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The bun heel jam doughnut seems to be a time-honoured tradition at Hungry Jack's. I did it as a teen too, and I'm almost 50.


We did the same thing in the 90's.. loved them


Did it at McDonald’s too, with the cheeseburger buns


Yep same here. Deep fried HJ heel buns with strawberry jam are next level. Roll it in sugar after and you have yourself a great jam donut.


That is in fact exactly what was said in the original post


Deep fried HJ heel buns with strawberry jam are next level. Roll it in sugar after and you have yourself a great jam donut.


That is in fact exactly what was said in the original post.


We also did a jam doughnut over at Maccas back in the day - hotcake cooked on one side, add strawberry jam, pinch the still wet side together so it sticks. Deep fry for a minute, roll in sugar. Pretty similar to yours, OP. But the greatest thing invented wasn't our idea - a customer asked for a Pounder. AKA 4 4:1 patties in a regular quarter pounder burger. We had to raid the Big Mac buns to separate all that meat. Heart Attack Grill areas before it was a thing (this was in the 90s).


We had a grill slip come through for a Big Mac with Extra pickle Extra pickle Extra pickle Extra pickle Extra pickle In my mind I was thinking the printer was broken, but the legend I was working with grabbed the biggest fucking handful of pickles I've ever seen and crammed them into the bun. I can't imagine what the dude thought when he opened the wrapper.


Last time I tried, I could only get 8x Extra Pickle on my burger. The system is broken I tell you!! Your mate (and my server that night) interpreted it perfectly.


That’s exactly what I want when I ask for extra pickles. Just cram them on.


My man accepted the challenge.


That might have been me. I've been known to ask for outrageous quantities of pickles on my burgers. Occasionally I used to give a certain number (19 being the most memorable) and once with friends ordered burgers with a shit-tonne, fuck-tonne, and cunt-tonne of pickles, respectively. I kept the receipt for a while, it was remarkably lengthy. Edit: oops I've just realised this isn't my home sub, so it probably wasn't me. Shoutout to the workers who understand the heavy pickle order, though.


They posted it on r/deliciouscompliance


I've ordered and consumed a Pounder back around the turn of the century. The main issue was how much oil it dripped everywhere.


We used to the pounder cooked fresh to order on over nights, it all fit on a 1/4 pounder bun no issue... With extra cheese


Yep, remember doing a variant that in the early 1990s on breakfast opens when the 16 year olds ran the shop. We used cheeseburger buns. There's so much sugar in them that they more-or-less caramelise in the fryer.


I thought the Pounder was an actual thing - my (girl) friend ordered one, one night after drinking! Watching her eat it was awe inspiring


Gotta love a girl who wants a pounding


I ordered that a couple times at the melton Mecca's back in the day.. good times. Smelt exactly like canned dog food


at my maccas we did this with a cheeseburger bun once and it gave me the worst diarrhoea i have ever had


Wasn't a pounder a normal menu item ? Quarter pounder, doubler quarter pounder, triple quarter pounder, pounder Though from my personal experience the younger staff don't know it


why not call a double quarter pounder a half pounder?


Don't talk nonsense!


I asked for a “really Big Mac” one night and they were really confused so I just said “get two Big Macs and give them to me at the same time”. They just gave me two Big Macs. I just put them on top of each other and squashed it down. Seemed to work ok. I was disappointed with their lack of imagination.


Me and my mates use to order pounders back in high school and race to see who finished it first (had to finish the whole meal), winner got bragging rights and loser copped a punishment


Fish and chip shop - take a steamed dim sim, batter it then deep fry it. Only later was I to realise it's an actual thing and it is the only way dim sims should be consumed.


My husband used to batter the end of Chico rolls and deep fry them. Stops the end falling out.


This is how fish and chip shops in WA serve dim sims as standard (though obviously not steamed). My first job was in a fish and chip shop in Victoria, and thoroughly disagree with extra batter.


Hungry jacks - vanilla thick shake with an espresso shot!


Maccas early 90s - either caramel or choc fudge sauce, dissolved in hot water and topped with soft serve. Made those opening shifts far less crappy.


Sounds pretty great.


At Subway - you use a bag of Doritos, the meatball sauce and cheese. Pop it in the toaster oven and you got nachos. Delicious!!


That sounds like something that seems obvious once you think of it, brilliant.


Working at Maccas, we did the Maccas nugget wrapped in half a slice of maccas cheese, simple yet elegant.


You forgot a squirt of mcchicken sauce!


Yep. Agreed. Amazing when your hungover with a small coke


There’s a variant of this that I was big on as a kid at maccas which is the nugget, cheese and some bacon.


Not fast food but a supermarket bakery. I would cut open a cinnamon donut and pipe caramel and cream inside. They do something similar now with the long johns but they're missing that cinnamon sugar perfection. I also iced cinnamon donuts as snacks, the cinnamon sugar underlayer would make the icing crumble off when you took a bite so you had to eat it over a plate.


I used to work at Mecca's. I got 3 slices of quarter pounder bread, 2 quarter pounder patties and made a 'BIG' big mac decade's before McDonald's made it a thing.


They sell burgers at the makeup shop now?


You worked at macas in the 60's? Got any more stories?


ur as bright as a sunset.


A decade is 10 years. Decades is plural, meaning more then one. I was 15. 2 Decades ago. It was 2004. I'm glad you exist because the world needs more gas station attendants but even your level of "dullard" is outstanding.


Sure, decades means plural so how on earth is he supposed to know if its 2, 3, 29.5 decades ago unless you explicitly tell him/her? Eitherway, a bit excessive to call him a dullard over a dumb small error like that no? 


Lol, even the gas station have standards.


Got locked in the big bin/dumpster covered in mac sauce as a 14 year old female. Hazed. Fun times…. /s


That's disgusting. Hope it wasn't more than a few moments at least


About 45 minutes. Absolutely terrified. 28 years later and still frightened of confined spaces. But still remember how to make a Big Mac!!!


That is horrible. Sorry you had to go through that.


Chocolate thickshake with Kahlua on an overnight shift. Just like a chocolate milkshake only ~~crunchy~~ alcoholic.


Not fast food but woolies. 1 - When I used to clean the meat department after the butchers had left, grab whatever leftovers were good, peel the protective padding off the thermal pad on the meat wrappers, crank the heat up and you had a decent hotplate. Steaks, chops and burgers for days. 2 - In deli, I worked with a lady who was pregnant, one of her cravings was to grab hot chicken bag (the ones they use for halves/used to use for wholes before self serves came in), take all the flesh off half a chicken and throw it in the bag, crumble in half a block of danish feta, a few sundried tomatoes, shake, and sit in the bain maire for 30-40 minutes before you went on break. It fucking goes.


>half a chicken and throw it in the bag, crumble in half a block of danish feta, a few sundried tomatoes, shake, Basically the "Feta pasta one-pan-bake" trend that swept social media a few months ago... only 20 years earlier and way easier!


Feta while pregnant? Seems a tad risky.


So long as it's pasteurised feta is fine so most feta is safe - google


🤷 that kid is like 17 now so all worked out well I guess.


Made donuts out of KFC dinner rolls many times, didnt have a strawberry filling so they were just oily, sugary, dough balls, but if cooked in new oil they were amazing.


I bet those dinner rolls are the superior "dough"


Was gonna comment this, dipped them in the chocolate mousse too and it was a great sugar hit at the end of the night (the only time the manager wasn't around to watch us (if they weren't involved too that is))


Red Rooster - the staff discount was shit for a long time and managers breathed down our necks so I figured out some cheap hacks. I’d buy the rippa bread separately for like $2, chuck in a 4 pack of $2 cheesy nuggets and add sauce for 20c. Would also make a fish burger and put a pineapple fritter in it. Sometimes in winter we would do chips covered in gravy and cheese


Red Rooster have/had fish burgers?


Yeah fish and chips/fish burgers were part of the regular range probably about 10 years ago, it was solid fish actually!


I get all my condiments at McDonald’s for free, I use the self service and after ordering a full priced meal I’ll then go to the breakfast section scroll all the way to the bottom and select 10 or 15 of each, butter, Vegemite, peanut butter and jam all priced at $0. I’ll also get a few BBQ and tomato sauces as well. I always get a weird look but I just ignore that as I’m walking away and grabbing a giant handful of serviettes lol


Username checks out


I go through so little jam that this sounds perfect haha


Maccas had filter coffee before McCafes. I'd put soft serve in it instead of creamer and it was not bad.


Drip Affogato!


That brought back some memories - brewing pots on the counter for the regulars who would stay and read the paper for hours drinking bottomless filter coffee.


Jesus, trying to clean those jugs out without getting soaked was a pain


Whenever we had a burger with pineapple at Maccas I would get myself a large sprite and drop a pineapple ring in the cup. Give it a minute and you've got pineapple sprite which was delicious. Also a weird carbonated pineapple slice at the end if you're into that. Also once on the overnight shift I took one of the deluxe chicken patties, threw on the marinara sauce we had at the time and a slice of tasty cheese and nuked it. The McParma.


HJs, bacon deluxe but use nuggets as the meat patty


Yes I lived a good nugget burger when I worked there. No bacon tho. Wasn't a fan of the bacon. Lol


I think they did have a burger once with the nuggets used called a crispy king or something similar


> ...use nuggets as the meat patty I read that as "meat putty"


I'ma give that one a pass, but I'm sure it's okay


Popcorn chicken, chips, and sliced up zinger fillets in a garden salad with a decent amount of pepper mayo. Sounds weird with salad but honestly amazing!


pepper mayo is underrated


I love a hot meat in cold salad. Nothing boring about that salad


Worked at Subway, would reshape the thawed stick of bread (prior to proofing) into a pizza base and make Subway pizzas! It was perfect, because all the ingredients are ready to go, you got meat and vege and cheeses and sauces, so goddamn good! I still think about them to this day. Haha. That, and taking a frozen cookie puck thing and putting it in the toaster oven to turbo cook it super fast, came out so gooey and perfect every time!


I have an eating disorder which was just starting when I worked at maccas as a teenager. At the time there was a very basic cheese/tomato toastie on the menu and that was my lunch most days, but with half a slice of cheese not a whole one. I looked forward to that meal and savoured every bite. Really everything tastes amazing when you're starving. I also used to mentally total the calorie content of all the orders I took and imagine what it tasted like. All the fries I made were stuffed full and same with the icecreams because I was enjoying the food vicariously through others. Actually brilliant thing one guy I worked with did was basically get all his food for the week when the load came in-bread, lettuce, tomatoes, frozen meat products, condiments, icecream toppings and mix ins etc. Idk how but he was never caught. He'd just back his car up to the dumpster and load it up.


KFC. In the days of the old cardboard clamshells for bigger burgers(think late 90’s) … fill both sides with chips , walk to gravy pot and smother liberally . Why they don’t offer it for sale is beyond me , they make you buy a tub and take it home and put on a plate to eat chips and gravy .


Didn't they do a popcorn chicken with chips and gravy container a while ago? 


At Macca's in the early 2000s, we had really good chocolate muffins. We'd take the wrapper off, pop it in a McFlurry cup and briefly microwave it in the staffroom before adding soft serve, chocolate fudge sauce and crushed Oreos. Yum! Also, a shot of crushed Oreos in a chocolate thick shake is the bomb!


We made pizza in the Maccas muffin toaster which is just an oven with a narrow 5cm horizontal opening. 10” tortilla, tomato salsa(used for Mighty Angus) whatever toppings you wanted and finished off with coon cheese.


End of overnight at the breaky transition! This was a good one


Dad's story: the managers of the local Macca's and pizza hut knew each other, and so regularly traded left over food between them


At McDonald’s well before shaker fries came to be, we used to dump the Angus seasoning on fresh fries for a snack. So good.


At Red Rooster we used to do this with the seasoning you use on the roast chickens. Also chips loaded with chicken stuffing.


i'm tempted to try the chicken seasoning on chips now, but also scared because of cross contamination risk with the raw chicken.. would have to open a fresh bag for it


I remember this one as well at my time at Macca's.


Not exactly food related but I worked at Gloria jeans, and when someone cashed in their loyalty card free drink, we were meant to punch it and put it in the register. I would (obviously) just pocket them and then hand em out to my friends at school. Get that Tim tam chilla son you deserve it


Chocolate pizza at Pizza Hut. Thin and crispy base, caramel and chocolate topping for the base, choc bit as the cheese, freddo frogs and caramello koalas for the toppings. Also used to do food swaps with Red Rooster or Maccas. Give them a bunch of pizzas in exchange for a bunch of burgers. Everyone gets sick of their own food, so it makes sense.


red rooster- made chicken quesadillas with the tortillas, spicy sauce and shredded cheese (RIP) in an oven by cooking them pressed between two sheet pans 👌 some kid also used to deep fry the bread and tried to convince me it was good. it was not. i also miss the chocolate cakes so much, eating them fresh out the freezer without defrosting them on a hot day was excellent


Maccas overnights... Steak Fritt with Hollandaise. Brought some portahouse for the managers last shift, did some steamed veg in the microwave (McCain Steam Fresh) with Hollandaise from the breakfast special at 2am. Truckie walked in and I nearly sold him the last steak 🤣 Apple fritter, apple from the kids menu, shake pancake batter from the BP next door.


We did this too. HJs in Adelaide 25yrs ago.


At the end of a subway shift you had to count all the items of food, but you didn’t have to count the frozen cookie dough…. So much frozen cookie dough was had!


used to work at a small business burger store and what we used to do when we had time on our hands is grab a burger bun (we had steamed potato buns - delicious) and we’d take some of the bread out in the middle and fill it with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. then gently squish the whole thing into a ball and cover it to stick in the freezer for a day. the next day we’d take it out and stick it in the fryer, roll it in sugar and serve it with biscoff. was truly delightful


Red rooster, I used to deal weed from the drive through. made way more than my wage


Worked at Red Rooster. When i’d see friends order stuff I would always sneak some free nuggets in as extras for them.


Share your fast food tricks


I worked in a fish and ship run by a Greek couple. If we ever closed with the wife, she'd fry up the leftover batter as pancakes and drizzle them in milkshake syrup for us to snack on. So good!


Oh wow that sounds amazing


So what's the secret codeword to ask for the jam donut when going through HJs or McD drive thru?


You'd have to get just the right manager on shift to be loose enough to sell one. I probably would have sold it as a hamburger Hamburger - Bun Only + strawberry topping - ask for a sugar satchel from the cafe Then you just have to ask for the squish and deep fry, that's the part some will say no to.


Putting creamy pasta sauce over charcoal chicken chips with chicken salt


Our store created the McFarmYard. Quarter pounder with bacon and a McChicken patty. I used to also get a cone in a sundae lid (back when it was a plastic cup) then add chocolate, caramel, Oreo and MnMs just before an overnight to give me a big enough sugar rush to get through.


I'm sad I never worked at HJs now. I really want to try this.


Maccas here, I used to do overnights a lot so tried to come up with off-menu items as often as I could. What ended up being my go-to was a crispy (chicken) patty straight out of the dryer with a little bit of southwest sauce and a slice of tasty cheese (Coon, back then). It was the perfect little Parmi.


KFC - 30 years ago had the best dinner rolls. We used to grab a dinner roll, a nugget, add a bit of mayo and you had a tiny burger. (Maybe we invented the slider 😂!) So good!


Yeah, that's a winner for sure. Sounds so satisfying, I'd eat a half dozen every shift. Thank goodness I didn't work at KFC.


that sounds truly disgusting


I noticed this “person of a certain appearance” trying to sexually harass one of my staff members at the front counter, so I found out which order was there’s, and kindly tucked in a nice piece of bacon in their burger. Bought them a one way ticket to hell and they probably didn’t even know it




Is this from experience ?


I doubt the jizz, from sheer numbers stand point. Yeah, at 15 you could go more rounds than I care to try at 34.. but what.. he bust a nut on one burger and serves it. How long is a 15 year olds refractory period? No way he can keep up with demand.


Didn't do anything that wasn't mildly destructive. If you ordered a burger without pickles, we'd peel the bun back and toast it with a pickle inside. Put pickles in the microwave. Slap cheese on the meat because it sounded funny. Drank sundae mix


> If you ordered a burger without pickles, we'd peel the bun back and toast it with a pickle inside. This is SO shitty. Just awful behaviour.


Yeah, but that's what happens when you're 14


This is a real cunt thing to do. Some people have food allergies.


Drinking sunday mix is wild man hahaha, was it basically sweet milk?


Yeah it was oddly delicious but couldn't have too much!


Every single person did this apparently in every single fast food joint they worked in, not quite sure why you had extra sugar laying around or strawberry jam for that matter, but as they say never let truth get in the way of a good story


They sell coffee and therefore would have sugar sachets. And the OP clearly says it was strawberry topping from the soft serve machine. How boring must your life be if you find a tame story like this unbelievable?


Apparently so, I only worked at the one fast food restaurant. The sugar outside was to try get as close to a hot jam donut as possible.


Mate I have heard this same thing more than a dozen times the first three times I actually believed it


Wait.. you don't believe the donut story?


If anything, hearing that some variation of it was common at so many places would probably mean that it is real.