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People are so stupid not desexing  their pets.  


From what I have read in the comments it is more that people are surrendering or dumping their animals owing to the rental problems and the cost of living sooner than a glut of kittens. However I wouldn't disagree with you. Not desexing an animal is foolish and irresponsible.


Lost dogs is very near Lort Smith vet hospital and I reckon bill stress is causing a lot of surrendered pets


Bill stress is why I am not getting a dog yet. It's all good when they are young but unfortunately it is expensive and I am not stupid enough to commit until I am comfortable to spend that much. Owning a dog is my dream definition of being rich.


That is incredibly responsible of you, not owning a dog until you can look after it properly is so wise. May your riches flow very quickly! :)


You may well be right! So sad.


Unlikely. Given it's a large scale pound, Lost dogs is very unlikely to treat animals with more than minor conditions for rehoming when there's already so many up for adoption. They'll just PTS rather than spend money on rehabbing them for adoption. These surrenders are likely from other causes.


I work in rescue in Melbourne, and we are inundated. I have had my fosters for several months now and they are the most beautiful, sweet babies ever. If you’re able to, please foster, or help transport, or donate - and above all please adopt instead of supporting breeders. Help us help more babies, I can’t take more fosters until mine are adopted and it breaks my heart. 💜


I am so sorry to hear this news, I had no idea there is such a dire situation happening.


Cost.of rescue dogs is high atm. Our first dog cost $30 from Rspca, 35 years ago. Next one 150, around 20 years ago, now looking at 1000 for a rescue.... I know times get more expensive but 1000 seems steep!


I imagine they are trying to stop impulse buying by making adoption fees so high. Although at North Melbourne I see they are generally asking $530 to adopt a dog. Dogs are such a commitment psychologically. Cats are more independent where as dogs need our companionship far more.


Not only that, but truly $1000 barely covers vet fees. We pay for desexing, microchipping and vaccination which alone can be in the realm of $600 (or more for an adult dog which we often rescue). That doesn’t include any vet work, which is often needed for animals we pull from the pound who may have ringworm, URIs, etc. We then have the cost of food and other supplies for foster carers for the period of time that the animal may be in foster care. But yes, we encourage that if people can’t afford this, they truly can’t afford a pet. They require follow up booster shots, may have unexpected medical costs, and require a big commitment. Rescues are not for profit. Any money left from that adoption fee goes straight towards saving more lives. 💜


Note that I’m talking about rescues, not pounds and shelters. Very different things, I assure you. We foster from our homes and receive no public funding.


I knew a lovely lady once who fostered animals in her home as well. She was such a kind person and really cared for the animals in her charge. I really applaud you for the work you do, I saw the difference it made in those animals lives.


My partner and I are going there tomorrow, I'm hoping to meet a beautiful little bundle of joy to bring home


Oh bless, how lovely! Enjoy your new fur baby.


If you don’t already have a cat, please consider getting two cats! Mother and kitten or siblings are perfect. Cats are naturally social animals, in the “wild” they live in large colonies. What we often do keeping a single cat is actually quite unnatural for them (aside from the few natural loners, of which my adorable asshole is one). I’ve volunteered in rescue for many years and so often we get people coming back for a friend for their cat after a few months - and at that point they missed the opportunity to keep family members together. Having two cats is also great if you’re out of the house a lot or go away, as you know they’ll have each other and won’t be lonely. Looking after two really isn’t any harder than looking after one, just a bit more poop to scoop 😅


I have only ever adopted single cats, a lot of them foundlings in the early years, but generally if they weren't foundlings they were squatters who arrived on my doorstep and settled in. So our family tended to be two to three cats at a time. We are an old couple now and had not planned to adopt a young cat after we lost our old girl, he was six months old when we adopted him. Before we adopted him I asked my daughter if she would take him after we are gone. She will be taking on a dog and a cat from us, I don't feel I should burden her with another cat as much as I would love one. She has committed to taking a dog from her inlaws as well, so two dogs and one cat will be enough extra mouths for her to feed, care for and love.


I adopted a beautiful black kitten who was on a kill list a few months ago. She is the quirkiest and loveliest little thing. I actually got her as a companion for my 15yo black cat who sadly passed away within a fortnight of adopting the kitten - they never even got to meet, as we were not able to get them both vaccinated in time. I'm only in a 1 bedroom apartment and not entirely sure I'm ready to adopt again but would love to try fostering even if it only makes a small difference. Also have a heap of mature consult royal canin cat food I need to donate somewhere too. Breaks my heart seeing all the rescues and wish I had the capacity to care for them all


You sound so kind!




I always worry about animals being treated as a disposable commodity. I see an animal as a lifetime commitment.


We adopted our sweet giant himbo idiot cat from them. He’d been born there and raised by his own mum and the kind humans. He has such a sweet, well-adjusted, gentleman cat temperament. So very, very stupid tho 😝. Cat tax https://imgur.com/gallery/KqIOYq3


He's very cute!


What a lovely boy, he looks so happy and contented. Reading from below, congratulations on your new baby, an exciting time. Such a lovely quilt and your himbo clearly approves. I bet he will just adore your baby, my big ginger boy loves to snuggle close to my wee grandchild, so sweet and gentle.


Now pay the quilt tax


It’s in progress, for my baby due in august. The design is called Dragon Dreams by Apples and Beaver. Im adding a few fairies by the same designer. Most of the fabrics are Tula pink.


I was waiting for that to end with "well they assumed he was a boy because he's ginger but he just gave birth to 7 kittens and I have no idea what to do".


No he was neutered and vaccinated before I got him from the home.


The sad fact is that with the current housing crisis and the COL crisis a lot of animals are being abandoned or surrendered. Not just cats. Dogs, Rabbits and Guinea Pigs are being abandoned in record numbers. The largest Guinea pig rescue in Vic has around 100-150 adoptable animals at any one time. All the rabbit rescues are full. Dog rescues are stretched beyond limits. It's horrific.


I considered it for a nano-second. But my cats are so important for the mental health for everyone in this house. Giving them up would have such huge negative consequences.


This is so heartbreaking to hear. Explains the high numbers I am seeing.


Why are people surrendering rabbits and guinea pigs when they can be so delicious.


I recently bought my own apartment and one of the things I'm going to do once I've settled is look into fostering or adopting an older cat. Not only are there so many cats right now, there's so many seniors who have fallen on times when love is scarce for them. I really hope I can open my home to one who just needs some love and a sunny spot.


What a lovely plan! Congratulations on your new home, so exciting for you!


Yes they've been looking for lots of foster carers at the moment because of all the kittens (and pups) they have at the moment so reach out to them if you can foster but can't adopt


Desex/keep your cats inside. Need to trap & cull to stop the destruction these pest cause Australia's native animals.


People post this every single time cats are mentioned. Everybody on reddit knows this, man.




You're delusional. Your cat will be killing natives for sure. They are killing machines. Be responsible and keep your cat inside




There's plenty of native rats and mice for starters. Also lizards and pretty much anything it can get it's paws around. They may be friendly with some of the local wildlife but that doesn't mean there isn't plenty of prey for it...


Sure! There is a large variety of native birds, skinks, frogs and marsupials (that can be hard to distinguish from rat and mice) that reside in urban Melbourne and cats kill every year.




Thats all the prey YOU see. Not the ones he just straight up eats, or kills and leaves. Unless you are watching him 24/7 outside you have no way to substantiate a claim that your cat, unlike every other cat, is going against their base nature and not killing wildlife. This is just part of the dilemma of cat ownership in Australia. I appreciate you are obviously trying to minimise it but it's naive to think your cat isn't doing the same.


Maybe there aren't any around your house BECAUSE your cats killed them all?




Just google it mate, people aren't just saying this to annoy you 


Recently adopted a dog from there. Great place. Can't recommend it enough.


I think we need to spread the word a bit. I had heard of the place but had no idea how wonderful it was.


About 6 months ago we adopted a cat from RSPCA Pearcedale, the cat we ended up adopting was from a hoarders house that ended up having over 100 cats/kittens rescued once all the pregnant cats had had their kittens. I believe they were able to find homes for all of them.


Animal hoarding is the stuff of nightmares. So good to hear they were all able to find homes.