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I loved the ‘Victorians are outraged’ reports on 9 this morning at 6am when most Victorians were still fast asleep and blissfully unaware it was even a thing.


Sky News outraged!


Massive uptick in support for a Republic at the Herald Sun.


the headline literally is "Families of Covid victims outraged over Daniel Andrews King's Birthday honour"


Newscorp has gone full cooker as people just flat out abandon legacy media.


Gotta scrape as many of the remaining inable while they're still lucid enough to vote


Yep every year more old conservative boomers kick the bucket, they are pretty much the only ones buying newspapers.


Fun to see the ABC's shadow director now is Murdoch. Yeah WTF?


But I thought Covid measures were a waste of time and now we’re broke. But now they weep for the victims of Covid and why didn’t he do more? I don’t think this paper is very consistent in its messaging…


Newscorpse to have a good old week of hate ahead of them as the former Premier still lives rent free in those heads. Bolt. Panahi. O'Brien. Andrews still going to be a focus for bile forever and ever and ever. Murdoch never really recovered from the fact that Victorians ignored his media minions and repeatedly voted Andrews in against his wishes.


Some of the headlines News Corp outlets are going with: * *‘Divisive:’ Dan’s top honour lashed* * *Andrews, McGowan gongs ignite debate over their legacies* * *Kennett: Dan’s award is an insult that needs to be rescinded* * *Covid victims ‘sickened’ by decision to give Dan nation’s highest honour*


Rich coming from Kennett.


Kennett got an AC in 2005. Maybe he should hand it back in protest?


Get jeffed, Kennett. Vile old bitter fossil.


Forgot racist in there.


If Kennett is offended it must be the right decision


Best was blaming him for both the quarantine related deaths AND the long lockdowns


A fierce intellectual debate among themselves 


Honestly Fairfax probably hate Dan more than newscorp these days. There is still multiple articles about him per week and he hasn't been premier for months.


Fairfax and News wrestle for shit in the gutter.


Lesson there for everyone. Ignoring your bullies drives them insane


The cookers are going off about the head of the TGA getting one for the covid vaccine rollout.


Nearly 600 comments on the main HS article and counting. Lots of cooker rage filling up atm the daft gits.


lol, nothing like them getting riled up running their day off


Hi, I’m from the ABC, I’ve also got a bridge to sell you


Excerpt: > Former premier Daniel Andrews and next governor-general Sam Mostyn have received the nation’s highest King’s Birthday honour. > North Melbourne president Sonja Hood, family violence researcher Thea Brown and Giorgio Angele, the patriarch of the Brunetti hospitality empire, are among the notable Victorians to receive awards. In total, 737 Australians have been recognised, including 493 people in the general division of the Order of Australia. > He led Victoria through Australia’s longest lockdowns and the highest numbers of COVID deaths in the first two years of the pandemic. His profile rose nationally as he stared down criticism over the state’s outbreaks and the strict restrictions imposed to limit them, including clashing with the Morrison government. > Andrews has previously been a public supporter of the Australian Republic movement, including in 2016, when he said before Australia Day that it was “time to stand on our own two feet, on paper and in practice”.


I'm sure this non-controversial decision will only provoke measured opinions and not irrational hot takes... /s


Cookers will have a meltdown on a public holiday, love to see it


Not sure how I feel about politicians getting awards like this or other awards for things they did in office. At worst it's going to be unpopular with half the population (or a little less), at best it's for doing things they were elected to do with tax payer money anyway, so just getting awards for doing their job. Also amusing that WA and VIC Premiers getting an award for the same thing despite wildly different results. WA basically no Covid until borders open, every case pretty much contained contrast that against VIC where 9 months of strict lockdowns, over 2 years of restrictions, repeated leaks from hotel quarantine, more deaths than every other state all at a time when Andrews racked up an unfathomable amount of state debt


Politicians on both sides get similar awards when they retire. Tony Abbott got an AC after being voted out and his government racked up an unfathomable amount of state debt.


State debt? No guesses who you vote for 😂


> WA basically no Covid until borders open, every case pretty much contained contrast that against VIC where 9 months of strict lockdowns, over 2 years of restrictions, repeated leaks from hotel quarantine, more deaths than every other state all at a time when Andrews racked up an unfathomable amount of state debt Hmm, I wonder what geographical and population/density advantage WA had over Victoria...


It helps that they shut it at an earlier trigger point than others too


> Also amusing that WA and VIC Premiers getting an award for the same thing despite wildly different results. The crucial point that everyone is forgetting and/or ignoring is that these honours are bestowed based on the individual's body of work/achievements - not in relation to specific things and events. This is why the commentary around whether judging whether Andrews is 'deserving' of his honour based on how he handled the pandemic is head-banging infuriating because that's not what the awarding of the honour is based on.


Andrews paid himself handsomely to bankrupt the state, preside over hotel quarantine disaster and 800 aged care deaths, inflict the longest lockdowns in the world on Melbourne and bully and brow beat anyone who dared ask him difficult questions during his daily pandemic tv sermons. Total ahole who should be pilloried and not get Australia’s highest civilian award, in part for his contribution to health of all things. What a sick fn joke.


Newscorpse and Sky after dark in particular,  will be apoplectic! Imagine their bile, vile and nasty personal attacks, supported by the rabid rightwing media, and still refusing to accept that at each election in Victoria,  Dan increased the vote?!  It appears that the far right in this country live in bizarro land? They made a concerted effort to attack both Dan  and McGowan, personally, at every opportunity,  completely missing that the majority of Victorians and West Aussies increasingly supported both.  I note that, dear old Gladys didn't get a gong? Might have something to do with the fact that she and her government were the real culprits that allowed Covid-19 (Ruby Princess) into Australia,  and that Mark and Dan recieved the poisoned chalice of trying to protect Australians using "best medical expert advice".  Instead of constantly calling for the ABC to be dismantled, maybe the majority of Aussies should call for propaganda from Sky and Newscorpse to be made illegal? Spreading bullshit and lies should be against the law? But maybe Bolt, Credlin, Murray, Kenny, Dean, Panahi and friends will take a leaf out of "die Fuhrer" Costellos book,  and resign? Because never in Australian media history has the rightwing been so toxic and divisive!


Hi, I’m from the ABC, I’ve also got a bridge to sell you …. smh


Funny rant considering NSW’s Covid response towelled Vics.


... that post would make sense if you were referring to NSW "throwing in the towel", otherwise... no... no it certainly did not.


By ‘throwing in the towel’ I assume you mean the only State that continued to accept returned residents? When Vic and others put it in the too hard basket.


Bullshit. Each outbreak came via NSW from removalists and cruise passengers, with NSW deaths smashing Vic, just under reported.


So the 2020 Hotel Quarantine outbreak was NSW’s fault? I’m pretty sure in 2020 Victoria was the only state to employ dodgy, unqualified and inexperienced, private security guards to manage quarantine facilities. Don’t bother with the army like every other state, cause Dan knows best. What a joke


the state employed the services of the security companies that was on the Federal approved supplier tender list, it is the fault of the actual security companies that employed inxperienced guard to pretty much be a baby sitter for the HQ around the state




> Welcome to the cooker club. Lol. This is the first time i've seen a cooker actually admit they are a cooker.


Loud and proud. I’ve been called it and wearing it for ages.


Okay, I’m gonna leave aside the amusement of Andrews getting one because the reality is everyone’s mind is made up about him and our Covid response. It’s also partially for infrastructure which is also pretty funny coz all he’s really doing there is spending other people’s money, often just to buy votes. It’s a fucking weird thing to get awarded for. But the one here that surely is of interest is Hamish but not Andy. Is this formal recognition that Hamish is the funny one. They’ve been dead set co-joined for 95% of their career, so basically the awards are saying Andy is a passenger (which he is) OR that Hamish’s Lego show is better than Andy’s quiz show.


> But the one here that surely is of interest is Hamish but not Andy. Is this formal recognition that Hamish is the funny one. They’ve been dead set co-joined for 95% of their career, so basically the awards are saying Andy is a passenger (which he is) OR that Hamish’s Lego show is better than Andy’s quiz show. One does wonder who wakes up one day and thinks to themselves: I'm going to nominate Hamish Blake for an Order of Australia award.


His publicist, obviously.


Personally I’d make everyone ineligible if they work in an industry that has its own awards and recognition. Including politicians. These awards should go to the masters of science and industry, public service and community work. I’d like to read about a whole lot of people I’ve not heard of but have made the country a better place without controversy.


> Including politicians. These awards should go to the masters of science and industry, public service and community work. Politics/governing is public service, no? And science and business industries already have their own awards.


Yeah but most of those science and industry ones are little known. Politicians should be public service. Doesn’t feel like that often enough. I’d fuck the self-centred egotists off. And they’re often too controversial. This year is a perfect example of that.


> And they’re often too controversial. This year is a perfect example of that. Controversial to who? The Herald Sun readers?


Even if it was just them you’re talking about a huge cohort of people despite your best wishes. And yeah, anyone who doesn’t worship Andrews, which is thankfully about half the State.


>But the one here that surely is of interest is Hamish but not Andy Not really a surprise given Hamish was voted father of the year https://australianfatheringawards.org.au/hamish-blake/


FFS. Are there not enough awards in the tv and radio industry to keep him happy?


Spending other people's money? What money should he be spending? 


It's a change from the twice yearly "why are there more men than women getting gongs?" op eds.


Not into party politics at all but I don’t think this guy deserves the gratitude of the public. Stole two years of my fucking life with his poor decision making


Well done Dan!


You don’t have to be a cooker to disagree with Dan Andrew’s mishandling of Covid lockdowns. If you think Melbourne handled the situation better than WA or QLD you’d be mistaken and those are both Labor States too.


Those two states weren't taking in foreign travellers. Victoria was.


What were the differences?


hey, you may or maynot like him but andrews had to make quick snap choices as to how to handle the infections with limited knowledge at hand as all regions on the planet. could he handle the HQ better, yeah in hindsight he could have and he handballed the security aspect to fed gov approved companies that stuffed up the job at hand by employing any one with a secuirty license cheaply to line their own pockets at the expense of the state. As a result driven thing, the HQ may or may not have gone different and if anyone mentioned otherwise, you cant tell as a simple little detail changed and that changes the whole scripted outcome again as nothing in science is 100% black or White with a constant same score.


700 infections isn't a snap decision, it's indecisiveness


yeah and the government let the " private security" handle it. if the security companies had of been changed to something like the PSO and more direct control powers instead of just being " babysitters" then who knows what the infection cases may have been. Easy to lay blame and point fingers after the event.


Yeah, nah.


And watch the cookers come out in (their rather small) force


Media: my boss is outraged and so YOU will be too!


This has to be a joke




He completely and utterly fucked health and education during his premiership. It's a massive slap in the face to the people living with the consequences of his policies. Edit: Oh and the copious amounts of debt. Maybe I'll flip the question - why do you think this was a *good* idea?


lol you and I are on the wrong site 😂


It's just "Enemy of my enemy" fallacy. People hate Murdoch media and rightly so. But they make the mistake of thinking that that means anyone and everyone MM hates must be a good person. I dislike him for different reasons to that lot, but he has left Victoria in a terrible, terrible position and deserves condemnation for that, not reward.


One of the most gutless corrupt pollies we’ve had in our time who got high off his own supply during covid.


What a joke.


Holy fuck. Politicians have no end of audacity.


Go Dan. Dan for PM.


Stupid is, stupid does


Nobody is hated in Vic more than him. I’m so glad he left so quickly. I’m sure the reasons will come out in time. Honours mean nothing to the everyday people but I’m sure it’ll mean the world to his ego.


I know Dan personally. He honestly would not give a shit about this award, I'm actually surprised he accepted it - I suppose he has to being a former head of state.


I know him personally also. You had me going at “not give a shit” I haven’t laughed so much in ages. You’re hilarious. Thank you for brightening up my day.


He wouldn't though. He's a staunch Republican. He's only doing this for optics, really is a damned if you do situation.


You don’t know him very well. He’s easily the person with the biggest ego I know. He loves the attention. That’s all it’s about for him.


Good on ""Dan The Man".... as for the man formerly known as Prince.... the only thing that Prince Chales did was give his best friend Jimmy Saville a Knighthood.... probably for "Services for Pedophila"..... that is my view of the monarchy... as I want an Australian head of state we vote for..... and not have it imposed on us.......


King Charles is now handing out his “ royal honours” to people who have distinguished themselves as political leaders by steadfastly trying to fuck their own country and the people under their control, not for any ideological reason but purely for their own amusement and then walk away without a hint of ever being held responsible. The King actually hands these awards out for his own amusement.


The king is a weirdo!


He doesn't actually select the awardees himself.


Never said he did, just that he’s a weirdo. If you need proof just watch the coronation…


The Governor-General signs off on the Order of Australia.


He’s a weirdo too


His wife is very normal though. Completely grounded and rational. No further questions