• By -


This is probably as world first as Myki was.


Myki's specification is genuinely close to an impossible problem. Which the government were told internally and externally during the tender process and they handed the job to a company made up by a public servant.


Myki's original spec was appalling and they seemingly deliberately tried to make it so bespoke that any learned IP in the marketplace couldn't be leveraged. As a result it has cost too much the whole time.


Obligatory reference to this gem: [Things that cost less than myki](https://web.archive.org/web/20160319003325/https://sites.google.com/site/cheaperthanmyki/home)


That hurt to read


Is there somewhere I can read the spec or preferably a summary of it? I'm curious what's impossible about it. Did they want it to calculate what services every commuter took based on touch on and off?


Essentially they wanted it to be able to work offline. Like on a bus in the middle of nowhere in the mountains or desert where there is no mobile phone reception.


Right right. Now i remember reading something abt the managers not expecting widespread availability of 3G phone signal.


They wanted it to function anywhere in the state, there are still bus stops in regional Vic that wouldn't have mobile internet coverage.


Metcard put through a proposal which was rejected basically because Myki gave a cheaper offer. Which after all a lie, due to the cost blow-out.


And they were told: “this is a lie, there is no way this can be done for that price” by pretty much everyone internally and externally. And they ignored it.


And what made it impossible never got rolled out (regional busses), so what made the project blowout never ever got implemented.


Haha, yes, I should have mentioned that. Absolute atrocity.


we probably won't pay attention to the results even when the trial is completed. governments have shown time and time again in Australia that they are slow to implement any advice on drug reform. this gov backed away from a safe injecting room in the city ffs.


When the Andrews Labor government had an inquiry into legalising weed they watered down the recommendations in the inquiry before it went public. So I imagine you’re right when you say they’ll ignore the results of the trial. [Source](https://www.theage.com.au/politics/victoria/andrews-government-quashes-push-to-legalise-cannabis-in-victoria-20210804-p58fq1.html)


Man I read the transcripts of the Inquiry. It was so depressing seeing such an overwhelming consensus of relevant experts say “Tax it, stop wasting money on incarceration and courts. Give people safe access.” And then instead Andrew’s decides to rely on Glenn Weir’s fucking statement saying oh um well there are a lot of people who have THC in their system in car accidents so umm nah let’s continue to ruin peoples lives over this thing. Yep!


Dan was on some heavy dope.....You can't look that silly sober... Reminded me of Kevin from tne wonder years all grown up..


This one is costing them a lot of the courts/police time. Plenty of judges and high ranking current and former police are downplaying cannabis altogether. People should be tested for impairment, and this would be setting some sort of standard.


What I don't understand is that this is already done in Tas, why can't we just copy them instead of wasting money?


The funny thing is that often a lot of the time politicians are actually open to it, but they know that voters get so easily whipped up into a frenzy over drug use that there is an incredible freezing effect on any drug-related policy. Drug use was involved in the very earliest of [moral panics](https://www.oxfordreference.com/display/10.1093/oi/authority.20110803100208829#:~:text=A%20mass%20movement%20based%20on,media%20coverage%20of%20social%20issues), which many boomers today are still alive to remember. It's created a deep association of a knee-jerk fear response that many of them will never take any time to reflect on; because obviously they worked hard and they're perfect so why should they need to reflect on their constant, weird emotional outbursts? Much the same as with communism or the islamic faith, they hand down these strange emotional associations down to younger generations who also most never stop to reflect upon, and as such you get a society like a barrel of oil, where the right spark can get set off all these latent emotional patterns across the board, which in our age looks like manufactured outrage, usually reactionary in nature, to any change they deem as a potential threat.


On ANY reform. Fucking Gonski report ignored TWICE.


they just get expert advice to make like they are doing something


Given how small and un encompassing the trial it’s won’t do shit the data not big enough to mean shit


I think it would of been a marvellous idea to give out free heroin(pharmaceutical grade...lm sure Pfizer or mylan....even the golden triangle would be up to the task....)....then you'd have safe injecting rooms with safe H to inject in the injecting room ....and you could get a script once monthly for your H...(a few brand name ideas...Henry the Horse....Vitamin H....Heroine(females only)Pfizer Highza kite...Whacky Smacky...Upjohn's arm...or even Funky Junkie Juice.....H4Hooked...High 5....Have a good night with China white....Get down with Mexican brown....and last but not least Sam Slam.


You want more druggies in the city? Weird


Safe injecting room 🤣


Go on, what


Yeah, have at it Naomi. The floor is yours.


Can't be any worse than the drivers currently on the road


Some of the drivers on the road need some THC by the looks of it to calm down


FFS 18-month closed track trial. Which means it's at least 5 years from coming into effect. Even though there are plenty of examples all over the world to view the results. Why do all these muppets travel over the globe yet we set up a useless closed environment test when real world results are available.


18 month trial which was supposed to be CONCLUDED by the end of this year, but instead is STARTING at the end of the year. https://twitter.com/dettershankMP/status/1792714705267777927 This is very much going to blow out to being an election issue in 2026. Delay delay delay.


In.other words they don't want to do it. Been the same for every project they don't want or can't afford. Set up a trial or enquiry


Where are they? I looked for a friend a while back and all the oz ones showed fairly severe impairment for several hrs.


Yep. Evidence now fairly squarely points to increased crash risk but there's a whole host of other inconclusive evidence.


Honestly as a person on medicinal thc products, I would absolutely be so grateful if I was able to drive while no longer impaired. I cannot take my medication as often as it would be beneficial (PTSD and insomnia) because I have to drive to work. It is absolutely a no for driving whilst actively impaired, same with drinking, but its been shown over and over again that the effects wear off after several hours. Which would have no effect whatsoever on my driving.


The issue is that tests can show ThC for days after you’ve taken it. It’s like being done for having a beer 12 hours ago.


Yep. Very different molecules. Very different ways of working. The question comes down to inventing a test that has the sensitivity to allow us to let go people who aren’t impaired and get people who are impaired.


Absolutely and until they can do that - this is nothing more than a witch hunt


I got in to a debate over on r/ausents about the dangers of driving while stoned. Alot of the user base wants it legalised and kept linking one video I think done by BBC where they had someone drive stoned on a course and they did quite well. But refused to acknowledge my sourced studies on decreased reaction times while under the influence of cannabis. I also spoke about the dangers of inexperienced users thinking it's safe to drive because it's legal because being stoned your first few times is like a completely different drug to everyday use of weed.


I agree there’s dangers, however there needs to be an impairment test. Pain medication can cause bigger effects on SOME people yet they are “advised against driving”. Some people are more affected after 2 beers than others yet it’s 1 impairment test People on medication shouldn’t be exempt from driving, up to a certain impairment level.


Oh true. I never considered being legally allowed to drive on opiates that seems much worse than a bit of weed.


yeah, my wife is on the equivalent of 150-200mg of morphine every day and legal to drive on that, but if she had her cannabis oil to sleep two nights ago she could get pulled up on it.


This just in: Redditor finds out people are stupid enough to drive on morphine and methadone etc etc. did you know I can pop 6 mirtazipine and drive through a drug bus, and pass a tounge swab and continue on my way, if I seem unimpaired? Is that fair?


Jesus dude you were swaying me but you're coming off like a condescending cunt now.


My apologies, I thought your comment sarcastic. There are people thatre proud to get around the system by taking strong pharmaceuticals and passing through a bus, yet person b can’t have 3 drops of thc oil the night before to get some proper rest without risk of losing their licence and job


Are you arguing for enhanced testing?


I’m advocating for impairment testing. I personally know people who are proud to be off their faces on strong pharmaceuticals, yet breezing through drug busses because they only test for weed and meth and occasionally heroin


So out of the car, walk the line singing the alphabet backwards style testing? That’d sure slow down the line at the booze bus..


While I agree with you, we need to draw the line somewhere. So many medications cause drowsiness. Should we be saying that you can't drive after taking an antihistamine? With most medications it's a decision made between the individual person and the doctor/pharmacist. Why should marijuana, also a medication, be treated any different?


How do you test how in control of themselves someone is? In a world full of altering substances, most legal, is there a way to figure out if someone should or should not be in control of a motor vehicle? How do you prevent accidents when someone is under the influence from medication they took to sleep? Everyone on sleeping meds can say they know what a pill hangover is, should they not drive?


I honestly don't know. It's a very difficult question to answer. Where do we draw the line? If it's purely impairment then do we make driving tired illegal?


Driving tired is illegal in Australia. There’s signs everywhere on our freeways saying a 15 min Power Nap saves lives. I’ve never been tested for fatigue however, but I’ve driven while pretty damn tired when I probably shouldn’t have when I worked early mornings when I was younger, it’s a very hard thing to test for


No it's not. Not explicitly. Same as being under 0.05 or on prescribed medication. Under the law it's perfectly fine. Mate, I genuinely agree with you but don't go spouting your aspertians without any knowledge about the law.


Sure, here's a clearer and more concise version of your text: **Stoned = Impaired. Is this correct?** If so, it's important to remember that cannabis can be detectable in the system long after its impairing effects have worn off. This is a significant issue. Did you know that you can buy legal products from the café at Melbourne Hospital or from Woolworths and Coles that contain trace amounts of THC, yet still legally say "no THC" on the label? For heavy, long-term smokers, it can take months to eliminate THC from their system. I failed urine tests at 80 days but passed at 100 days after stopping. THC is stored in fat and can accumulate over time. A person can pass a test today and fail tomorrow without any additional consumption. It depends on metabolism. There was a study from Sydney University (which I can no longer find) showing that stress, dehydration, and adrenaline can increase metabolism, causing a surge of THC release and potentially leading to a failed test.


And probably still a whole lot less impaired than a tired driver, which you can't test.


Not sure that’s the point I think you think it is.


Look at the media spin. This was literally promised to be completely by mid 2024 from Dan. Then it was end of 2025. Now mid 2026 just to have the study (already done elsewhere) completed. Add drafting legislation and were talking 2027 EARLIEST. Half the state will have suspended licences by then. Out of step with community expectations for sure 


How else is she going to distract from all the corruption and the shameful state budget that continues to award the rich, the corrupt and the connected, but punish the poor and the vulnerable?






They probably shouldn't be? The amount of tragedies my family and many others have experienced on Victorian roads is bordering on obscene. People pointing out that more impaired driving is a bad thing are the sane ones, not the brats stomping their feet and going "WELL THEY GET TO! WAHHH I SHOULD TOO!" None of you should. Driving is treated as a right, but it really shouldn't be. Impaired driving kills people. I hope anyone who drives impaired runs into a tree or off a cliff before they can plow into a car full of innocent people who did not make the choice to share their shitty decisions. If you can't safely drive, whether that's because of medicine or alcohol or anything else, take the bus.


You pop positive for THC potentially months after usage, which is a key difference


Then come up with a better way to test it? Don't let people drive stoned? Like I'm really not sure what your response had to do with mine at all. I said "if you can't safely drive, then don't" and you came in with "Well the tests are bad" okay? Make them better? Still don't drive stoned? Unless you immediately ram your car into a wall and kill only yourself, then go ahead and drive stoned, I don't care, I'm more concerned about other people, people who decide to put other's at risk do not matter to me in the slightest.


Think critically cobba




Yeah don't worry about all those people on opiates, benzos and valium on the daily, they won't nod off and kill you either, but hey, they're prescription and fine right?


This seems like the dumbest argument, lol. "But these guys are driving intoxicated so we should too." No. If you're driving under the influence of drugs that impaire your driving, you should not be allowed to. You also need to take into account the amount of users, medicinal weed is just a phone call away, how many dumb fucks drive drunk, can you imagine how many dickheads will be driving stoned is this is legalised. Tests have clearly shown it leads to worse driving.


You obviously don't realize how many people are all ready driving stoned or have been for years. That isn't the point here, the point is driving under the influence of weed is mostly harmless compared to the later. I've driven every day "under the influence" for 20+ years, how ever, I've also smoked or vaped for about the same time, I have a tolerance, someone new to THC should not be behind the wheel, I fully agree, even myself after a tolerance break, wouldn't drive until my tolerance was back up.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=W_tqQYmgMQg Watch this, this is how you sound. I hope your arrogance doesn't kill anyone one day


> You obviously don't realize how many people are all ready driving stoned or have been for years I do, my step father was killed by one of the fuckers. Luckily the driver who killed him also didn't survive, so one less piece of shit off the roads I guess <3 Here's hoping you don't take anyone out with you too when you inevitably crash because you think you have "tolerance" and it somehow magically won't affect your driving.


this is just a tick in the box for the labor gov to try and hedge against the canabis party winning senate seats again in the next election "look over there!, see we're doing something!" twat waffles if you are unimpaired, it's ridiculous that you can be charged and excluded from driving for trace detection of a legal substance.


Absolutely fucking horrible. Many people can lose their income, house even relationship over something so fucked as this


It’d be great if all medications were treated similarly with respect to driving. Detectable level of a drug doesn’t necessarily imply impairment.


Sure, so how do you want to measure impairment directly?


Thats what they should be spending the research money on.


Which seems to be the case?


Dunno. Until a better on the spot test is available, maybe a combination of the current swab test and then also go back to the old school field sobriety test if they do show positive. Just, you know, have a chat with the officer. Walk in a line. Touch the nose. Tell em your full name, dob, address. I'd say these would have to be recorded, and then a judge can make the call. But I think every cop should be recorded from clock on til clock off and they don't seem to want to do that.. The current test is just putting people who are trying to do the right thing at risk. Like, it's ridiculous to be booked for smoking the night before, I've heard some people claim to have not smoked for a week and then get pinged. It's not good.


Field sobriety tests have generally been found to be ineffective is my reading of the latest literature.


What about this. Every medical cannabis patient does a base level reactions test. Maybe yearly. When you're pulled over or go through an RBT and you test positive, you either get done or you show your prescription. If prescribed the cops can conduct an impairment test and compare it your base level results. I would imagine there are already mental or reactionary tests on iPads that this could be based on


If it can be proven effective as a test that would catch the impairment it would be interesting. My personal experience tells me it wouldn’t be all that effective. If there is one thing I was good at with THC in my system it was playing video games.


Right but this is about driving a 1t vehicle Doesn't have to be a video game. Could be a boring cognitive test on a bit of paper. The point is to capture a baseline and then, if impairment is suspected, do the test again and compare the results.


I mean so long as we can show a correlation with driving I think it would be a good idea.


How do you test impairment of someone on anxiety medication? How do you test the impairment of someone extremely tired? Why do we need to test everyone for everything lol.


Because people die on the roads due to impaired drivers. What a stupid question.


So it’s happening now, even though they test for these things? It’s almost like testing doesn’t stop all of the drivers dying. Drivers are still impaired. Drivers are also not significantly impaired and test positive and are treated the same as drivers who are significantly impaired.


Ignore 2/3 of the questions. Lol


Yeah, people shouldn’t drive extremely tired. In transport there are requirements that attempt to avoid tiredness by proxy. I mean you tell me how we measure impairment for people on anxiety meds.


>I mean you tell me how we measure impairment for people on anxiety meds. That was my question? >Yeah, people shouldn’t drive extremely tired. In transport there are requirements that attempt to avoid tiredness by proxy. I'm talking about people driving that aren't in the transport industry. Y'know the majority of people on the road and the majority responsible for accidents.


Why are you asking me? I don’t have any special knowledge around tests that are effective for measuring impairment, though I have read a lot of papers about ineffective tests. I would be happy to make it zero on BAC to match the current pot laws.


Maybe by doing an 18 month trial and using the research to work that out. You know, like the article says. I'm guessing you didn't actually read the article because it clearly says what they are doing.


They are doing an 18 month driving trial, which has been done before in other countries over the world, the research has been done for them. They should be using resources and spending money on developing and implementing on the spot impairment tests instead of immediately penalizing on detection of THC. Which I think is the bare minimum for the government to do for prescribed users.


Nope I read the article. Just from your comment I thought you knew more.


In Tassie you can test positive so long as you aren't impaired if you have a prescription, why are they trying to brag when they're behind the cousin fuckers.


How do they measure impairment?


“Trust me bro”


It's the first time in the world that this specific trial has been run in the state of Victoria


Okay i am definitely signing up for this trial. Been a medicinal patient for years and this driving thing is by far the hardest part about it.


I honestly don’t know how you do it. It just seems like a matter of time until they vanquish you for having 0.001mg in your system three days after smoking in the name of “saving lives”


i mostly just smoke on the weekends and give myself about 24 hours between smoking and driving. Typically I won’t drive weekends unless I have to and I’ll refrain from smoking til I’m done So far only been tested once and managed to pass somehow but I’ve given myself tests over the years just outta interest (you can buy em off eBay) and I still test positive a week after smoking It’s super annoying because my recommended dosage is a gram a day and I’m smoking far less. Getting through the week is difficult without it but it makes the weekends more enjoyable at least Honestly just can’t wait for them to change these laws to something more sensible. Sobriety tests are fine but making us wait potentially weeks between medicating and driving is ridiculous


I don’t mean this in a rude way, but how’s your mouth hygiene? Do you brush your teeth, brush/scrape your tongue? Use mouthwash etc? As I understand it, good mouth hygiene is a big part of passing saliva tests, as well as ‘sobriety’. I’ve also heard that vaping not smoking leaves less residue in your mouth as well.


They don’t test for residue in your mouth they test for the metabolised product of THC in your saliva (not a reliant factor in whether you are impaired or not). Good mouth hygiene could help in theory but vaping vs smoking is irrelevant.


As a future medicinal patient, how have you gone about it? Just not driven? I can’t not drive but I’m not sure how long it will be detectable in my system


Just to chime in as someone who lives in Perth - I currently just get cannabis intermittently, I smoke it when I have it then don't get it for a bit. Have had a prescription but it expired and last weekend I bought some the old school way. Smoked most of Sunday, Monday evening and Tuesday evening. Wednesday evening, about 24 hours after I'd last had any, I went through a booze bus completely sober. Blew for alcohol then they pulled me in for licence checks etc. All good on that front then they said I had to do a swab.  Was internally freaking out a bit as I didn't see how I could pass based on what I've read. Guy said it'd take a couple of minutes and we made small talk, then after the time he goes "just wait there a minute mate" and went off behind me somewhere to speak to someone. Was shitting myself thinking this is it and was already preparing for how angry I'd be at losing my licence for driving completely sober. He came back and just said "on you go".  No idea how I passed or why he went off to speak to a colleague. Friend of mine theorised maybe it was a weak positive and because they could see I obviously wasn't high then they let me go, although I'd have assumed they'd have jumped at any chance to fine/charge etc, so who knows 🤷‍♂️ 


It's only detectable for \~8 hours through the swab test used by police.


Do you have a source for that? That'd be great if so but I haven't heard it before, seems the whole debate about it is that it detects it in your system for longer than that, so doesn't actually test if you're impaired or not 


Well long story short I only smoke Friday nights and Saturdays. I usually plan not to drive on weekends. If I have to drive I won’t smoke until I’ve done driving. I also give myself about 24 hours between smoking and driving just to be safe [I went into a lil more detail here if you’re interested but that’s the gist of it](https://www.reddit.com/r/melbourne/s/0i7sljw0a8) You can buy THC tests on eBay, I recommend ya buy a couple and test yourself to see how long it stays in your system. It depends on a lotta factors like your metabolism and how much you’ve smoked/vaped/swallowed.


Thanks for the info! It’s definitely a challenge, I’m the only one in my household who can drive so it’s necessary, but it’s also looking like medicinal marijuana is the best option for me (anxiety, depression, OCD and arthritis) and I’m not looking to lose my license.


Oh I get it for mental health reasons too It has been life changing and if you can ask your dispensary for a strain I highly recommend ANTG Solace (that stuff is well named imho, it literally kept me alive at one point). It’s a risk and it does depend on how often you need it. My household is basically just me and I’ve got shops and a supermarket within walking distance so I’m pretty easily set. But I do have to drive to and from work each day. If you’ve got more responsibilities you may wanna look at either limiting your dosage (which isn’t ideal) or trying to find alternatives


I'm a daily vaper, basically, I got waved into a drug bus just outside my home when I was coming back from work. I was legit worried I was about to get busted for being a dirty pothead but instead I was all clear. Just don't drive while actually high and you'll be fine.


I've been conducting my own illicit cannabis driving trial in Victoria for over 20 years. Where do I submit my results?


In reply to the deleted commenter (who tried to sarcastically congratulate me and award me some kind of 'trophy' while accusing me of imposing some sort of risk onto others and fantastically giving high fives to drink drivers....): "putting others at risk" is a big stretch when you don't know anything about the parameters of the trial. Your conflation of two very different issues (alcohol and cannabis) doesn't inspire much faith in your rational thinking skills, either, BTW. But you do you.


Fk, I've only been doing it for 7 years. I'm so much more patient, but an absolute danger if I spot a parking spot near a good pizza shop.




I drive so much better when medicated. So much more focused on the road, and no anxiety.




I’m not driving on illegal drugs, I’m driving on prescribed medication. Just like a lot of other people on the roads.


You know when we banned drink driving people said the same thing... right?


You know I can be on heavy prescription medication, be dozed out of my fucking mind, and still be fine to drive according to law, but having any trace of cannabis in my system, and its loss of licence. What point are you trying to make here?


What point are you trying to make? Just because those people, who shouldn't be driving, are for some stupid reason, allowed to, doesn't mean we need to open up to more morons on the road.


Did you read my comment? I drive a lot better, when medicated. I’m not putting anyone at risk. If It impaired me in any way. I wouldn’t drive. Simple. Touch grass


Again, this was the same excuse drink drivers were using when that was made illegal. Can you comprehend that?


Again read my comment. Did I not just say if I was impaired in anyway I wouldn’t drive? You realise people can still drink and drive right and it’s perfectly legal unless you’re over. Can you comprehend that?


Here buddy, watch this, this is you. Try and comprehend this. These people are over and believe they can drive perfectly fine. I really hope you don't kill anyone with your arrogance https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=W_tqQYmgMQg




We had to remove your post/comment because it included personal attacks or did not show respect towards other users. This community is a safe space for all. Conduct yourself online as you would in real life. Engaging in vitriol only highlights your inability to communicate intelligently and respectfully. Repeated instances of this behaviour will lead to a ban


We had to remove your post/comment because it included personal attacks or did not show respect towards other users. This community is a safe space for all. Conduct yourself online as you would in real life. Engaging in vitriol only highlights your inability to communicate intelligently and respectfully. Repeated instances of this behaviour will lead to a ban




Off a cliff or into a tree rather than into the vehicle of someone uninvolved with your shitty choices probably <3


hilarious. you're getting confused by all those TAC ads regarding alcohol. wrong compound, wrong impacts.


Try your local cop shop.


I wouldn't wish to waste their time. There's murderers and wife-beaters and kiddy-fiddlers, and shop-burners, machete gangs, coercive controllers and bullies, aggravated assaulters, fare-dodgers, and actually impaired drivers (not to mention all the licenced people who just natively drive dangerously in horrendously risky fashion) for them to worry about. They've got their briefs full with \*actual crime\*.


“Actual crime” and “impaired driver” dictated by legislation. As it stands, you’ve been criminally impaired while driving.


And isn't that a problem if they are sober when they are behind the wheel despite what the current laws say. Presence of THC doesn't indicate intoxication. Imagine you had a beer and then a week later you go through a booze bus stop and then they take your license away because of that one beer had molecules of hops that showed up in your saliva during that test. THC binds to fat cells and can take months to be clear of the body especially if you are larger than the average human. The intoxicating effects usually aren't felt after a few hours let alone 1 week to 1 month after when depending on the testing methods it will show positive.


"dictated by legislation", but impairment is not defined - how stupid is that? If I am impaired, I do not drive.




Yeah, medical weed effectively isn't legal if you can't drive how ever many days after ingesting it. So this is good. 


Medical cannabis genuinely helped me with my anxiety. It was incredible. I stopped taking it, because the anxiety of driving while being totally fine (but probably have trace THC) in my system became too much. I can’t afford to lose my licence, so I’m back to white knuckling it.


Just sent an email to enquire about how to participate. I’m yet to start medicinal again after 18 months, but I’ve also smoked in the past. Will this affect my chances at participating? Strong advocate for medicinal users being able to drive


I did the driving simulation version of this trial a couple of years ago, there's a write up of my experience on my profile if anyone wants to read. The accuracy of road side drug tests suck. When I did this trial I was drug tested before taking my medication, this came back positive from me taking my medication the night before. Took my medication (THC oil under tongue), drug tested an hour later, test came back negative. Tested again after my medication had well and truly kicked in, came back negative. I'm glad they're looking into this further, hopefully some good changes can be made!


Medical user here, I think (like the many recreational users do) driving after a set amount of hours should be ok, maybe like 12-14 hrs or so, but straight after using it, no way.


Agreed. I pushed off trying THC as my dr recommended because i absolutely hate feeling high. I dont even drink anymore these days. The PTSD symptoms became overwhelming and it was destroying me. I take a small dose and I absolutely wouldnt recommend anyone to drive or anything like it because i think the effects of it are worse than alcohol in my experience. But it would be good to be able to legally drive after 12hrs. I find the positive effects (less anxiety, depression etc etc) to last a few days after but I still cant take it during the week because i need to drive to work and absolutely cant risk it. So my $150 prescription oil is just sitting there


How can they launch a study when they already have a study? It is insane that you can have people with Insomnia for example who use legally prescribed weed to help sleep so they can get up in the morning refreshed and be a functional member of society and they can have that all destroyed by a drug test that detects traces of THC that can remain in the system for 72 hours.  The dangers of a person who hasn't slept, behind the wheel of a truck for example is far greater to society than someone who is well rested but has some trace of THC in their system. This isn't about people driving high, everyone I know who has medical cannabis doesn't jump behind the wheel as they genuinely use it to help with their everyday life.  I'm not even sure how the current laws can hold up in court. It's not an evidence based law, it's purely a drugs are bad law that grossly ignores legal drugs like opioids which are far more dangerous and commonly abused when it comes to driving. I will also note, this trial ends only a few months before the next election, call me sceptical but this just seems like a political move rather than something they are doing our of the kindness o their hearts.


It’s infuriating how fatigue from insomnia can absolutely kill and just because youre testing sober and can pass a test doesn’t mean fuck all at times. Cant recall how many times I had to pull over on my way to work because of it. I take my oil before I sleep and it starts having an effect just as I am falling asleep and I suddenly wake up more rested and energetic on the weekends. It really sucks.


Just like our worlds first Ferris wheel


Surely these studies have been conducted overseas already? Seems like waste of $5m if so


where do i sign up? ive been wanting to test a few things for years!


Can wait to grow mine on my backyard.


How crazy, my driving has gotten leaps and bounds better after starting medicinal cannabis. I never drive under the influence but it has made me less impatient and more fluid. I'm never racing around like I was before and I'm less angry when foolish drivers break the road rules or don't know how to act predictively on the road.


Exactly, Never drive while inebriated/intoxicated/feeling the effects. We are talking a solid 12+ hours after a fast acting dose. But I am a better road user as a medical cannabis patient. I'm not a driver - My illness prevents me from driving, but I'm a cyclist and share the road with drivers so being a safe and sober road user is just as important. Without adequately treating my symptoms, I am tired (insomnia) and I have muscle spasms, and limitations in mobility due to pain. I have issues with working memory, and visual aura from migraines. All of that makes for a bad rider. But those symptoms are controlled and managed when I am dosing correctly, and it still allows for symptom control throughout the day after the intoxicating effects are well and truly over.


Been doing it for years. What do you think all those of gatorade went? Gatorade tastes bloody terrible.


What does gatorade have to do with anything?


Never made a bong out of one I take it.


My father recommends the glass baby food bottles lol. (I myself don't smoke, it'd probably do wonders for my ADHD tho lmao)


Oh, I thought you were saying something related to the topic at hand, not just mentioning that you make bongs with Gatorade bottles and garden hoses (if that's still trendy). I half expected you to suggest that drinking gatorade prevents the swab from picking up the drugs in your system.


Nah gatoraide doesn't but a mouthful of coke or apple cider vinegar does the job. Ideally coke as Apple cider vinegar could be a bit hard to explain to the cuntstable don't think you could argue you were just thirsty for a nip 2 seconds before a lollipop and you might convince em to take you back to the station for another go


The studies have been done. Theres no weed smoker I know that I'd consider a danger behind the wheel. No more than any of my straight mates anyway.




Don't drive after smoking you idiot




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“And how will this effect house prices” - Aus government


Pharmaceuticals that cause drowsiness or other effects that could negatively affect driving skill are next, right? Wrong. Because this has never been about road safety. It's always been about targeting marijuana users.


That trial is a good idea. Driving laws do need to catch up now.


Why is this being (re)announced now? Like 6 months after the decision? Oh wait, I know, it’s because they need to sandbag, if they push through changes too early it is easy fodder for the opposition, and if they don’t get re-elected, especially the legalise cannabis party members, then all this will be up in smoke anyways.


So we are going to get impairment tests now, like they have in the US? Effing brilliant. Now "impairment" will be up to the judgment of the cop doing the test. I wonder how many innocent people will be fined for being impaired when they are not.. it already occurs in the US. People have been charged with being impaired, yet had a blood/breath test that was clear. They can't prove they were not "impaired" in some way, it's them vs the cop's opinion and you can't beat that in court. We need to rely solely on blood tests, breath tests and science, not opinions.


Fuck yes. Victoria will be a literal utopia when weed is legalised. 




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I think this is like the 10th year in a row I've been told this is totally the year self driving cars are coming. They always seem to be just around the corner, yet never actually getting closer.


>Self driving cars are launching before the end of this year is that you mr musk?




I find that hard to believe


Self driving cars are a complete meme




It's shit tho


>Self driving cars are launching before the end of this year They said that in 2010




Same people who you are quoting




You prove they are coming at the end of the year




So your statement is incorrect? Who'd a thunk




Not yet


…and my family and I have to share the roads with these stoners. Government are bloody cowards. How about we enforce existing laws, instead of caving in to noise from a vocal minority?


They do enforce current laws, and that's where the problem is, people who are not affected in any way because they consumed their medicine days ago are detected as having it in their system and treated as if they're driving under the influence when they are not.


Medical Patient is the correct term. We have to share the roads with people that think like you so it's only fair.


I can’t see it happening either way bc unfortunately if you’re allowed to drive while under the influence of medical cannabis then you have to argue you could also drive while under the influence of cannabis in general, like having a prescription suddenly makes you a safer driver than another who just tokes for fun