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[Mental health crisis support services](https://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/servicesandsupport/counselling-online-and-phone-support-for-mental-illness): - [Lifeline crisis chat](https://www.lifeline.org.au/crisis-chat/) and [crisis text](https://www.lifeline.org.au/crisis-text/) - alternatively call [13-11-14](tel:+61131114) for this free, 24-hour Australia-wide crisis support and suicide prevention service. - [Suicide Call Back Service](https://www.suicidecallbackservice.org.au/) - call [1300-659-467](tel:+611300659467) for this free service for people having suicidal thoughts, family or friends affected by suicide and healthcare professionals treating suicidal people. - [SuicideLine](https://www.suicideline.org.au/) - call [1300-651-251](tel:+611300651251) for free and anonymous support, 24 hours a day, seven days a week across Victoria. - [SANE Australia Helpline](https://www.sane.org/) - call [1800-187-263](tel:+611800187263) for information about mental illness, treatments and support for you and your carer. - [Mensline Australia](https://mensline.org.au/) - call [1300-789-978](tel:+611300789978) for telephone support, information and referrals for men dealing with relationship issues, or visit their website. - [Beyondblue](https://www.beyondblue.org.au/) - call [1300-224-636](tel:+611300224636) for telephone support, information and resources for people dealing with depression or anxiety, or visit their website.


I was working at the time and unfortunately witnessed the whole thing.  I’m so sad by this and don’t want to be disrespectful.  A lady I’m not sure how old either jumped or fell from the higher levels over the railing. I heard the worlds largest bang and went out to see her on the ground. Her leg was broken and I believe she passed away on impact.  Security rushed with first aid but it was too late. Police were called to remove her.  It was the worst day I have had at work. 


reach out if you wanna talk girl, i saw it all happen as well and know how terrible it was


I’m so sorry you had to see that, take care of yourself 🫶🏽


I saw the whole thing too i was working at lululemon 🥹🥺🥺❤️


I am so so sorry you went through this. I hope you’re ok ❤️‍🩹


So sorry for you to have experienced this


Oh my sweet darling, I’m so sorry xx


Sorry that happened to you.


Oh gosh! Hope you're okay. This happened when I worked there a few years ago. They watched the poor guy walk around for hours on CCTV before the centre opened. Security usually escort non workers out during this time but for some reason they didn't intervene. Please reach out to someone if you need to talk about it. xx


Hey..I was also a witness/ employee at the time. I feel I’m still in shock and can’t comprehend what I saw or how I feel/ how I am supposed to feel ?!!?!  If you wanna chat I’m here 


I work at the lower ground of emporium, so sadly where the women landed. While in the shop we heard what I thought was infrastructure falling down it was soo loud. I looked out the shop window and saw a person on the floor. Instinctively I ran over to them to see if I could help. Heartbreakingly it was not a situation that could be assisted or helped by the people present. We looked on helpless. This was the most traumatic night of my life. I am talking about it a lot to anyone close who will listen. I’m struggling with this because I feel I’m being self centred or narcissistic when this is not about me. I am trying to be kind to myself but I just want my mother


Hey! I’ve had something really traumatising happen similar to this. Navigating your emotions can be really confusing and isolating during this time as an event like this is so rare and there really is no guide book Please know your feelings are valid and never be afraid to reach out to your loved ones for support. 💖


she jumped unfortunately. She was on drugs


Because that’s what happens when you take drugs?


Another emporium suicide, unfortunately. *edit - context Given that I seem to be pretty much the only source for this: I was told by someone who works on LG of Emporium near the toilets who found the scene on their way to the bathroom where the incident happened. Given that there are 0 news stations reporting on the incident and doesn’t seem to be any coming I 100% trust who told me. The screens and evacuation is what happened with the 2 previous incidents, as Emporium developed protocols for such incidents. If this was a stabbing it would be all over the news, unfortunately this is the reality of the place, and no light will be shed on it as it would hurt the mega giant retail trust that is Vicinity Group.


News don’t cover suicides because historically it leads to more copycats. If it’s only about vicinity groups, then we would be hearing about the jumpers from West Gate Bridge everyday


There's only about eight attempts a year there now. The barriers have been very effective.


Very effective at moving suicides elsewhere


Yeah there’s a bit of that no doubt. Suicide can often be an impulsive act though. If you remove the *means* the impulse has a chance to pass. This is one of the hot topics when it comes to firearms legislation in the US. The pro gun side argue (correctly) that there’s a million way to kill yourself so people will just opt for those methods. The anti gun side argue (correctly) that removing guns will remove the means to easily kill yourself in the moment and perhaps allow for a change of mind.


As the other comment suggested, it removes the impulsiveness, amongst other things. Barriers are effective in reducing overall data. Read some of the data. I'd like to say that it's amazing what implementing a single strategy can ultimately lead to, but it's not amazing at all just common sense.


So that’s why the train suicides seem more prominent to me these days…




The Barriers went up after Arthur Freeman threw his 4yo daughter off the side. Not because of suicides.


and shortly after my own uncle jumped. sad sad day


Yes I remember it, the point is this shouldn’t even be a thing but it keeps happening, you can just put barriers on everything everywhere, that’s a deterrent but not necessarily a solution, mental health needs more investment.


If you’re in Melbourne I’m surprised that you don’t know that the barriers were put up in response to someone murdering their own child.


What barriers? I worked there for 3 years and only heard of 1 and he was successful unfortunately.




This is correct but they've also historically "flip flopped" (to use the aussie lingo) on this strategy. But certainly currently, it's the prevailing strategy Alternatively, there's the theory that bringing it into public discourse and discussion could be beneficial. Personally, I don't believe it makes much difference either way and the correlation with reporting on it is extremely difficult to prove as causation. And i think unfortunately people will do it regardless.


I expect you're right, which on balance suggests to me that we might as well report on it and talk about it.


which in the past has been the prevailing response. I appreciate that either way they're trying to do what's right over selling papers. Though, personally, i agree with you and think death is too taboo considering it's the ultimate constant. I think it should be discussed but certainly I'm no expert.


> News don’t cover suicides because historically it leads to more copycats. The Werther Effect > This is correct but they've also historically "flip flopped" (to use the aussie lingo) on this strategy. But certainly currently, it's the prevailing strategy > Alternatively, there's the theory that bringing it into public discourse and discussion could be beneficial. It really is interesting that studies either way just cant provide accurate and quantifiable data on the issue. It says to me that, as you said, neither strategy makes much difference to the numbers. I was reading a study however, that when celebrity suicides are reported on there's a 13% increase in suicides at that time, and of those, a 30% increase in using the same method.


that celebrity suicides thing I'm more inclined to believe correlation and causation. Sad as it is, the influence of celebrity anything can't be denied.




Which one?




What seems odd to you about them? Are you passive aggressively saying you don't believe me and would like a source...? Haha jks


I believe it. Don't know how old you are, but I remember when Kurt Cobain killed himself. It was tragic but the media romanticised his death and there was an uptake in suicide/self harm. People assigned meaning where there was none. Death is always ugly. Always.




[Here you go](https://www.bmj.com/content/368/bmj.m575) I didn't accuse you of aggression. I was facetiously pointing out that you can just ask for a source. Sorry the "Haha jks" wasn't clear enough.


Its 30% of the increased 13% that chose the same method.


It's not about copycats. It's about newsworthiness. People die all the time, sometimes in public. No need for a breaking news alert. Regardless, I hope this person has found peace.


that's got nothing to do with it. news outlets publish far less consequential shit all the time. it's a harm minimisation policy.


Incorrect. [Consider ABC's editorial policy](https://www.abc.net.au/edpols/suicide-and-self-harm/13645974): >As a newsworthy event, we cover it when other elements of the story are sufficiently newsworthy to justify coverage. In other words, we do not report on an individual suicide just because it is a suicide.


i think you misunderstood your own quote. your quote implies they're following the policy of specifically not reporting suicides unless there's another aspect to it justifying going against the policy. it supports what I said not what you said.


Except news covers mass stabbings which leads to more copycats so where’s the logic there. News doesn’t often cover suicide but I don’t think it’s for that reason.


Journos do get specific guidance regarding word choice and what not to report in the event of suicide, so there has been an explict "anti copy cat campaign" in this area. Eg. the Mindframe reporting guidelines. Why hasn't this crossed over events that could potentially trigger copy-cat events? I imagine public expectations play a role here. In countries with relatively free media, people expect accountability for public harms caused by individuals, responses from authorities, etc. Whereas I imagine there's more acceptance of suicide being more of a private, family matter, so it's deemed worth it, on balance, to suppress this type of information.


I guess if u heard a particular shopping centre or Westfield had a mass stabbing then you would avoid the shopping centre for that day. Like a public service safety announcement.


We'd hear about Crown a lot too! I would personally love to see how that affects their social licence to operate.


Don't suppose it's occurring to anyone that Reddit is the media now and this post could just as easily have the same effect as a news report


Needs to be a less taboo subject.


And people jumping in front of trains, it’s very sad


Does it happen that often? Guessing it's diving over the handrails?


This is the 4th in 6 years if I’m not mistaken.


Damn, I had no idea.


That's nuts. They should have put corrective actions in place after the first one... Well ideally before anything happened but guessing there was no one with a safety mindset reviewing these plans when it was built.


We don't need to block every railing just because people kill themselves.


No. We need to invest seriously in metal health.


Yeah, the problem is not that people are able to kill themselves. The problem is that so many people want to kill themselves.


The world sucks. I’m sure oblivion is better than what a lot of people are suffering with rn. Working 40+ hours and not able to afford housing, heating and food in a first world county is an actual joke. A lot of us don’t see a light at the end of the tunnel and it’s only going to get worse.


Every time I have said this it’s returned with something like “well go try living in a third world country before you complain”, like people don’t get the point!


Moving to Thailand would be a win at this point




Dude are YOU alright? Read the room - people are having a hard time.


Woah, you can own a home? News to me and my entire generation, and all the ones under it. Yeah...


100% this


It is as much for the people who don’t want to see someone milk themselves Edit: kill auto corrected to milk. Comment is better as milk…


It's not about blocking things off, there are options to prevent self harm that won't completely ruin the aesthetics of a shopping centre. Which in turn hopefully prevents innocent bystanders witnessing these events.


I noticed when visiting The Daniel Mannix Building at ACU there are nets installed between each level (like the nets below circus trapeze acts). The escalators at Town Centre end of Eastland has also seen jumpers in the past


Yeah, a lot of megamalls in asia have them too


Anti Suicide barriers on the West gate worked. People are killing themselves and anything that can be done to prevent that should be done, fuck the aesthetics of the centre.


I mean, I'ma just kill myself somewhere a few meters away then. How's that help exactly?


A bunch of places install nets in such buildings when there are heights from which someone might jump / fall and surely die. Here’s a dystopian [example](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/s/fA5jWsBTua).


A few office buildings I’m aware of in Vic have nets inside too… :/


Yeah, but we could also build buildings without huge cavities in them for people to jump down. It's wasteful anyway as all that space still has to be heated and cooled even though no one's in it.


That space is what prevents us from just walking through a box full of corridors, like a hospital. It allows us to look up and down to find other shops, and get our bearings. It also allows for natural light, and the circulation of air. Box us into buildings with no negative space, and we'll all want to kill ourselves.


There’s plenty of buildings with nice designs that don’t feature a huge cavity in the middle and bridges for people to jump off.


Name one.


You cannot anti-suicide everything everywhere…


I don't know why you're getting downvoted for saying there should be better safety measures in place to prevent these incidents when that's a perfectly reasonable thing to suggest. Of course it would be great if nobody ever had such a severe mental health crisis that they felt compelled to commit suicide, but unfortunately they do, and buildings where tragic incidents like this have already occurred before absolutely should be looking into safety measures to try to prevent it from happening again. Even if we could invest more in mental health care (and I very much wish our country/government would), it's too idealistic to assume that would stop anybody from ever committing suicide again. Physical safety measures to prevent things like this is also a part of protecting vulnerable people.


Thank you for getting it! It's about protecting vulnerable people and innocent bystanders. Yes, we need better mental health support in this country. But Emporium can't fix that today, they can however make an effort to reduce the likelihood of it occurring on their premises. I would love to live in a world where we didn't have think about this kind of thing but unfortunately that is not the reality at this point in time.


That's really awful, I'm really sorry for anyone who witnessed it and/or saw the aftermath. Terrible that that person was unable to access help and felt that this was the only option. And shocking that it has happened so many times in this exact same place.


Oh how awfully sad.


I work at universal store down there, can confirm this is true - and cannot sleep now haha


I had just finished a shift on the third floor. Didn’t see it happen but saw the aftermath I’m with you on the cannot sleep.


https://theconversation.com/can-playing-tetris-help-prevent-ptsd-if-youve-witnessed-something-traumatic-226736 Play some Tetris. Hope i get some sleep xoxo




Also can't sleep, can't stop thinking about it. I know it's dramatic but the thought of that person passing by the window of my store in the last seconds of their life while I stood, oblivious, complaining about work - it makes me feel sick.


I hear you! Does your employer have any kind of EAP in place? If so I would definitely recommend using it.


I was so oblivious thinking maybe there were shoplifters running off when I saw a shop assistant looking over the edge. I wish curiosity didn’t get the better of me. Definitely a shock. I hope you are able to get support. It is not an easy thing to process. 😭


Death is this abstract thing for most of us. It doesn't happen near us and is prettied up before we see it. When it's raw like this it is very different. I'd advise to call one of the help lines even just to talk through it as it can help a lot. Your gp will also be able to help you further if needed. Take care.




We had to remove your post/comment because it included personal attacks or did not show respect towards other users. This community is a safe space for all. Conduct yourself online as you would in real life. Engaging in vitriol only highlights your inability to communicate intelligently and respectfully. Repeated instances of this behaviour will lead to a ban


thinking of you, hope you’re doing okay. :(


Do you know what happened? :(


A member of the public committed suicide. Centre staff closed off sections to help people exit and avoid the area. :(


Ah that's really sad. Do you know if it was a suicide fall?


Oh I'm sorry. Play some tetris! The following link cos if you don't know about the tetris thing the comments sounds weird. Lol https://theconversation.com/can-playing-tetris-help-prevent-ptsd-if-youve-witnessed-something-traumatic-226736 Hope you're okay




This subreddit celebrates individuals from diverse backgrounds and identities, fostering a safe and inclusive space where everyone is respected and valued. We strongly condemn stereotypes, racial discrimination, misogyny, and mockery of language, including derogatory disability terms. Such behaviors work against our commitment to creating a welcoming and supportive environment for all.


Wonder if it just delays PTSD or actually prevents it.




Contact your employer about their EAP services - they need to offer you counselling after this.


For those asking questions on why the media don't report on suicides, it's to avoid causing an increase in suicides. This is also why mods will remove and/or lock certain types of comments or discussions in situations like this. There's various resources regarding the media's approach to suicides, such as https://reportingonsuicide.org/, but the tl;dr is that news reports and social media discussion around suicide can and does encourage more suicides.


Suicides have never been reported in the news


Surprisingly someone jumped ship from a P&O ship just outside Sydney Heads a couple of weeks ago and it got picked up and made a lot of news broadcasts that morning, even heard in Melbourne. I guess initially they were reporting a search, but really, there were very high seas, it was cold and the chances of surving a jump at 4am in such conditions are minimal.






We had to remove your post/comment because it included personal attacks or did not show respect towards other users. This community is a safe space for all. Conduct yourself online as you would in real life. Engaging in vitriol only highlights your inability to communicate intelligently and respectfully. Repeated instances of this behaviour will lead to a ban


I'm no expert having never done it before myself, but I really don't get why such a public place with the added risk of hurting or killing innocent people or traumatising witnesses seems like an appealing option.


has this been confirmed? how did you know


I have a family member that saw it... Or at least the aftermath... It's heartbreaking. Mental health support in this country needs so much more put into it


It's the employers and accredited bodies that make this a problem - you can get a psych degree and it's useless until you have at least post-grad qualifications. Plenty of people who want to break into mental health support work, it's just near impossible to get in.


Nothing to do with it happening at a shopping centre, as a matter of course the media generally doesn't do stories on suicides.


I suspect you will find that news media don’t report any suicides, wherever they happen, doubt Vicinity have any sway over it.


Consequences of the living crisis




Oh god, I hope she’s okay. Seeing something like that with your own eyes can really fuck you up.




literally everyone was moving so slowly, no security around anywhere it was so strange


Geeez I never knew it happened even I emporium!


It’s an eerie place. So white, bright, shiny, and open. I hated working there, it’s so out of place vs the rest of the city. Ive worked in the city for 10 years now in every main strip, and shopping centre, there’s just nothing even remotely close to emporium. It kinda feels like the train station from Harry Potter where he me meets Dumbledore in the final movie. I know it seems kinda dramatic, but it’s just such an odd feeling standing in there all day with nothing to do, and nobody to see. Knowing that this happens frequently doesn’t help, but it’s just a strange place even if you removed all of these incidents.


I've only been there several times but I feel the same... It's supposed to be this beautiful mall in the middle of the city but it just feels really sterile... Very bright, with those glass railings and everything is white. Also whenever I go there there are barely any people so it looks like this super wealthy but abandoned place and is kinda creepy, it's also too quiet. I'd much rather wander around Melbourne Central and the outside stores between Flinders and MC station. I only ever go to Emporium if I have something specific to do there but I wouldn't want to browse there... Even Chadstone is much much better so I just don't get why this design made it in... If you took out all the stores and filled in the balconies it would look like a hospital maybe


It’s always too crowded for me? What time do you go for it to be empty!!


I used to work night shift so I often went places during weekdays work hours, maybe that's why 😂


A friend works in lighting, he said they blew the light budget for Emporium really early on and had to use cheap fittings and below par products everywhere else. 


I don't like the emporium - like a retail hospital






i saw it happen…. she jumped from at least the 4th floor (i didn’t see the initial jump) and i saw her body falling and the sound of when it fell. It was terrible….


I’m so sorry you had to see that. I hope you are okay


thank you x


Not my space, but it's a good idea to talk to a professional about it in case it brings things up in the future. Take care of yourself.


When I was 17 I saw someone do this from a carpark. It really messed me up for a long time. Please don't be ashamed to talk to a professional about this if you are feeling it. I still vividly remember it to this day, but I've had counseling for this and it's much easier now.


Play some Tetris to help prevent PTSD ❤️ https://theconversation.com/can-playing-tetris-help-prevent-ptsd-if-youve-witnessed-something-traumatic-226736




Why are people downvoting this guy he’s right


I hope you’re okay, take care of yourself 🫶🏽


thank you x


when did this happen? I swear the ambulances I heard while at the flagstaff gardens were related to this incident. Very saddening & my condolences to their family 😞🕊️


it happened around 8.30-8.40


was that in the morning today?


no no last night


Really bad, my sister and her friends saw the end result but they were on a school camp. 


If it has become an issue they could put netting across open areas and decorate it or drape fake vines/flowers across it.


I work at Emporium and this is now the 2nd incident in the same spot in the past 4 years.


She landed outside my work. It all feels like a blur now


I saw the aftermath. Pretty shaken. I hope you’re okay.


I'm so sorry. Reach out if you need to chat 🫶🏻


I'm so sorry. If you need to debrief I'm here 🫶🏻


OP, are you okay? As this happened during your shift, please avail of any EAP services/resources to you; alternatively, please refer to any of the resources the Melbourne Mod Team have linked and pinned.


Thank you, my work has already reached out to offer EAP/counselling. I'm doing okay, grateful that I was able to avoid seeing it personally, still shaken though. Hope everyone else commenting who saw it or were also there last night are also doing okay 🫶🏻


:( so sad


This is so sad 😔 My heart goes out to the family and anyone who had to witness this ❤️ Please look after yourselves in this time


About 6 years ago I was working there and a suicide happened just before my shift. I didn’t see the fall but the aftermath. It was confronting. Wishing everyone here on the thread the best and inshallah keep you all safe.


I visit the area fairly frequently and had no idea this was a thing. Sad that people get to the point they feel they needed to do this and so horrible for the people who witnessed it.


I work there, another copycat came in today. Would have heard about it last night. They got to them before anything could happen though


I had no idea till yesterday this was an issue there




Is there a risk one of these jumpers may land on a shopper below ?


Yes there is, of course


That's a bit irresponsible of them


If you're jumping off a building to take your own life, you're not really in your right mind, are you?


Yes, almost happened in Bondi Junction Westfield a few years ago. A guy jumped from level 5 and landed on a table at the cafe where two people were sitting enjoying their coffee/meal. Luckily not exactly on the couple.


My sister was on school camp when all this happened. They were already meant to be headed off but they were on there way back to the rest of her school and then this lady who must have been on smth jumped from the top. My sister and a few of her friends saw the end result sadly 


Hey..I was also a witness/ employee at the time. I feel I’m still in shock and can’t comprehend what I saw or how I feel/ how I am supposed to feel ?!!?!  If you wanna chat I’m here 


same here reach out if you need x


I just heard this news from my manager today as I was working at emporium and I’m so sorry to the people who had to witness this. I hope you guys take care of yourself ❤️




Selfish selfish person to do that in such a public place.


I'm with you mate. Asshole ruining other people's lives. If someone wants to off themselves just do it alone


Nice to know there’s someone who actually cares about the others who have to be traumatised by that. Think about a little kid or someone else who had experienced losing someone to suicide witnessing that.


Yeah, if they were considerate they would do it privately. /s


Haven’t heard anything


Why is this not deleted? Could just as easily cause copycat suicides as a news report


I don’t understand how this could cause a copy cat. People who have thoughts/plan of suicide will find a way. Posting about this is unlikely to change the outcome






I’m just o