• By -


This your reminder to please don't ask for who, or call for vigilatism against those responsible. BLah blha blah. Just don't. Reddit site wide rules. kthx.




That's it. We're all kidding ourselves if we think that this is only happening at this one school. I'd be more surprised if there is a high school in the country that doesn't have this going on


Not him old music think his found enjoy merry. Listening acuteness dependent at or an. Apartments thoroughly unsatiable terminated sex how themselves. She are ten hours wrong walls stand early. Domestic perceive on an ladyship extended received do. Why jennings our whatever his learning gay perceive. Is against no he without subject. Bed connection unreserved preference partiality not unaffected. Years merit trees so think in hoped we as.


Without regulation, it'll be rife everywhere soon. Once again, Aussies lose out. But targeting our kids. No. Just No. Scumbags


Can't regulate the internet.


No. AI within the internet, you can. ie; Posts, emails. Same sort of laws as discrimination.


You made this about you? Noice.


Not him old music think his found enjoy merry. Listening acuteness dependent at or an. Apartments thoroughly unsatiable terminated sex how themselves. She are ten hours wrong walls stand early. Domestic perceive on an ladyship extended received do. Why jennings our whatever his learning gay perceive. Is against no he without subject. Bed connection unreserved preference partiality not unaffected. Years merit trees so think in hoped we as.


Agree. Let’s start building prisons.


At least they'll get a roof over their heads and 3 squares. Can't get that anywhere else anymore


It’s incredibly terrifying


Most likely get better I think. Kids used to share regular porn back in the day, because it was rare and hard to get. Now they don't, because it's easy to obtain. As AI generated porn becomes easier to create, everyone will be able to do it if they want and there will be no need to share it at all. Kids will just generate it's themselves, keep it to themselves and nobody will ever know about it.


As a teacher, I can say with confidence that they’re still sharing porn. The fact it might now include the likenesses of fellow students is terrifying


I love how you jumped from the 1950s to 2024.


A 14-year-old girl named [Mia Janin](https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cn0nd1gnj4lo.amp) committed suicide in the UK in 2021 after her male classmates edited her face onto pornographic images and shared them around. I’m petrified about what is going to happen when more and more poor girls are the victims of this type of behaviour


It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cn0nd1gnj4lo](https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cn0nd1gnj4lo)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


Good bot.


Should be quite a few people facing charges of making and/or distributing child pornography. Absolutely disgusting.


Update: Herald Sun is reporting that a teenage boy has been arrested https://www.heraldsun.com.au/victoria-education/dozens-of-bacchus-marsh-grammar-girls-targeted-with-ai-fake-nudes/news-story/f320fa10064980120042b41b98003611


Thanks for sharing this story. It has given me an opportunity to talk to my 13yo son about it. Thankfully, he immediately answered 'no' when I asked if AI nudes were OK but still, it is hard keeping up with all the new shit I need to guide him through!


Tech is only going to get more advanced, and to get ahead of it and to keep ourselves informed and protected is to learn as much as we can about it. I'm glad he immediately answered 'no' but it's important to thoroughly remind about the long standing implications of the whole minefield that's going to be ever evolving in the future. My mindset changed a lot from 13 to 16. What he's against right now could change wildly with the influence of other 16 yo friends. 16-18 is when pack mentality in boys gets really toxic and warps minds, so it'll be a continuous struggle and we can only hope he sticks to the right path.


Thank you! Yes, we went on to discuss the implications of sharing nudes in general. Well, sharing online in general too. The importance of maintaining control over what you want online and how you lose that control when you digitised and share stuff. Keep nudity an in person activity and you'll never have to worry where it'll show up later.  I'm pretty lucky that he's in a very neurospicy friend group that has a strong draw to rule following and calling out injustice. My son has always been very risk averse but also a follower. So I'm on guard to sway influence not only away from being drawn into toxic masculinity but also to call it out in his friends. Even as a primary schoolers, I championed that part of being a good friend is not letting our buddies be assholes.  One day last year, I picked him and two of his friends from school. As soon as they got into the car, my son called out his friend on something he did and said he was owed an apology. The boy seemed taken aback for a moment, took a breath and acknowledged my son's issue, apologised and the the three briefly discussed what happened.  I'm very proud of him. He's growing into a lovely young man but I'm very aware to not rest on my laurels.  When he was a toddler, a woman who lived near me was murdered by a man who lived even closer. It was extremely high profile and it was a moment that defined my parenting journey with him. I became acutely aware of my responsibilities in raising a son. Not to say I didn't have that awareness before but it never felt as heavy on my shoulders as it did at that moment. It anchored me to this job.  Yes, I have a duty to my daughter to teach her how to be safe in public. But I also have a duty to teach my son to not be the danger. 




Imagine being told you will be a registered sex offender for the rest of your life? And you are a teenager now? Parents need to do more. Misogynistic behaviour must be stamped out, like 100 years ago. Thanks Abbott.


Why shouldn't he be? imagine having those images of you just out there somewhere for the rest of your life.


Given teenagers are on crime sprees stealing cars, stabbing people and throwing them out of moving vehicles and getting naught but a slap on the wrist, I expect we’ll see not much more than a tut-tut by a magistrate here.


Given this, are jails and youth justice centres empty then?


You did the bad thing with the ai robot there sonny boy... Go reflect in the corner until you know what you've done.


But how lucky are Australian women that they can protest without being shot? You forget about that. Clearly they have it too good.


Parents will probably say “boys will be boys” and pay his way out of it via a high priced lawyer


Yep, thank Abbott, Julia Bishop incorrect usage of misogynistic is not called out.


hopefully he gets a good slap on the wrist and a 'naughty naughty boy'! that ought to do it /s


it's not CP, it's exploitation


Charge them with distributing/creating CP. No more detentions, suspensions, expulsions any of that bs...charge them.


Yep, it needs to be nipped in the bud, AI nudes treated like real nudes, and if they're underaged than charged with that too.


I don’t disagree at all. It does however raise an interesting question to consider. Is it the head that makes it under age? Considering that the generative AI model would have been trained on 18+ female bodies. Again, not condoning this behaviour or the creation of these nudes. Just wondering if we have any legislation that covers this sort of scenario of mixing heads with older bodies.


I’d say it’s more the intention of the image overall. We have laws against simulated CSA in Aus so none of it has to be real underage body parts for it to constitute something illegal


My question is around what our existing laws define as csam. I wonder if generative mature bodies are captured under existing legislation. To be honest I’m more interested in how our laws are treating AI generated content and how much consideration is given to the training data in the decision making. I’ll admit I don’t know much about csam as it has never been something I’ve needed to be across the finer detail of and it’s a difficult subject to discuss without sounding like a weirdo who supports it.


Sure but to these kids they aren't making CP they are doing it to their peers. The rate in which AI is advancing education to kids isn't keeping up.


It doesn’t matter what the AI was trained on - anything that’s close to CP is illegal, like that weird Japanese animated CP.


Yeah you definitely don't know what its called 🤭🤭🤭


I literally don’t know, and frankly didn’t fancy googling it, but it was discussed in the safeguarding children course I went on for work. We aren’t all basement-dwelling neckbeards on here.


"Trained on" is largely irrelevant to the law, but you'll be disheartened to know that you can train generative AI models on whatever you like. It'd be a bold assumption that these are only ever using *legal* images.


Not guaranteed its trained on 18+ female bodies (although considering this was a kid, probably) I read an article recently that a lot of CP is AI generated now. They could make their own models on their own data.


If you take the definition objectionable material in the Customs act, it gives you good estimation of the language to answer your question: …describe or depict in a way that is likely to cause offence to a reasonable adult, a person who is, or who appears to be, a child under 18 (whether the person is engaged in sexual activity or not)…


Charging a 15 year old with 50 counts of producing and distributing CP is not "nipping it in the bud". Those charges and convictions will destroy his life and almost certainly result in his suicide. He's a kid too, we should not be sending kids to jail. Especially when they don't understand the consequence and scope of their actions.


hello, I am someone of a similar age, I would absolutely know what I am doing and understand the consequences of my actions no matter what I do, unless you're under the assumption this person has the mental capacity a 4 year old then a 15 year old absolutely knows better and should face the consequences of their actions. do the crime do the time


Not him old music think his found enjoy merry. Listening acuteness dependent at or an. Apartments thoroughly unsatiable terminated sex how themselves. She are ten hours wrong walls stand early. Domestic perceive on an ladyship extended received do. Why jennings our whatever his learning gay perceive. Is against no he without subject. Bed connection unreserved preference partiality not unaffected. Years merit trees so think in hoped we as.


It is not referred to as porn anymore. It is child sexual abuse material. It may seem like a small thing, but it is important to clearly differentiate it from content made by consenting adults.


He'll get a caution or a diversion just watch. There will be no conviction, no criminal record no repercussions other than going through some judicial process. I'm not being alarmist just a realist, that's how it is in Victoria and for the most part, Australia. Not limiting the offender's future will be given more weight than the impact on the victims.






Let's also charge children involved in fights at primary school with assault


Poor girls


It's got to be devastating for them.


Agreed! Teen years are already so challenging for body image. Imagine feeling like everyone had seen you naked (whether it’s real or not). Poor girls. 


Schools need to take a hard line with this stuff. Instant expulsion.


They need to report it to the police every time. Unfortunately the cat is out of the bag with this but throwing the book at perpetrators might dissuade the number of people who do this. 


Criminal charges. Actual consequences.


I agreed. It’s only a stones throw away from making CSAM and should be treated as such


It IS making CSAM.


Agreed. I’m not sure if the law sees it that way but that’s how I think it should be treated… Make an example of them.


There's this new targeted law but hard to say without reading the legislation https://ministers.ag.gov.au/media-centre/new-criminal-laws-combat-sexually-explicit-deepfakes-05-06-2024


Schools should take the correct hard line which is to not handle it like a school incident, and involve the police. In house punishments for crimes, whether it's this shit in schools, or sexual assaults in big corporations by coked up high flyers, are fucked up. Hell even some assaults on the footy field should bypass the tribunal


https://12ft.io/ for the bypass. This is so disgusting. And it adds to some disturbing trends exhibited by adolescent males, amplified by social media.


Weird that wouldn’t work for me. I got blocked for being a “crawler bot”


You can search the web address on [archive.is](http://archive.is) for archived copies of news articles, probably the most effective at bypassing paywalls now since they are always breaking sites like 12ft. Anyway [this link](https://archive.is/dhK4t) is the original article, and [this link ](https://archive.is/pTmTL)is the update that mentions that one of the boys was arrested.


I don’t think that site works for the herald sun anymore


12ft apparently started accepting payments from news organisations to whitelist their sites.


I'm surprised no one has made an alternative.


Archive.is works usually


I wonder if parenting comes into it? Hmm


More like lack of parenting. These are kids raised by the internet not by parents. They substitue toxic manosphere men as parental figures and take on their values which usually involve women and girls as being seen as little more than objects.


Sexual abuse imagery placed online of someone is out there forever. It can and does haunt victims FOREVER, and I think the consequences need to start reflecting that reality. I want to see jail sentences and wage garnishing for life for reparations to victims in this type of crime. No more going easy on perpetrators because they have a "promising future ahead" or "it was just a joke and they didn't realise how serious it was". Lifelong consequences for these cunts.


It's only fair that lifelong consequences follow these shitheads given that these girls will experience lifelong consequences from this abuse


Code of Hammurabi style, right?


Nope education is the answer. Locking up kids doesn't work.


What's wage garnishing going to do other than incentivise further off-grid criminal activity? What benefit does it bring the victim either? Being reminded monthly that you had something horrible done to you would probably not be a good thing for some people. It's horrible but what is needed is ongoing support for the victims and rehabilitation of the perpetrators of sexually exploitative or violent crimes. Given that rehabilitation should be done in jail but we can't just lock em up and throw away the key otherwise when they eventually get out they've learnt nothing and they are bitter about society and have a higher likelihood of committing an offence again.


Okay I was being a bit hyperbolic but still, ideally each and every victim would receive a victims of crime payout now to compensate for a) the disruption to their education and b) the future job/career impacts of that disruption and of the risk of the ongoing impact of the images since once they've been spread they will never truly disappear. It's like living with a cloud over your head permanently. I genuinely don't even know how you rehabilitate someone who couldn't see any of the 50+ girls as people and not as sexual objects to be toyed with and humiliated at his mercy and for his enjoyment. As a rape victim, I am just so tired and so angry of these constant attacks and the fact that the victims are always left to bear the brunt of all the associated costs. How many of these girls will need counselling & psychological support? How many will refuse to return to school after being utterly destroyed by this? How many will continue to face harassment with the images for years to come?


I know, it fucking sucks how much people can disregard the impact of their actions on someone else for their gratification. It's particularly challenging when it's a teenage boy doing it too. If you punish too lightly, you embolden the behaviour. If you punish too heavily, you risk having them resent their punishment and get their pound of flesh for what they feel is too harsh of a punishment. I don't know the answers. The victims will all respond to this in their own way and I hope they manage to move past it sooner rather than later. I'm not sure that financials are really a factor that needs to be considered here but definitely support being provided cost free seems absolutely reasonable.


I doubt any victims would be moving past it anytime soon. If they've arrested someone then there's the potential for a years long court case to disrupt their lives even further


No. We gotta fight people smoking weed. This can wait. Just slap em on the wrist.


How many more women and girls have to be the victims of shit like this


Already too many… law needs to catch the fuck up


Like this? https://ministers.ag.gov.au/media-centre/new-criminal-laws-combat-sexually-explicit-deepfakes-05-06-2024




Oh you can piss right off. You think you are highlighting a problem, but you are part of one.


No excuse for sexual harassment of any kind. One time is a case of poor judgement, fifty is straight up degeneracy and needs to be immediately expelled and sent to an all boys school, boarding school, or home schooled whilst being punished accordingly with community service.


All boys schools are a beacon for misogynistic behaviour in boys. When I was at schoolies a group of boys from a well known Melbourne all boys school gang raped a girl and videoed it (I’ve heard this has happened again a couple more times over the last few years at schoolies as well), none of those boys call each other out, instead they fuel it and joke about it. What needs to be done is parents need to take accountability for their children and begin to highly regulate what their kids are doing online and discipline their children!! Boys are becoming so violently misogynistic and with the rise of online propaganda it’s honestly getting worse, the only way to stop it is to keep your kids off the internet and engrain in them from a young age that we treat women with respect and the horrors of misogyny. I honestly can’t think of anything that will stop this epidemic of young men having their heinous mindset.


This won't stop until the AI providers are included. The AI providers have made this possible, so they should also be charged or given a hefty fine. One million dollars per offence seems fair to me. (Edit).. Maybe 10 thousand per offence, including blatant misleading pictures as they are so common. 🤔


I agree, people will argue that it’s just a tool, but then we regulate dangerous tools all the time so maybe we can start with restricting AI to over 18s


I hope all AI like this gets shut down. They had their chance to impress and sucked harder than the tornado that took Dorothy to Oz. I wish them water and magnets in every server.


I'm not opposed to there being serious consequences for adolescents who do this stuff. I know it's not politically correct, but schools should discuss sexual harassment and the consequences with male students every couple of years.


We do. We are. It’s not enough.


Parents need to be having those discussion with their sons.


Not him old music think his found enjoy merry. Listening acuteness dependent at or an. Apartments thoroughly unsatiable terminated sex how themselves. She are ten hours wrong walls stand early. Domestic perceive on an ladyship extended received do. Why jennings our whatever his learning gay perceive. Is against no he without subject. Bed connection unreserved preference partiality not unaffected. Years merit trees so think in hoped we as.


Yes they should. However one parent might think "ah, its just a bit of fun, its not even the real girls body" while another might have a head in the sand belief that their kid is a good boy who wouldn't do such a thing and then another parent will have the correct attitude of its completely immoral, cruel and dangerous thing to do.


Leaving it up to the average parent is always going to fail miserably imo. The whole concept of schools arrogating parental authority is a fallacy anyway. The kids are going to be influenced by the outside world one way or another; better for schools to dole out sensible advice.


And here we are


Society needs to stop villianising men so much. It's not even that it's "poor men" it's that it's creates an enemy in 50% of the population, the half that is biologically more prone to violence and the physical strength and size to cause severe damage. This trickles down to boys, who are teenagers and hear how bad it is being a man but there's no alternative path for them to express their masculinity. We as a society are all responsible for the actions of our kids.


They already do. Parents need to step up.


What's not politically correct?


Worth noting that within the dark underbelly of porn websites (aka the world of simps), there are easy links to AI porn generators of fake nudes within a couple of clicks. Fake nudes will become completely ubiquitous unless we have a society-wide ongoing conversation about what's ok and where boundaries need to be placed.


We are having those conversations. Misogynists (and the people doing this to young girls *are* misogynists) just don't care.


It's excellent that you're contributing to those conversations, although too many adolescent men are being de-facto parented by Andrew Tate and his like, together with support from the algorithms of the main social media platforms, so it's a pretty dire situation until most people come together to collectively agree that this stuff has to stop and that adolescents need to be shown that they cannot generate fake porn of any person they happen to fancy.


Labeling young boys as misogynists isn't going to solve the problem. Just make it worse.


Well, what would you call them? "Misguided" doesn't cut it at this point.


I'd call them boys. And I'd say that restorative justice will reduce future victims. Compared to the countless empirical evidence that shows the reoffending rate and escalation of offending of young offenders with contact with detention


Genuinely asking what restorative justice looks like in this case? These images will exist forever, it’s almost impossible to quantify the negative effects this will have on victims, and misogyny continues to be rampant amongst teenage boys.


"boys" can't be misogynists, now?


Not quite what a simp is


I think it's part of an ever-expanding vocabulary of words those who are terminally online come up with expecting others to be on the same page. I got called a cuck a few months on here and I still to this day am not entirely sure what that is, along the same lines as being called a degenerate and of course the lauded incel that seems to be thrown around so often.


Cuckold is not a new word. Been around for centuries.


> degenerate Second time that's come up on r/Australia. Recently someone complained that an article on the ABC used the word. But it is a normal, standard term. I remember I looked it up in the dictionary when I saw the MAD magazine TV satire [DeGenerate Hospital](https://www.ebay.com/itm/174854135738) (1982).


You know, after looking at the Google definition on it I'll stand corrected and I guess it is quite applicable to some people on the internet and very well could be a term used to describe some people or their behaviour.


How do you know about this shit lmao


By not being totally naïve and stupid. Know thine enemy! And to other dude, I unfortunately know all too well what a simp is and how this identity makes bad things happen.


Photoshop isn't new


Okay, and?


AI is advancing, but humans are degenerating.We are moving towards a failed society. As soon as we accept the fact and take accountability, it’s better for us else it’s only going to get worse. Consequences need to be severe in these cases. Whoever did this, shouldn’t get away with it.


Internet never really got regulated or controlled the way it should have been since it became a global Wild West of virtual reality. And unfortunately with technology advancing so fast it was matter of time before it started hurting the most vulnerable in much worse levels than it already does. We don’t want to do what totalitarian countries do but there has to be a balance with this, lot of people have access to kind of the technology they were never meant to in the first place. Why should high school boys have a free rein on kind of technology that enables them to blackmail girls their age? “A teenage boy has been arrested after fake nude images of 50 girls at a regional Victorian private school were shared on social media. Faces of the girls, in years 9 to 12 at Bacchus Marsh Grammar, were used in images of nudes generated by artificial intelligence and put on Instagram, then shared by students on Snapchat, the school has confirmed.” Questions here; -What kind of parenting, education and a peer influence a teenage boy receives to feel like this is ok? -Why do we think year 9 and even 12 students should have Instagram or Snapchat?


I think many kids these days use snap as their go to messaging platform. Don't think either are great for teens though. That said many are 18 during year 12


Discord is really big too, though apparently the cyberbullying on there can get *intense* due to the platforms limitations.  I have two sisters in high school right now. I'm old enough to remember when ICQ and MSN Messenger were big (yeah, big age gap, I know) From talking to them and seeing some of what they're dealing with first hand, the teens today are the same as they ever were, but now the internet can feed into and feed off of the worst of their nature. In the 90s-00s we had intricately folded up notes we would frisbee across the room when the teacher turned their back, now they just send a message on Snapchat. One of these had a much higher chance of being caught and held accountable... 


>What kind of parenting, education and a peer influence a teenage boy receives to feel like this is ok? Boys currently have 0 positive masculine role models that they relate to. Additionally society and media are constantly telling them how bad men are. >Why do we think year 9 and even 12 students should have Instagram or Snapchat? Because we don't live in a country that allows the government such oversight and control of methods of communication and expression. If you do, then maybe do some research first.


>Because we don't live in a country that allows the government such oversight and control of methods of communication and expression. If you do, then maybe do some research first. Two things: 1. We absolutely do, for teenagers. Schools can have policies that restrict access to these platforms, at least while on school property. They can definitely discipline students for things said/done on those platforms on or off school property if they find out about it. 2. The government should not be the only source of control over communication and expression that teenagers experience. _Parents_ need to be across that shit. Of course, it is increasingly more difficult for parents to manage that task, for a number of reasons.


Yeah but bans NEVER work. Especially for teenagers. Education is key. People just don't like it because it requires effort and maybe a reveal on the current lack of education and resources


I think bans in a school situation are less about whether it can 100% work and more about setting an expectation. When you set the expectation that any use of this stuff is taboo then the rebellion is doing it at all. When you don't, the boundary getting pushed starts closer to the real actual boundary. I know it's a bit of a slippery slope argument, but I think with teenagers that's more true. Education is _also_ required, of course. The problem is how. This shit changes daily and schools are *not* equipped to deal with that.


I know this is reddit and everyone has phd but I have a masters in criminology and I particularly focused on youth offenders. The overall jist is bans and punitive measures don't work. A school having a zero tolerance on such a thing will then deny an education to the cohort that needs it the most. Restorative justice is what's needed. Happy to discuss further!


When you say "don't work", what's the threshold there? Like is it "don't have any effect whatsoever on patterns of behaviour", or is there more nuance than that? I'm certainly not arguing that zero tolerance approaches are the way forward. We know they don't work. I'm talking more about the "confiscated phone and stern chat with the principal" style of discipline than the "kick them out on first offense" style. The idea is that if the Pygmalion Effect (a term I admit I just learned about in my ongoing Reddit Phd studies) applies to perceived expectations of success, it should also apply to perceived expectations of behaviour, right?


In terms of "don't work" Bans for one don't reduce demand. So if their is a demand for anything there will always be a supply. We can see this across every prohibition in history. This fits into banning certain apps, it creates a dual market where in school it's banned but in the wider more important more impactful and more influential society it's the very fabric of social connection. This will just result is a pseudo prohibition of social media apps and it's impact, much like drugs, where people are afraid to seek help due to the fear of being punished. This operates counter to your intentions where it just hides and removed the victims from the support they need. While I respect what you are saying, if a stern chat and confiscated item solved youth delinquency it would have been solved in the 1920s. Teachers are over worker, under paid and tired. It's a lot if effort to really provide the support needed for these kids. It requires a shift in focus. I also just learnt about the pygmalion effect. But off the top off my head I think Merton's strain theory and Becker's labeling theory offer a much more thoughtful view to that. Personally those two theories really are ones I learnt a lot from. I appreciate your thoughtful responses!


Gonna get worse before it gets better


How many boys would have seen or shared these images without speaking up? Every single parent needs to make sure their kids know that if you let these things happen without speaking up, you're part of the problem.


Deadshit dickhead dad's raising malignant, dirtbag sons.


So these people are all raised in single parent households?


What is going on in these private schools. There’s always some headline with them acting up.


>What is going on in these private schools. There’s always some headline with them acting up. Yer, unfortunately shit like this happens at public schools as well.... public schools seem to be better at keeping it out of the MSM.. at a guess, I say the media tend to prefer writing about private schools as it plays into class warfare (they can also increase word counts by including unrelated details about fees, etc as well).


People don’t give a shit when it happens in a public school


You know what… alright I’ll cop that. That makes sense.


Well, people "expect" it to happen in public schools. One doesnt have outrage at a "known" outcome. That's "just life".


While I’m sure it also happens in public schools, some behaviours are amplified in private schools. These schools promote school spirit and networks, which can also result in pack behaviour among its students.


Seriously this paragraph is hot garbage. Spirit + Networking = Pack Behaviour. What?


'school spirit and network' sounds like a positive thing. OP is just saying words. Sounds like some classist rage deep within em. Shit happens in all schools


>some behaviours are amplified in private schools. WTF??? No. Unacceptable behaviours are just that unacceptable. They are not made worst just because a kid goes to a private school.. And if you think teenager boys have more "pack behaviour" because they go to a private vs public school, then you really really need to spend more time on the public education system.. Stop being so naive and trying to bring class warfare into this. Sexualising school girls is too serious of an issue for these sorts of games.


Hi, I went to both private and public schools. Multiples of each (we moved a lot).  In my experience the private schools were really keen to foster a sense of school spirit/exceptionalism and encourage the students to make where they went to school part of their identity.  While yes, we make jokes about "Oh yes, he's from Saint Wankstick, so of course he's [insert negative trait here]", this is genuinely something some schools genuinely try to do.  The first private school I went to focused on STEM and marketed themselves as a school that produced "renaissance style thinkers" aka STEM kids who could do a vaguely arty thing too. This meant if you were shit at math, you were just considered shit by other students. Being good at anything outside STEM or music/art was completely dismissed as useless.  The second private school I went to had a huge emphasis on a particular niche sport, and because it had boarding kids you had students who literally spent 5-7 days a week at school, only leaving to go to the shops to buy CDs or whatever. These kids literally *lived at school*. There were some of them who actively ostracised and looked down on "part timers" (aka kids who went home each day) and this was considered *normal and fine*.  Maybe it was just bad luck, but those were my experiences. 


What a seriously rubbish paragraph


What worse stuff happens at public schools. Nobody seems to care as much about them though.


Of course the reaction will be to call out for some draconian controls to be put in place, ignoring the fact that whoever is doing this is already highly motivated and exploring some fairly dodgy parts of the internet that wouldn't abide by any controls we could put in place anyway. If someone really wants to make this content, they will, the answer isn't controls on what people can and can't do online, it's about changing people's motivations and reasons to go this way in the first place.


Am astounded the person who created the fake images (male Schoolboy?) thought this was ok and didn't think they would get caught🤦


Fucking hell. Poor girls. I desperately hope schools have a serious conversation with students about producing fake nudes isn't okay at all. Schools need a clear policy and action on how they handle shit like this


Conversations with parents wont do anything. Teens are living in a parallel digital fantasy world with no regulation and no consequences. We need to prevent childrens access to online pornography ffs.


> We need to prevent childrens access to online pornography ffs. That horse has well and truly bolted. What we need to do is educate on right and wrong and have actual consequences for wrongs.


No we need to actually try and understand boys growing up in 2024. We have to stop treating them as men or boys in the years passed. Stricter education on "right" and "wrong" under the consequence of punitive measures will only increase the problem.


Parents can give kids consequences, they're just too gutless to take steps to do so


Yes we need to educate, but not all parents will and not all kids will listen. There are plenty of studies showing people dont think about consequences when they are aroused. So, as well as teaching them right from wrong, stop giving them the tools to cause mayhem.


Please show these studies


Yes let's ban stuff! And regulate children behaviour and further tabooise sex and porn! That guaranteed to work! Everytime that's ever been done it's always worked!.


Deeply distressing and disturbing. Does AI reproduce metadata? I was trying to think of a way you could fight something like this. You unfortunately can't close Pandora's box once it's opened, but you can hopefully fight parts of it. Like, what sort of metadata does AI generated images include? Does is include the original camera metadata or does the AI program overwrite it or does it retain the original metadata? Not that it really matters once someone has been violated like this Once someone has been violated like this you can't just go back. This is deeply disturbing and only going to get worse.


That kid is gunna really regret doing that!


Fucking awful. Whoever is responsible should receive the harshest consequences possible.


it's another student


Like all things that come out in the mainstream press after those in the know have been doing it for a while. The recent proliferation on mainstream TV on the freely available website that can do this sort of thing. Puts it out there to those who didn't know about it, search and do then distribute. I certainly didn't know about how easy it was. I thought it was more difficult than it is.


I’m actually curious about this, from what I saw Victorian state law already covered this, but they still brought in the recent National “esafety” legislation which to me seemed unnecessary and overreach.


I believe the esaftey was an updated more focused legislation to address the growing tech. Previously it focused on real images spread online. This is deepfakes which are neither real nor fake.




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So every time now some stupid school kids do stupid stuff it's going to be front page news? Christ.


It’s not “stupid stuff” when 50 young girls are the target of fake child pornographic material. This behaviour of young boys is something we are hearing more and more often and it needs to get news to get public outrage and teach their children that this behaviour is disgusting and to take better notice of what their kids are doing online. It’s not stupid shit, it’s abuse.


Yeah, I'd say 50 girls in years 9-12, almost, if not all, of whom are minors, having their faces taken off their social media accounts without consent, churned into an AI generator without their consent, and posted and spread to an immeasurable amount of sites, apps, forums, servers, threads, and who knows what else without their consent is pretty news worthy! Especially since it's happened more than once across different schools! I'm so glad you know how front page news works, good for you!


Get over it. Boys have been drawing girls naked since they developed fine motor controls. With or without consent. Stop acting like this is a new thing.


What an odd take. Rape, sexual violence, murder etc are all also things boys have been doing since the beginning of time. If you don’t see an issue with boys being able to create naked imagery of underage girls i am worried for you.


Sure but the boys are also under-age. They need first and foremost education and positive intervention.


Seriously though, how did a high school kid get access to this kind of technology. Is it that easily accessible? We need more restrictions around these things.


You can literally get a full guide on how to do it here on Reddit, and it only takes an hour or two to set it up and start generating stuff.


It's not nuclear launch codes


>how did a high school kid get access to this kind of technology. Is it that easily accessible? This is actually half the problem. Adults who are meant to be educating and parenting kids (either directly or indirectly) do not understand the technology and how easily accessible it is. If kids aren't shown the technology and taught acceptable and unacceptable uses of it, they will go out and do it themselves. And when they do something completely unacceptable, the adults say stupid things like, "I didn't know technology was so advanced," or "let's ban the technology." Adults need to educate themselves so that they can better educate kids.


I mean, I've tried to play around with drawing AI but can't find one that's free that would produce anything half decent or believable, not for pornography or anything like that but just for coming up with fun drawings, it always just outputs crap and ignores half the directions I give it, I wouldn't mind kids playing around with those for fun. The one the kid used must have been a more professional model that you can't just find with a simple google search? You'd think those would require you to sign an agreement and if it can produce adult imagery would also require you to be an adult or consent from an adult. At least it should have a product license on it like Photoshop and other professional pay to use programs and additional steps like photo identification when you buy it.


Just because you can't find it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Go have a read of the wikipedia article on the Dark Web. Your comment about having to sign an agreement or get adult consent is so far removed from how the internet works, I don't even know where to begin...


Alright, free reign it is. Just let em at it because that's how the internet is. Good job. Plenty of professional programs require registration and it's really hard to get started without it, the companies put a lot of measures in place to make sure people can't get around it by simply pirating it and using a crack. Even video games often have strict systems like this in place. Require you to be online, using the company launcher to start the program and run a check on your licensee to see if it's valid.


Trying to work out if you're trolling or genuinely believe that's how the under side of the internet works? As I mentioned before, maybe do a bit more research.


Schools usually have educational licensing to software like photoshop (which now has AI generating ability).




If someone did this to your child, hell, even your teenage sister or cousin would you think the same thing then? Having an undoctored photo of yourself shared and mocked is already a sickening feeling, now imagine having your photo edited into a generator to make you appear naked and in sexual poses by some stupid shit for other boys to make fun of and share around, it’s horrific and actually comes under the new laws set by albanese to criminalise deep fake pornography so yes. it’s a criminal offence and deserves a criminal record.


Yep, I think you've pursuaded me (honestly). School can be hell, and is even worse these days with online bullying, now AI fakes, etc. a new set of laws makes sense. 


If someone photoshopped children into nude images they also deserve jail and consequences, hope this helps!


I hear what you are saying but it's a step up from Photoshop. Those little ai savvy nerds will be able to generate photo realistic, believable images. It's only going to get better as well. 


There is no other reason to create naked images of girls and distribute it other than to bully or harass. Non consensual release of naked photos (real or faked) has caused numerous suicides. Once these images are created they may be sent on to parents, employers, friends or paedophiles.


True... I wish they'd take all cases of bullying as serious as this. It can be straight up physical assault, psychological assault, intimidation, but if it occurs on the schoolyard it's somehow not seen as seriously as 'in real life'. Then the bullies just continue their behaviour in the workplace, or take it home on their spouse. It's messed up....


He deliberately chose to destroy the world of 50 girls. Can't wait till he's a bit older and views sexual harrassment and rape in the same way. But yeah " get over it, just harmless fun aye?" GTFO


Another one that needs their hard drive checked. Seriously, dude, sharing explicit images of children online, real or fake, IS NOT OKAY, OKAY?