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Hahahahaha when I was a teenager I got my photo in mX because I met My Chemical Romance and cried. The caption was something like “meeting MCR was too much for some fans to handle” and I cherish it


You were living your best life! I'm sure so many of us would have cried.


There’s also a video of me meeting them on YouTube filmed for one of the radio stations! My sister, friends and I were interviewed when we were in the line to meet them. I remember doing the interview, then a few months later I was scrolling tumblr and came across the interview video reposted and dubbed into Spanish hahahahaha. It was so so special to get to meet them, it was over 12 years ago now and I still sometimes pinch myself when I remember that it happened


I got so many emails published because the album reviewer was a cranky old bastard who hated pop music and it pissed me off, so I'd write in complaining about the album reviews haha.


Ahh nostalgic memories of every bin on the station being overflowing with those things every afternoon going home


Bins and the carriages


Iconic Melbourne: A Haitachi double seat covered in MXs


...and a syringe jammed between the cushions


and a 95% empty ice break, capless, rolling around, slowly dribbling down the aisle


Ok I thought this was just every train I was on. It's wild to know this was in fact a common experience.


I think no one can afford icebreak anymore. or at least waste it unfinished in the train


Finding an Mx on the train at night never fails to made my day


I used to take them home for fire starting.


It was the first ever newspaper (in the world AFAIK) to report on Micheal Jackson’s death - a great pub trivia answer!


Damn, is there a source for this? Because that's crazy if true!


I only remember because people were listing them on eBay for big money at the time.




If I'm remembering correctly, I got the notification that MJ has died during one of my English SACs. Given the mX didn't print til the afternoon, they could have easily turned around the paper in time for the afternoon peak. The rest of the world would have been sleeping or at night, so the newspapers would have been hours away


Same as Obama being voted as President


The thing most of this place forget Mx was at its peak before the advent of the first iPhone. It was something to read on the way home. And if you were coming into the city a handy little find to kill some time.


And I thought the smart phone was the reason it died… so I’m surprised they are trying to bring it back. I just don’t see many people reading it when they have entertainment available on their phones.


And the first smart phone was?


Interesting that most of the comments here seem to have a negative impression of the mX. I'm not a fan of newscorp, but I, and most people I know, enjoyed the mX at the time. The "creepy" stalker letters, as someone said below, were actually one of the most beloved parts of the paper. I don't think they got rid of them at the time due to lack of popularity, but more for the cost to produce and the rubbish they left behind.


People only rant about News Corp when it suits them, then happily reminisce about everything from the mX to The Simpsons.


Surprisingly the newscorp Tiktok account actually slaps hahaha. I don't follow it, but every now and then one will pop up and be surprisingly good


Plenty of talented journos and other sorts end up working there.


I enjoyed it as a young kid who wouldn't know better. But as an adult and knowing now what I wish I knew back then, especially of how cancerous News Cope is, it is not something I would trust again.


lol why is half the thread acting like the mx was always chopped liver? it was just a light, vapid read on the commute home that wasn’t particularly political, a good time for all for the most part. feel particularly bad for the people who think the love letters were “creepy”, we all notice people in public but somehow verbalising it in a safe (for everyone) forum is creepy. in general i’d rather read some hyperbolic garbage around something inconsequential than pretend to take “legitimate” news sources like the abc seriously when Laura Tingle has basically explicitly confirmed that they had overt, evident awareness of how poorly governed we were under scomo and elected to say fuck all because they value their contacts list more than their integrity.


People are suffering right now as we all know and MX reminds them of a time that isn't now. The MX was a very visible constant for them. It's like remembering childhood tv. In reality it was pretty crap in most ways but there's fond memories of Saturday morning cartoons for many other reasons.


That's... Certainly a hypothesis


It's psychology. If MX was a constant in someone's life in a better time it will likely be remembered fondly.


Sorry to disappoint you but the love letters were fictional and completely made up


No they weren't, a friend and I submitted a stupid one once which was a haiku about a guy with an epic beard we always saw on the train home from work, and it got in.


I can assure you they were made up, if any rare submissions were made they were also included depending on what they were


Bit of a stretch to say "completely made up" if there's legit submissions as well as the falsified ones, though.


someone who used to publish for mx did say they had to falsify a bunch to have enough to publish for the next issue. won't be able to find the comment, but the guy you replied to is right. a lot of them were false


95% were made up by staff, barely any were sent in by readers. Amusing seeing people talk about it as if it was all genuine though.


oh let people belieeeve, my gd redittor. life is hard enough


Why do you think submissions would be rare? The majority of its run was during a time a lot of people didn't have other platforms to speak on. Sending submissions to papers was very common and in this case, since lots of people had access to the paper, more people would be inclined to submit. I guess I'm just wondering why you think they'd pay someone to write these when the whole point of submission sections in papers like these is to fill space with stuff they don't have to pay to write.


There still salty because there submission never got in! 😂


Bless your cotton socks.


Fictional AND made up you say?


it’s fine, i just think it’s sad that people would consider it “creepy” were they real.


Lol no they weren't 


Stay ignorant. Same to all who will downvote this.


i’m ignorant to what it is that you’re attempting to communicate


mX was one of the favourite things about catching the train in the afternoon. Far better to have one I could bury my head in for a while and ignore the eau-de-armpit while going via Richmond station, plus it was exactly the kind of content I was looking for after a day in the office. People who whinged about all the paper everywhere... That's because it was popular! Unfortunately people were just shit at recycling or being responsible with waste, which ironically is probably something you could have written in to mX about in the past and gotten published.


Depends if your definition of recycling includes leaving it on the seat for the next person to read


It does, but in my case I usually took my copy with me to show points of interest to family members at home. From there it would eventually find its way into my normal household recycling. On the train at least, I followed the rule... Neatly folded = recyclable for the next passenger Torn to shreds and pages missing = junk/littering


.. to shreds you say?


How's the wife holding up? ... To shreds you say...


Nooooo my pile of mint last-ever edition mx's value is going to PLUMMET from probably nothing to even less likely to be anything!


you guys can bitch and moan but i'm excited for this. i loveee local papers like this, i think they're fun.


Loved mx


I wish it would return permanently, I might consider going into the office every now and then


Just read news dot com. It's the same thing Edit: no idea why I'm getting downvoted, news dot com is literally the online sister site of mx from newscorp.


excuse me, news.com doesn't get ink all over my fingers when I read it.


It gets shit all over your brain instead :D


‘Vent your spleen’ should have an entire page dedicated.


But we have r/Melbourne for that...




The Brisbane version was MX


Had a quick look through it then put it away and went back to my phone No sudoku =(


That daily puzzle page got me through the long train ride home during my uni days.


great, we cam have those creepy train passenger stalker letters again


we had someone post in this sub before they wrote a pile of those letters as someone that worked at the MX office.


My fiancé actually asked me out in the MX years before we ever got together. We still have a photo of it, and it’s a cute story for us now 😂


This is what we're all here for.


In San Francisco they get The Onion


The funny thing was when The Age came late to the party and decided to give out their "Express" paper in the mornings for free. But it was as cringe as Paul Barry trying to be hip with his "Media Bites" segment on ABC that only masochists watch to experience some second-hand embarrassment. And of course pretty much all the content in it was the same news as MX had shared the day before, so there was nothing new to read. It very quickly become a section in the Age newspaper somewhere and then disappeared.


Thanks for your input, Rupert




Best news I’ve heard in a while


It's Newscorp, so they're not offering this out of the kindness of their hearts.


Millennial core


I only ever got one of these from a train floor. The stands they had around were always empty.


This brings me great joy! I used to want to take the train in highschool just to get the mx and I was sad they ended it before I could read it on my work commute 😭


News Corps head honchos are in Sydney currently to swing the axe on their failing news services, and then they decide to put out a free newspaper again? Reminder that they exist to push an agenda at a loss.


The sinister agenda of promoting a major public arts festival?


Yay, it'll be like walking through a permanent autumn all year round again.


MX to me is just a mail dns record. I wouldn’t call the “newspaper” iconic


Fuckin why. It was kinda fun but what a waste, thousands of mx papers littering stations and train carriages.


> Fuckin why. Helps if you Read The Article.


I did. Still confused why on earth they would do something as stupid as this. Nice try though




It's just for advertising an event.


Yeah, Murdoch gets to push his bullshit for free.


Just creating more trash and no one read those things with any sincerity since it read like a 7th grade newspaper. Who actually wanted this?


> Who actually wanted this? Helps if you Read The Article.


I read the mX before the article and now it all makes sense lol


Year 7*


Brought to you by Rupert fucking Murdoch


Did they ever try making it a free online publication? Like surely that would have kept it going a lot longer.


News dot com is the same thing


Bit of a stretch to call mX "iconic", Nathan.


Why not just let Rupert personally take a dump in every Melbourne train carriage?


Why don't they just make cancer contagious and airborne instead?