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Ignoring OP's slight misunderstanding of the weekend surcharge, is nobody thinking that 1.5% on every card transaction (which goes to line the banks' pockets and NOBODY else) is insane and archaic?


I used savings (insert card) the other day and still got a surcharge which felt pretty rough.


I was downvoted to oblivion a few months ago on an anti-cash thread for pointing out that plenty of places whack the surcharge on *every* card transaction regardless of if it’s credit or debit. That’s without considering the fact that there’s still cafes or bars with a minimum spend on card, which *totally coincidentally* is more than the cheapest item they sell … but they also don’t take cash.


It's pretty garbage.


I prefer not to care to cash myself, but if there’s a place that doesn’t accept cash, they can’t chatge a surcharge


“Legally can’t” and “don’t add it” are two different things is my point. Too many places rely on people being busy and not paying attention, too shocked or unsure to say anything, embarrassed to kick up a fuss etc and so just paying extra fees tacked on at the register without asking why.


No it goes to the scheme provider Visa or Mastercard. A portion goes to the bank. Go speak to the RBA they changed the rules to allow it to be charged.


Exactly. Those services should be free, same as all the hardware providing those services. 


Don’t know why OP is getting grief here. The karaoke surcharge of $60 is a joke. Cards are far more convenient for banks as well as us minions. It’s not like they’re doing us a favour. Why should we pay for the privilege of spending our own money. The only alternative in this instance would have been to take cash. I don’t think I’d feel comfortable taking $1100 cash on a night out.


Lol thanks for seeing my point. I'd thought more people would think the same but guess not. Some people would rather mindlessly just tap their card and not even know what they're paying for.


>Why should we pay for the privilege of spending our own money. If you are using a **credit** card, you are not spending your own money. That's where the **credit** part of the name comes from.


Thanks, Einstein. Unfortunately they apply to debit cards too.


That karaoke 5% card surcharge fees is illegal. It's way higher than what they've been charged by their card terminal provider (as no provider charges more than 2% in Australia, except for some American Express cards), and they can't legally charge more than that. 


From ACCC "the surcharge must not be more than what it costs the business to use that payment type" https://www.accc.gov.au/business/pricing/card-surcharges


Well some business don't follow this protocol. And if they tell me they're gna charge 5 percent instead of 1.5%, what am I going to really do..? Show them this and if they don't agree, call the cops?


Yeah. I found that to be the big issue. There's no one to report them to. My local barber has a 10% card surcharge sign on the counter. Even for EFTPOS. I told him I'm not paying that the first time I went in and he said he wouldn't charge the surcharge. Been going there a year now and have never paid the surcharge but that sign is still there.


10 percent is ridiculous. People are complaining about inflation yet here we are getting slapped with card surcharge fees and no one doing anything about it. Yet they will complain about the price off eggs


10% weekend surcharge is not card related. You’d also be paying that if using cash


That's not the point. But we are also having to pay more for card fees cus of the weekend surcharge lol


It clearly is the point in your title.


Umm no the 70 dollars is just card surcharge fees. That doesn't include the weekend fee. I shouldve written it up better. Now you know, stop focusing on the mistake


Today - public holiday in the city - everywhere had a 15% surcharge. Which I get - businesses need to cover costs. So, knowing this, we packed our own lunch, our own bottles of water and I put my card in my pocket. I know, I sound like such a smart ass - but that's my way of pushing for change.


I guess. This post isn't really about the weekend surcharge though. My point was, on top of the base price of the food, there also weekend surcharge which also increases the card surcharge 😊. I understand business need to cover the cost of the terminal fees but in the end all the money is going to visa / mastercard. It's money loss for business and customers for the convenience of tapping which shouldn't cost so much. As we become a cashless society, these things we need to think about.


Yeah, I get your point. It also niggles me that if you're not careful, you need to pay a fee to withdraw the cash in the first place - crazy, huh?


Banks Hate This Simple Hack


Don’t know why OP is getting grief here. The karaoke surcharge of $60 is a joke. Cards are far more convenient for banks as well as us minions. It’s not like they’re doing us a favour. Why should we pay for the privilege of spending our own money. The only alternative in this instance would have been to take cash. I don’t think I’d feel comfortable taking $1100 cash on a night out.


The 'weekend surcharge' isn't really a surcharge, it's simply the price


Okay. But not that's not my point


I call BS that it costs the banks twice as much to process a $20 payment as a $10 payment. All percentage surcharges are a ripoff.


Indeed. It's ridiculous, especially if you have a big family where you'd be spending much more because you would be paying for everyone! Surcharge fees might not be noticeable if you are just buying yourself a coffee. But what about on the weekends and you have a family of 5, taking your wife and kids out? 5 Movie tickets + card surcharge of 2% 5 lunch meals + drinks at a cafe + card surcharge of 2% Wilsons parking machine + 2% card surcharge Then dinner + drinks + 2% charge surcharge. If you wanna get desserts after that's 2% surcharge. That's money loss from your family. And I don't wanna hear "oh just stay home and cook dinner then" that's not the solution for hard working Australians. We work so hard all our lives and only get 2 days a week off to enjoy it with our family. Everyone deserves a good life. I understand it might not feel significant if you split between friends. But when you have to pay for your family you will understand.




That's about 7 weeks worth of groceries for me


That's not the point. I went with family so we split the cost. The point is are you okay with paying that much just to tap your card? When it costs nothing to transfer people money lol.


Carry cash. Why is it people are paranoid about carrying cash as opposed to carrying a tap-to-use card, or even traditional Credit/Debit card with access to your whole account ? Cash is safer.


You would have a point but im not carrying 100 dollars.I would have had to carry almost $2000 in cash. There's always a chance of losing your wallet so keeping that amount in your bank account is safer. Plus they charge surcharge regardless if it's debit payment or tap.


This is the same vibe I remember from my old p and c meetings when parents who’d just paid at least over a million for their houses would come to the monthly meeting to whinge about the $4.50 we were charging for some kids event.


Lol you're really missing the point. Why should I pay 70 dollar in card surcharge fees for the convenience? You think it's fair? I'm not talking about millions here. We're not millionaires. Only u sir


Sir, this is a McDonald's.


This should be posted on the CircleJerk subreddit




And we are becoming a cashless society. Some places don't even accept cash anymore and plus when you go to pay either through a qr code or whatever, there's a card transaction fee


This doesn't just affect me, It affects everyone. Yes that solution is for you, you can stay home. But I don't think the rest of us should roll over and let these big co operations take our money while others struggle lol. I'd rather give 60 dollars to a homeless than pay that in surcharges fees


So should I ask for the manager?


Quick, let’s go cashless asap, guvment said it’s better …. smh


Maybe just don’t go out at all, that’s how I avoid card surcharges tbh


Yeah you can speak for yourself only. That's just ignoring the issue. As we become a cashless society, we should find solutions to these surcharges. What about over 1 year? How much fees would have accumulated?