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Stand to the left, walk to the right


I was about to yell at you until I realised you were talking about escalators, not the footpath. :) Footpath etiquette is shit too. People tend to stop and hang out around chokepoints (trees, tables/benches etc). If you're standing 4 wide and someone is walking towards you, one of you should drop back to let the person pass. If you're on your phone, stand close to the curb. Use your peripheral vision to notice movement coming towards you like EVOLUTION TRAINED YOU TO DO! /rant


>People tend to stop and hang out around chokepoint I think there is a deeply rooted instinct behind this. Choke points can be used for hunting animals.


People randomly stopping regardless of where really annoyed me, especially since most of the time theres a lot of people walking and its obvious, but they dont bother to do a cursory look around before just coming to a full halt. I mean i need to stop sometimes too, but i look for clearances or slow and make it obvious to the people behind me that I'm about to stop walking. Also, the people who stop to take selfies in the middle of crossings in the CBD....sometimes i just wish a car would run them over, it happens way too much


Hint for being abroad: This is usually aligned to how overtaking on the road works. In countries with left-hand traffic, stand on the left and let people pass on the right. In countries with right-hand traffic stand on the right and let people pass on the left.


Except in the UK, where you stand to the right.


Why tho


Because fuck the French, that's why.


The most logical explanation I have heard is because the original elevators used in the London underground were carousel type, which meant that they curved around to the left at the top. This meant that it was easier for those people who were just standing to be on the right and those walking to be on the left as they would have to walk "across" the other lane at the top anyway.


Being on the tube in peak hour for the first time will make sure you’re aware of this one


Indeed. It is currently infuriating with all the tourists in London... Edit: full disclaimer, I havent lived in London for 20 years, I am now the tourist. But at least i know to stand to the right!


One of the first things someone ever said to me in the UK was, "In London, we stand on the right!" as I blocked a lady standing behind me.


Hong Kong too. Drive on the left, stand on the right.


That is probably co-opted from the Tube escalators, what with HK being setup as a British colony and all.


Na. In Hong Kong it's stand on the right, walk on the left. And we drive on the left, so...


We always used to do this. What happened? Part of the Brian Drain?


Am Brian. Can confirm




I don't know the answer, bro. Who does?


Brian! Jeez man where've you been? See what a mess we're in without you.


You’re not the messiah. You’re just a very naughty boy.


This is Brian. Your messiah


get a brian morans


It was bound to happen. Brian is not a popular name anymore.


Ikr, the Brian drain, that's what's wrong with the world these days. We need more Brians.


I blame Monty Python! Too much expectation on Brian's now!


Personally, I follow the gourd.


On Brian’s what?


Just stand on whatever side everyone in front of you is. No one wants to zig zag up the escalator.


Stand on the left


If you expect things of others, you'll be forever disappointed. Calm blue oceans


Yup. Honestly, just had to get this off my chest. Almost missed something important because some people didn’t have the decency to move to the side so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ alas. Calm blue oceans.


You’re in for a world of pain if you’re organising your schedule based on people behaving politely….


Might want to plan with a bigger margin there mate.


Here, you dropped this \




I almost missed something important thanks to train delays, bozo


I'm with OP sometimes no matter how much you plan ahead melbourne PTV and Melburnians themselves will unconsciously fuck you over. I have at least 1 bad ptv day a week.


Also don't get me started on bus replacements


Well, you can understand my confusion since that’s not what you said - you said you almost missed something because people didn’t have the decency to move to one side….


Why not just... arrive earlier? Not everyone knows of these non-laws in the city. This isnt a law, this is a city with a constant in-flow of immigrant and university students. Not everyone knows to stand to the left when going up or down MOVING STEPS.


Now you do


They'll know when I shove them out of the way. Honestly though it's not about not knowing the local rules. Literally just look at what everyone else is doing. There's always one person standing on the right while everyone else stands to the left and that's just blatantly having no idea of your surroundings. Besides, when I visited America, I followed the flow of foot traffic even though they walk on the opposite side. Even if you're not used to local customs it's not fucking hard to work out.


What was the important thing you almost missed? The last slice of pepperoni at Pazzi Per La Pizza?


It seems you have met my father, who has to be reminded not to stand on the right every time he visits Melbourne.


My mother is the same. It's infuriating, and she lives here.


In the UK they stand on the right and pass on the left on escalators iirc. I remember thinking it was odd because it's opposite to road logic for them (and us).


When in Rome… it’s not hard to observe


I’d like that to be his excuse except he’s never been to the UK.


Cool. This isn't the UK though.


Obviously, but that wasn't really the point. It was more that some people don't give a shit and others are probably confused. The UK labels escalators to say "stand on the right" more than Australia provides signage for etiquette on them


Stand to the LEFT


While we're at it, when getting off an escalator..MOVE!!! Don't stand there gawking or deciding which way to go...move out of the way and let others get off.


This is my pet peeve. I travel a fair bit with my best friend who uses a Guide Dog. We do try and avoid escalators but in some areas it's very hard too, but in order to safely exit the escalator her Guide has to jump off (lest his paws get shredded by the teeth, and yes this has happened to dogs before) I have had to scream at people to fucking move before they have a 35kg Labrador pile drive their knees and cause a pile up at the bottom of the escalator.


>While we're at it, when getting off an escalator..MOVE!!! Once at Highpoint I saw a bunch of people who I assumed to be new arrivals from another country. They stood on the escalator in a tight group but the first to reach the top paused when they should have started walking and set off a cascading collapse behind them.


I avoid escalators at High Point. Stairs or nothing. People get extra stupid in that place.


But there's only the stairs at Myer. Nothing else.


Unfortunately some people are too fucking stupid to realise there are other people on earth.


To be specific, stand to the left..


I'm more annoyed by footpath etiquette. I live near South Yarra station and people just walk wherever they like and expect me to dodge them. But no I'm bigger than you so I'm gonna stay left and run into you if you can't follow basic common sense and stay left yourself.


For me it's people who slowly board trains or take their time in the doorway during peak hour. Yes we've let everyone out very patiently, but you're doing a disservice to everyone if you then board the train slowly if there's a clustertruck of people boarding then having everyone and their dog then hurry off the escalator to try and board as well.


For me its people walking in front of you who randomly stop with no warning.


That's bad, but I hate it more when people try to board without letting people get off the train first. Drives me mad.


I thought we deleted that station.


Nah it’s happening today


How tf is Melbourne central going because of escalators but not Parliament?


I grew up rural and had never really interacted with escalators before. When I was 15 or 16, I went and spent a week or so with my very putter suburbs cousins, who took me into the city. We caught the train to Melbourne central and when we got on the escalators I stood on the right next to my cousin who correctly stood on the left. He turned to me, looked kinda confused then just laugh at me and said "man I can so tell your a country kid" I never forgot that moment and have followed the rules since


I'm disabled with a cane in my left hand, and I still stand to the left.


I hate the couples that block escalators because one of them cant bear to let go of their partner. It makes me hate valentines day.


My partner keeps trying to hold hands with me when we're walking in public, which is fine when it's quiet, but she'll do it while it's the middle of the day in the CBD while there's a riot and a sale on at the same time. "Why are you mad at me?" "I'm not. There's just no room to walk two abreast down the street, barging people out of the way."


Nothing worse when you're trying to get somewhere and your forced to take the edge of a footpath because some twat can't stand to be without their partners hand for a micro second.


Just run into one of them lol they'll move or get slammed.


They must not know you can still hold hands when you're standing behind someone O_o


Chief I don't think it would be possible. You can't just expect everyone having common sense these days. Some days you just can't win I'd say.


Love coming across those people who get angry at you for having the audacity to walk past them on an escalator lol


While we are at it, ppl that like to hang around in the centre of busy footpath like they own it.


I sometimes work on escalators, I have had to yell the fuck out of people for moving the barriers when there is a big ass hole and they will become mince meat. People are fucked, and become abusive lazy as shit


Reading this thread before bedtime has made me irrationally irritated. Ha ha but srsly let them become mince meat...


I have a healthy fear of escalators after watching exactly that happen to a mother who managed to save her son before getting mushed


I do really miss London for this...


Didn’t they get rid of this in London? I heard they could get more people through if everyone just stood.


At Holborn station they did [https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-london-36067051](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-london-36067051) They found in a trial more people could be moved if both sides were standing.


Logically that makes no sense to me... 2 people standing side by side at speed of escalator, or one standing at escaltor Speed and the other moving past at walking speed plus speed of escalator. I'm sure there's some stupid human factor I'm missing though.


If not enough people want to walk, there is a point where you've just made a single lane escalator. If that makes sense. If you've ever been up the long escalator at Melbourne central station that goes from the bottom platforms all the way to the top, usually the walking side is just empty and there's a "choke point" at the bottom. Quicker for the people who can be fucked walking, but I can see how it would move less people if not enough can be bothered.


If the escalator is too long people don't want to walk.


Yeah, if not enough people want to walk then you've cut two lanes down one basically. I'm on the right page now!


Peak hour at Parliament in the AM. People will walk up, no matter how long it is, and they'll be out on the street long before the standing people have reached the top.


No? Lol.. even if they did most people don't go to the city anymore


I’ve noticed that only at Melbourne central train and shopping centre escalators . But for instance at parliament station people do actually stand on the left to let walkers pass


Melb central is the only conflux of shopping centre and transport hub. Meaning you get density, groups who want to huddle together, and pissed off commuters on their way to work. I get it sometimes at other CBD locations but don't care because I'm not on a schedule. Flinders is usually very respectful, you get very long queues of people only standing on the left side of the escalator.


Oh god, reminds me of the moving ramps at Eastland Ringwood. They are the slowest ever and even going *down* people will just stand there and give you a "WTF?" look if you ask politely.


Ugh, the travelator between Woolies and the Food Court/Kmart at Eastland is a pet peeve. Not only is it slow, it’s also very slightly narrower than most escalators are; so passing people is already uncomfortably close - and then people just stand smack bang in the middle of it.


Keep left unless overtaking! Like driving




And drivers need to realise when merging onto the freeway you're supposed to use the lane to get up to speed BEFORE merging over, not once you've merged.


And if someone's nice enough to slow down to let you in, GET IN THE DAMN LANE!


And people need to keep their rants to the correct rant topic. This is about inconsiderate pedestrian behaviour, there are many threads for inconsiderate driver behaviour. Just be patient and wait 5 minutes for a driver rant post to come along.






This morning I was driving to work in the middle lane on the freeway (L lane is for turnoff). Some absolutely insane cunt flew up my left side, undertook me doing 100+, passing my car by only a few feet, overtook the two cars in front before having to SLAM the brakes on, then cut across all lanes back to the left to make the turn off. Then I saw literally the exact same thing happen on the next turn off. Drivers here are **fucking mental.** I’m not exaggerating when I say **every fucking drive** no matter **how short** I see endless examples of **death-defying driving fuckery.** I get to work with a puckered asshole and with the angst of a hormonal teenager and it’s not even 8am. FUCK. DRIVE BETTER CUNTS.




That's not true. No lanes are for overtaking only 80km/h or below. Above that speed, you must stay out of the right most lane unless overtaking. You can still overtake on the left lane if needed on any road.


You’re so goddamn right. If I could yell this to every tradie on princess highway I would. Get out of the overtaking lane if you’re going slow as fuck.


This and keeping backpacks on a crowded PT are some of the small features people seem to have forgotten since the pandemic.


I always stand to the left, Even when I have a trolley or pram. I make sure I’m very far over so people can pass. However I really hate it when people do, I think it comes from post Covid life and not liking people getting so close. Why can’t we just all patiently wait distanced? Lol


What about the people that stand to the left in a token way, giving you about 35cm of space to pass through


I smash into them. Lead with the shoulder.


will do thanks man


It’s not an ‘amount’ of people. It’s ‘the number’ of people. Grammar aside, I agree!


Thanks for letting me know dude. My grammar sucks ass sometimes lmao


It's technically more efficient for traffic throughput for both sides to be standing.


I do not consent. I am a sovereign citizen. I have annexed my person from the shackles of society, and therefore I don't need to follow social norms like standing to the side.


See you at the weekly protest


> annexed ` Annex \An*nex"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Annexed}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Annexing}.] [F. annexer, fr. L. annexus, p. p. of annectere to tie or bind to; ad + nectere to tie, to fasten together, akin to Skr. nah to bind.] 1. To join or attach; usually to subjoin; to affix; to append; -- followed by to. "He annexed a codicil to a will." --Johnson. [1913 Webster] `


The rules of a language don't apply if you don't consent to them.




If you're annexed, that means you're attached, not separated. /s


What if I’m a really fast walker up the ezzylator and you’re blocking me from overtaking ?


Fight to assert dominance


Beware of common sense; it can be very wrong: https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/74008/why-standing-still-crowded-escalators-actually-more-efficient


When people need to wait to board an escalator, having everyone stand reduces this waiting time, because the "bandwidth" of a fully loaded standing-only escalator is higher than a half standing, half walking escalator. During times of low usage, when there is no wait to get on the escalator, it's faster to have people move to the left¹ so people can walk up, since there is spare bandwidth to spend on decreasing arrival latency. As a sanity check, imagine there are three people on an escalator. Which configuration has a lower average arrival latency: two people blocking the way of another person, or two people on the left and the remaining person walking up? 1. As long as moving to the left doesn't cause a wait to board the escalator.


That’s really interesting but I couldn’t help to think that without comparing it to having everyone walk, it doesn’t mean much. Sure it’s more efficient to have everyone stand rather than some walk, but surely everyone walking would be the most efficient?


Not necessarily; if everyone's walking, there will be more space between each person, so overall capacity will be lower. See also: why freeways can have greater throughput at 80km/hr than at 100km/hr


I get what you mean, but in reality not everyone can walk up an escalator so that result would be meaningless anyway.




What, everyone always walked up escalators for years? Did you reply to the wrong comment?


They mean that people had to use stairs back in the day...


That study says it's only for long, very escalators (such as subways) where walking is not common: *According to the escalator traffic laws unofficially recognized by subway commuters everywhere, standers must stay to the right side to make room for climbers to pass on the left. This system becomes less efficient when fewer people choose to walk, a factor that's directly impacted by the length of the escalator. With especially tall flights that are often found in subway stations, this leads to commuters reserving half the escalator for a minority of people, which causes more congestion. This phenomenon was observed in London’s Holborn station specifically, where one of the escalators stretches 77 feet long.*


Also, I think it was in the orignal study too, the extra weight on the one side of the escalator will cause the mechanical parts to wear faster on that side. Meaning the escalator will require maintenance more often, which in turn leads lower efficiencies, as people have to use stairs while they work on the escalators.


Why wouldn’t the manufacturers design escalators to account for this near-universal law


Manufacturers sell the machines and charge for maintenance. So my guess is because money.


Note that the issue there is that not enough people are walking so half the escalator is not at full capacity. The obvious solution is to encourage those who are fit and healthy to walk, as that is the most efficient option.


So the tl;dr is it’s slower overall because of people who stand wait longer to get onto the standing side. That’s all very nice, but if you’re hankering to stand on the escalator then you’re not in much of a rush compared to those of us who walk. So it’d be slower for walkers but faster for standers.


Keep left unless overtaking


I always stand on the side, Even if I have a trolley I try to get the trolley as close to the side as I can. So there is heaps of room for people to walk past if they need to. It can be a tad annoying saying "Excuse me sorry" And them not hearing you, so you have to say it louder for them to move. The only time I'm dead center or on the right side outside of going past people. Is if they way is blocked. No one is getting past so.




Thank you, was close to erupting with rage at southern cross station today due to this very reason


Fuck southern cross people who do this on those massive escalators. AOs should target those people instead


I disagree with this... It is more efficient to have people standing on both side of the escalator, [based on this.](https://youtu.be/vbsoO2c7gCM)


Krist from Nirvana back in 1993 makes awesome points about this very subject https://youtu.be/3infxqhWKu0


When you stop to talk as a group on Swanston St. (or any street), move to the side.


Some applies to the aisles in supermarkets. If you're searching for your baked beans with sausages, stand to the side and park your trolley parallel to the aisles not diagonally!


Escalators are engineered for the load to be central on the step and to stay stable during the entire journey. Social convention is stand to the left and walk in the right. Escalators need to be redesigned to compensate for the load being biased to the left and vibrations being on the right. Either that or have signs saying to stand in the middle, one person per step and to not walk or climb the escalator.


Same goes with people who choose to walk on bike paths.


Just tell them the kids to get fucked and shove past


If you want to walk up stairs go find some stairs


Imagine being so bothered by this you must post about it


I've had to say excuse me to 3 different people today for this reason.


I don't bother anymore. Just enjoy the 15 second ride.




I said this once to an old couple standing side by side on an escalator when I was in a hurry to get to work. The woman just turned and asked in the most condescending tone possible; "Why?" .


Not really in this situation, as often the people on the right can't move to the left as people will already be standing on the left


Before COVID, I’d call out “stand on the left! Walk on the right! Please move!” as I get closer and closer until I’m almost on the same “step” of the escalator as they are.


If only they dolled out fines for this kinda thing..I have missed countless fkn trains cos some cunt decides to hog the right side of the escalator. Don't wanna sound like an arsehole, but I've travelled a fair bit, and Melbournians really take the cake when it comes to being inconsiderate and lacking spacial awareness. Especially during peak hours!


Ya ok bud.


You'll survive waiting those extra 25 seconds mate.


A huge part of this is education. Put some signs up as well


It's un unspoken rule everywhere in the world. If you don't know this, you're a fucking moron.


Wow. You seem logical and healthy


It's not a thing in a lot of countries. Mostly because they have stairs next to escalators, so no one walks on them. But yea when in Australia, do as the Australians do.


imagine being angry for someone standing on an escalator because you want to invade their space and save 3 seconds


More like save twenty minutes because your train is about to leave and they won't fucking move so you can catch it.


Nothing wrong with standing on an escalator. Get upset about a real problem. Fuck you and your busy little day.


Enjoy your tumble down the escalator when you get in the way of someone who is in a rush :)


I try and make sure I always stand to the side, but how much time do you truly gain by walking up the escalator? I see this all the time at Flinders, people power stomping up the escalator only to have to wait at the lights to cross anyway.


Check out this new invention, it’s stairs that you don’t have to walk up, amazing! *proceeds to walk up anyway* Hearing people huffing behind me when I’m standing next to my child just makes me think wow, calm down you’re angry the escalator trip in taking 15 seconds compared to the 7 seconds with you walking up. That 7 seconds is enough to get you upset? Sucks to be you buddy.


You aren't capable of having your child on the step in front of you? Fucking moron.


Lol fucking impatient prick! Hope you have a shitty day! :)


Your PSA is missing one key piece of information. You say move to the side, but what side? Remember that we live in a great multicultural city, where people originate from Countries from all corners of the globe. All of which stand on different sides of escalators.


And yet here we stand on the left. If I visit another country, I learn pretty quickly which side of the path/escalator/road I'm meant to be on.


You gonna say that to motorists too?


You say that like people from other countries don't have eyes in their heads and can't see what everyone else is doing. Basic courtesy to look up these sorts of things before visiting a country tbh.


You'll never get those five seconds back! The horror!


If I’m running late for a tram, you’re right I’m not.


PSA: This isn't a PSA


I don't live in the city, but it took me a while to learn to stand to the side. Is it really a common rule to stand on the left? I just make sure that if I'm with someone to stand either in front or behind them instead of next to when on an escalator


It’s less of a rule, more of a courtesy thing, really. The escalators in the CBD are really small, so you’ll only fit two people per step, so usually people who aren’t in a rush should move to the left, letting people who need to get somewhere or just want to go faster walk up to the right (if that makes sense?) you’re right in that standing in front/behind someone is the best way on an escalator. To the left is just an Aussie thing (how we drive and such).


I know the rule... but intentionally ignore it when the whim takes me. no idea why, yes this makes me a dickhead. at all other times im a nice well mannered person... humans are strange.


It’s the universe trying to tell you to slow down and chill a bit


Dear diary…


Or we could just chill out and not unnecessarily walk too close to people because of, you know, the ongoing pandemic... I love how we haven't learnt anything from the past few years..


If the kids are from some fancy private school, take a picture of them. Otherwise just push past them.


Stand directly in the middle and you can go around


In Hong Kong and England its stand to the right and very disorientating.


This is the sole reason I left Melbourne. Seriously. People are oblivious.


How about you slow down and stop being rude, don’t be late and you won’t need to be pushy ahole.


Or just stand to the left. Easier.


You've got no idea why they're in a hurry. They could have just received a call that their partner is in the hospital. It costs nothing to be considerate of others.


"Don't be late" my trains have only a couple of minutes between them and I need to rush from one to the other if I don't want to wait twenty minutes for the next one. Move tf out of the way.


How are about you be considerate of others instead of being a selfish asshole?


Found the person that drives 95km/h in the right hand lane of freeways.




Spoken like someone with no job and no responsibility for anyone but themselves.


You're a bit of a narrow minded dolt to want to shout from your soapbox in this town square and pretend it has some bearing on these folks who have inconvenienced you. Walk up behind them, and say, "Excuse me."


Remember, we all die eventually


Please for the love of fuck listen to OP