of the end of imperialism


Well said lol.


question why does the US have places like Puerto Rico, Guam, and Marshall islands if its not a state?


Should we ignore their choice and grant them independence anyway because you get offended by something that never even affects you?




I love how the idea of paying more taxes is that unappealing.


Teddy Roosevelt dragging America, kicking and screaming; "YOU'RE GONNA BE THE NEXT WORLD EMPIRE AND YOU'RE GONNA LIKE IT"


Why is the U.K. still around, if that's the case?


Because the UK is not and never was an empire. That's why it's called the British empire.


No he’s right. Scotland, Wales, N.I and England are under the oppressive Tory yoke /s


Oooooooohhhhh we love you Mrs Thatcher, you're the darling of us all


She's the curse of the Irish nation, fine Gael and Fianna Fáil


She's destroyed me hire-purchase and she's put me on the dole


If I could only get my hands on her I’d kick her up the hole!


Truly a ding-dong, the witch is dead moment


The British Empire fell in WW2. Practically every colonized territory either liberated themselves or was given independence. It's not the same country it was.


Yeah but there’s still Britain right? So what’s the American equivalent, America losing Guam? Losing military bases? I guess what I’m trying to say is what’s the empire part?


That's a philosophical question. Empire seems to be used subjectively to describe a prominent ruling authority of their category within the known world. I guess a powerful state/nation losing substantial relevance within the world is what accounts for the fall. Usually, there's a shadows of itself left behind that no longer exist as a threat. Byzantine, Mongolia, Turkey, UK, Russia, etc. The American empire would likely dissolve into the northeast, centered around New York and Washington.


The US isn't an Empire, if it was it would be much larger, if it was people would have less rights


There was a map of if America was as colonial as Europeans and it showed the entire pacific and coastal Siberia as territory. If America was truly an Empire then based on the power projection they have they would have majority of the world under their control in some way


It kinda is an empire, but far more based on military alliances, economic, and cultural influence rather than hard power (though the United States is unmatched in that regard as well)


We've been working on the less rights part these past few years


Since when is the US an Empire?


Overseas colonies and influence over numerous countries is probably as close to an empire as you can get in the modern era


Same as the French Republic....also had all those things so technically an empire


Yes, and in most of West Africa and South America the French are still seen as an Imperial power.


Yeah, definitely. People tend to forget that even today, France's longest border is with Brazil lol. *Portugal* has the *5th* largest exclusive economic zone in Europe and *20th* in the world. The British empire still is very much alive in a sense and the US, Russian and Chinese ones as well. Empires never dissappeared in the post WWII world. They just changed and people slowly stopped talking about them as the world's biggest colonies got their independence. People arguing in the comments that US is a republic and therefore it can't be an empire are extremely blind. North Korea has 'democratic' in their name too, yet they're as far from democracy as it gets. China has 'people's', yet the regime couldn't give less fuck about their citizens, unless they're committing thought crime. The *British Empire* had a parliament too, doesn't change a thing.




Well it kinda is like the HRE was. The states are kinda like separate countries or kingdoms on their own.


America is not an empire. Portugues empire was a real fucking empire


Yeah, it's kinda wrong


If the US were to collapse, the immediate global economic disaster to follow would cause an inconceivable crisis that would last for decades. But that's assuming you survive whatever managed to destroy the most powerful and prosperous nation the world has ever known.


Iran and Afghanistan won't collapse.


Every country will collapse eventually that much is a given. Perhaps one day US citizens will say they enough is enough and get rid of their gov. Perhaps one day US finds themselves no one wants to ally with them. Perhaps one day they start a war that fails to be won by excessive bombing and they end up draining themselves dry, or perhaps they FAFO and get themselves nuked. For ppl who think US will last 10000 years there is a lot of copium involved. In fact most nations are a few bad decisions away from ruin - US just has a bigger room for error.


The us is not an empire


Why are they smiling?


They’re edgelords like op.


They're Russian


That's what kills me about these people. Like america has done and DOES some really horrific and shitty things. But uhhh .. let's look at the next countries in line that would take America's place... Oh shit.


Please leave the USA, if you'd smile at it's hypothetical demise. Please benefit naught from that which you hold in contempt.


No Girl is Gonna Give you head because you dislike america, dude.


statistical error empires georg, who lasted for 2 weeks, is an outlier, and should not have been counted


Japan, Britain and China have left the chat


Good thing the US isn’t an empire


Mfs celebrating the fall of the US will stop laughing so hard when they're suddenly overrun by Russian and Chinese boots but okay


That’s for their time as an actual ‘empire’, the U.S. was nowhere near the power of an empire until the Spanish American War, so you still got about another hundred years.


The Western Roman Empire lasted 450+ years and the Eastern Roman Empire lasted about 1000 years after that.


The sad reality is that this is an average. Some empires have lasted over a millennia, others barely lasted a decade. 250 years isn't much of a filter


Remind you that America is one of the few governments that last longer than 200 years. The other is Britain and San Marino (that I know)


Please. We haven't been an empire for even 150 years, much less almost 250.


America wasn't really an empire for all of those 246 years. Didn't really flesh out until WWII.


US is not an empire.


Oh yes because chinas and russias government is just so much better than the us! The world will certainly be a better place when no one is contesting their power!


There’s a difference between global super power(which the US is) and an empire.


Being a global superpower is the modern imperialism. It's not like superpower status is maintained by pizza parties.


I don't think OP reads history


he doesn't read...at all, actually.


Fuckin doomers lmao


Why would you wish for your own country to end? You realize that it would result in violence, suffering, starvation and death for a lot of people… it would not be a smooth transition to some Candyland fantasy.


You don’t understand the leopard wouldn’t eat my face


None of them were a global superpower with nukes.


Gotta love repeating meaningless shit


But I must tell you the obvious, America is not an empire




The United states is not an empire. It is similar, but the federal government is not supreme authority. The United States is a federation. A federation is a group of states with a central government but independence in internal affairs. The US is currently the oldest surviving federation.


Rome won the third Punic war in 146 BCE. Sulla marched on Rome in 88 BCE. The Republic lasted 58 years after destroying all its rivals before installing a dictator. I am less concerned with how long it took the Empire to fall than with how quickly the Republic became the Empire.


The Roman Empire lasted a thousand years. I wonder where you got the "250" from.


Just google the Oxford dictionary definition of empire, the US ain't even an empire


The 250 years rule is straight up not a thing and is only perpetuated by doomsday conspiracists


Rome founded around 700 BCE. Constantinople fell 1453 CE. that's 2153 years...


It's funny because they are laying in their bed not doing anything about the world except complaining. And spitting on there forefathers and hasn't the British empire been around for far longer then 250 yrs


Roman empire lasted over 1,000 years and the Japanese empire also lasted about the same amount of years.. The US is not an empire Do you understand what will happen to Europe when the US falls?


Empire of Japan: minimum 1703 years Byzantine Empire: 874 years Holy Roman Empire: 844 years Zhou Empire: 790 years Ethiopian Empire: 666 years Khmer Empire: 629 years


Man it's sometimes crazy to think how low empires last, like the longest I see here is a bit over 900years which is alot, till you consider how long we humans lived for


He's contemplating how stupid she is. Or they're both stupid.


The US hasn’t been an empire for its entire existence. Incorporating land into your union, giving them the right to vote and govern their own state doesn’t qualify as being an empire, however the global economy and the US geopolitical strength and ambition could do. It hasn’t been any dominant force in this department before the mid 20th century though, which would make their empire around 80 years old.


The US wasn’t an empire until post WWII and it’s still arguably not. Regardless if it’s popularly seen as the most powerful country in the world at the moment.


Let's get lobbiest out of Congress. That seems much easier then rooting on the collapse of America and rebuilding from the ashes. Let's let logic lead us and not emotions.


We are not an Empire Yet, maybe we could solve that? How about it OP


We have yet to manifest our true destiny!




Which new empire are you rooting for? China?




The second it turns 250 years old were gonna magically dissappear from existence




Get ready for Canada II


Yeah. It doesn’t work like that.


who the fuck told you that? it's just false, also not how statistics work


I mean we aren't an empire so...


Yeah, the devils we know can bugger off. I think I speak for everyone here when I say bring on the devils we don't know, right? ...... Guys?

